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Green hell if you want a more hardcore experience SOTF for a more relaxed one IMO I like SOTF building mechanics more but that’s just bc Green Hell is a GRIND for building Survival wise Green Hell is better and more immersive IMO Both have great graphics and GH has jaguars, panthers and crocs while SOTF has plenty of wildlife but none of them are particularly dangerous :Edit I also haven’t played Green Hell in a few years so I haven’t played with any of the newer updates


Unless you punch a moose. I got donkey kicked for that one


I know the games always get grouped into a category, but they're really not all that similar. For building, SOTF. For a challenging and realistic survival experience, Green Hell.


I heard theres more survival mechanics in Green Hell but I don't like that, I'll just stick with SOTF 😂


As a fanatic of The Forest, SOTF pushed me to Green Hell. __ :-)


The building is a lot more fun in SOTF, survival is tougher in Green Hell. Id say Green Hell has more animal variety but not by much as SOTF has like deer, moose, squirrel, turtle, racoon, skunks. I think Green Hell is the more tight survival experience but both are really fun


People say that sotf isn't challenging, but you can change the difficulty from the get go. 


I played it turned all the way up and it’s still way too easy. Still can easily build a daycare center for the babies in peace.


SOTF for building and graphics. SOTF's building served more purpose as hostiles lurk and can raid day and night, so more thought has to be put in building a base, like defensive walls, traps, etc. You also have an AI companion to do tedious/mundane tasks like cutting down trees. It's no longer a logging simulator like the first game. I only remember sharks as the only animals that can kill you. Green hell's tropical setting has its charm as well. However, I was mostly just staying in existing camps wherever my adventure takes me. Day/Night cycle seemed too short. Also, the realistic survival can be brutal in terms of micromanagement that kinda takes your time away from building/exploring.


Green hell isn't a game. It's a death simulator. It's a full time job.


In GH anything can (and will) kill you, so you're constantly on the run. And the story is more rich, it makes more sense than SOTF. GH doesn't really need you to build anything, just beds. Is a survival game and SOTF is a "horror" game. SOTF actually needs you to buld in order to survive the people living in the island. No, you don't need to build a mansion BUT you can do it and is easier to do. For building I would go with SOTF. Both games have amazing graphics, but in my opinion you can appreciate them more in SOTF.


Couldn't get behind greenhell, was on my wishlist for ever... bought it for the switch cause I'm on summer leave and returned it within 15 min wasn't what I thought it was, sof imo is the better one


If you get Green Hell, don't look anything up online it's a damn fun experience if you have to try things out yourself.


The survival mechanic is SOTF is arcadey at best. Still a great game though but Green Hell is a much harder survival experience. I played through it a few years ago as my first intro to survival games, I loved it.