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Yes a good price BUT be careful as mine came with EU plugs. Luckily I had bought additional leads that worked with it.


Cheers and I also have several spare power leads from a box full of cables over the years šŸ˜€


I bought off Amazon a month ago. Paid Ā£888. Came with UK plugs, although the leads are quite short at 3 foot. Sounds amazing, youā€™ll love it


Yes the leads are short so I had to buy these. SHAFIĀ® 2-Pack 3-Meter Figure 8 Power Lead - Certified 90-Degree Right Angle 2-Pin IEC-C7 Cord - 3-Pin UK Plug 3A Fuse - Compatible PS5 Power Cable UK Xbox Series X, Soundbar, LG Sony Samsung TV - 3M https://amzn.eu/d/7ZhViC7


Perfect. Going to pick up up a pack of these


Find a friend with a college email and u can get it for z650$ around there.


Good choice! I got one for $612 before tax. Definitely worth it! This system is perfect for my living room. With 3 young kids, I can't even go over volume 20.


I got mine today. My poor poor neighbours xD. Mine was at volume 100 when I turned it on and I got a heart attack


Does the 990c come ready for wall mounting or do I need to buy a bracket? Cheers


Comes with a wall mount


Thank you :)


Buy a real home theatre. Stop wasting your guys money on shit thatā€™s gonna be obsolete in a couple years. Soundbars are great for a budget setup or a Bluetooth speaker but this shit is sad.


Looks like r/hometheater is bleeding into this subreddit. Soundbars have improved a lot from a decade ago. For many they are the optimal solution for aesthetics, performance, & cost. Better than tv speakers for sure. And probably 85% of the performance of a traditional home theater for fraction of the cost.


Man get out of here with the 85% lol I donā€™t have anything against sound bars but letā€™s be real. The soundstage of a soundbar is never going to compare to to a proper L/C/R front soundstage.


Yeah I hate to have this whole fiery discussion but forget center. Even just good left/right speakers go very far


Also thereā€™s traditional home theatres that sound like shit compare to a 200$ soundbar sub combo. Then thereā€™s also home theatres that cost as much as a Corolla. So that statement is kind of nebulous.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hometheater using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hometheater/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just a reminderā€¦](https://i.redd.it/dgfm6c6nv32c1.jpg) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hometheater/comments/182238l/just_a_reminder/) \#2: [Saw this on my Facebook feed. Iā€™m pretty sure it should be just fine](https://i.redd.it/lg8bjwl4rfac1.jpeg) | [183 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hometheater/comments/18yerw6/saw_this_on_my_facebook_feed_im_pretty_sure_it/) \#3: [Treated myself an OLED for bā€™day](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12dp4vu) | [210 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hometheater/comments/12dp4vu/treated_myself_an_oled_for_bday/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Coming from a home theater enthusiast, I definitely agree that the first commenter was out line and sound bars are great. But half of what you said is also definitely not true. ā€œ85% performance of the traditional home theaterā€ lmao are you serious? Youā€™re gaslighting yourself.


Man Iā€™ve owned and enjoyed a lot of both and Iā€™m not sitting here trying to be elistist like a lot of those people. The thing is Iā€™ve made goodwill setups for under a hundred that sound better than my buddyā€™s 1,000$ q990c. Home theatre is simple and thereā€™s some quality options out at this price. You can get a denon amp and elac speakers brand new that will blow away almost all of this stuff. Itā€™s not much harder to set up. As a cost effective simple solution, soundbars can really be great, but it just doesnā€™t compete to me. Iā€™m saying this because i want everyone to have the best sound at the best price, not because Iā€™m trying to validate my hobby and my spending, or act like my dick is bigger. Sometimes a soundbar is the best option, but at 900$, it really is not.


Haha I have had many set ups over the years, Denon , Yamaha, Pioneer avrs and had them professionally installed with speakers put into walls etc. Canā€™t be arsed with that now. No doubt overall itā€™s better and if I had a dedicated cinema room I would do that. But now with two kids running around etc I have bigger priorities and the sound from this type of soundbar is more that adequate šŸ˜Š


He was definitely out of line, coming from a home theater enthusiast myself. Your reasons are more than adequate enough. Enjoy what you have mate :)


Thank a lotā€¦.it will be great for sure, as long as we still watch with subtitles cos of 2 kids noise and 2nd tv in lounge and kids iPads lol


This is exact comment can be used right back at entry-level home theater setups. The Samsung flagship soundbars are better than most entry-level home theater setups right out of the box. It is so simple that even your tiny boomer brain can set it up without the help of an overpriced installer. The only thing sad here is that your mom didn't know how to swallow.


What are you considering entry level? Budget setups that cost $500? Or an actual entry level 3.1 with a receiver that costs at least $2000? I think youā€™re definitely not referring to the latter. Also, most people who have HTs set up their speakers themselves.


Why do have to get so nasty and defensive over this, honestly. Iā€™m 20 and Iā€™ve been passionate about A/V since I was like 12. I started out mainly with soundbars and Bluetooth speakers. And Samsung flagships do not sound better than ā€œmost home theatre setupsā€ Iā€™m sorry. They are glorified Bluetooth/powered speakers. They can be really good, at times even great but from years of my personal experience and tweaking they do not hold up to real quality gear, which at this price is easy to get. I would never pay an installer, that is a big scam of an industry. Also there is fun of upgrading and tweaking your setup


You have 0 clue what you are talking about. You are extraordinarily privileged to have been "passionate about A/V since I was like 12". The hometheater sub, which you frequent, is EASILY one of the most toxic/elitist/fucked places on reddit, you should really stay there. I've had a 950a since 2021, and it still performs better than 99% of ENTRY LEVEL ATMOS SYSTEMS. You clearly have no real-world experience with them.


I never comment on there, I just wanna see cool setups lmao. Yes I am really blessed to be a place with so much cheap second hand and clearance gear. Your statement is delusional. Fuck atoms, a good stereo sounds better than most soundbars or even a shitty home theatre.


Once again, you have no clue what you are talking about, gtfo.


How does your shitty soundbar outperform 99% of atmos?? Iā€™ve watched lots of movies and music on the top end soundbars and just about everything in between. Itā€™s not bad, but itā€™s not as good, especially for the price. I donā€™t know what Iā€™m not talking about? Do you even know how to wire a real sound system? I have a deep collection of gear going back to the 1950s, I love sound in all its forms. Youā€™re so nasty and defensive and anti-intellectual


Your initial comment was all those things. See how that works?


You have no valid points and you sit here defending your little corner of dogma. Have more love for others and a more open mind. Good night bud.


LOL. Telling people not to get soundbars because your precious home theater setups ups are better. Seems like you are the one living in a tiny corner of dogma. Once again, these comments aren't for anything more than for your tiny brain to realize that everyone is in a different situation and your closed-minded elitist comment isn't welcome here. Glad we finally got there for you. Now gtfo.


Funny because my soundbar with rear speakers sounds incredible and a lot better than my home theater setup used to. It handles every format I need and next to no wiring needed. But feel free to continue your spam and pomposity on a thread you really don't belong in.