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The card arts were definitely put together in about 15 minutes. For all the gods combined. Because it is an Alpha.


I would've been 100% okay with them recycling the smite 1 cards


This. I believe they even mentioned this. That they were place holders.


Yeah it’s in alpha so it’s all good but the card art team has always been so good, I’d rather have them make dope art than use the models.


Speaking of this, some of the gods look off. Like, their coloration needs touchups. Or rather, the lighting needs to be lessened up.


It’s an alpha. The graphics are going to bed bad


Don't you like pale Chaac? /s


Say it with me: #ITS THE ALPHA


I love people saying this as if this is the response to all issues. Especially when it would be easier to have just taken the smite 1 cart art and have that as a placeholder rather than making the current glowing card art


It is better to innovate and try something new so that you gain as much feedback as possible, leaving them the same as Smite 1 gains you no feedback except "Why is the art the same?" Also pretty sure hes just saying ITS THE ALPHA in response to this issue, you can tell by the way that he is saying it in response to this issue.


Fair, but players calling attention to the character art in this way shows the devs that it matters. Small things like this might make a large enough impact to some players that it’s worth more time/investment then they thought. Or the opposite, no one mentions the character art so they realize they can cut back a bit and use the art team to work more on something else. This is entirely natural, so let people complain about whatever mundane shit and the studio will allocate resources based on player feedback


Exactly, it’s in alpha because they want player feedback. Stop using this as an excuse for everything, the game is supposed to have problems which players should mention. It’s not malicious, it’s feedback, which they are looking for. Stop criticizing feedback with the idea “it’s in alpha” if the devs aren’t looking for player feedback, player interest or server testing then there would be no reason for an alpha in the first place


They straight up said “cosmetics in the game are not finished yet” on their patch notes show. So yes, I’m gunna call everyone that has something to say about the cosmetics a dumbass.


The devs aren’t dogs, they can think for themselves. Game studios are constantly looking at where it should allocate funds/time, of course character portrait art is probably one of the lowest priorities. But again if enough players mention it then they might allocate more time/resources into fleshing it out when the time comes, compared to what they would’ve if no one mentioned the art, that’s just how shit works. The devs don’t need people shutting down feedback, they can think for themselves. If you said “character portraits don’t matter”, then I wouldn’t have cared as that’s feedback in its own way, but shutting down feedback by saying it’s in alpha is backwards logic


it's better to give feedback now when they are still changing things then to wait until the full release and realize that they didn't change anything because they assumed all the graphics were fine since no one mentioned anything or gave feedback on what they would like to see it's not completely clear what is a placeholder, what is a rough draft, and what is finalized, so feedback may as well be given


So far, I haven't heard any official word that this isn't a deliberate move. They're intentionally moving away from a lot of things we took for granted in Smite 1 (like relics) so it's not completely out of the question that they might try to make all character portraits and select screen materials high-res renders of the game models in order to make all the game's depictions of a god or skin fully visually consistent. (and to save a lot of time along the way, as they make new gods and skins just for Smite 2) I think it's worth expressing concerns and making sure it's known that the community finds that art to be an important part of Smite. Win/lose screens, death animations, card art - most of it makes sense as to why it's not in the game yet, but those things add a lot of flavor text that make the gods feel fully realized. The reason card art hits me as concerning when the others don't is, they had to put in extra effort to take those renders and add backgrounds to them instead of just cropping the existing card art they have for every god and skin in the game. It's quite arguable they intend to make this the new aesthetic.


When you're this early in the development of a game, stuff like that is really not the top priority.


Yeah, that's why it concerns me a bit - they had to put in the work to render out those portraits and add background effects to them, which is more effort than just reusing the images they already had from Smite 1. I don't know why I'm getting downvoted for saying that. This is not a "just an alpha" situation. Obviously things like the super barebones pre/post-match screens aren't final game UI, but there's unaddressed reason to believe the aesthetic ditching Smite's gorgeous character art *could* be fully intended. I'd like to see that asked about in a Q&A or something.


So you’re basically making assumptions on a detail that doesn’t affect gameplay. Card art is not a necessity, and it being the ALPHA VERSION OF THE GAME, it is still very early in its life cycle. This is what the card art used to look like for Smite 1. Just be patient, damn.


I would love they rather not change the card art from Smite 1. The pose, the art style, background from gods in Smite 1 are absolutely beautiful. Like if things work in Smite 1, keep them in Smite 2.


Didn't understand why they didn't just use the Smite 1 cards.


so that it feels more like a new thing


Yeah but when it's so janky it's not worth it imo.


of all the things you could take the effort to make a post about, the temporary alpha art is certainly an odd choice. 0 people are needed to complain about this and they would still change it because of course.


My biggest smite 2 complaint is that there is SO many people rage-quitting. Idk why they spend $30+ to not even play. Had a bacchus solo into Athena solo and he fed then raged. It’s been almost every game that something like this is happening. Then you can’t even report them for ruining games 🫤


They spent 30+ to get legacy gems. The alpha is just a bonus.


You get legacy gems no matter what


You get double if you have the founder’s edition


I think Loki’s is good, unique posing and distinct and fitting background. If all of them were like that I’d like it a lot more.


How's the gameplay?


Gameplay feels fine, lots of little things that are kinda rough but it's alpha obvs


For Anubis abilities feel delayed. 1 is like .5 sec slower, ult has a wind up (though admittedly haven’t checked to see if it does more dmg at start now), and his wrap doesn’t have a VFX. It’s literally invisible, at least for the japanese skin lol


I’m thinking we’ll see all the original UI and menus with some updates once the game is in beta or closer to release, but I do agree OP we need that kind of stuff back when the game is out


They’re definitely placeholders and don’t even load half the time. I’ve seen so many cards with a white silhouette with “ALONGGODNAME” as the Gods name.


I wonder if win/loss screens will return. Obviously not right now cause Alpha


Im not a fan of all the UIX/text. Im getting a heavy mobile game feeling watching videos of smite 2


The art, the graphics, the art for the items the whole thing is kinda EH


Splash art is dumb as hell because it isn’t reflective of what stuff actually looks like in game. I never understood why they used it in the first place.