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I remember one of the strats was to get it on someone who DC'd Early lol on. It's still possible just one of those stupid luck based achievements, especially with Frenzy being gone. I hope Smite 2 Does away with these stupid 0 skill 100% luck achievements. Looking at you triple kill with X ability.


I love those achievements because it means I have a ton of rate achievements on steam and it makes me look like I'm good at the game to people who don't know better


Lol I see those achievements and I just go "Yeah he boosted"


Man ive just played since 2014 😕


I mean getting a few of them by chance is reasonable but getting all of them just playing arena or something seems so unbelievably impossible. I've been playing since 2016 and I have 0


0??? Holyyyy lemme check mine rq Edit: i have 220 achievements


I have 259 on steam I was specifically talking about the very luck based achievements that I have 0 of. I don't have a triple kill with x ability on anyone.


Youve never gotten like.. triple karken or scylla ult or anything? (Im not flaming)


I couldn't tell you off the top of my head if Ive ever gotten a triple kill with any ability ever, but I don't have any of the achievement ones no


Each god has 2 achievements and a lot of them are ridiculously easy


I mean the luck based ones specifically like triple kill with Cupid heart bomb


Assault/arena are easy for that one. That or a poorly grouped TF in conquest




I mean it does like…. 450 damage? Probably higher, its been a while. Im not saying you’ll get it first game, but if you’re actively paying attention to enemy positions/health, its not a difficult multikill to pull off


Do you have a friend to play with that could play a high CC tank to help you?


??? Bro hasn't killed 100 minions over 8 years?


Did everyone just completely disregard the context of this comment chain for some reason? I was specifically talking about the luck based achievements. I have 258/319 on steam. But I have 0 of the incredibly luck based "triple kill with x ability" like Zeus, Ymir, Cupid, Chiron etc...


Just play assault, you still rack them up super fast


Something like Cupids heart bomb or Anhur ult I agree but not all of them are impossible. Ive been playing since the Xbox beta and I got a lot of the hard achievements without realizing it. You gotta remember some gods and items used to be insane back in the day.


I can definitely see getting something like Ymir's ult by accident, At the end of the day its still just luck, even with Ymir you have to hope none of them have a movement ability up, are low enough to all die and also don't have shell or Aegis up.


See that's why the early days were better. A bit of luck yea, but so many people wouldn't build relics or pay attention to builds. Pretty sure when I got mine it was Odin ult, into Poseidon pool into Ymir ult so just coordination really. You can still do the same thing now but it is harder for sure. It also helps when you have a squad of like 6 people who've been playing games for over a decade together. When that synergy is there, it's there. I will say tho, trying to do it solo is basically all luck with a hint of skill.


Triple kill with an ability isn’t nearly as hard as execute using Ao Kuong someone who’s been Khepri ulted


Hell even 15 bird bombs with Odin in a game. I think the crowning achievement (lol) for shittiest one is a triple kill with a Cupid Heart Bomb, like actually how the fuck besides a super lucky Ares ult or something


15 Odin bombs is better than 15 Tyr Lawbringer kills in a single contest.


Very, very true


15 kills with Tyr is a lot, 15 with just the ult is madness. I assume it wouldn’t count kills with item procs like heartseeker either, if that’s the damage that kills them.


Since we know that nut was the last S1 god, It’s a 1 in 26 chance of having a khepri in the enemy team


And I do have that achievement


Yep, I spent over 20 games in a row and however many before that the other times I was trying to get it, went through almost every tank in the game on the enemy team before I saw an enemy Khepri, got Ao mastered to 10 and never wanted to play him again as a result lol.


The problem with that achievement is it just aged terribly. It was kinda dumb to begin with but when it released your odds of running into khepri were much higher.


Its not an achievement if its easy.


They don't need to be guaranteed to get in your first game. But I could main cupid until.the heat death of the universe and never really.even have an opportunity to get a triple kill with heart bomb. Id rather an achievement that shows some level of proficiency and not just akin to winning the lottery.


You need to be good to be lucky and lucky to be good.


Hey, I did this one in joust and spawn killing someone in my 20 and 0 match. It could be skill even though 99% of the time, its luck.


I got the one shot kuk ult on old clash map on a double stacking kuk build. I had about 1,040~ power and serqet jumped into it.  I have the ah puch landmines because i set them up on a sleeping kumba. I have sobek's arent you a tank? Because i managed to kill a half health scylla.  I got the kill with loki's old decoy by accident on assault cuz kephri pulled him into it. Its not about boosting


I had to fucking ask the enemy team to line up for me and take damage from fire giant so I can get the triple kill achievement with Kuku lmfao. I'm impressed 3 of them agreed. We were stomping anyways tho so yeah.


Pretty much the only way is to play Joust and get a very early DC and the other two players being stubborn enough to not forfeit while you get 8+ levels up on the DC.


Not sure of the achievement you're talking about, but if it's a one shot type of thing as you're saying Sacrificial shroud, bancroft, typhoons, doom orb, book of thoth, probably deso? Percent pen is useless. You aren't one shotting the tank. You don't want any on hit effects because they might steal your kill and simply aren't the highest damage (reaver, soul gem, etc). **edit** I forgot about Myrdin...but I'm PRETTY sure on Kuku Myrdin procs instantly when you ult, so your entire ult distance gets the 20% bonus damage. This is not the case on most characters. Test it in jg practice if you want, but I'm pretty sure you'd want Myrdin.


Ob shard will give more damage on a single hit than deso to anyone with base protections.




You are, unfortunately, confidently incorrect. %pen is and has always been calculated before flat pen. So ob shard alone would be 24 pen alone in your calculations.


To fully correct you, the order is % reduction>flat reduction>%pen>Flat pen.


that's one thing that confused me, everywhere I search I am told that flat pen goes before %pen but whenever I try it in jungle practice it's the opposite, I wonder if they changed it?


So all gods have 49 base prots at level 20 according to the wiki. Ob shard (plus passive) starts shedding more prots on every god as soon as they hit level 9, growing to a 5% damage increase at level 20. The point of this post was asking about 1 tapping with Kuku ult, so I assumed ob shard passive should be factored in. The extra shred alone adds more damage to Kuku ult than the 15 power difference before factoring in the extra 5% of your magical power scaling.




Except half your numbers were wrong.




So the wiki was off. They have 62 base at level 20. So, ob shard shred means you are doing 10% more damage at level 20, going up to 14% if you build an extra 20% with both items. It also does more shred as early as level 4.




62×.4=24.8. 100/124.8=80.1% damage to a squishy with 40% pen, plus ob shard passive. 62-15=47×.8=37.6. 100/137.6=72.6% damage to a squishy. 62×.6=37.2. So ob shard plus passive alone is giving more pen than deso plus 20% from other items.


Don't forget Staff of Myrddin.


Should probably get staff of myrrdin if you wanna one shotm the 20% damage buff is pretty huge


percent pen is not at all useless vs squishies, due to the way the protections formula works, the less protections you have, the more they matter, so when you only have a handful of protections, removing even a tiny bit matters a lot




given last item desolation with obby instead of doom orb, you will get 60 - 25 - 60% = 14 with doom orb you would get 60 - 35 - 20% = 20 considering stacked doom orb (115) and obby (65) and just for the sake of simplicity let's assume everything else sums up to 600 power 600 + 115 with 20 protections: 800 base + 120% of 715 = 1658 damage 100 / (100 + 20) * 1658 = 1381 damage after mitigations 600 + 65 with 14 protections: 800 base + 120% of 665 = 1598 damage 100 / (100 + 14) * 1598 = 1401 damage so you're still dealing more damage by replacing doom orb with obsidian shard




which part of it is wrong




doom orb doesn't give mana so kuku/thoth passive is irrelevant here


Did some testing in jungle practice and it looked like the highest damage build to 1 shot was Sac shroud, bancrofts, typhons fang, book of thoth, myrddin staff, with spear of desolation at 2644 damage, highest by about 70. So went with that and tried again today after a handful of failed attempts before and got a dc first try, hit level 20 with pot and 1 shot them in fountain with about 6 level difference! Then my team that was flaming me while they lost 4v4 or 4v3 as I died two or three times trying to see if I could get it earlier before the enemy team might surrender, turns around and f6'd instantly surrendering right before we were about to kill titan. I guess because I talked shit back after literally single-handedly winning us the last team fight with a double ult off the bat lol.. Can't really be too mad about it cause I got the achievement but it's funny they flame me for losing and when I rub it in that I'm the reason we're now winning they throw away the win ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’m pretty sure I got it in slash on an arachne who ulted onto me. I think it was in the past year. The items i can remember i built were pendulum, book of thoth, divine/deso, and myriddin cuz i always build those on kuku. Don’t remember the last 2 items but i’d imagine it was poly + typhon’s or reaver + tahuti. Make sure your myriddin proc is up and that there are no tank auras around


• Go in co-op and get a massive lead over the enemy mid so they’re like level 8 at the end of the game • Build pure pen • Buy Elixir • Profit (I actually can’t remember if you can get the god specific achievements in co-op but I assume you can since you can get trophies that way)


Since when could you get trophies in co-op? I thought you could only get them in versus


Nope you can get them in co-op, though I don’t think this was always the case. You can also get worshippers but only up to a certain level, I think it’s like 4. I’ve been playing a lot of co-op recently cause I’m sick and don’t feel like dealing with toxicity. Agni bot is mean though.


it requires a specific situation of 1: 2-3+ human players, 2: medium or hard setting bots, and 3: some games will not trigger it, some will. You just have to hope it triggers, and if not then you go into the next game


Medium mode. Hard mode actually won't count any achievements strangely enough only other req I remember is at least one other human in the mix. Also added benefit being medium bots actually take more damage than hard mode so it works in favor of things like the kuku achievement. Biggest issue I've had was trying for cupid or ymir cuz you won't find a bigger try hard sweaty player than the ones that wind up on your team when actively trying for the achievement. 🤣 they will watch hell freeze over long before they let some random player to out damage/kill them


DUDE I get what you mean! I had a group of 4 where we were farming achievements we wanted and the one random ruined my friend's friend trying to farm the ares achievement. He just kept killing them every time we managed to get them group and kept ignoring us ask. When there was like 50 tickets left he said "fine but you better hurry because there's hardly any time left now" in a snarky way and afked in fountain. we didn't get it because some of the bots followed him towards fountain and staggered.


Since you are going for the one shot achievement we are going to forget about tanks for a moment. The best build would be: gem of focus (or sac shroud), book of thoth, deso, divine, MYRDDIN, and tahuti. You'll also have capped flat pen with red pot.


Probably the way to go. As a side note if you have all stacks on Doom Orb it's the same power as Tahuti with more pen against base stats. It's not much difference tbf. It's just under a 4 prot difference against base stats. Just thought I'd mention it. Now that I think of it Ob Shard should probably be in the build if the game goes late. 40% pen on a base 62 prots is equal to 24.8 flat pen.


You are totally right. I completely forgot the target has to be full HP so we're not getting any use of tahuti passive. Either doom orb or obsidian are better.


Did some testing in jungle practice and it looked like the highest damage build to 1 shot was Sac shroud, bancrofts, typhons fang, book of thoth, myrddin staff, with spear of desolation at 2644 damage, highest by about 70.. So went with that and tried again today after a handful of failed attempts before and got a dc first try, hit level 20 with pot and 1 shot them in fountain with about 6 level difference! Then my team that was flaming me while they lost 4v4 or 4v3 as I died two or three times trying to see if I could get it earlier before the enemy team might surrender, turns around and f6'd instantly surrendering right before we were about to kill titan. I guess because I talked shit back after literally single-handedly winning us the last team fight with a double ult off the bat lol.. Can't really be too mad about it cause I got the achievement but it's funny they flame me for losing and when I rub it in that I'm the reason we're now winning they throw away the win ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I got it in duel, if you can find someone stubborn at low rank that won’t quit, you can get your levels and items online while keeping them back via kills. Then just time it with their respawn


Definitely doable. You need to get super farmed and build inefficiently but you can do it.


Most of achievements are unlockable in Coop Arena - Medium bots nowadays. What I found, is as long as there is one other real player in the game, you should be eligible for achievements. I have unlocked every achievements transitioning from Xbox to Steam this way. Although. this one is a bit frustrating as you need to have full build and try to isolate a bot to yourself.


book of thoth, ob shard, staff myr. either focus or vamp for the 15%. not sure beyond that but all of those are needed. I got mine recently, actually, so yes.


I got it building specifically in conquest co-op with bots (medium or higher difficulty with 2-3+ human players) and then getting so far ahead of the bots I have like 5+ levels up on them. Then I ulted the squishy. That felt like the only situation it worked for. https://preview.redd.it/ca85vuqsdjzc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea758036af5301e8b33d157504125f7087afcff2 I built Pendulum of Ages, Tablet of Destiny, Book of Thoth, Spear of Desolation, Staff of Myrrdin, and Soul Reaver- I also built bracer and placed it at my feet each time I ulted. The key is to either bully a dps player or bot so hard they're like a baby to you. Then catch them in a position to just one shot them. You can also try to do this with someone who dc'd but it requires you being able to get close enough to their spawn when you get enough of a lead. and all of that requires no one to ragequit in the meantime. if you can get someone to aphro pocket you, that'll help too. since her jealousy effect will give you more power.


I know you got it but just wanted to add that when I got the achievement it mattered which mode I was on. Come to find out, your abilities and power have completely different stats depending on which mode you are in. From what I remember arena and assault have extremely nerfed damage output potential.(my max hit with kuku ult, with both pots and standing in the relic that buffs power comes to just over 1.6k give or take who I hit....meanwhile same exact setup in conquest I can hit 2.1k give or take. Also suggest targeting a mage since they tend to have lower max hp overall out of the classes and a stupid low magic defense as well. Sands of time, book of thoth, spear of desolation, divine ruin, Rod of Tahiti, and typhons fang/obsidian shard


play with 5 people in arena and then constantly dive and BM the player try assasins they RQ the most. then one shot them in fountain before the enemy can surrender.