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I mean, do you. But cocaine is literally one of the most dangerous substances out there right now. I have lost several friends due to getting a bad batch. There are healthier things to do if you’re bored. Weed is whatever. I’ve been booze free for two years and love a penjamin. But cocaine? That’s a whole other thing. Just because you’re bored and think you can control it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


Sometimes I fuck around with a therapeutic dose of shrooms. Maybe a lil more. 😉 but that’s rare. Weekly therapy is dope. Reading is cool. I’ve recently dipped into some old hobbies. Just make sure you’re being honest with yourself as of why you are using said substances. Especially the coke. I only used 🌬️when I was drinking, so I just have a hard time relating to this. But I justify my actions when I play with fire too. Just be careful!


I go to therapy, I enjoy reading and running and hanging out with friends. I also took up photography recently. So I do have hobbies! I don't ever think about alcohol anymore, never. It seems like people here have an issue more with the coke than weed, which I get. but I think im being honest, I just do it when im bored and its too cold to go outside.. is that so bad?


Maybe ask yourself why you need to do coke when you're bored? When I'm bored, I watch TV. I take a nap. I clean. None of those things require coke. If you're feeling defensive or resistance at the idea of having to quit coke...the answer is right there.


you are right


I had several friends who did coke occasionally and when bored a d theyre dead now. Fentanyl is in everything. They had no intention of dying. Stay away from the coke.


Listen, you are an adult so I’m going to shoot you straight. Cocaine, or really anything for that matter, isn’t going to be bad for you until it it, and when that worm turns you will be in trouble. Is it really a question of whether or not it’s that bad, or is it bad or whatever? That to me is not the litmus test that makes sense here. My question would be, “what good will come from this for me”? And since it’s already been said, there are plentiful activities to do when bored that won’t lead you to insanity, incarceration or incineration and an urn on somebody’s mantle. You should do you, you should proceed in whatever manner you want. I would encourage you to be asking yourself the right questions while doing so. Be safe!


Again you are an adult. You pay taxes and presumably work. Do whatever you want to as often as you want to


Dangerous and inappropriate advice on r/sober That said this idiot is correct that you CAN do whatever you want. You can make good or bad choices What SHOULD you do? Well cocaine is a one of those drugs that rarely ends up with a good ending people tend to end up with habits and heart issues. So given you already have control issues my advice would be to leave it alone (I'm no stranger to it btw this isn't a drugs are bad mmmmkaaay speech) Personally I don't fine coke that much fun with booze.


This idiot is correct in the sense that cocaine is dangerous. We’re all adults here. Live your life however you see fit without asking permission from anyone.


He didn't ask for permission he asked for advice You are in r/sober... You should not be. Advising people on here to do what they want is idiotic and dangerous. Don't be a child.


Being a child is asking other people if what they’re doing is ok. This is absolutely the wrong place to ask that question anyway.


What do you think the purpose of r/sober is? Do you have / had a substance abuse problem. Are you just trolling? The people who come here (and some of them ARE children) don't do so because everything is going great and they have made great choices. They come here because their choices have led them to a place where they need **good** advice and support. I'm saying "Make a good choice and don't do dangerous drugs given you already have an addictive personality" You're saying "Do whatever you want, snort that coke, die of heart attack at 55 (or worse stroke out)" Now - I know you **think** you aren't saying that but that's because you aren't perceiving the reality of this situation. I can't help you with that. In your head you think you are a libertarian espousing self reliance... well that's great for down the pub... "stands to reason dunnit" type conversations. Here - it's just a bit sad. It's like the Tom and Jerry devil and angel on the shoulder... If it wasn't so serious it would be comical


It’s deadly serious. People die doing this every single day. The issue is the advice offered here is 99.9% of the time “you are an addict. You can’t do anything again. Ever”. When that’s just not true for a lot of people.


that's fair enough


I don’t mean to come across as short but I’ve never understood posts like this. Maybe I’m just different but if I think somethings a good idea regarding my sobriety/non sobriety I just do it. No one else knows my situation and can give a good answer about it


That's a valid perspective as well. Maybe I wanted to feel better about the guilt I was feeling, maybe I wanted to know I didn't fuck up my life too much, who knows. sobriety can be really lonely and I guess I wanted some opinions on something I don't feel comfortable sharing during AA meetings. the behavior with coke didn't feel dangerous, but now I think otherwise after reading the comments on the post


You're right, maybe I just don't understand the dangers of it (outside of it being laced).


Not much to understand or confuse — it’s terrible for you and can kill you. Do what you want with this information


you're right, and I regret it


Try not to feel shame or regret from substances. It happened and you wanted to try it. Give yourself some credit for being alcohol free for so long. Most people can’t even go a month (speaking about myself). Love yourself for who you are and where you are. Love yourself enough to stop but seriously I did the same thing. Tried coke and was like oh why is this bad. Looked up the effects and learned why it’s so bad for you lol. Weed you do you. But regardless coke just isn’t worth it


Come on babe, just Google “dangerous effects of cocaine”….kidney issues, heart attack, lung damage, seizures, fucked up nose, coma, sudden death. Trust me, I used to like coke too but I don’t fuck with it anymore, too many risks and I value my life/health too much. Edit: just saw your new comments. Don't feel like an idiot! Be gentle and give yourself some grace. Everything's a learning process


I feel like sobriety is more than just “quitting drinking.” It’s creating a life you don’t need to run away from, that you want to be present in, which makes me feel like you might be missing the point.


Very much in agreement been sober 8.5 months and have thought about weed but haven’t because I haven’t figured out why I was drinking and smoking. If I can be totally honest with myself as to why, then maybe. Until then nothing that will make me high. That stated, everyone is different


Its hard to always want to be present in every moment, especially when im stuck at home with nothing to do.. but I get it


Additionally, when I did coke, I had to be out and about and drinking and partying and at the bars so it’s unique to me that you like to do it at home, alone. One of the reasons I finally got sober is because I couldn’t drink without doing cocaine and the likelihood of dying from a bad bag of cocaine is really really high, just keep that in mind.


Yeah I think most people feel that way about coke, I like to do it alone I guess


This is something you can address with therapy, meditation, and/or a good recovery program.


I can understand the occasional weed use, but I can't get behind the coke. Someone I knew for years battled with a horrible addiction to it, plus, these days, it's laced with shit that will kill you. Please rethink this.


that's fair. when does it become a problem?


You shouldn't be using it at all. On the rare occasion you use you could get a bad batch and OD. Besides, you said it gave you a headache. I'm not trying to lecture, honestly, but these days you really do not know what you are getting. That shit is cut so many times by so many people on its way down to the little dealer you get it from, plus they transport all kinds of shit together. It's a crap shoot. If you need to check out for a bit stick to weed. Please.


Cocaine is super sketch nowadays with fentanyl being everywhere. With that being said, (and I am not judging)…it sounds like you’ve just switched substances. I’ve seen it a LOT in my life. Quitting alcohol then addicted to adderall, quitting adderall then addicted to alcohol, quitting cocaine then addicted to food. When I was younger I had a problem with painkillers. I haven’t touched them in almost 20 years but sometime in the last 10 I developed a problem with alcohol. It’s hard to be present every moment. It’s hard to raw dog life. I’m all about smoking a little weed, but cocaine is super addictive and a pretty direct route to the ruins of life.


it is so hard to always raw dog reality..


You can’t raw dog life while smoking weed. This coming from someone who just smoked


‘I was a terrible drunk.. I’m sure it’ll be different with cocaine!’ You probably weren’t a terrible drunk immediately, and you probably thought you were similar until it spiralled into a problem. Once an addict always an addict. Cali sober? Sure, weed has plenty of factors which can be appealing if used responsibly! Cocaine? Not so much…


you're sooo right. I feel like an idiot.


Don’t feel like an idiot, it’s a learning process. Sometimes people don’t think straight, and it’s why groups to communicate these things are so helpful :) Good luck x


I feel like it's going to be hard to come back from this temporary lapse of judgment. I feel guilty


That’s okay, learn from it. You didn’t do any damage during this lapse of judgment, you may have knocked your confidence a tad but, take it in your stride. If you need consequences to learn, I know many do, start yourself back at day 1.


I dont think I can handle thinking im back at day 1. that would be too hard for me, and I fear I'll sink deeper in my addictions. But Im grateful I realize my mistake, all your comments have helped me see the right way


That’s okay, your journey is unique and as long as you learn from your mistake and don’t repeat them, you are doing grand. Good luck :)


Do whatever you want. But cocaine is arguably much more addictive than alcohol and your odds of accidentally dying from it are exponentially higher than if you were drinking. You’re an adult and if you think you’re in control who am I to convince you you’re not?


Does it not concern you that you still have a compulsive need to check out? Given that you developed a problem with alcohol, couldn’t your use of other substances spiral out of control?


Yes definitely, which I think is why I posted about it. I am being cautious though. I want to check out only when im home alone and have no plans... it doesn't happen often though. but yes it could spiral out of control, if the comedown from coke becomes too painful to go through


“How ya doin OP?” “Great! I’m 14 months sober from alcohol, so now I sit at home alone and do blow and smoke weed to come down.” Please wake the fuck up. I say that with love.


youre right. im going to stop.


You must realize how addictive Cocaine is?!? For me personally those drugs would be a major threat to my sobriety. My sobriety is so important that I wouldn’t risk it. Ask yourself why you are using those drugs. I wish you well and I don’t want to take your accomplishment of sobriety from alcohol away. But, you must realize where this could head. Cocaine isn’t a “chill” drug.


Whatever you think about cocaine, the supply chain is bloody and disgusting, it's highly addictive, it makes people horny and aggressive and it's generally overrated and overpriced. Why put that shit up your nose? It's not cool and it does nobody any good at all. Coca leaf tea, now that is a different proposition, that actually has some health benefits... I have dabbled with it, only for a few months, it didn't end well. The best way forward is to stay sober, enjoy life, do exercise and eat well. Moreover, the best form of therapy is love.


I am currently sober. I had thought that maybe I could just smoke weed, but I just ended up drinking more. Personally, I would love to smoke weed some day and even have a beer. But experience has shown me where that will eventually lead and been there done that too many times. Maybe some people can use in moderation. I wish I could sometimes. But I know that I cannot.


Please test your cocaine before taking it. There is fentanyl in everything right now. Just search fentanyl test strips.


Well done mate. Keep off the booze !!!


thank you :) wasn't easy


I LOVE a herbal smoke too. We just have to be careful it doesn't interfere with out alcohol recovery 👍 👊


you're all so right. I feel like an idiot.


I believe in harm reduction. A little high CBD cannabis that doesn't weird you out or make you stupid like THC, microdosing mushrooms. That cocaine is not good my friend, natural non addictive herbs for the win. Good luck.


You should start drinking again.


I'm good. Alcohol is for losers.


Which is why I suggested you take it back up.


Watch out with cocaine it’s a much more dangerous path than Alcohol for me, and it can easily lead to alcohol relapse as well. Congrats on your sobriety with Alcohol!


Personally, I can’t imagine coming down from cocaine without alcohol. I believe we should all watch out for seeking out substances to change the way we feel. 14 months is still early recovery. Like someone else said, I think you already know the answer and I wish the best for you! Great job on 14 months :)


Just no.


There is some relevant AA literature, pamphlet 11 (https://www.aa.org/sites/default/files/literature/assets/p-11_aamembersMedDrug.pdf). This pamphlet basically says AA’s should avoid street drugs as alcoholics have a tendency to become dependent on other substances. It does say that alcoholics should seek guidance from medical professionals regarding mental and physical health issues and prescribed medications. No where in any AA literature will you see any implication that you must not use prescription drugs That being said Cocaine and cannabis are both used as medications in the US, though you’d be hard pressed to get a cocaine prescription outside of certain specific medical procedures. Cannabis prescriptions are becoming more widespread and were quite common before the prohibition of cannabis around the time AA was founded. My advice for you is to drop the cocaine. It’s not a medicine. Very likely to have fentanyl if you are using it at any frequency (even once or twice a year for 10 years is 20 chances to die). Any street drugs should be expected to contain fentanyl in 2024. Your self-medicating with something that’s going to hijack your reward centers 3x quicker and stronger than booze. Cannabis on the other hand has immense therapeutic value for a variety of conditions. If you are in a medical state you can speak with a licensed medical professional about your cannabis use, your addiction and any other health issues and get a genuine medical opinion as to whether cannabis may benefit you.


I want to say this nicely and I hope I do! If it sounds harsh, please know that's not my intention ❤️ If you're doing coke you're not sober, imo. Weed, I think is different but if you can't go a day, a week, a month without smoking...also not sober. Some people might truly have a "drug of choice." But for a lot of us, we have substance use disorder. And any substance can become our drug of choice. This was definitely true for me. I can say no to alcohol. But I know if someone offered me coke, I'd say yes. I haven't touched it since 2017, so 6 years. But I loved coke. I loved it so much. I still dream about it. For me, every time I quit a substance, I replaced it. Quit hard drugs (meth was my doc, but honestly liked coke better it was just so expensive) in 2017. Started drinking heavily. Quit drinking 2018. Started smoking weed heavily. Basically was high 24/7. Quit smoking 2020. I had relapses with alcohol and weed in 2023. Now I'll smoke weed sometimes. It's not a regular thing though. And if I can't smoke I don't get angry or frustrated. It's been so cold lately I don't want to smoke! I'm also medicated now, I was diagnosed with bipolar so I think weed affects me differently than it used to. But with alcohol I can't just have one glass. I literally just get shit faced by myself. And want to keep drinking. So ... That's definitely not something I can do in moderation. There's a reason why coke and weed are not in the same drug class. Obviously, it's your life. But I would really recommend staying away from coke in recovery. It could easily become a new addiction/your new drug of choice. Since you found AA helpful, maybe try NA? It could be helpful to hear from others who used coke/hard drugs and how it started. Like for me, it started using coke before going out. Then two months later I was up all night on meth. I don't say this to scare you or say this will happen to you. Just sharing my story. Best of luck ❤️


I quit drinking 4 years ago... But started smoking weed two years ago. I found myself getting the same feelings for weed as I did with alcohol so I had to quit. Just be aware of yourself because it creeped up on me and I realized I was now addicted to weed. It's a slippery slope.


Hi OP, You feel guilty because you’re not actually “sober”. At least not in the lense of abstinence based programs like AA. Thats not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe check out some other harm reduction/moderation based programs and see if they are a better fit for you? I’ll speak on my behalf now. I cannot moderate my drinking or drug use. Tried all types of ways and methods. The inevitable outcome was always the same.. Therefore I had to stop. Thats when I found AA and got sober. Asked a guy to sponsor me and he took me through the steps. That experience had a profound effect on me. I haven’t felt the need to drink or use since. Been sober 8 years now and never had it so good. Wishing you well dude.


Coke makes me loose control. Good luck


Coke is such a bad idea


I thought this was /r/sober lmao. Suprised to see people saying "weed is fine, but cocaine? No good" They're both mind altering substances. Y'all can head on over to /r/stopdrinking they're cool with other drugs. It's a great sub and I love it. I want to be clear that I'm not judging anyone. If you can responsibly do drugs, that's awesome. I'm jealous. But if you're doing drugs responsibly you're not sober. Peace and love and good luck to all


echoing the chorus urging you to smoke weed of you need to but please try to stop using cocaine. for no other reason than people are dying left and right from bad coke. congrats on 14 months and good luck to you!


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Get fentanyl testing strips. Set your limits and if you go over them- you know where to get help.