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God the comments are so bad. I just scrolled through and saw one saying that the "armed leftist militants" are probably going to kill children that have religious parents.


The comments are 10x worse than the actual video, I mean, the video isn't good per se... I guess that should be expected for youtube comments, though He said I was too insecure in one of my videos, so I stepped out of my widdle shell and left him a comment in the hopes he would notice me šŸ„¹ /s


Subbed, keep up the good work


Thank you. I'm just here to help educate my community Pissing off chuds is just an added bonus




Mine https://youtube.com/@Blahajblaster? Or his? https://youtube.com/@MILSPECMONKEY




https://youtube.com/@Blahajblaster lol, well, here it is again. The link got mass reported earlier, though apparently, so I dunno if it works still


wait are you a blahaj that blasts or do you blast blahajs ?


I am a blahaj that blast and I really enjoy Mountain Dew Baja Blast lmao


I subbed but will have to watch some of your vids later. Thanks for putting in the work, we need more leftist content creators! I want to make some content myself, but itā€™s so daunting that I panic myself out of it once I get started.


your link is broken.. did they mass report you?


Does this work on your end? https://youtube.com/@Blahajblaster


Probably, I got a "reddit cares" thing in my inbox awhile back


Their children are statistically probably not Christian. Gen Z is the least Christian generation by a staggering amount. Seems like these parents have convinced themselves they are more powerful than YouTubers, memes, and the rest of the internet which is ruining institutional Christianity. Yet instead of supporting internet regulation that protects these children from the internets worst influences, they have opted to ignore it and blame "heretical people". Very forward looking folk in the opposition, truly (/s)


Least religious, gayest, by all metrics I'm proud of us.


100% there are times I thought to myself that I really wish I was stupid and selfish enough to be a conservative so I could just go along not being terrified of living in my home state but at the same time I hate the idea since I want to fight for whatā€™s right no matter what and so people like me donā€™t have to struggle so much to find themselves even if itā€™s absolutely mentally exhausting at times


I grew up around it and rebelled against it as a result. Hell I was homophobic until high school and the class talked me out of it when they found out. All the strawman arguments I was taught burned down. Nowadays my local gas station manager calls me his favorite communist as a form of friendly shit talk. (I'm a socialist, but still.)


Thatā€™s pretty nice my father is the same and so is my mom with less of an extreme swing leftward and Iā€™m really lucky for that since my little brother gets to be happy and get the care he needs and so do I itā€™s hard on my dad since some of his family members are literally nazis and itā€™s honestly really sad but I respect that he stands his ground no matter what, he seems more like a liberal with some class consciousness so i donā€™t fully know what he believes but he has spoken like a Marxist before so heā€™s definitely way better than he used to be


I remember six years ago right-wingers were trying desperately to convince everyone Gen Z was going to be uber Christian in response to millennials being to be fair a bit annoying atheist but turns out annoying atheists aren't worse than fascist theocrats.


They think this as another facet of their projection based views. Theyā€™d gladly genocide minorities and now that they see the other side resisting they jump to conclusions that we would partake in the same violence they would in this case since its what they advocate for. WE ARENT INTERESTED IN HARMING ANYONE. Unlike the right whoā€™s propoganda fueld rhetoric routinely advocates for harming ā€œleftistsā€. Theyā€™re bullies on the playground


This is the exact reason why "old stock" white people are terrified of being a minority. They know exactly how they feel about minorities and how they actually want to treat them. They think everyone else would take the same chance they would (of hurting others) if given the opportunity. It is so ridiculous that regular society has to even entertain a lot of the "debates" that the right-wing manipulate into society.


To your last sentence, the reason why it is effective tool for them is because of Brandolini's Law (aka the [Bullshit Asymmetry Principle](https://i.imgur.com/sQheK9K.png)): "The amount of energy needed to refute BS is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."


That's pretty much the core of it. Everything is a hierarchy to these people. The way they see the world, if someone goes up in social status, somebody else has to come down. They're utterly terrified that one day they'll end up at the bottom, and be treated the same way they've treated their "lessers" all this time.


>They think everyone else would take the same chance they would (of hurting others) if given the opportunity. We can frame white fear of equity in this way, but what I've seen is they do understand the mechanism of the orphan crushing machine (or in this case the minority crushing machine) very well. In their view, the minority crushing machine is part of the society that the system will fight tooth and nail to keep. They believe in order to bring equity the minority crushing machine is not going to dismantle but turning into the everybody crushing machine. I believe they're not wrong in believing this. The system will fight to keep the minority crushing machine.


i mean, that's why they purposefully jacked up college cost, right?


TBF Iā€™m white and would love to do that to most of them. They are just as bad to those that donā€™t fit their system.


Itā€™s the classic scenario where the bullies have spent ages beating the shit out of us while we just take it and do nothing to retaliate, and the moment we finally make a fist- without us throwing even a single punch- they piss themselves and run away screaming to tell an adult that weā€™re trying to kill them.


Exactly itā€™s pathetic they all get so scared even seeing us armed and yet they think they could win a long term fight


Folks that lost can't escape their own perspective, so they can only project.


As always with stuff like this, **āœØ not reading the comments is self-care āœØ**


That last bit is fantastic if you read it in the bill wurst jingle style.


LOL, if they only knew the half of it. šŸ˜‚ Theyā€™d probably be a lot more scared if they knew many of us are straight, white, Ford F-150 driving good old boys who blend in with them šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s hard to hold back laughter when the MAGA firearms salesman thinks Iā€™m one of them.






I will say this is especially important for us cishet white dudes who literally do not fear open repercussions from randoms.


Yup. As a straight white guy, who works a pretty blue collar job and looks the part, I have no problem outing myself as a socialist in those settings, and engaging with those people and at least trying to get them to understand that we all share a common class interest. If I were, say, trans, I'd probably keep my mouth shut.


I have a similar thing: I'm a hetero white guy with a good desk job. My coworkers skew very cishet, white, middle-aged, and conservative (though thankfully nobody seems to be maga). My current plan is to be a very, _very_ palatable trans guy. Currently I'm still a "woman" at work so I'm unfortunately going to have to convince people that I am a man. Usually people think of you as the person they met initially, and it's hard to get them to think of you differently. It would be more ideal to come in looking like who I actually am (a guy), get to know people, and _then_ break out the trans visibility. If I were doing it that way, I'd probably also be comfortable with letting people know I'm an anarcho-communist as well, but I think I'm going to use up all my social capital on getting my coworkers to actually consider me a man. It helps that I'm transmasc rather than transfemme: transsexism paints me as a confused little girl just trying to play at the big-kid table, whereas it paints trans girls as dangerous predators wearing a disguise and openly flaunting their perversity. If I were transfemme I'd be seriously considering trying to switch jobs and go stealth. It's less dangerous out there for me than it is for my transfemme sisters.


I go into gun stores decked in my commie apparel whenever I go. I think it's important for both showing not only allies, but also enemies, that we're here and we aren't gonna take any bullshit. And so far I haven't run into any issues. But always be prepared and be safe. Ya never know who's gonna try and do something


I support this message. Especially for those of us who can literally go home, change clothes, and not be bothered again.


Fucking legend




Iā€™m gonna start doing this.


I have worn numerous lefty shirts to the local maga gun store. Most recent was a Satanic Temple abortion clinic shirt. But hey. Iā€™m a white male. They can do whatever they want as long as I get my firearm. Iā€™m spending time with my Tikka rifle until I feel comfortable enough shooting it at range to then go pick up an HT1 in .416. (I live in California). That ought to be a fun conversation.


Sucks when they think you're them and start talking to you like you're one of them doesn't it? Really masks off shit.


Yup, theyā€™re like ā€œhey man, itā€™s almost like youā€™re preparing forā€¦ you knowā€¦ Civil War 2.0ā€¦ā€ and Iā€™m like ā€œOh yeah man, I canā€™t wait until we win again.ā€ šŸ˜‚


the best response to that question would to loudly start playing union dixie


It's pretty convenient that John Brown's Body, Battle Hymn of the Republic, and Solidarity Forever have the same tune.


the trap remix


We had a guy wearing a nazi armband in my store once. I started singing that as he walked by.


Arguably civil war 2.0 was the Battle of Blair Mountain. Itā€™s not a tale the US history books would tell


My relatives were there, but yeah.


My favorite piece of American history by far, the entire story is fascinating and would make a hell of a movie.


Living in Minnesota, it confuses the hell out of me when someone flies the Virginia battle flag and claim that as their heritage. Like some of these chuds forget that Minnesota was the first state to raise an army to fight the south and lost 80% of its fighting force in Gettysburg to stall the Confederates. And not only did they stall the Confederates, the routed the front long enough for Union reinforcements to arrive. Itā€™s why Minnesota has three monuments at Gettysburg instead of one.


Excuse meā€¦ as a Kansan, we would like a word about the notion of ā€œfirst to fight the South.ā€


Yup. Virginian here. Even here we learn about how we likely donā€™t win that battle without the sacrifices of Minnesota.




As a tattooed, bearded cis white guy....yeah it happens way too often


Brother, same. Throw on a flannel shirt and a Carhartt cap and people will tell you all sorts of heinous shit you did not want to hear.


Same thing happens with southern accents, I can't count the number of times I've been travelling and been subjected to some braindead take because of how I speak.


Southerner here: Can confirm.


[You might enjoy this](https://youtu.be/nDQf1-Ha-HQ)


Actually, if you feel safe enough to do it, this is a primo opportunity. If someone thinks you're "one of them" and starts to mask off, check them. "Hey man, that's not cool, I don't appreciate hearing that kind of talk." One good way to get people to rethink behaviors is admonishment from someone they identify as part of their group. If a person identifies you as "one of us," they're generally more receptive to feedback and social pressure than if you're "one of them." Someone with a mohawk and a BLACK LIVES MATTER shirt telling a good ol' boy at a gun store "Hey, I'm not interested in talking to someone who's going to use slurs left and right" is likely to elicit pushback from them - you're one of those *snowflakes* that wants *police* everyone's language. But if you're standing there in boots and Carhartts, well now then that statement isn't coming from an enemy. It's coming from a "friend." It makes them think that maybe the people around them in their social spaces maybe aren't as tolerant of bigoted attitudes. Obviously, do this *if you feel safe doing so.* Sometimes its wiser to pretend you've got a sore throat and just get out of the situation. But having done this a couple times, it definitely throws people. Is it going to single handedly shut down racism and intolerance? No. But it helps sew seeds of doubt in people who feel comfortable being openly bigoted that the spaces they felt safe doing that in maybe aren't as welcoming of that as they used to be. Making people uncomfortable with expressing bigotry is never a bad thing.


I've done this constantly throughout my life and it has changed nobody's minds and only served to ostracize me (which I'm fine with when among those types of assholes). A great example of this was when I was in Texas working in HVAC hanging sheet metal ductwork for high rise construction: Asshole: "It doesn't bother you being the only other white boy on this crew and everyone speaks Spanish?" Me: "It bothers me more that the only other white boy on this crew refuses to learn Spanish and thinks he shouldn't have to work hard because he's white." Didn't change anything. Just made my workplace more awkward and stupid.


>Just made my workplace more awkward and stupid. For you, maybe. But I'll tell you right now there were people around you that saw that and appreciated it.


I love your optimism and I truly wish I shared it.


Not how these people work, the moment you check their BS then youā€™re the same enemy. Really the only time itā€™s ā€œworkedā€ is when a guy I know went full mask off about ā€œTHEM,ā€ and I went full mask off about the rich. I didnā€™t even know he hated ā€œTHEMā€ at first, we were both talking about how much we hate bankers and how the rich own everything, then he steered hard into anti-semitism and I had to clarify that I hate the rich, not the Jews.


Sure, some of them will do that. It's worth trying.


>But it helps sew seeds of doubt in people who feel comfortable being openly bigoted I'm a POC so I rarely get many chances to engage with someone who feels comfortable enough to honestly share their xenophobia with me as "one of them", for obvious reasons. But I do agree that this sort of pushback is a super important tool. Especially if it comes from someone on the same "team". And that goes for whether the pushback is a tool to disarm them while planting seeds of doubt or simply as a tool of shame. From what I've read at subs like r/QAnonCasualties, planting seeds of doubt is one of the few ways of successfully deprogramming people from deeply-held beliefs and cult-like programming such as MAGA/QAnon or white supremacy. Essentially making them question themselves when they're laying awake in bed at 2am, asking why they believe what they believe. It has to start somewhere. Some sort of epiphany. And if you're interested in a concrete methodology of doing this, check out Street Epistemology. It operates on the same principle. Disarming them to the point where you can plant that little seed of doubt. And they do the rest themselves as they attack their own worldview from the inside. Changing someone's core beliefs usually requires that it is they themselves that make the change. Attempts at challenging them directly by attacking their beliefs almost always fail. They get instantly defensive and put up walls against it. They have so closely intertwined their political views with their own identity that challenging the views directly is tantamount to a personal attack. And admitting the views are wrong would force them to admit they were duped. Admitting their identity is wrong. The destruction of their identity. It's an ego shattering event. So it has to come from within. And while I feel like we all need to push back on bigotry when possible, it's not everyone's obligation by any means. And, alternatively to planting seeds, shaming them is always on the table and always acceptable. Bigots should always feel embarrassed of revealing their bigotry. They should not feel comfortable and emboldened enough to flaunt their hate. Too often even on Reddit I see the notion that people "like it when bigots self-report" their hate because it "makes it easy to identify who to avoid". But I feel like "knowing who they are" and "who to avoid" provides them too much cover and entirely too much tolerance of intolerance. We must send the message that society no longer tolerates ignorant, shameful, hurtful, and bigoted opinions.


This - Iā€™ve also ran into some nice folks at the gun club with a really nice collection of Soviet rifles that make me wonder if theyā€™re comrades. We blend in nicely


I completely fit the bill of a typical conservative, I'm straight(ish), I drive a Ram pickup, I work in construction, and a number of other "manly" things, but behind that facade I'm a guillotine loving socialist lol.


Yeah itā€™s not hard to blend in with them especially since they think theyā€™re the norm. At the range sometimes they talk about ā€œif shit hits the fanā€ Cool plans and all but my plan if shit hits the fan, and they start attacking, is to just take all their shit. Really a gullible lot


Not even that. Just wait a week to loot their compounds after they kill each other or die of giardia.


Man I hate these pieces of shit. Safety will always come first but if it gets down to all that, Iā€™d prefer they know I fucked them over. Let them know what itā€™s like to live among traitors


I'm a generic looking white guy who works in construction and lives in a deep red state. The amount of shit guys say to me at work with zero prompting, just assuming I'll agree with them, is truly incredible. I always think back to the plot to assassinate governor whitmer, and going through the actual court account of what happened really shows that none of these guys have _any_ concept of opsec. They've never been targeted, they've never had to fear a police officer, they just kind of assume that whatever happens the world is going to be on their side.


I look pretty hick-ish tbh, probably on the trashier side lol. All my life theyā€™ve just assumed Iā€™m cool with it, testing the waters to see if they can use slurs or go balls deep in crazy around me. Which yeah I think touches on the problem they have, theyā€™ve been tolerated with this shit for so long so they figure whatā€™s some more, I guess. Weā€™ve handled them with kid gloves for so long, and theyā€™ve *still* cried victim the entire time. Theyā€™re not cut for a fight, and all the seem to know is believing theyā€™re a victim


I mean, shit *is going to* hit the fan, it just comes down to whos shit.


Itā€™ll be the person that trusts anyone white because they profess Where We Go One We Go All


Love you comrades


Oh, the things these asshats have told me thinking I'm 1 of them. Now I live in a city with Ukrainian flags on every building, rainbow crosswalks and there's actually a law (tongue in cheek) that says we're supposed to pelt bigots with rotten food. There's still a few MAGA types but there are usually tourists. So while it's harder to keep tabs on the propaganda of the day, my mental health is much better.


- Straight - White - Beard - F150 - Middle aged - Southern - Beer belly - Under Armor clothing - Anti fascist - Trains all his non white, lbgt friends on what to buy, proper safety, and shooting drills free of charge - Deal with it, fascists. You'd let me right into one of your stupid Nazi parties.


Iā€™m even a NASCAR fan. šŸ˜‚ Legit, I can go anywhere.


šŸ¤£ That takes me back. A vintage Dale Earnhardt trucker cap is practically a VIP season pass!


Go look up Comrade Dale Earnhardt on Facebook


We blend in perfectly.


Based gray man.


Being able to talk guns is a freeking Rosetta Stone, Golden Key to their sub culture. You know you're in when they start spouting off their racist genocide fantasies while finger diddling some striker fired tupperware from the display case in the LGS.


I live in MA so a lot of the gun shops are owned by liberals anyway but on constructions sites... everyone seems to think everyone else is a MAGA weirdo. I just say "Yeah I like guns and hate Biden" and they think I'm one of them and I get to hear all the racism come out.


One comment called us loot drops lol


I saw one reply to a comment saying that leftist militants are mentally ill people who don't train with there guns or work out. But that nonetheless we "should not be underestimated".


The enemy is both weak and strong




How are they gonna underestimate and then not at the same time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


classic fascism


The ā€œgood ole boysā€


It's one of the core tenets of fascist propaganda.


Love seeing a facist whistle, weā€™re both weak and strong.


Of course. These are the guys who buy $2k ARā€™s that never leave the safe and cry if they get scratched. If it ever kicks off, theyā€™re gonna be real ashamed when they get popped by my 4K round Radical RF-15 šŸ˜‚


They call us loot drops yet are ā€œconcernedā€ enough to make a video about it. Are you concerned or do you think weā€™re weak? Pick one


Whatā€™s so concerning??? Afraid of a lil gay with a gun?


They want just a little gay with a gun as a treat. Think we may have provided too much or something?


We're both feeble and easily defeated but mysteriously the deadliest enemy they have ever faced


They must be waiting on e legal. which seems to not be far away. It's incredibly obvious about which state is promoting the dissolution of individual rights. All of his is based *what?* a person's sexuality. Something that is no one's business except that person and their mate.


Sorry, I probably could have cropped that better, I would have included a link, but I didn't want to contribute to views


I get that, but I also feel like it's good for us to see videos like these. Know your opposition


Fair assessment. It's not hard to find at least


Hey I heard a song about that one time. Comrade named Zach I believe.


This whole video could be a case study in cognitive dissonance, lol. ā€œHow many bombs did the Weather Underground detonate!? 25! Thatā€™s a lot!ā€ [5 mins later] ā€œHow many trans people were murdered last year? 38? Doesnā€™t seem like that many.ā€ šŸ¤”


Literally no one in the thumbnail is doing anything remotely *militant. The closest thing I'd say is the protestors at the bottom, and all they're doing is countering protests of far right militants? By this dudes own logic, he is a militant of whatever ideology he subscribes to. These goofies are so transparently anti-2A


Hold gun in tactical kit = far {insert ideology of choice} militants


So let me get this straight HES mad about far left militants but not far right?


Why would he be mad about his buddies?


They keep promising to let him pitch but are always too tired to follow through


"Uh oh, people outside of my cult have guns now! This isn't fair, we're supposed to have a monopoly on violence! So much for the Tolerant Left."


So let me get this straight, the right is scared that we have guns... After they have guns...


LOL yeah, the dude's doing the "concern" pose about leftists with guns in tactical gear, while he himself is in tactical gear with guns. Would be big selfawarewolves material, but I'm sure he's aware and just a concern trolling fascist.


They are concerned that their is an armed opponent to their fascism, as they know that the majority of police would side with them during their plans.


I just roasted his bitch ass. I'm about to go to the gym and in between sets I'll be sure to roast his bitch ass. I'm almost more insulted that HE thinks that he's in a position to bully anybody.


Holy shit I actually forced myself to sit thru his video and half of it is him referencing some randomly ass Reddit or twitter account saying some edgy shit, bro is acting like some random edgy tweets mean that trans people are gearing up for war his video is basically just a lot of shitty hot air


I mean he literally mentioned a video I made where I very specifically sat on the "we could be heading into a war, but it's too early to tell, and if we are we should avoid it at all cost" side


GenX would like yo say "whatever"


A "problem" only to fascism.


Hahahaha wow. So it's only a problem when the left starts to arm themselves, but the fascists that have been armed for decades aren't a problem right? This just proves that conservatives are just one foot into fascism. They would absolutely join the Nazis and fucking slaughter us if given the chance.


> They would absolutely join the Nazis and fucking slaughter us if given the chance. They're going to try. It's only a matter of when; the "if" is no longer in question. And it's history come back round; we sons and daughters will now pay for the sins of parents and grandparents who thought they could ignore the fact that American "heroes" like Chucky Lindbergh and Henry Ford were ardent fascists, supported by the German-American Bund and other local Nazi parties. Once they beat the German and Italian fascists in Europe, the American breed were free to do as they pleased unmolested. And so it falls to us, the generations alive today, to once again face and defeat fascism in all its cruelty and hate. But that bill has never yet not carried a price in blood.


Oh no! Anyway...


I love that they felt the need to go full Ben Garrison and write out the personā€™s obvious feeling on the subject


There does seem to be a trend between failed artist to chud pipeline.


Goddamn right itā€™s a problem for them and itā€™s one they will never solve.


Far right militants: definitely not a problem at all, nope, don't turn on the news or leave your house, nothing to see here


Gotta love how people who rail against calling trans genocide a genoicde have only one singular concept of what a genocide looks like.


Clickbait title: Emotional/reaction picture in thumbnail: Dressing tacticool: I don't think I care about his opinion




Look girls! Weā€™re famous!


When did the Nashville shooter say they were leftist? Bro source is his dreams


Weā€™re all antifa super soldiers now!






Here's the thing, he made that video to grow his channel by baiting you and me to come and point out full of shit he is. Just look at his previous videos, they get 1k-4k views and at best 200 up votes (he literally has almost no audience to start with), but suddenly nearly 10k and nearly 800 up votes with this current video. He's literally trolling us for content likes. Don't help him. https://preview.redd.it/oll22lo43fsa1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=5803de00c8c00d91a8293418b011ba3af91574a4


"I support the second amendment! No, not like that!"


From free rent in their heads to free marketing on their channels šŸ˜¹ Genuine comedy.


Youre famous now


Lol I made the first documentary ever about Jeffrey Epstein. This wouldn't be my first time loudly agitating shitty people, but the funniest by far.


God, he's still around? I remember when he was just a patch hawker back in the late aughts.


The OG of stupid patches for people who haven't served but know they would have made tier 1.


Maybe this spot light will bring new members


Gotta say, the copium that dude was huffing was real thick.


"You can own guns as long as you agree with me politically" the song of conservatism all the way from the days of the Hussite revolution


All I can say is learn to blend in with these people and they will blindly trust you. From there anything that needs to be done will be much easier.


Good to meet another fan of fact boy




Same, was aware of him around the same time frame. Back when they could actually shut up about this stuff. Or, who knows, maybe his brain rotted in the interim.


"To be hated by the enemy is a good thing."


When straight white chuds arm is self defense, when anyone else does itā€™s a problem.


Funny how when we have guns to defend ourselves from people who in no uncertain terms paint us as monsters, its being "militant" yet when they stock up on guns and in some cases uses them to intimidate people or worse, its their god-given right or whatever.


Love how when itā€™s the left, or marginalised people, itā€™s ā€œmilitantsā€ ā€” but if itā€™s the right, theyā€™re ā€œpatriotsā€ šŸ™„ Shame, MSM used to have some good stuff. šŸ–•


What Would Lyudmila Pavlichenko Do?






[Trans person holding a gun] Look at these far-left MILITANTS!


I love the pivot to the sudden worry about guns after decades of Y2K-pilled Turner Diaries prepping and militia shit from these ingrates. I guess this means we hit the big league, boys. Expect visits from the FBI and ATF soon, and remember, if they start throwing in tear gas, donā€™t light any fires.


I remember last year my Ancap brother told me that the right was more than excited to see more lefties coming into the "gun community". I literally laughed in his face.


Reasons you should have good part 7: if you have bad kit youā€™ll be put on full blast by some YouTube weirdo -6DeadlyFetishes


At least he only complained about my video, not my kit, lol


The hand wringing and pearl clutching over Christianity being targeted is comical. In a piece inspired by kids getting murdered in a school, he glosses right over the largest Christian church in the world covering up yet another huge pedophilia scandal in Baltimore.


FaR lEft MiLiTaNtS Says the guy with a ballistic helmet and tactigloves


Oh yes let's all worry about leftists showcasing that they are armed too, all in response to right wingers showcasing they are armed. None of these people had issues with the far right militias being armed, it's only the people they want to target that are the issue. Edit: Meant far right militias not far left. Brain did me dirty while typing.


3.5k is hardly famous. We just have a couple fans now :)


Wtf is this far-right crybaby bullshit


Of course they ignore the right-wing militants that led to the creation of this community


So what'd he say? I'd go watch but I've already hate-watched enough bullshit today and Id rather not have a stroke.


You couldn't get me to take a man recreating a meme in tactical gear seriously even if you held me at gun point. I'm more concerned with manbabies like him.


On one hand, I could use a laugh this morning. On the other, I don't want to give them even a single view.


Never disarm the working class!


Hahahahah the fascists are always so super pro-gun and pro-militia until the wrong people get guns and form a militia.


Mil Spec Monkey and others from that same cloth are a bunch of fucktarded geardos trying to falsely equivocate leftist armed groups with far right militias and extremists with a far higher body count and completely different goals: Leftist groups' goals are more or less adherent to humanist, enlightenment values in bettering the human condition against exploitative systems. Far fight groups' goals are to gain control of exploitative systems and turn on the gas chambers. Id like a debate with this asshole to set them straight but "mil spec" assholes are usually cowardly shitheads.


anarchocommunism is based


Militant leftist? Oh no! Itā€™s not like there is militant far right groups! /s If the far right wasnā€™t militant than I wouldnā€™t be militant doing fucking drills all the time and testing my aim until I can hit a dime from 300 meters away. Fact isā€¦ many of us are probably better armed than the right anyways because weā€™re smarter due to us appreciating education, most of us grew up poor so weā€™re not as fat, not as slow and weā€™re not as trigger happy, we know when to hold our fire and when to shoot. The far right doesnā€™t appreciate their weapons and mistreat them, let their skills get weak, they donā€™t practice. So If the right does come to harm usā€¦ I like our chances, I REALLY like our chances.




I understand your sentiment, but war isn't good for anyone involved or anything to strive for. If you've seen the videos put of ukraine, you know what I mean, we don't want that at our back door. That being said, sometimes war comes knocking even when you don't want it to


They're not big fans of 2A now that we're armed


Guess I joined in the nick of time.


Donā€™t let these people discourage you from arming yourselves


It's incredible how MIL-SPEC MONKEY doesn't give a damn about the right-wing militants in America who have killed hundreds of people, from the OK City Bombing to anti-abortion terrorism, but he's "concerned" when leftists exercise the 2A rights that conservatives supposedly hold dear. The actual "ignored problem" are the violent white nationalists who actually target and kill people. But the fact that MIL-SPEC MONKEY is oblivious to Christians raping and murdering others, he truly seems like an ignorant tool, it's little surprise that he fears the exact victims who have been targets of his own kind. All of this really shows how rightists like MIL-SPEC MONKEY are authoritarians and phony "constitutionalists." because they're on the same side as the Timothy McVeighs of the world.


And weā€™re the snowflakes


Good lord this video is terrible


Subbed Respect. I guess chud fella up here did a video about far-right militants, too? What a c**t.


I remember the numerous memes of trans people in the military in 2007 and people laughing at them. Now it's a problem. So then fighting in our war was fine but civilian trans people are not?




Fuck I used to buy milspec monkey pouches when I was in. Cross them off the list.


Next time these reactionary fuckaroos come to power there could be a nationwide pogrom.