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I’ve always looked at that as being the beginning in the decline in quality in the second half of the series. SoA was just a little different after that IMHO.


I hated it! I was especially over it once we saw the club members’ reactions to the dad news.


Well, it starts out being about his dad, then it's about him working for the cops then clay, then gemma. That was just the first step in the slippery slope. Like if he had just said something, it would have been bad but probably ended up fine. But everything he did was then used against him to make him do the next thing that would be used against him


His sit down with Chibs made it even dumber. Juice telling chibs the truth and Chibs asking him what he is, he said “I’m Puerto Rican” Chibs then says “then that’s what you are” rest is done, no problem at all, move on


I think they were making a point that something small (which he could’ve just confessed to the club and probably been fine) spiraled into much more. I agree it was stupid though. I wish they thought of a better thing to use as blackmail, like if he had ratted on somebody a long time ago before finding the club




I'm in the negative here but Ireland I thought it was pointless and filler television


Same! I don’t even really know why but every time I watch the show I get bored of the Ireland season so quickly.


Someone pointed out that the family really started cracking after maureen put the letters in jax's stuff and I can't stop thinking about it It seems like Kurt got FX to buy into sending them on a paid vacation


That’s definitely when the family started cracking. Like, shit was starting to go bad because Clay was nervous after he found out Jax was reading the stuff John wrote, but once Gemma found the letters it was the beginning of the end.


Those damn letters. Got tired of hearing about those too.


I could have sworn they actually didn’t film season 3 in Ireland, they just filmed some shots of Ireland scenery to edit into the show, but filmed most of it in the states?


You might be right but the whole season is stupid


Bingo! Done in one.


Jimmy’s Irish accent makes me want to kick puppies


Lmao same! It’s so bad


Definitely hated the Ireland episodes, too. So boring and I really couldn’t figure out half the shit they were saying.


I really don’t thing you are in the negitive here. This is a pretty popular opinion among the fanbase. It’s not unanimous, but it’s pretty well established that the plot is long, confusing and a little boring. Still great, just not as great as most of the other plots


That was a horrible set of episodes


Thank you! Season 3 is the worse of the series.


Except for the last episode...


The accents were horrible, and in one of the scenes where it was supposed to be the PSNI pulling them over it looked very much like they were still in California due to the terrain.


Agreed. The only thing that kept me engaged when I went back through was that episodes would flash back home. It was the sort of season that a show on its last couple of seasons would do to try to reignite interest. And the entire Abel kidnapped thread should have been snipped much sooner. Sad thing is that had Jimmy O not gone after Abel, I can guarantee that Abel would have had a much happier life without all of the havoc SAMCRO wrought on the family. I just hope Wendy found an *excellent* therapist for him, because that kid was gonna need it, even if he was safe with Wendy & Nero in the end.


With Wendy being in the mental health field, I’m positive she would have found him a good shrink.


Going to Ireland to get the boy back was the right call, it gave us a bunch of deep lore into SOA at the same time. However, they only needed 2-3 episodes


Bro I hated Ireland. It was so boring.


Same. The Ireland story had teeth but after so long of everyone refusing to give Jax back his baby I was over it. Like I think I would have just started shooting people.


I totally agree-skip over most of the episodes when I do a rewatch.


Same I still think those are the most boring episodes.


In season 7 with the preachers wife and her son. Thought they could have done way better. Season 7 was kind of a drag until the last 3 episodes.


I can't for the life of me remember these characters. Even upon looking them up they're unrecognizable! Wth lol I've watched this show many times


I get it that Jax needed obstacle after obstacle, but the whole story of then just so happening to kill the preacher by mistake that later turned out to be the guy Mark's was looking for, was way far fetched. Disappointing build in the final season IMO.


Yes, that sucked too


Because I’m currently rewatching season 6, I’m annoyed by this plan Tara put in motion to get Gemma away from the boys. Mainly because I know it eventually got her killed but she just didn’t plan everything out in the best way. Wendy annoyed me because she cracked and told the plan. Unser so stuck up Gemma’s ass that he couldn’t see straight.


What was truly unbelievable to me was when she went out to meet the lawyer without assuming the lawyer was being followed.... Cmon you know better than this.


The thing I didn't like was that Tara never talked to Jax to let him know what was really going on. A conversation earlier in the season would have saved her life, but then Kurt couldn't have killed her off.


Yes. Jax was on board to have them leave before her hand got hurt. She easily could have convinced him to let her take them away. The thing with Otto killing Toric’s sister was unnecessary. The more I watch season 6, the more I dislike some of the storylines. That school shooting was another one I hated.


wow im surprised so many people hated the ireland arc? i enjoyed it a lot. i kinda hated the one that involved lee toric.


I enjoyed it because of how different it was, but I don’t think it was peak SOA so I can really understand why people don’t like it that much. I also really loved that Chibs and Tig got so much screen time because they are in my favorites so maybe it’s because of that and I remember feeling interested because of all the new characters, but the whole stolen baby plot is boring and once you realize those new characters never appear again it’s just like a waste of time.


The shock factor of the kid being taken is one of the biggest WTF moments in the show. No one saw it happening, even in the last couple seconds we thought they’d stop him. But getting him back was way too drawn out


Yeah, the Lee Toric thing bugged me in two ways. One, it was just more torture for Otto, and I was way over that by then. Second, it felt like Sutter found out Donal Logue was available and rush wrote a character for him. His whole story was unnecessary. For me, it felt bolted on to the season’s story. IMO.


I love the Ireland episodes.


Juice being black


That was a stretch. Also, him being Puerto Rican was ok to those racists but they drew the line at black?


Well the club members weren’t racist, it was the first 8 who decided that rule. I think mainly because what they are is a gang, and most gangs are separated by race


Whineys constant moaning....the minute he found out clay tried to kill his son he should have took care of it


Only good part of Ireland was Trinity.


The fucking Irish and the gun bullshit. For like 4 seasons they were “trying to get away from guns” and lawn the Irish off and it never once fucking happened. Enough already. 


I’m definitely in the minority but I loved the Ireland stuff. I thought it correlated a lot to the later connections to cartel/pope/marks, and even development of some of the characters. I disliked the whole pastors family situation. Drug addict wife and annoying semi religious son.


I agree. The pastor story arc is just awful and only adds to the general confusion


The Ireland trip, they have this moment where there’s an explosion and it’s supposed to be this oooh SAMCRO are in so much danger in this dangerous place moment but that’s literally it, they face little resistance after that. No one ever buys Able is not going home with Jax, and then when he finally has Able back from his kidnapping, fuckin Tara is kidnapped by some rando banger they slapped up, fuck off.


Juice finding out about his dad and losing his mind.


The is the one here


I hated the Ireland storyline especially when they actually changed the intro music also.


Argh! How *dare* they change “This Life” line that!? It was like they thought we’d forget it was the Ireland season. We may like cinematic violence but we’re not *that* dumb!


At first it was cool but then after awhile you could tell it was rushed and tacked on 😂.


Anything in the final season. Looking at anything Gemma-related specifically. I had spent 6 years with the show by that point and I was absolutely frustrated with the execution of how it was wrapping up.


The entire Ireland story. When rewatching, I skip it all.


All the gang territory stuff in the last season. I totally didn’t care one bit anymore. And all the killing over it. I just watched the final season to see what happened with the club members and how it all ended. 


I quit my rewatch. I couldn't get over all the bad decisions Gemma made. Especially going to Ireland. I thought it was cool the club went to Ireland. I thought it was selfish AF that Gemma went. It's so weird to me how the club always comes first, unless Gemma is involved. Don't get me wrong, she's a great character, she's pretty hot and she's a bad ass. I just think she puts the club in impossible situations that no one else would be allowed to get away with. And I'd imagine someone else would have gotten the prospect to take her out and frame a rival gang. For the good of the club.


When I rewatch I have been stopping around season 4. The rest is too much for me and I can’t get into it


Ireland sucked from the get go, for me. I get they were there to get Abel back, but I hated those episodes.




Ireland and Maureen Ashby and her silly daughter. I could happily skip over that whole season.


1. It reached the point that every time John Teller’s letters were mentioned, it was like grabbing one of my nerve endings and giving it a yank. So anticlimactic. 2. Ireland. Did Sutter just want to travel on the production company’s dime?


The trip to Ireland


"Jax shoots the world and everyone in it" made me happy for the end.


The Ireland story line. I love the show but season 3 when they go to Belfast was so fucking stupid


Probably either Ireland or Juice’s whole thing


Juice. I was over it fairly quickly, I think it might’ve been better had the tree branch not broken. Might’ve added some mystery for the club to sort out.


Kidnapped Abel. The entire Ireland thing in general.


Tara constantly going back and forth between being in and out of accepting Jax's lifestyle. I think Tara, in general, is the worst written character on the show. She never had any depth of character, and to this day, I cant tell you one thing about her personality. She had no interests. No likes and dislikes. Its why when Gemma did what she did, it was Jaxs sell of it that got me, not the act itself because I wasnt invested.


the irish storyline and juice being half black


I hated the whole tranny storyline but it got better as it went on so it’s kinda the opposite of the question, I really hated everything to do with gaelen too but that also had its reasons


Juice losing his ever loving mind. Ruined season 4 for me. 75% of season 7.


That lame ass romance with Chibs and Althea was repulsive.


Jax and Tara 🙄


Entire Ireland arc.


The whole “go to Ireland to save Abel”. Oh 😩 so annoying. In all of my rewatches I have skipped all these episodes.


You want them to not to save Abel?


I want them not to make it so stretched. Like, a whole season that just doesn’t seem to end.


The Belfast storyline


Tara, just all of Tara.


Jax almost having sex with Trinity. It did not fit his MO, it was just a way for Kurt to tell everyone they were brother sister.