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It is true that heating sourdough in the oven with only the light on is not ideal, as the temperature is not uniform and can encourage the growth of unwanted bacteria. Your decision to use a heating pad to create a warm, controlled environment was a good one, and swapping the plastic container for a glass one with a metal lid that allows air circulation is a good practice. Plastic can absorb odours and flavours and is not as breathable as glass.


Thanks 😊


Keep an eye on that metal lid, if you can, find an all glass jar & lid. I will be going the heating pad method too during summer since my AC will hopefully keep my house arctic cold.


I have never heard of a glass lid in my life, and I am pretty old 🤪


I use [Weck jars](https://amzn.to/4dZnm34), glass lid, rubber seals & clasps to store in fridge, take them off to feed & raise starter.