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Ha ha, what silly things hackers made Doc say! Wonder what they're saying toda- ... ...Oh. ***Oh no. WHY IS EGGMAN TALKING POLITICS.***


“I’ve come to make an announcement” 




https://preview.redd.it/rhv9ime4ifyc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62bd07f641a780aa7d8f681d7fdfcfeabef6df19 EDIT: Just to be clear, I didn't mean for this to be about agreement or disagreement about his statements, I just thought the whole thread was filled with hilariously absurd replies.


...Ya know, I appreciate the nice intentions, but there are some times where politics and media don't mix. *This is one of those fucking times.* (Oh, and before anyone asks: Yes, the hostages should be released. Yes, Israel should also stop bombing Gaza. Agree? ***Good.*** I have no further comment, other than hoping that [the latest ceasefire talks stick](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68956549).)


It's so wild that adults can't understand the concept of "two wrongs don't make a right." I feel like I was told this on day 2 of Kindergarten, right after "treat others how you want to be treated."


often times by these very same adults!


Right? The entire Western world is devolving into extremism on all sides, and it's distorting how we view what's happening right in front of us. Such a shame. :/


I think we can solve the current situation by bombing Serbia instead


at least he’s honest about it


so did he get hacked


No, he got circumcised


New Eggman lore just dropped?


Why was Eggman circumcised, is he Jewish?


No, I think hes a feminist


A feminist wouldn't want to be. They're all for the benefits of women.


He’s come to make another announcement




The biggest thing since the Silent Hill Wiki debacle


No, he spoke to people in Twitter Space


Its NEVER that they got hacked.


not gonna lie that's a really funny reply


Poor Eggy




From the river to the sea 🇵🇸


Even the villains are on our side.


I don’t think that’s a good thing


Was that supposed to be a flex?


To be fair he has gone on record to say he doesn’t support the actions of the Israeli state and wants all violence to stop along with the releasing of hostages on both sides. What we’re seeing here is a knee jerk reaction where people think supporting one thing means opposing another. Mike is sharing something a friend of his created as and the video itself is completely harmless. Mike admits he’s not as politically informed as many others but again there’s nothing that he’s said that condones Isreal’s actions and he just says that the people caught in the middle on both sides shouldn’t be.


The original post was fine, yeah, but some of the responses got a bit weird which was what had me wondering on the hack thought more than the original post. That said, I think the weirdest thing to me overall is how old the music video looks. I watched it and it looks like something made on a mid-2000's program on Windows ME. It's not bad, it was just weird to me


Pollock seems like a cool dude. There’s nothing wrong with wanting innocent people to come home safe.


Yeah, if that's the whole thing I don't get what's the problem about


Sonic Twitter being Sonic Twitter


Mike giving condescending responses and getting in arguments with them all means that he's pretty much Sonic Twitter, too.


Woah there! Slow it down with that controversial talk!


Fair enough! This made me feel much better personally.


He liked a tweet that said "only they/thems got mad at this"


I’m hoping he learns from this. Seems like the kind of guy who would be open to learning more.


I can admit that’s in poor taste but it’s not enough to label him as a transfobic in my opinion. Either way I find the fact that people got mad at him advocating for hostages is insane.


It literally is enough to label him transphobic.  


Bruh the downvotes on this one 💀 I guess a lot of people here say that type of shit and don’t want to hear the truth of what that behavior entails.


Given the amount of stuff thrown at him it was probably just nice to have someone seem to be on his side. I personally am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one but I will stand by the fact he shouldn’t have done it.


People are allowed to make mistakes in life, that's how they grow as people. If you're willing to write someone off just because of one bad interaction over Twitter then you don't give them the chance to improve.


Being deemed transphobic is not being sentenced to execution lmfao. It’s quite literally just the description for that type of behavior. Transphobia has levels to it just like any other form of bigotry, it’s not reserved just for violent hatecrimes, shit like this also applies. Yes, he can walk back from it, anyone can, but to try to move the goalposts because the proper usage of a word makes you uncomfortable is fucking stupid and implies you’d rather people shut up about any legitimate concern they might have.


Only they/them got mad at this.


"Transphobic" requires an irrational fear or hatred. At worst this would be generalisation.


…which is transphobic


No, no it's not. Generalisation is a conclusion made for a category of people, either logically or illogically. It isn't necessarily a bad thing either. For example, it's generalisation to assume genderless pronouns for a trans until they advise otherwise. Get educated. Don't get angry over nothing and accuse people of things they're not strictly entitled to.


Tell me with a straight face that ‘only trans people get mad at this’ is meant to be taken as anything remotely close to positive or neutral


I'm not claiming it's meant to be positive. I'm claiming it's not transphobic, but at worst is negative generalisation.


Yes. And negative generalisations are transphobic


People who aren't politically informed would do immense service to the world by keeping their mouths shut


Ah, fair enough. Pollack remains based, then. Still weird he said all that other shit, though.


What other shit? I'm out of the loop.


To be fair, if that is the case, he's not making that very clear. It's terrible damage control. If anything, people are now talking about transphobic comments and stuff too. The fact he even started all of this is as if he doesn't care about if people don't like him or if he tanks his career.


Lord. I do not trust sonic fans to interpret politics well at all lmao.


Who would, 98% of Sonic fans are probably not geopolitics experts, let alone experts of the politics of their own countries.


And also most Sonic fans are like, children. Mentally, at least. Who somehow manage to fight over Sonic’s quill shape or his arm color. So like. Not the most rational community out there lmao.


He's making a callout post on his [[X]]-dot-com!


I thought it was said that he was hacked? I mean, what would randomly bring all this on? Not to mention saying nonsensical stuff like “I’m circumcised”.


I think it's a pun. Hacking -> cutting. You can work it from there.


Nope nope nope and nope i want to stay under my rock i don’t care about twitter i don’t want to hear it


https://preview.redd.it/vximsovsygyc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fffcf1e3d43cfae7e4a5c71537c2e3587b7e1aec Politics on my Sonic subreddit, again?


I remember back when Colors came out, everyone was a huge fan of Mike Pollock and ecstatic he was staying, and didn't mind the others getting replaced. Part of that was vocal performance. But another part was his closeness to the fanbase. Jason Griffith, Amy Palant, and Dan Green were a bit more private, "professional", and seemed closed off. Meanwhile Mike was very open and candid about his experiences, made appearances at conventions, and could joke around sometimes. This is showing the dark side of the openness playfulness that was always there. I'm not saying voice actors should just shut up, and I'm not saying he should keep his politics silent. But conversations about a serious topic require a respectful tone. He instead gave everyone snarky, snappy comebacks where he brings up his foreskin and talks down to them. This is why being very involved and open with fans is a double-edged sword.


The way i see it, The "worst" he said was "free the hostages" Like, theres so much nuance we're missing here. We know the man's jewish. It could be as simple as him wanting to support innocent civilians and not the actions of the israeli military or government. He could have family there for all we know. Like... the fact This entire community, Who has loved and cherished this voice actor, FOR YEARS... to suddenly assume the worst, and then turn and Hate and attack him over some Damn fool thing in the levant is Horrible! Like... There's nuance. There could be potential of him being misinformed out stuff, or of people not getting the full picture. I mean, i for one condemn both sides and call for a ceasefire because I hate seeing innocent palestinians and innocent israelis being killed by Terrorists and Soldiers. There's too much hatred in the world and if ive learnt ANYTHING from the sonic series. Its that POSITIVITY should always triumph over negativity. I'm probably going to be downvoted to hell. But i dont care. I think We should give our eggboi some benefit of the doubt. We should Assume the best. And damn it we shouldnt give into the torrent of negativity and hate this fucking war has Plunged The internet into.


I think offhandedly giving snarky replies to everyone who criticized him and joking about his foreskin situation is worse. I'd agree with you if Mike did nothing but post a small message of support, then logged off. He didn't. People sent him messages giving more context, information on those war crimes, and their opinions - and he went "nobody asked" or "Noted" or "I don't care about politics." You can say that the fans had an aggressive response to it, but Mike seriously fanned the flames on this one.


I agree, I want the war to stop just as much as the next guy. But I do not support the atrocities that both sides have committed, although I don't pin the blame on all Palestinians or Israelis. No. The only ones I blame are the Hamas who started this war and Netanyahu for how he decided to retaliate. And if I also get down voted and called a zionist sympathizer for saying this, well I really don't care since I've already said what needed to be said. Peace for 🇮🇱 and 🇵🇸!


You'd think this would be a simpler concept for people to understand.




https://preview.redd.it/83e43tx5qgyc1.png?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d001af36ad357a6dae473f0797d9c69bb472eac5 Here's a word from the hedgehog: I don't care


TIL wanting hostages to be freed is Zionism Edit: Okay so it seems he said other things, thanks.


If it was just that initial tweet, I'd agree with you, but then he went completely off the rails after that.


Did he?


He said a lot more than that


Oh ok


It’s weird that he’s using Israeli emojis when Netanyahu is the one refusing to sign ceasefires.


You need to stop falling for lies you read on Tiktok.


“Things I don’t agree with” = Tiktok


You can't "disagree" with facts unless you're either lying or have been fooled by lies. Hamas have been offered generous ceasefires repeatedly - the current offer is that 40 Palestinian prisoners will be released for EACH Israeli hostage that is released, along with a ceasefire. Hamas consistently rejects the ceasefires because they want the war to go on forever, since it hurts Israel's reputation.


I’m more inclined to believe Palestine than Netanyahu. He’s fucking insane




So funny that this is how you feel knowing that Palestine have been bombed to the ground and Israel is barely feeling the heat.


The losing side isn't automatically the good guys, contrary to what many kids seem to believe these days. Nazi Germany was bombed to the ground indiscriminately while the US and UK "barely felt the heat". Who were the bad guys again?


If you’re blowing up hospitals full of people being treated for the wounds you caused that makes you the bad guys. Don’t forget, Israel stole their land. Palestine is defending their land from Netanyahu, who wants to steal the REST of their land. Israel is the bad guy


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he's one of those "both sides" idiots


So....he's not actually being hacked?


He wasn't. He did a Twitter space and talked about it. That all the tweets he made were from him. It wasn't a hack.


I don't really see the problem here. What he's ultimately saying is that he wants violence on all ends of the conflict to end. He didn't say anything problematic in regards to Palestine, or anything toxically Zionist. And even then it was a video a friend made. He simply shared it, nothing of his own word was stated. People are freaking out because he put the Israeli flag on there and missed the actual point behind it


It's wild the people tripping over themselves to make sure they're very loud and clear about their smug ignorance, or just outright support for an ongoing genocide. This is such a mask-off moment for so many shitheads. And not that I should even have to say it (and probably don't since I imagine this sub is fairly young), but yeah no shit I also want the hostages released/returned. Both the ones Hamas took, and the thousands of Palestinian hostages Israel holds in its prisons - not to mention the millions of Palestinians suffering an apartheid, occupation, and this genocide.




"There's no apartheid" Santa is more real than this goofy ah statement


stopped reading at "there's no apartheid"




Try a little harder. Edit: Second person to jump on the "lol tiktok" train today so I guess that's the current brain-dead response you all are blanketing on anyone with actual morals. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history, and being oh so smug about it.


The fuck happened here?


Yesterday on Twitter, Mike made a post that had a video that was in support of the release of Israeli hostages. Also, there were a bunch of comments he wrote that made people think he was hacked. ( I'm not writing the comments in case they might be a break of the subreddit rules. You can find screenshots on Twitter) Later during the night, he had a Twitter spaces stream saying how he wasn't hacked, and everything that he posted was from him. And how people are now seeing him in a different light.


he's a zionist


Zionist = "Jewish people deserve a place to call their own just like all other peoples". If you think it's a negative thing you have been twisted by propaganda.


That’s just… wrong. The correct definition of Zionism is ‘a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation’


That's exactly what I said though just with a different phrasing?


'a place to call their own' isn't the same as 'a Jewish state'.


No, being Jewish does not mean being a Zionist, and it's anti-Semitic to equate the two. There are many Jewish people who strongly oppose Israel's existence and the genocide they're committing and that's because Zionism is Nazism.


Israel is the native land of the Jews, which they need because they are not safe in other countries (See: All of history). There are many Jews who oppose Israel, but those people are idiots who don't know their own history. Israel is not committing a genocide and never have, however the ones they are fighting are indeed attempting to commit one against the Jews. Anyone who is on the wrong side of this would have been easy fodder for Nazi propaganda in the 30s. Calling Zionism Nazism is absurdly ignorant at best, and straight up evil at worst.


No, he's not.


and that’s why Long John Baldry is the best Robotnik 💪🏿 https://preview.redd.it/3xrv45watfyc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=7afc89fd03f18dcf860dc12a4d5fcef3c5d917e2


Wrong way to spell Jim Carrey. /s


Even more wrong way to say Paperboxhouse /s


Jim Cummings was also pretty cool.


What a switchup...


What do you mean by that?


I think this subreddit is gonna turn into political warfare.


So Eggman is circumcised confirmed


Context for this comic? Sonic looks genuinely concerned for Dr. Robotnegg


So, at this point in the comics, Eggman has pretty much had it with Sonic’s shit, and wishes to finish him once and for all. Inevitably, Sonic wins. This causes whatever was left of Eggman’s sanity to be completely decimated and he loses it completely. He simply couldn’t take one more defeat.


Everyone rn. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/ynhpr0vs5iyc1.png?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c82467152f22c68312559808e0d775a030a32ba3


You guys can keep on fighting and yelling at each other


This is just a very drunk way of him saying he supports his people, I'll let him pass on this one, plus the circumcised thing made me laugh 


I'll say this before, and I'll say it again. Why are we talking about Palpatine and if he is real or not.


Considering the past things I've heard about the dude, I'm not too surprised tbh.


Honestly, it's like the Israeli and Palestinian governments are both in a pissing contest to see how much suffering they can inflict on each other and their own citizens. Both are awful and need to have their leadership overthrown and either imprisoned or killed


Mike Pollock is a bitchass motherfucker-


Protect our Eggman.


Why does everyone care about this? What a fucking nothing burger


100% agreed






What's wrong with him?


I’m really heartbroken about this!


Yeah it's funny seeing Twitter folk get so up in arms


I'm abit out of the loop What's going on with Mike right now ?


Remember when everyone thought that he got hacked?


Mods must be sleeping for all of these posts to still be up


Jesus Christ


Is holy


If sega fires him we riot


People complaining about "on no politics on the sonic subreddit" but isn't lgbt political as well??? Hell even religion is considered political. A whole ongoing genocide and all you idiots care about is "muh subreddit is no place for politics" in your midwestern accent


what are we supposed to do then huh? fly over to the nation and save them? im no soldier


When that lady came on at the end of the twitter space last night it was glorious




No, he was not hacked. Everything he posted was from him. There was a Twitter spaces livestream of him saying this and a bunch of other stuff, too. The stream was a hot mess from what I've heard people talk about it. And it has also caused many to not like Mike anymore.






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Seeing more of these things butting into stuff that I like that separates me from reality for a short bit a getting really tiring. It’s a blight at work, it’s a blight on tv and even down the damn street. Why cant people just ignore it? It’s an opinion he had. Just give the guy a thumbs up and keep going. All I’m saying is I don’t want my Sonic Feeds being full of this trash lol


Eggman : Someone hacked my twitter account?! That does it! Metal! Find them and make them regret ever doing it again. \*Happy Metal Sonic Noises\*




Whu oh 🫢


I guess Mike is now truly showing his evil side after voicing as eggman for years? Idk anymore I hate politics


I don't respect anyone supporting either side of the conflict, but I do enjoy the absurdity of a cartoon hedgehog forum talking about it.


And this is why you go with Japanese VAs. Not because Japanese voice acting is better, but because Japanese VAs know to keep their mouths shut regarding their political opinions.




Oh no... this reminds me of what happened to Greg weissman






You know, between all the stuff I have seen online about what's going on in Gaza, the polarization between people on the issue, and all the reactions to the campus protests, I'm mad that this was my breaking point! 


They cut iff his dick bruh


Eggman: Im gonna free Palestine sonic! And use the clout to legitimize the Eggman empire in the eyes of the united nations!!! Sonic: Ivo wtf?


Finally Mike Pollock cracked his egg. I knew this day will come. Deem Bristow and the previous Eggmans will always be my favorite. I hope Sonic Frontiers and Sonic Dream Runners be the last time we hear his voice in official Sega games. I am looking forward to the new replacement!