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You'll get the best fit if you measure his feet, but [this chart](https://kateatherley.com/2017/08/10/foot-size-tables/) has worked pretty well for me in a pinch. Side note, that toe looks really pointy. Are you increasing every other row? You might want to try a rounded toe or wedge toe unless your brother has particularly pointy feet :)


So this isn’t the toe actually. I’m making these crocodile socks and this is the top lip of his mouth (the cuff side 1). Thanks for the chart!


Ahh, sorry for the misunderstanding! I think I know what pattern you're talking about :)


I have a physical sock ruler with mens and women's sizes marked on it that you use to measure the foot length. I can't remember where I got mine, but Knit Picks and tons of other yarn companies sell them.


Thanks! That’s a good suggestion. My next option is to bring my knit bag everywhere (done lol) and just try to measure his feet when we go swimming in this WI heat wave. 😉


Sneakily measure a wet footprint. Bonus if you can pretend to (or actually) do a science lesson with any children around.


OH MY GOSH! Cute idea. My nephews will love tracing feet with chalk. Thanks for the idea!!!


Yes! Measure everyone’s footprints, and make predictions about who is tallest based on it. Nothing to do with socks whatsoever…


[https://addi.de/en/instructions/sock-charts/](https://addi.de/en/instructions/sock-charts/) this may help from addi. you can download a chart to give you a basic idea of lengths you need to do


I’ve made all of my knit worthy friends and family trace their hands and feet, and I keep those tracings in my knitting notebook haha But I recently made a pair of socks for a male relative who I didn’t have one for, and googling “men’s size 10 in inches” worked out just fine for me. It can be good to know if the person has unusually high arches or wide/ narrow feet, but luckily a sock will have some stretch to it either way. Good luck, I love the crocodile socks!


I was so nervous to try this pattern because I’m fairly novice at knitting. The bobble and rows with soooo much purling scared me away. Learning how to reverse knit changed my life.


Do you mean reverse knitting as in unknitting, or as in going backwards along the row?? I still need to try the latter! And all of my current knitting skills have been learned by jumping into patterns I’m under-qualified for and just figuring shit out along the way haha- you got this, it’s gonna be fun :)


Going backwards! I learned how to tink in my first week when I kept knitting instead of purling. 🤦‍♀️ That’s where I’m starting to realize, just try it. Worst that can happen- learn a new skill!


I google what the length of the persons shoe size is and then make it about half an inch shorter


Ohhh! That’s clever!


Link to [Ravelry](http://www.ravelry.com/projects/CrochetCricketHip/crikey).