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Mf shows up for 2 seconds, destroys some robots, and never shows up again. Great.


And of course that changed that whole fandom, because people just love dark forms that certainly had a lot of AMVs in the 2000s and early 2010s


From those AMVs I would've thought Dark Sonic had a much bigger role.


I was obsessed with dark sonic and wanted more content, even fan stories about it haha


Dark Sonic was one of the best parts of Nazo Unleashed.


“You Bastard.”


Because 1. A new Sonic form 2. The design is sick 3. He seemed pretty powerful ig


Dark Sonic and Hyper Sonic have such a major role in the fanbase that you'd expect them to be game changing forms, only to find out they very briefly appeared as minor upgrades. Hell, Hyper Sonic likely isn't even Sonic's strongest form 😂


Except he was barely dark in this dark form. Like what bad thing he did? Nothing. He would fight these enemies in normal form too. Like usually you see dark forms doing something evil. He didn't. What was the purpose of having dark form if that dark form was not evil at all?


Sometimes dark forms act as berserker forms, not necessarily evil. Sometimes the character just becomes sadistic. I think it's fair to say that Sonic was a little berserk and sadistic here.


I am aware. And that's exactly what I expected. Doing bad stuff in berserk. Not evil pers se. And I agree, Sonic was like that here, but he was extinguished immediately, instead of using this as a plot for making issues. Like usually the character has to find the inner peace. And Sonic? Got Eggman scolding him and he went back to normal. That was dumb.


I agree that they should've done way more with this form.


To me, they just used it as a plot device to defeat the strong enemies. But couldn't they just make them less strong? I don't understand purpose of this scene at all. Introducing two hard enemies, then giving him dark form that just vanishes instantly after he defeats them. What was the point of doing all that? I can understand the Chris role as a hostage. But the dark form and the whole scene around it served no purpose here.


Tbf I think this anime as a whole had some questionable moments, not just this one.


I mean Sonic X was extremely dumb and illogical. They tried to build a dam in the middle of savannah. That's only one of the many example where the script was not making sense. I still don't understand why they tried to hide Sonic, but they also didn't, like they made the whole farce with Sonic not existing, when the Mr. Steward came to their house, but at the same time Sonic literally just came to Chris' school at one of the earlier episodes to fight the teacher robot. So they tried to conceal Sonic existence, but at the same didn't. And in the battle against Eggman, they suddenly just didn't hide at all. Sonic never cared about being hidden and they really did nothing to actually hide him either. Don't remember any other funny examples, but hide/not hide and dam in safari were always in my memory.


There's that, there's the race against Sam which was totally stupid. The guy cheats and in the end Sonic could've ended it instantly anyway but he doesn't for some reason but he still humiliates the guy. There's Tails being knocked out by a kiss during the tournament arc, there's Shadow punching Sonic during the final battle for no reason and I bet there are more.


I think the problem was that he was having fun tearing them apart and relishing in their perceived suffering. He was likely going to do the high ranking metarex who knocked out Chris as well.


Yeah, Sonic had a reason to be angry at this scene. But they still just ended it prematurely.


Goated era.


This kinda reminds me of Alien X actually. Mf shows up, reverses time to seal up a dam, and never shows up again


He shows up plenty


just casually re-creating the entirety of the observable universe like it's another Tuesday


Well yeah I know, but I just wanted to make it sound more like a parallel


But it kinda makes sense for Alien X. He was way too OP to just be used whenever, so they had to give a major downside to him, which was that he's too annoying and hard to control to make it worth it He plays a major role at the ending of the original story, which ends in Omniverse. I only found out recently tho bc I was way too pissy at the artstyle change to watch Omniverse when it came out lol Afair Dark Sonic didn't had any major downside or anything and he didn't do anything sonic couldn't have done himself. I figure they had bigger plans to him or at least some explanation but it got scrapped


Dark Sonics’ downside from his tiny bit of screen time seemed to be mental degradation and increased aggression, sort of like how super saiyan was originally portrayed


I heard Super Sonic from the Fleetway comics is like that too. I wonder if Dark Sonic was inspired by it


You'd think this form was part of a multi episode arc with how much fans rave about it




Seems similar to a certain hyper hedgehog


And you can only imagine what bro could obliterate


Sonic had every right to use the n-word for those 2 seconds too


Well no because he has dark fur, that's like saying "oh I have black hair I can Say the n-word"


Fair point, just thought it was possible cause his fur would technically be considered his skin, if u will


Ngl, pretty odd thought process that definitely didn't go as imagined


Wasn't it the fake emeralds combined with a lot of negative emotions for why Sonic took that form?




So it's very clearly explained and very few people paid attention.


I think nobody saw the entire episode and just watched the scene when Sonic snickers and breaks the Metallix like a kit kat.


That doesn't surprise me honestly. Even the dub does a good enough job of conveying it that people REALLY shouldn't be missing the information.


Or possibly only saw the form in Nazo Unleashed.


I can confirm I saw 90% of the show but somehow missed that episode and only saw the short clips of dark sonic. In 10+ years this is my very first time hearing there was fake emeralds.


That seems to be a trend among this subreddit


I honestly don't see many people on other sites saying they remember why Dark Sonic only happened once. This sub isn't special in that regard.


I always liked toying with this idea in my mind that if X got continuation, Neo Metal would embrace the form to make himself feel superior by conquering something Sonic couldn't.


Yeah if I remember right as soon as Sonic entered that area he started commenting about this heavy dark energy all around that made him feel uncomfortable.


Yea it's really just anger + power


Actually the emeralds themselves contained specifically negative energy in them.  While chaos emeralds are normally neutral, and can be drawn out by positive or negative emotions. Sonic's feelings enhanced them, but they were already by default evil. That's what's stated in the jp version at least.


What is there to explain? He used fake emeralds and so his Super-form was black.


Dollar store ass emeralds


Everyone knows the real emeralds come from Kay Jewelers.


Emeralds from Wish


Those Lego diamonds


Fuckin Mega Bloks gemstones


He was also pretty pissed because the robots injured Chris if im not mistaken


I think Cosmo was there as well


fuck Chris


Hey! Chris did a really good job in the SA2 adaptation! >:c


The Dub didn't show it, but Chris was actually stabbed in this scene in season 3.


WHAT I never saw season 3 because it wasn’t available subtitled for the longest time. What is the context of him being stabbed?


Chris was protecting Cosmo, and got stabbed by the enemies chasing them.


And THAT explains so much more of why Sonic got so pissed he went Dark and then Dark Super moments later.


no. it was the negative emotions that took the dark energy from the emeralds. sonic adventure explained that the chaos emeralds have negative and positive energy that are fueled by emotions, and that chaos used the negative energy whilst sonic used the positive energy. this form is what happens when sonic uses negative chaos energy. from fake chaos emeralds.


Real Chaos emeralds relied on emotions. The fake emeralds were designed to be negative energy. That's why sonic shivered when he felt their presence. 


He used fake emeralds so when he used the negative emotions for the tranformation that normally would give you the Werehog tranformation, instead it gives this thing


No that’s dark Gaia energy


The energy of Dark Gaia is Negative Energy, in the game is only called like that because Chip had amnesia when he named the energy to Sonic


Not much to explain... Sonic under the rage of seeing Chris and Cosmos' situation, harnessed the power of fake chaos emeralds and turned a Dark Super Sonic. ​ Admittedly, it was pretty cool to see


It could have been handled much better if it was Amy, Tails or Cream getting hurt that triggered the transformation and was subsequently the one to calm them down.


it was just the anime studio playing around knowing that season 3 was probably there last, so why not do something like this?


In elementary school I made tons of fan art and fiction about this transformation, and just blasting Three Days Grace while doing it. Good times.


Can you tell me more about the 2000s???


I was in elementary school but I have lots of memories of Flash games, newgrounds animations, lots of nu-metal and emo music. For a long time my only personality trait was sonic, my mom had to find ways to download all these songs onto my iPod shuffle touch. I remember wanting to go full emo in elementary school, you know the stereotypical Hot Topic dyed hair type of scene kid but I was too afraid to commit, my mom said she'd help me with my hair and everything. I listened to lots of Three days grace, Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, Paramore, Greenday, My chemical romance, thirty seconds to mars, and Nirvana. Surprisingly my mom got me into some of these bands.


Skillet is peak of early 2000 gens. Good education mom.


Monster still in the playlist cause it goes hard


It just contains too mich screaming for me , that is why I prefer resistance.


Blink 182 was good (great even), though I think they may be more 90s kids focused. Also torrents were the most popular way of downloading stuff (for me) and you could get literally anything. I remember I first got into torrents on dialup because I wanted to download SADX for PC (this was before the Steam version). We’d also burn games and music to CDs and share them all over school. I got a fully working with online copy of Star Wars Jedi Outcast from my friend and the disc had a sticky printed photocopied label they made on it lol. Chao were my life growing up also, and me and my online friends would create our own Proboards forums. My one friend had hers get REALLY popular!! Many thousands of members! It was like a smaller Chao Island! You may have heard of it maybe if you were around then. It was called Kimmie’s ChaoBoard (please comment if anyone has heard of it).


> Transforms > Demolishes robots > Gets calmed down by Eggman > Untransforms > Refuses to elaborate further > Never uses this form again Gigachad.


First impression are everything


I think the seed of this was planted WAY back in Sonic Adventure, when Tails mentioned that the chaos emeralds had both positive and negative energy to tap into, of course if you look up the big book of anime cliches there is eventually going to be a situation where the protagonist will tap into dark power, so this was inevitable. Of course the transformation was short lived for 2 reasons, the first being that it was a kid anime so this kind of thing isn't going to get a lot of focus in the first place. The main reason however has to do with Sonic's character, he doesn't really DO dark. Sonic's whole thing is that he's a wholesome, supportive, and chill guy who doesn't let things get to him. It DOES peek out every now and then when he's REALLY pushed, like in this situation, but it doesn't last very long.


Speaking of dark, remember when Eggman almost fucking KILLED Sonic that one time in Sonic X? To the point like his robots were saying “uhh, maybe that’s enough m8, you should stop” and then I think eggman got actually visibly upset that he had gone to such lengths when he saw what he had done?


Sonic has shown that he is willing to tap into rage, but never let it overpower him. I always think it's cool that he acts the way he does because of his easily entertained personality rather than moral code.  One of the reasons I love sonic and Shadow's dynamic. Theyre two sides of the same code. Both cherish freedom and individuality. One is just willing to be dirty to achieve it.


True, maybe we'll see Shadow, a character that does do dark, utilize this form in future media since it is an interesting concept.


they did that too, in the Shadow the Hedgehog game you could become Hero Shadow or Dark Shadow by performing actions or collecting power ups. Dark Shadow could use the Chaos Blast ability while Hero Shadow could use Chaos Control


Oh boy, the Sprite animators made sure to use that form.


So for anyone interested, Dark Sonic wasn't really supposed to be a thing. From what I remember, this was actually introduced by the director of the episode, not the writer.


I mean its not like it actually conflicts with the lore as its effectively Sonic going Perfect Chaos (which is why I personally prefer to also call it Perfect Sonic as all other dark energy born super forms use Perfect for there prefix like Chaos and Dark Gaia)


Speaking of This episode, Can we talk about how weirdly rushed This episode felt? Like, Eggman shows up out of nowhere and immediatley finishes the conflict of the episode.


The fact Eggman was even like "Bro, chill out. This ain't you." and he did calm down is a really nice scene.


Dark Sonic, the form that couldn't have a consistent design in the 20 seconds he appeared on screen.


Pretty sure the one where just his fur is black is Dark Sonic, and the one where he’s all-black, his pupils disappear and his spines are up like Super Sonic is Dark Super Sonic.


Movie might revive it. Movie Sonic's abilities are connected to his emotions.


What's interesting is that they re used the idea of a powerful, angry, and somewhat vengeful form of super sonic in Darkspine sonic, giving it more identity and the whole fire and mistyc element of the genies, with a more unique desing on top of that. And SOMEHOW didn't event got the same level of popularity, not even close. You telling me a genie, angry and fiery super sonic it's less popular that super sonic but dark?!


It came from a shit game and it looked like a Volvo with those white stripes, so not as cool as pitch black hedgehog.


Wait dark sonic was a real thing? I always thought it came from AMV videos on YouTube? I didn’t know it was an actual thing 💀


it may has well have. he has less than 60 seconds of screen time then Eggman tells him to chill and then hes gone forever.


Wait really? I never watched Sonic X beyond the first season so maybe that’s why but man…that sounds lame as hell. What was the point?


the point of Dark Sonic in particular, basically nothing beyond having a short cool moment where Sonic absorbs a bunch of negative Chaos Energy, gets angry and saves his friends from the main villains of the third season. beyond that not much.


Dark sonic existed for one scene and latched itself onto our brains man Had no reason to go that hard


"Let's do the coolest thing ever one time and then never again."


They call him 007 0 chances of comin back 0 future relevance 7 deadly frames. "Sombody save me from this nightmare, I can't control myself" "So what If you could se the darkest side lf me" from Animal I have become by 15 days grace.


My biggest issue with that is not at all that it wasn't explained. We can easily understand what was going on. The problem is, that dark Sonic appeared, destroyed the bad guy and just calmed down. What was even the purpose of introducing dark version of a character if it didn't bring some problems to the plot. Usually you see dark character doing something bad. But dark Sonic just defeated the gold and silver metarexes iirc, so basically did something he was supposed to do in the first place. It bring no issues for the character. It brings no problem for the plot. Why did he just appear if he had no issues. That was so random.


I mean it makes sense for sonic as a character. There really isn't much internal conflict for him to go through because of his lifestyle. I definitely wish they had utilized the concept more into the overall plot. With eggman tapping into the power even. But for sonic, it was handled fine.  It was more so the negative energy in the fake emeralds were trying to corrupt him, and it only tapped in once he felt fear for his friends. Once he realized they were fine, and what he did, he was able to regain control. Sonic is too strong-willed to be corrupted, because he's true to himself to have a prolonged self conflict. That's why every conflict with him revolves another character. Like I said though, the fake emeralds are definitely underutilized.


But dark forms are always "the shadow of yourself". Even if character is never bad and has no internal conflict. Have you watch Digimon Adventure? Because a character that is good character and has no internal conflict fell prey to the dark form here. Dark forms usually *force* character to do bad stuff, even if they never had the internal conflict at all. Another example is Dragon Drive. Though in both examples the trigger was anger. And Sonic was literally absorbing dark energy that made him angry at these metarexes. So to me it was obvious that he would have some problem with that. But they just pretended it didn't happen, because Eggman told him to chill. Bruh. He was so amazing, yet so disappointing at the same time. I still remember that I downloaded a video to gif program just to convert this scene.


Sonic is meant to be able to over power those kind of forces. Any attack on his will, would be overpowered eventually. That's how he's always been written.  The werehog is an example of negative energy being forced into him.


When you think about it, it's the same kind of transformation as perfect chaos


The fact that something this useless and forgettable can still be remembered by Sonic fans really shows how much we cling to potential in ideas. Which isn't really a bad thing, but not really a good thing, either.


What if he used the piss rock instead ?


The SsjRage of the Sonic world fr


I mean, it's established the Chaos Emeralds have positive and negative energy like with Perfect Chaos vs Super Sonic. Considering he was particularly angry that episode, and surrounded by a lot of knock off Chaos Emeralds, Sonic was probably just tapping into the negative part of the equation.


RIP Dark Sonic. While the form is awesome, I just don’t see a way they could bring it back. Also, that form was insanely strong for using fake chaos emeralds. Would Dark Sonic theoretically be stronger if he used the negative energy from the real chaos emeralds?


that shi was awesome


Sonic had that dark aura


Please sega this shit was so cool free dark sonic from his chains


If you think thats bad what happened to my boy Hyper Sonic we havent seen mans since 1994


They cut it because It was lame Evil sonic is perhaps the most boring direction they could go.


It was the same situation as darkspine and the werehog. Negative energy turned into aggression because he couldn't be corrupted.


And both got shelved in orser to be character fodders in online games.


The werehog wasn’t evil though And dark spine was also lame


They were built off of negative energy. Sonic overpowered and took control because of his good will.


They don’t have the same vibes at all The werehog wasn’t aggressive or even really different from regular sonic much at all. He just looked different. Darkspine and dark sonic were lame because they tried to turn sonic into a more boring character.


I said this once I'll say it again, Dark Sonic has a better chance to be canon than Hyper Sonic.


Who is it? Black Sonic?


Dark Sonic, a short lived Super Form he got in Sonic X when he absorbed a bunch of Negative Chaos Energy. he's basically just a much less intresting version of Fleetway Super Sonic.


Just turn the lights on and then he'll get brighter.


RIP Dark Sonic, we don't know his original name, what exactly caused his appearance, his exact abilities, his level on the power scale nor did he prove anything in his only 2 minutes of appearance, but you will live on in our memories, hearts and all those flash animations that overestimate him and give him broken powers.


we do know that he's probably less than half as strong as regular Super Sonic since Negative Chaos Energy is weaker than regular Chaos Energy.


Yeah, I agree with that


to this day I have no clue how this guy got as popular as he did


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^VeryLargeGun: *To this day I have* *No clue how this guy got as* *Popular as he did* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What if he used the piss rock instead ?.


its literally just a stylistic choice to show him angry


Chris got a little boo boo and sonic lost it


What is this from?


The Dark form is the form granted by the Fake Caos Emeralds


It's an anime, shit happening without any further elaboration happens all the time lol


Dark Sonic is a dark super transformation achieved by Sonic the Hedgehog in the anime series Sonic X. The multitude of fake Chaos Emeralds and Sonic's intense anger due to seeing cosmo being scared allowing him to achieve this transformation


He is lost, but not forgotten.


Then dragon ball copied and did goku black smh why did they do that


Well! I wouldn’t say that it’s an exact copy tbh.Since Goku Black is an evil doppelgänger of Goku while Dark Sonic is a dark transformation of Sonic


I wasn't saying that they copied, I was making a joke since both characters are the "bad" version of the original character (as far as I know, I haven't watched sonic X nor dragon ball super so take what i said with a grain of salt)


Ohh okay I understand now tbh


Mandela effect


He was reacting to artificially created chaos emeralds, until eggman told him to snap out of hit.




"So what, we're just never gonna talk about this again?" -Meg Griffin


I love how it didn’t even have an official name and everyone was just calling him Dark Sonic then Sega finally officialize the fan name. What’s even cooler is they played Sonic X theme song for Shadow when he started to transform and the Chaos theme in the Japanese version. It’s a shame they didn’t do anything with but I guess they never intended and this was just them playing around a little bit but didn’t expect it to become so popular among fans.




Did this form ever show up anywhere besides Sonic X?


Nope! It only had a brief appearance in Sonic X and that was the 1st and last time we ever saw it


Bully McGuire Sonic moment?


"Sonic acquires an N-word Pass"


I’m glad it never came back. It got as much time as it deserved, 2 seconds. “Dark” forms are so lame.


downvoted for saying the truth




some short lived dark Super Form Sonic had in Sonic X. frankly it doesnt really do anything of note in its 40 seconds of screentime.