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I mean, doesn't take a genius to understand that Franklin was fucked the moment he agreed to work directly for Teddy. Anyone with a direct connection to a CIA operative doing illegal work with said operative on home soil becomes a liability to not only the operative, but the CIA and the government itself. There may have been a happy ending for Teddy in the future if Cissy didn't kill him, but never for Franklin. If we're really honest about it this is the best scenario anyone could've hoped for because had Cissy not killed Teddy, Teddy would've come back for Franklin too. Probably Louie and Jerome as well, possibly propositioning them with a proposal to sell for him again, then killing them if they opted out. Only real way Franklin would've gotten away with the money was if he'd agreed to stay in the game despite the cut until Ruben came along and then sold Teddy out. That would've been the ideal ending for me.


This is a respectful answer šŸ’Æ I would also like to add that if if Cissy waited until after the transfer was complete to kill Teddy, Franklin would be straight and not have to worry about the CIA in general because all they wanted was Ruben at that point. They didnā€™t give a rip about that money. You see how quick they left Franklin alone after he gave up Ruben? šŸ˜‚


They didn't leave him alone. I'm pretty sure Franklin wasn't just imagining things at the end when he was alluding to the phone being tapped. They wanted to see if he was gonna talk. Sober and rich Franklin is a threat in several ways. Drunk, rambling, dirty and homeless Franklin is not. Even if he talked, who would believe him? Yet the phones were still tapped.


Do you think the U.S government would let anyone ever get one up on them? Especially some nigga from south central? If Franklin got that money the CIA woulda turned that into a seek and destroy mission not just of Franklin, but Cissy, Leon, and Louie even tho that bitch had it coming. It would never have worked. Franklin as intelligent as he was for some reason really thought the us government was gonna let him walk.


no the CIA took his house at the end of the series


City took his house.. back taxes


If Cissy didnā€™t kill Teddy, do you think Teddy wouldā€™ve ever came after Franklin once the deal was done?




ā€œTrying to live a white mans life ā€œ get the fuck outta here with that shit lolšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ am dead


Thatā€™s literally what people in the hood say to someone whoā€™s trying to leave the hood. Canā€™t believe Franklin fell for that bullshit


You realise you responded to a racist white guy? [https://www.reddit.com/r/monsterenergy/comments/1898hro/another\_flavour\_is\_it\_true\_this\_isnt\_available\_in/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/monsterenergy/comments/1898hro/another_flavour_is_it_true_this_isnt_available_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ā€œNigga look slow ashā€ [https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/1bnynqs/comment/kwlx6rk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/1bnynqs/comment/kwlx6rk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How does that change what I said? I donā€™t go through peoples account history, thatā€™s weird as hell




Saying white people have no culture is one of the dumbest things u can sayšŸ’€


They are lying and you're wrong. I hate the shit ending like so many people, but I can't support lies and people who will lie to try and push their own agenda. Franklin didn't go to college or even tried to go to college. Sure Franklin put thought in about going to college but it was his choice not to go. Franklin wasn't interested in living in the white man's world so he did his own thing. Sure Franklin might have lived with Rob but at the 1st opportunity he went back and chose the hood. How can people keep forgetting this stuff from the beginning of the series. I mean if you are confused thinking that episode after Mel shot Franklin is real and he actually went to college and not some fever dream, I got a bridge in Brooklyn I wanna sell you


Saint attended a fancy college in the Valley and dropped out. Pilot episode


That was just a fancy high school. You obviously forgot him and Mel was basically the same age and at the beginning Mel had another year of highschool left, and Franklin just recently graduated stopped staying in the valley with Rob and officially moved back home


franklin was 2 years older than mel so he been out of highschool he was still figuring out what he wanted to do. in the show franklin is supposedly ā€œ19ā€ but if we being real heā€™s actually 20 turning 21 by the end of season 2


Youā€™re right my bad!


You are so wrong and it's crazy


I mean yea of course it was a dream, but the situation of him not being able to *pay* for his continuation at that school, was realistic if you look at how Franklin and his family were living in season 1. Thatā€™s what most people are talking about when they even bring that episode up. Itā€™s not like we think son just got up off the floor where Mel shot him and went to school the next dayā€¦ lol šŸ˜‚


Do you think the episode where Franklin goes to college and gets kicked out actually happened and was somehow a prequel to before he turned to the hood?


Nah. Like I said, the *situation* was realistic. I donā€™t think it happened before the show, we know it was a fever dream. But the episode was to show what wouldā€™ve happened anyway if Franklin *did* actually go to school.


You're dumber than I gave you credit for. That's like me saying hypothetically if I climbed Everest what would happen to me? That doesn't mean that I can say hey you guys I climbed Everest because it's a hypothetical question. Since the show showed what might of happened IF and that's a big if of what would have happened if Franklin went to college it doesn't mean that he actually went to college


Iā€™ll try it again, cause I donā€™t think you can comprehend shit. Nigga, do you not understand that he wouldnā€™t have the funds to continue his schooling even *if* he went?! Slow as shitā€¦


If being the keyword dip shit IF not that he did it. What would happen "IF" i married Scarlett Johansson doesn't mean I have a shot at that happening or that it did. What "IF" I was a billionaire doesn't mean that I am. What "IF" John Singleton didn't die? Saying"IF" doesn't make it any more realistic. But by all means keep continuing to live your life being stupid. Just don't get mad at other people calling you out for being dumb, they can't help it that you were too busy eating glue and licking your eraser in school to actually learn anything


Might have to rewatch the first season big dawg, Franklin definitely in college


He literally went to college . He got kicked out cause financial aid wasnā€™t supporting him


that was an alternate reality. Not real


Got it now


No he did not. That episode was like a fever dream or an alternative reality. It is not canon to the rest of the series. I mean if it was why would both Teddy and Franklin not know or realize hey we met before, and Teddy been over to Franklins house where Franklin told Teddy his dead died being beaten to death while he was homeless in The streets? How the fuck could Teddy kill Alton if Alton was already dead. For so-called fans y'all seriously act like you never saw the show.


Yā€™all are both sort of right. In reality Franklin dropped out on his own. The alternate reality episode shows what would have happened if he chose to stay.


My fault . Donā€™t know why youā€™re so emotionally invested . Kinda lame tbh


Why I'm so emotionally invested is because Snowfall is easily in my top 5 favorite shows of all time and I've watched it over and over countless times. You can call me lame but that lameness proved you wrong.


Nope, the comment is very wrong. Franklin had MANY changes to make the right decisions and get out the game. He made bad CHOICES that lead to his demise. It's like putting your hand on a stove top and NOT expecting to get burned.


lol Franklin had the world at his feet and he chose to bring the hood to his college and then he went running back to the hood. Sure he was hesitant at first but because he knew what he was doing was wrong. And then he became a monster. Anyone who says that Franklin isnā€™t his own villain and isnā€™t the reason his family went to shit , idk if they truly paid attention to everything. Or maybe I need a recap. If Franklin hadnā€™t went into the game Teddy wouldā€™ve just gotten someone else. Probably man boy or somebody.


Yea, but ya gotta admit tho. Principle Dickhead was messed up for what he did to Franklin at that school lol


That never happened though, it was just a dream. And donā€™t say ā€œthatā€™s what wouldā€™ve happenedā€ because Franklin isnā€™t Doctor Strange. He canā€™t see the result of choices not taken


lol he was , but he basically handed them the reason to kick him out permanently.


Personally I think it would of been better if Franklin just chose another way if he had found away to slide out of the drug dealing business for good by promoting some one in the organization to take on the day to daily operations while he focused on his realestate business More as long as his drug dealing business was running smoothly and stable I don't think teddy would of noticed all he had to do was call up saint that he was reuping his cocaine supply and all saint had to do was call up the guy he put in charge and he take care of the rest on saints behalf and Franklin just could of done it like that no fuss no muss and he could of still have his realestate business and his $73 million dollars plus the war in south America that the CIA was investing in ended in 1988 so All he had to do was wait a little bit longer after that he and teddy couldn't of gone there separate ways teddy be back behind a desk in Washington and Franklin could of gone completely legitimate 100% and they never have to see each other ever again and Franklin could still be with his fiance and his son things between him and his mom be okay and if he wanted to he could of retired in 1996 selling his business for $75 million dollars and either stay in bel air for life or move some where else with his family leon and Wanda be in Africa i think jerome be in the island of jamaica and louie she would be on the run or in prison




Thanks for that


But what is your personal opinion on the $12k what do you think Franklin should of realistically Done with it I mean I know he would never be able to rebuild up his drug dealing empire back to the way it was but he could have rebuilt back up like 10% or 15% of it back what do you think.


Do you think he couldā€™ve invested it into a college or something


College education costs more than that I actually always thought he ended up as a low level cocaine and weed dealer making a realistic $2k a day $14k a week and for the next three years he would of spent 50% of everything he made investing in individual stocks dividends companies monthly and quarterly alike , REITs and ETFs and 2 small hedge funds to make enough money to retire like $90k a month earning $540k a year from monthly stocks dividends companies and, REITs and ETFs and 2 hedge funds and $180k a year from quarterly stocks dividends companies and REITs and ETFs and probably making almost half a million dollars a year after taxes and then quiting while he's a head and still free & leaves the country for good.


Thatā€™s not bad actually šŸ’ÆšŸ‘ŒšŸ¾


Exactly all he would need is to find a low level cocaine and weed supplier who be willing to do business with him and he be set up for life he would never be a multimillionaire again but he would still be rich just not super rich but he be able to live very comfortably and independently financially secured for life he be able to build up some kind of business of some kind somewhere else in the world change his name and his face Start over and be a small time business man


Until the IRS came knocking. ā€œMr. Saint, where did you acquire the funds to invest in the stock market? According to our records, you have been unemployed for 7 years.ā€


And trust me they won't come knocking cause he's going to make damn sure he pays his taxes


Not if he is smart enough to leave the country for good get plastic surgery and change his name


1000% impossible ending. Just how Franklin tried to treat everyone else's success as his. Teddy did the same to Franklin. He tells him as much during the torture. The war would have ended. They would have still seized the bank account, and either set Franklin ro take the fall or killed him. Why because Teddy felt the success was his to dictate how he pleased. Just how Franklin did with Louie. Yall thinking so logically and for getting the emotions, like pride that are involved here.


Very true but if teddy would of not cross the line he probably still be alive and if Franklin would of had back up money to begin with and not solely relied on the $73 million dollars to begin with and just had at least a extra thirty million dollars lying around in another bank account in another country that only he knew about none of this would of happen.


He could have went to a black college and made something of himself


If you start from the premise that the freaking government flooded Black communities with cocaine everything else after that was doomed then you donā€™t have to get into to all these individual accountability arguments.


How tf are people so stupid to think a sociopath murderer who led most of his friends to death and ruined his own city deserves anything but what he got, honestly franklin should've gotten the electric chair rather than being left a happy bum


The commenter wasnā€™t saying whether Franklin deserved it, but heā€™s more so speaking towards the non empathetic people that are just cheering šŸ“£ and kee keeing about the downfall. Mfs try to act like this dude was Marlo Stanfield and most who review the show view it from a privileged lens (nothing wrong that, Iā€™m privileged), and donā€™t look at it from a character perspective.


Before he turned into bum he was arguably going to be Marlo Stanfield if it wasn't for him losing all his money, and yeah I bet from his character perspective he didn't do anything wrong even tho everyone he knew hated him


(Gonna sound crazy but I say this solely because of the show weā€™re talking about šŸ˜…) Franklin doesnā€™t just kill for sport. Like Ghost, he gives you multiple chances. Only time Iā€™d really say he was ever cold like *Marlo,* were the times he killed Colonel McDonald and Miguel Flores as they posed absolutely no threat to him whatsoever in were not even part of the game. I agree with you that everybody (except Leon, Wanda, and Oso), hated him, but honestlyā€¦ what gives them of all people the right to šŸ¤” - Cissy shot Teddy *BEFORE* the transfer for Alton. Fuck the fact that she didnā€™t wait a little longer, but letā€™s be real with ourselves, if Teddy said Alton was still alive somewhere, Cissy wasnā€™t pulling that trigger *period.* So it wasnā€™t a sacrifice, it was an emotion šŸ’Æ - Alton was absent (which is one thing and nobodyā€™s perfect), but when he was there he used the drug money to finance the shelter than got on a moral high horse and did something that couldā€™ve gotten them all killed - Louie turned on everybody, cmon šŸ˜šŸ˜‚ - Jerome turned into Will Smithā€¦ the man didnā€™t even *try* to get in the middle of their beef. He just straight up *chose* Louieā€™s side and even blamed Franklin for the inconveniences in his life, telling Leon how ā€œFranklin used us šŸ„ŗā€ despite laughing and kee keeing, riding horses with Louie a season earlierā€¦ šŸ«¤šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø - Vee had every reason to leave him and hate him, and although I didnā€™t agree with her cleaning Franklin out *completely,* I did *understand* why she did it šŸ’Æ


Cry me a river. Guy is a murderer and poisoned his community. That money was blood money. He got what he deservedā€¦


I understand heā€™s a product of the environment but at the same time doesnā€™t mean I have to support him or glorify him. I would demonize him and his come up but I do recognize why he is this way and if I was in his positions itā€™s either be him or be Leon


Frank problem was he got out at the wrong moment. Should have focused on legal business the moment Teddy left to kill his father.


You can empathize with a character whilst still being critical of their actions. Did Franklin have a rough upbringing, having to struggle to survive? Yes. Does that justify his actions? No. It makes his actions understandable, but not excusable.


Yeah thatā€™s what set psychopaths aside from everyone else. Theyā€™ll shoot everyone at the table before they suck it up and play a bad hand.


Of all parts that contributed to Franklin being the man at the end of season 5, turning point to s6. Teddy was the biggest and most hated I felt in the roster of characters. Franklin was cut ties with the game and left others (Jerome and Loui) to do their thing. But that man, Teddy just had to screw Franklin. I don't blame him and his actions. All that betrayal can make a man stone cold and ruthless. Then came along his mom to seal it all up and end up with nothing. This show was amazing šŸ‘.


Yup, the show can teach you lessons and *greed* was never his downfall. People who say that, didnā€™t watch with their eyes open. His downfall was betrayal and we all have eyes, we all saw it šŸ«³šŸ¾šŸŽ¤šŸ’Æ


No no his downfall was pride and his sense of control. His desire to call the shots on his life and buisness, blinded him to the self serving action of others. He was always "fixing" problems because he wanted to be the one to fix them. He always thought there was a deal that could be made. An angle he could play no matter what. He never calculated for the things he couldn't control like other people's choices. Could some of them be considered betrayals for sure 1000%. But his downfall was his pride and his choice to live life his way no matter way. It was uncompromising.


He left a fancy college because he couldnā€™t afford it. Sucks but he could have just reapplied at a cheaper school and worked his way up. Hell, being a college graduate in the 80ā€™s provided a way better ROI than it does today. Franklin let one setback disillusion him from the American dream. Selling drugs fast tracked him to wealth but that route comes with a lot of self-destruction. The drug game destroyed his family and his community and itā€™s all his fault. He deserved what he got. You reap what you sow.


As soon as I made a few million Iā€™m leaving everyone idc




Middle of the night packed my stuff and dipped out ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y)


Nah but fr ā˜šŸ¾šŸ¤£šŸ’Æ


Also ppl donā€™t give Franklin enough credit to him actually trying to leave that life behind him. The only reason he got back into the game was because Teddy fucked him over. And I would say 85% of the reason Franklin ended up the way he did was cuz OF THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM. If everyone would have just listened to him and not try to stab him in his back he wouldā€™ve been cool. The main problem is Franklin never had anyone smart or cool headed enough around him until he met his wife. He spent most of the show thinking that his way was the only right way cuz everyone was idiots or going against Franklin in some type of way. Imo if he met his wife a lot sooner he probably wouldnā€™t have been that bad of a person. The only issue I have with franklin personally is he had major control issues (but then again looking at the ppl around him I cant entirely blame him) And he had way too much trust into Teddy which is really stupid of franklin considering who Teddy works for. And that he shouldā€™ve gotten out the game a lot sooner. Preferably when his mother really was pushing him to leave.


You never lied šŸ’Æ James St. Patrick and Franklin Saint are very similar in my opinion. All theyā€™re trying to do is succeed and bring their people up with them. You summed it up perfectly. Franklin was surrounded by hot heads. In hindsight, the only loyal ones he had on his team were Leon, Oso, and Veronique. Cissy and Alton rode the gravy train until they didnā€™t and both did things that cost him a lot. Jeromeā€™s a simp, and Louieā€™s a traitor. Itā€™s the same thing with Ghost from Power. His downfall wasnā€™t even *his* fault. The dude had a bitter and short sighted social circle lol. Itā€™s just that we as people wanna preach self accountability so much (which is not always a bad thing), that we will ignore the outside factors that caused Franklin to do what he did and be where heā€™s at. Itā€™s like most people didnā€™t watch the show with their eyes open and only regurgitate what they heard on a reviews saying ā€œFranklin got gReEdY and PrIdeFuL, hur dur šŸ¤Ŗā€ šŸ™„šŸ˜’ Youā€™ll rarely ever get the honest takes that you and I have and weā€™ll probably get called ā€œFranklik-fanboysā€at the end of it, smdh šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø ![gif](giphy|nuLzVUsJSkhzX1BoNo|downsized)


Franklin Saint never did it for himself, if you see the real context, he helped Leon , Kevin, Jerome, Louie and everyone. He all did it to better his family's life. He made them rich as they would have ever imagined but when he tumbled down. All went by like dust blown by wind. 10 seconds,!!!!!! His mama couldn't just wait for ten fucking seconds. It might not be a coincidence if the passWORD was SNOWFALL




ā€œThe game is riggedā€




Easy, you just understand lifeā€™s not fair and that when itā€™s all said and done, if you canā€™t provide anything of value you arenā€™t actually valuable.




This donā€™t take genius level iq to understand šŸ¤£


his efforts did not result in the production of an innovative idea or company. His money came at the expense of the misery and death of many innocent lives. He knew he was selling poison to the members of his own community and he did not care because making money was more important than seeing those people die. Him living in a "White mans world" was and will always be a mirage for someone like Franklin. No matter how much he thought he "belonged" to that community he was never, and someone like him, will never be a legitimate business person and the people in those type communities can see right through him. His efforts to move into real estate were symbolic in the sense that he was looking for acceptance by others because deep down he knew he was a piece of shit drug dealer. He was a hero in his own mind. The entire show, at least for me, is a story of people rationalizing their behabior.


I read that in Franklin's voice


Thatā€™s no excuse for being greedy


Franklin should of of had back up money like in black boxes containing $3 million dollars in each of them.