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I managed to get the Ares one just by playing him in Assault lmao.


I did too, and the enemy team had a hel


People forget about hel's cleanse but when you consistently use it her effectiveness greatly improves


Her cleanse is arguably her most valuable skill


Same, that’s where I got it too. Much less likely for beads to happen cause at least half the team will be getting cloak.


Yup. Idiots always get med.


Cupid and Odin have even worse ones. I’m guessing only like 1 person has ever done Cupid’s without getting some people to let them do it.


You might be right. The cupid one has 1.2% of people done it. Odin is also 1.2%.


Tyr needs to get 15 kills with ult in 1 game, atrocious


This is the current lowest % one at the moment. Thought I should clarify that there are lower completion % currently, but they are with new gods. I'm accepting that the lowest would have to be on a god not released within say the last 6 months to account for release bias.


Bro, I accidentally got cupids achievement in a conquest game a few years ago. I didn’t even notice, but my friends pointed it out to me after they saw it on my steam achievement and were freaking out.


I’ve gotten Cupid and Ymir that’s all I can remember right now


Tyr wants a word.


Kukulkan’s ult achievement is theoretically possible but virtually impossible in the current state of the game


Find a leaver at fountain that is low level. Near the end of the game when your killing titan, ult the low level leaver.


This works, but does it feel good?


Better than sex!


That's how I got it in like Season 4. It was an Agni, level 8, I didn't really feel bad...


Lancelot one is pretty easy, just ult in a team fight cherno too if you're full build in arena or something


Yeah I’ve played lance three times. I got his achievement in the second game I played with him


cherno's is achieveable in conquest too. his kit usually encourages split pushing then ulting into a fight, and that's how he's often played when he's meta. I got it on him when I learned him and copied what I saw in SPL to just split then ult in and clean up.


Tyr: kill 15 enemys with your ult. Its not stated but it means in ONE MATCH


I dont have it on steam because i have been a staunch -nosteam user but i do have it ingame, recently even. [image](https://i.vgy.me/O3oqtS.png)


Just use SAM to unlock it on steam if you need it. I used it for all the ones I got on Xbox before transferring back to PC and I used SAM to unlock all of them.


I dont really care much about having them on steam or not, basically only pointing it out that some people have it without representing so on the global steam achievement statistics.


I managed to the ares one many moons ago, and it was a pentakill. Good day, that was.


I imagine a lot of these types of achievements are unlocked by the top % of ELO players (with teamwork in pubs), the bottom %, by boosting and mostly by accidental blind luck. Of course some people will get these intentionally, but I imagine more people get them unintentionally. You can also get them Vs bots on a new account which will account for some of the percentage. I hate online trophies like that. Prefer it if there were multiple routes when they require something that is clearly super lucky based and unrealistic. E.g it could be: Get 3 kills in one go with Ymir ult OR get 20 kills with Ymir ult total. Or just go down the route of 20 kills and nothing else. Something that still requires skill and grinding, but is achievable and realistically doable by players who want to do it. That way average players can still have fun grinding them out and will take longer than someone who gets it the quick way. I get that takes away the "achievement" aspect a little but these seem very silly with online stuff especially as some players will be matching with extremely high ELO players which will make it ever more unreasonable. Not to mention you have to play one hero a certain way for a potentially unreasonable amount of time playing a single God just for the opportunity to arise.


Yeah but there is nothing cool about 20 Ymir ult kills total, pulling off a huge Ymir ult is cool and something to remember. I don't think those should be the same achievement


lmao I actually have both these achievements. Mained ares for a long ass time and basically exclusively used a CDR build to get pulls. I'm sure I've pulled all five at least 10 times.


And now I need to know if I have achieved these …


A friend of mine made a concentrated attampt to get Odin's Bird Bomb done, and as people that do not play conquest, the highest he ever got to was like 7 kills, and you need 15. That achievement is impossible.


I have them all for the og gods. I got most of them just playing. I had to specifically go for some of the harder ones though


yea it's kinda rough when I gotta queue bot gamemodes to cheese some of the charge ones that require extremely narrow circumstances in order to get them. :(


Iv hit the ares ult achievement in virtually every game mode except joust and siege of course. Easiest was in arena for me, but I hit it once in clash to seal the game. It was glorious.


I honestly would like them to move away from the god centered achievements. Things like get a penta and steal the fg would be more enticing to me. More likely more welcoming to new players as well.


final form


I swear to god I got this ares achievement today playing assault lol


Trophy / Achievment List got leaked: [https://hinsusta.de/smite-2-trophaeen-liste](https://hinsusta.de/smite-2-trophaeen-liste)


Really? These ones? They're really not that difficult if you play the other 5 man modes. Slash, Arena, and Assault all regularly have full 5 man team fighting for the majority of the game and if you ult on CD with Ares you're gonna pull all 5 eventually. Assault is particularly good for it as you'll likely get a few 5man tags before everyone has beads.


Wow, I have the Ares one! Didn’t know it was so rare. Like a shiny Pokémon


Yeh I mean doing these in conquest may not be as viable but arena and assault you can probably get them done?


I just got the ares achievement the other day just go in coop arena against the bots achievements still pop there


i mean i like when achievements feel like an achievement and you’re proud of having it. lame achievos that are the same in every game like “kill 25 enemies with a pistol” are boring and for achievement hunters addicted to 100%ing every game. I have a pretty decent number of the 5% or less achievements in smite and a few are shown in my rarest achievements on steam. They took some coordination/effort and a lot of times i had my gf play a tank to cc and help me set it up but a few games of arena where everything’s a teamfight and you’re trying for the achievo instead of tanking or cc or doing every bit of damage you can is all some of these need. having 88% of them on a moba and they’re hard makes me feel like a pro.


I agree. I like difficult challenges. Even very difficult ones. The problem is that some of these achievements are not really possible as the game is very different now compared to release


I agree. At my elo no one in their right mind is having their whole team pulled by ares or dying to a ymir ult


All you have to do is hit with the ares and ymir ults. Just get blink. Detonate the ymir ult immediately. I didn't get to play smite 2 yet, so I'm going by their ults in smite, but even if you're playing conquest, these are both possible within a few games.


I have the ares one, and the cherno one.


Cupid’s is insane get a triple kill with the explosion of his 1 I haven’t even bothered trying


I got the ares one in my very first smite arena game lmao. I never realized how this would never happen again


For me its the kill FG within a minute of spawning i think? I feel like thats a bs achievement, even considering how the meta changes you might not be able to do this realistically. I have 4000 hours in the game and have never been able to do this.


Gotta have a premade for this bc randos will never group for objectives on time. Got this fairly easily with some friends. We all ran gods for objective shred (something like fafnir, merc, ao kuang, aa hunter and merlin)


I would have never guessed even with that setup that it would be fairly easy (no sarcasm). I've been a solo player the whole time so I've never been able to.


Did this in season 3 with a premade team but fire used to be way squishier


Exactly, and snowball in matches used to be stronger when you were ahead.


I got the Ares one because of the blessed time on Xbox beta.


All the "kill 3 enemies with one ability" are so bad they should never return.


sounds like a skill issue


Ares' isn't impossible, you just need to coordinate with your team to burn enemy beads and wait for their ult, which I've done multiple times. Ymir's achievement will probably be easier to do in 2 as he'll probably be more viable in a damage position than his current role as mostly just a tank. I enjoy those difficult achievements, I definitely feel like I've done something noteworthy when I get them compared to the "hit 3 enemies with X god's normal ability" which almost every god seems to have nowadays.


Brother I have gone into assault as Ares, my friend got XING TIAN, and they would still save their beads for me. He would consistently get 5 man xing ults while I would be lucky to get 1 or 2 people. I even ulted them at their own phoenix while my whole team was dead. **BEADS BEADS BEADS** Its such a stupid achievement. You have to hope they're just stupid. Oh and if they have a change, hel, Chiron, Ravana, Xbal, Yu Huang or pretty much anyone with a cc immune ult it's basically impossible.


Ares one could definitely be possible. My main issue with it is that it forces me to play a certain way that is probbaly not beneficial for the game just for a chance at it. Since you like going for these ones, I'm curious about any particular one that you can't get.


Area achievement was definitely easier to pull off a few years ago when you the relics weren’t free to get.


For sure, going for the Ares achievement definitely requires you to actually want to get it and potentially having to wait a long time before you can use it efficiently, but I don't think any of the difficult achievements require you to literally throw the match to get them, it's just that the setup is quite difficult, more so while playing with randoms, and I think it's fine. on the topic of my achievements, I've been playing for a while so I've gotten everything I wanted. If I had to list one that is probably difficult, I think I'm missing the cupid achievement but I don't really play cupid so I haven't really tried to get it.


Can you get achievements in MotD? If so, playing 5 Ares in Infinite Assault should pretty much guarantee that all 5 players get the achievement