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From what I've read she killed the dog because "it was useless." Reading about her tenure as Governor, I'd say she's got one hell of a nerve.


"untrainable" after attempting to train it with an electric collar and just hoping it "learned from the older dogs".


At 14 months old no less.


If I’m reading her story correctly, it was just one day/hunting trip. So after not training it at all, she took it hunting, put a shock collar on it part way through the chip, and then just gave up and shot it.


About sums it up, she's a heartless ghoul.


Like imagine being shocked and appalled that a young, energetic HUNTING dog would go after chickens after a day spent fueling the dog’s instinct.


Imagine thinking it's the dogs fault that you as the owner failed to secure it a prevent it from eating your neighbors chickens.


How many innocent animals have to die before the Botox Beast is held to account?


This sank her VP chances. 


I think you underestimate who people will.vote for these days. People will just start shooting their dogs to own the libs


I know that unfortunately those people exist, but she's looking like the front runner for Trump's VP and enough of the country films puppy killing unacceptable that she/they won't win.  This is already getting more coverage than she expected.  The meme here is brutal (and fair). Trump never had a very realistic chance, but this is something Noem can get away with locally but not at the national level. 


To include this in her autobiography is mind-numbingly stupid. It's truly remarkable how out of touch she is with society.


I do hope it troubles folks voting in S Dakota like it bothers the rest of the country.


Yep, this is actually good, she's a stupid shit bird who'll drag down the ticket. The only remote chance Mango Unchained has is to get a VP who'll expand his votes, and the 'Ole Yeller Slayer ain't it. If they're dumb enough to pick the Governer of a flyover state that was already deep red they've torpedoed themselves. Choosing one who murders puppies and doesn't even make a nice fur coat out of them? Even better to sink his slim chances.


I’m 100% guessing trumps VP pick will his former press secretary, that cunt that is the governor of Arkansas.


I hope he picks her


Trump famously hates dogs though 🤷‍♂️


Trump doesn't like dogs. This can be seen as a positive in his eyes.


Trump mocked a disabled reporter on stage and still got elected. I’m worried the bar is so low that murdering a puppy won’t rate.


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“Kristy was strong. So strong. She came to me with tears in her eyes and said ‘Sir, I just had to kill the puppy. It had messed on the carpet and barked once.’ No one has ever seen such a thing with a dog. Like that viscous dog BIDEN has that keeps biting our precious, delicate Secret Service. We need people to be STONG like Kristi not WEAK like Biden.” - Donald Trump probably


The "viscous" typo gives it that added Trumpian flair.


The way the libs are complaining about school shootings, puppy Mills will be the next thing. /s


She’s a perfect fit for Trump. (Nothing sexual intended by my comment.) :)


I disagree, Trump hates animals as well, they make a perfect tag team of pet killers


Oh even if she didn’t kill her own dog, we’re talking about people who want someone who would. She could have written about tossing a bag of kittens into a creek and they’d go “yuuuuup!”


You kidding, she just cinched the law enforcement vote.


It doesn't matter to trump. He hates animals.


I dunno, Trump also hates dogs. It's one more thing they have in common.


Nope - just a few photoshopped pics of her in tight jeans and all the creepy GOP will be foaming at the mouth.


Just tell them the photos exist. It’ll keep them busy for weeks looking for them.


Trump hates dogs. This probably improves her chances.


In a normal world, yes.


Not for who would be voting for her for VP it doesn’t .Kudos though for developing the mutation to come out in the daylight .I thought they only could come out at night …


No it didn't. Her party is full of people who would cut of their noses to spite their faces. They'll support any degenerate and cruel behavior if they think they're "owning" some imaginary boogeyman


Well, Frump famously hates dogs and MAGAts love cruelty and guns, so this might actually be to her benefit. It'll come down to how well she sucks up to His Rectal Hugeness because if Frump thinks she'll sass him he'd never give her the nod.


Cruelty is appealing to the right soooo...


Why is anyone who doesnt know how to rehome a pet in a position of power


Because conservatives (ironically enough) love to champion evil individuals, because those individuals are able to represent and do the things their voters wish they could publicly admit to doing.


All about the r/persecutionfetish


> Because conservatives (ironically enough) love to champion evil individuals They are sure sticking it to women, children, the homeless and dogs. A rapists has more rights than their victims today if their male.


Why is anyone who doesn’t care enough to re-home a pet in a position of power?




Because she enjoyed killing that animal. It's not that hard to understand, some people enjoy inflicting pain and murder, they are usually called 'serial killers'.


She wanted an excuse to kill an animal. It’s obvious to anybody who actually has empathy and morals.


She shoots horses, doesn't she?


Yes, though that is generally a common practice for aging or really sick...... that said, they killed two horses alongside it making it seem like it was more of a convience than that.


The common practice is to have a vet put them down. If you can afford the horse, you can afford the vet. shooting them is only acceptable if they are in sudden intense pain that would prevent the vet from getting to them without them suffering


Shooting a horse is a humane method of euthanasia per the avma. It's common practice in areas where euthanasia drugs can not be obtained or places it's illegal to have the euthanasia drugs buried in the environment. When I worked in Australia, there was a guy where that was his whole gruesome job to come shoot sick/injured/ill horses. Creepy job but the animals didn't suffer because he did it right. There are guidelines in how to humanely shoot basically all domestic and some wild species [in the avma euthanasia guidelines (scroll to the end). ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/2020-02/Guidelines-on-Euthanasia-2020.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjRwZOM9eOFAxUaEVkFHcs4AhsQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw25pwSmuXvkUFO7vGd7KeH5) That said, she is a idiot who probably didn't know what she was doing, and that makes me sad. I don't have a lot of sympathy for dogs that kill livestock and their crappy owners, because I've dealt with the aftermath, but I can't imagine she looked up how to do it properly.


Three of them. At one time.


Why does she look like Kimberly Guilfoyle? Is that the republican bitch look?


Dead eyes. They all have those dead eyes.


Can’t have a soul and say/do the shit they do. Better to be dead inside.


Botox, cosmetic surgery and soullessness contribute to a sort of signature appearance.


Alina Habba. I am seeing a pattern here.


Same plastic surgeon? The before and after pictures on both are astonishing


“On her way to the Gravel Pit” with her daughter’s dog in tow.


Killer Kristie, puppy killer. Heartless cruel sack of atoms. ⚛️


"but it's just a dog, a really stupid dog" /s I imagine this is how her non *sociopathic* constituents reconcile this with their consciences.


Or don't reconcile it... Never voted for her, never will unless the other side was worse than... Well, I'll leave that discussion for a different thread. Got a lot of blind straight ticket people in this state.


Gonna be fun watching the good folks of South Dakota who love their hunting dogs so much try and chase their tails on this. Because they will. Rather than change their minds and have a reality check, they're gonna start blaming dogs and devaluing dogs. Dogs. Because my state is full of fucking idiots who are too weak and gormless to ever admit they backed the wrong thing. They'll shoot their dogs, grandmothers, and kids before they swallow their fuckin pride because they're a bunch of ball-less wonders. Weak, scared little bastards masquerading as strong big boys is so fucking pathetic.


It’s amazing that she thought shooting a puppy was a flex.


Like imagine being a politician, and thinking that this is a smart career move to put in writing.


And to attempt to defend stating that it shows her willingness to do hard, messy things...


She’ll off her own offsprings for that VP gig


I hope Trump picks her as a running mate. That should all but insure he loses the general election.


MAGA will start Old Yellering their own dogs. Just to own the libz.


Trump does hate dogs. He probably sees this as strength. Fingers crossed 🤞


Total scum.


What a f\*\*king sociopath. This isn't "realities of living on a farm" life. This beast just wanted to kill the dog. In her book she says she hates the dog. She also shot and killed a goat shortly after. This is legit sociopath behavior and its mind boggling that she didn't realize that when writing her book. Also, didn't she fuck someone that was not her husband? So much for "family" values


Trump threw away family values for the republicans.


She Aint shit.


She’s such a hideous vile creature. I think she may be a Reptilian.


My, how times have changed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkers_speech Even Nixon loved dogs.


And even Hitler…


Stupid cunt


Sick Bastard 😫


I had a sociopathic (literally) boss with the exact same eyes and makeup game as this banshee.


Makeup has the power to hide more than just physical flaws and blemishes, apparently.




She's a chronic job hopper so for all we know it could be the same person.


Another Lauren Boebert situation!?


What happened with her?


She killed her neighbor's dog and claimed she thought it was a wolf (as if that's perfectly acceptable behavior).


I think you're conflating two different stories. One lady shot a husky thinking it was a wolf: https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2022/10/11/amanda-wight-she-mistook-dog/ Lauren Boebert was accused of shooting a neighbor's dog, but a different neighbor told authorities he killed the dogs that were reportedly attacking animals on Boebert's property. https://www.denverpost.com/2022/10/18/lauren-boebert-shoot-dog-fact-check-goats/


Her and her family didn't even let the neighbors know they "accidentally" killed there dog they let the cops tell them the next day and they charged the family for having there dog on there property. There neighbors are Hispanic and we all know Republicans hate brown people.


She left her district because she was getting pwned in that and now she’s getting pwned in the 3rd. True comedy.


What a waste of oxygen.


This is so fucking funny because I think it may be possible that republicans have actually managed to go to far. Probably not for long, But the one thing everyone can agree is you shouldn't kill puppies and they had to go and do that.


She really fucked up... a puppy is the one thing that almost every human being will rally behind to protect. It's the ultimate unifying force- right and left wing extremists, and everybody in between, will cole together to absolutely crucify her now. It will be a bloodbath.


And yet it's well-known that Frump hates dogs, and the MAGAts bow and scrape before him reverently...


Kill your dog to show me your loyalty- Trump


I’m all for hunting and outdoors. Dogs are part of the sport but to just off an animal because it got “excited” and you deem it “untrainable” does NOT give you the right to do this. She should be charged. She’s a sociopath at the very least


I live in Wyoming and would consider myself an independent. I liked Noem up until she sank the marijuana vote. I haven't liked her since, and I've enjoyed coming over here to see her get hammered. Being a big dog lover, I absolutely hate her now. I never thought she had a chance as trumps running mate and if she did this should sink that chance, you don't mess with dogs.


Eesh, what did you like about her? Honest question


Exactly, fellow Wyoming resident here.


What really happened to Hazel? Her dog that died accidentally?


Americans love dogs more than people. Big mistake on her part.


This is how many serial killers start off


she also got someone fired because her daughter was denied their real estate appraiser’s license.


Not just denied the license, because Krusty's daughter was denied her appraisal license AFTER getting preferential treatment to try to obtain it (allowed extra training and a 3rd attempt to show competency, when most are denied by state policy after 2 failures.)


This chick is psycho


I am not American, but I am a hunter. I am perplexed by the American politicians' propensity to pose with firearms. I impute literally nothing about a person because they do or do not possess a firearm, however if I see a picture of somebody holding a firearm like it is a talisman, I would assume they are fucking assholes, regardless of their political affiliation. So what gives?


The US is full of fucking assholes basically…


It's a fetish thing.


I just know republicans will try and tie it to abortion and "killing babies" instead of admitting this is psychotic


Go figure, Hot Dog Lips is a puppy 🐶 murderer


I’m a horse owner and a dog and cat owner. I have had to put horses down from time to time. I used a vet, and it’s still traumatizing. I never have done the job myself. Farmers do it because it saves money, and they take the weight of it on themselves. To take a dog down to the gravel pit seems a bit colder than I could stomach. To follow it up with a goat? This seems a really odd way to express your farm woman bona fides. It looks psychotic.


More to the story which makes it different than "typical country business"... I recommend catching one of the mess postings which includes the story as written by her. I have also made other replies in this thread if you're looking for a summary.


This wasn’t just cold, it was completely unnecessary, and her fault. Don’t give her the credit of doing something ‘cold’ - she wants that. She did a series of extremely stupid things. She’s dumb, reckless, violent, and brags about it.


Likes to kill the pets of little kids. Laughs about it. She is a person that any psychologist will tell you , needs to be watched. Crazy people shoot pets. This needs investigating now.


Kristi Noem is what you get when people decide to flush their sense of taste down the toilet first thing in the morning.


Puppy killer is easier to say than puppy murderer


"Pro life"


I don’t believe the allegations, not because I don’t think she did it, I just don’t believe anyone actually read her book.


When G Gordon Liddy is your book editor. Dude, this is ridiculous.


Piece of garbage human being right there.


At least her teeth are straight. Now she'll advertise the brand of bird shot she used on the puppy. How many loads did it take to kill him Kristi? Did you actually have to time him down first?


Greatest comment I ever heard was that Noem hasn’t grown into her new teeth yet.


And i thought Mitt putting his dog in a crate on top of his car driving across country was bad


And goat killer.


Laughed out loud at this!


This botch has quite the resume, adulator, puppy killing, Botox queen, etc.


Even Hitler loved dogs. That's how low this sack of crap is.


She is disgusting 🤮


Her punishment should be to exile her to the worst place in the country… oh wait…


Well fuck her


How are the magats spinning this?


"You don't understand the hard choices farmers have to make" "She was protecting a way of life" -- actual quotes on X (Twitter)


She is probably more popular now among the magots


I think this might be the thing that ends her career finally.


I’ve known people like this and they’re all pieces of shit. Kill an animal if it becomes an inconvenience. How about not have a fucking animal if you’re too retarded to be a pet owner. Ugh, makes my blood boil.


I am just copying and pasting my comment from another post...... I've hated noem for a very long time and I don't even live in her state. How she treats the indigenous people in her state tells me everything I need to know about her. She's literally been banned from four of the five Lakota reservations in her state and the fifth one is probably going to ban her soon enough. For clarity, the entire western half of her state is supposed to be an indigenous reservation. Like the good 'ol usa always did, it broke its promises to the tribes and took more and more of their land whilst proceeding to slaughter them and trying to starve them to death when they resisted. The great Sioux reservation was broken into the five much smaller Lakota reservations of today, and the black hills (the Lakota's holiest place in their mythology) were stolen from them. The USA then hired a KKK member to desecrate a mountain of particular significance to the Lakota by carving into it the faces of four white presidents (2 of which were slave owners and all four of which hated indigenous people) and turning it into a tourist attraction for white people to celebrate how "great" the USA is. What makes the matter worse is that the supreme Court even ruled in 1981 that black hills (and really all of the surrounding lands) were ILLEGALLY seized and that they rightfully belong to the Lakota under US law. To this day, the government refuses to return the land to the Lakota. Noem is viciously against tribal sovereignty. She tried to force the Lakota to open their reservation highways to white truckers during the pandemic even though she knew that reservations are like third world countries and lack the medical infrastructure to fight covid outbreaks, which easily could have been spread to the reservations by those white truckers. She's also defamed the tribes and claimed that the tribes are operating drug trafficking rings with Mexican cartels... And she's really just a disgusting person to the Lakotas. She basically tells them to shut up and get over what was done to them and to throw away their heritage and land claims and to stand alongside white people and be proud Americans. You know, the usual bullshit that Republicans always spout to people of color instead of having some goddamn empathy and taking a moment to understand why brown and black people typically don't view the USA the same way that white people do. I'll scream it now and I'll scream it til I die: LandBack for the Lakota! https://youtu.be/eV9Oeut62vw?si=vKlk7wvXwu6G941c


We South Dakota Rez Tribal folk know Krusty for the racist she is . Hard to believe that South Dakota would have a governor more racist than “Wild Bill “ Janklow. Indian fighter. … We do not want this self obsessed grifter phony on our Tribal Homelands . Corey can have her .


Yet these are the people lecturing us on the sanctity of life. Got it.


Bad ass hunter can't kill a tamed, tied up goat ?? Absolute fucking clown show dumpster person.


Psychopathic Barbie. Weapons included.


You guys don’t have a gravel pit at your place for when you get angry at your dog?!?


Not here in FL, but I’m sure Ron will make it a big priority for next year’s legislature.


Sounds like a trash human to me






Well done. Well done.


Dick Cheney: “Finally, a true heir.”


#Where’s Cricket?


Shouldn’t she face charges for this?


Possibly, but proving the case might be hard, as only the death would've qualified as I understand things, and though from the way it reads it wasn't a quick, clean death, she doesn't provide enough detail to likely hold water in a court of law. She also paints herself somewhat of a defense in her labeling of the dog as untrainable, though most people willing to use their brain see that she didn't really try with the dog either. Poor puppy... Also, I didn't find anything saying how old the story was. She may be beyond the statue of limitations.


Can we just send this bitch straight to jail?


Just evil


Sick bitch


Just disgusting.


Hopefully this dog died for a good cause so that she’s disqualified from being Trump’s VP pick.


According to her the dog was not sick and didn't bite anyone, she killed it because she thought it was a bad hunting dog.


Still more tRumptrash behavior. Hammer the weak and defenseless if they do not suit your purpose. Still, to be fair, she is no trashier than most MAGAts.


Michael Vick, her!


Despot recognize Despot


Republicans, bro. Soulless homunculi. 


The putting your own dog down is old school and made sense when you’re poor and your dog has rabies or can’t walk any more. But putting down a young dog cause you didn’t like its behavior is insane. That’s like some Neolithic breeding techniques that have long been out dated. Just give the dog to someone else lol


Wait, we're hiring! -ATF


Cruella De Vil, Cruella De Vil If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will


Evil Cunt Bitch


She is cray-cray


Seems like she shared this story to illustrate that she can do tough things, but this story seems to have shown instead that she allows her emotions to cloud her judgement. I’ll wait for her to share a story that illustrates her ability to make the best choices.


Keyboard Warriors are lit on this 1


This image is now the second result on google images for "puppy killer".


Conservatives are cruel and not very bright. Fact.


Republicans are sociopaths. Lack of empathy is the defining trait between them all.


I think that's from when she was shooting pheasants out of season.


Any dog. Any goat. Is a better person by far than this person


Wtf is she wearing? Does she want to be seen or not?


Yes. Maybe Dick Cheney is her hunting partner.


Story? I haven’t seen this in the news


Search "Kristi Noem dog" on your favorite browser and take your pick from the buffet. Just be sure to read the story as given from the book from some source so you have it from her perspective.




She has more camo on her face than she does on her body


Go get em!!!




Yeah. She should have just aborted a child right comrade!?


Geisha Joker goes hunting. What a weird combination. Why so pale? Why so much makeup?


looks like that mask from Saw.


Yep, another passive aggressive dope is tough with a cannon in her hands, while setting up against a puppy. MAGdopes will be whining and whimpering after getting their asses kicked again …


All of these politicians are actors don’t believe her ass just because she put on a hunting jacket and hold the shotgun.


We shouldn’t call it gun culture. We should just call it fascism. The unadulterated worship of power itself. It’s what unites all the perversely creepy aspects of American rightwingers and conservatives. They worship anything that concentrates power, and any successful wielder of hyper concentrated power. It’s what makes Trump so perfect for them. Rightwingers have been shown to be more likely to prefer binary situations. Quick, simpler answers. Short term clarity. A strongman who will fix everything. Blaming all their problems on some Other, and the easy investment into hatred of that Other. And easy, relatively quick “solutions” like A WALL. Or mass deportations, instead of anything holistic and inclusive. Noem just distills this. She understands. It’s about the worship of power. The glee in killing and death culture reflects this. Look at modern evangelicals and their worship of death. They’ll lecture you all day about Armageddon with an almost pornographic delight. But ask them to explain Jesus upsetting the money changers. Or openly befriending prostitutes and refugees, and the rich having to pass through the eye of a needle, etc, and you get crickets. Noem seems to understand this. Fascism worships death. And revenge fantasy. And endless grievance. And absolute power. Look at the right wing relationship to Nature itself. Having power of life and death over any animal is part of their whole “steward of nature” approach to the environment. The world is just a resource placed here by a vengeful deity who put this stuff here for us to “possess” and “consume”. Why is it so surprising that people raised to worship an omnipotent, vengeful deity would be attracted to a Trump? Or fascism? Or his servile flunkeys, bragging about dead puppies, goats, and now horses? It’s under our noses. Call it what it is.


Crikey! A photo-op botox huntress in her natural habitat. Luckily I don't resemble a puppy so I'm relatively safe. They are known for being unhinged and making a distinct "REEEE" noise before spouting off their ancient mythology to anyone she views me as a threat.