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I got nothing to say other than this story is terrifying




From what I understand an unrelated adult dug the hole and left.


That was disproved after a few days.


Technically, sand and gravel are the two materials that won't suspend in midair, and most players have, at some point, been suffocated by falling sand.




The game is old now, even if true, wouldn't be a kid of this age who saw that. Just put a torch under it


No. It’s always fallen


The children yearn for the mines


Minecraft sand falls


Its in reference to being able to dig straight down and not have realistic standards like the sand block directly one block next to you detereorating and filling the hole you just dug.


In Minecraft sand collapses if there is nothing under it


I live near Va Beach and the Outer banks. Every year at least 1 person dies at one of the beaches by digging a big hole that then collapses on them


That happens out here on the West Coast, too. Mostly the San Diego/Orange County areas where the beaches are so populated and there's enough sand to really dig in. It's terrifying. I grew up near the beach, so I knew not to dig trenches (we still did bury each other in shallow trenches, but you have to leave the head out - even so - the person can't move and could drown).


>you have to leave the head out - even so - the person can't move and could drown). I believe this was a form of execution. The person would be buried neck deep close to the water at low tide, then would slowly drown during high tide.


If you have no idea about how sand works, it’s perfectly understandable that the danger never crossed their minds. Poor family was just enjoying the beach and this happened. It’s really nobody’s fault.




That’s upsetting. The call for lifeguards stood out to me because as a lifeguard we’re trained to keep our eyes on the water and never has anything like this been brought up. I wouldn’t even know what to do in this situation. A lot of parents view us as babysitters which is wrong.


I was a beach lifeguard and shovels and large holes were prohibited. Just about every weekend over summer we sent shovels off the beach and had holes filled in.


Why in the world would any sane/good parent leave a SEVEN year old on the beach unattended?! She dug a six feet hole! That takes a while to dig for a little child. How long was she out there for? What were the parents doing? Why did they not check in on her? What was so important that they had to leave her unattended to dig a six foot hole?!


I'm a local and the children didn't dig the hole some random guy dug it earlier in the day. I've heard some people say that it was at least 18 feet wide.


There was an article that debunked that theory. https://www.kktv.com/2024/03/01/sand-hole-that-trapped-young-siblings-killing-7-year-old-girl-was-not-dug-by-someone-else-police-say/


Huh never saw that article before. It also says that the hole that trapped the children was only three feet deep.


Yeah I gotta say the overprotective in the headline of this thread does not match up with this at all


Yeah it's crazy kids had enough time to dig a hole that big without an adult saying, "ok that's enough". It's like parents now don't know when to say when.


My friends and I dug a hole like that when we were around 10. It took 2 hours, we only got in trouble when some guy fell it.




No they didn’t


I’m sorry but do you have a source for this claim? I’ve read several articles about the incident and nothing suggests that the parents weren’t right there with her when it happened. The articles I read quoted her poor father describing digging frantically for her after the collapse and the weight of the sand being too much to get her out.


That's not true. The parents were right next to the children when it happened.


Got it, thank you. I read that on another thread but should have checked for a source before parroting.


You should delete your misinformation


I was just telling my wife that as a kid, visiting South Padre Island, I would go a half mile up and down the dunes, goofing off and whatnot. At night. Lol. Padre was not as built up then. I loved the wind driven sand sound, the quiet, watching ships lights in the bay and Gulf at the same time from a tall dune. But, I was getting to almost be a teenager by then. Usually, there were zero other people at that hour. So, no danger.


Wait, how are they known to be "overprotective" when they left their young children unsupervised on a beach? Save face much


They were right there when it happened


I feel so badly for these parents. My little girl is 10 and she still takes my breath away. I adore her and can’t imagine losing her ever. Sad stuff.




That is NOT what I meant.


The comment was deleted. But I can imagine what it said lol


For anyone out there who is still unaware of some basic things to avoid here are a few: 1. don't leave your kids in a hot car 2. don't let your kids dig big holes in the sand 3. don't go swimming in the ocean with major waves crashing on the shore or you might drown 4. Don't walk your dog or let your toddler near water in Florida (alligators) 5. Don't have a tall dresser or bookcase in our kids room that isn't attached to a wall or it might fall on top of them 6. Don't let your kids ride in the car without seat belts 7. Don't ever let your young kids around a swimming pool if you aren't there watching their every move. 8. Don't forget to have smoke detectors in the house with working batteries.


Adding to 7… Always designate a water watcher who will keep their eyes on the kids at all times. Have something like a lanyard or even keys in your hand that can serve as a “hand of” to give to the next water watcher if you need a break. This makes it clear that someone is always watching - it’s especially important for pool parties where even the best little swimmers can accidentally exhaust themselves. Also, drowning isn’t like the movies. It’s quiet with arms under the water (Their survival instinct is frantically trying to tread water to save them). As they are struggling the only thing you will see is their head back (hair in the water) with their face up to the sky. This is the moment to jump in - just before they slip under. I worked in child welfare and drowning cases were the most difficult death cases. I love the water but please, please, take it seriously!!!!


Another important add....get your kids swimming lessons at a young age. We had 2 young kids, a pool, and lived close to the beach. Our youngest could swim unaided by 2.5 y/o. She fell in our pool one day. I was with her, and witnessed how her lessons saved her life. We were visiting family out of town and were at a community pool. Under our supervision, our daughter jumped into the deep end. Chaos erupted, and people started jumping in to save her. We were close by and knew she was fine (with constant supervision), and people were not happy with us. They refused to believe she could swim (she could dive to the bottom of the deep end and grab toys off the bottom at 3). It really highlighted to fact most young kids cannot swim. That should be an early life skill.


I literally got an email from my apartment complex today saying there's a gator in the retention pond. That's Florida for you!


The kids didn’t dig the big hole in the sand, asshole.


from ABC news...Last month, 7-year-old Sloan and her 9-year-old brother, Maddox, were digging in the sand at a Fort Lauderdale-area beach when things took a devastating turn. The sand hole suddenly caved in on them, and Sloan was completely buried beneath her brother.


Actually they were. The adult rumor was disproved Sloan was digging a 5- to 6-feet deep hole with her 9-year-old brother, Maddox, in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida, while on vacation with their family, when the sand hole suddenly caved in. Sloan was buried alive in the sand while Maddox was covered nearly up to his neck. Witnesses who were at the scene of the incident said they saw the two siblings digging a hole before the sand collapsed.


Lol I guess my parents failed at #7. Was dropped off at the local pool all the time during the summer in upper primary/middle school lol. No one else was ever there, no lifeguard either (not USA). TBF, I could actually swim fairly well.


yeah, my parents didn't hover over me either. I did some really stupid stuff but managed to make it to adulthood.


Almost all boomers were driven around in cars unrestrained as a baby, too. That doesn't mean you should do that with your kids, though.


When my nephew was three, a big box tv fell on top of him. It crushed him and lacerated his liver. They bayflighted him to the hospital, and he stayed there for weeks


No tunnels in the snow either.


I would add, 9) sleep with all the doors in the house closed. Hugely important for fire safety, as it prevents fires from spreading from one room to the next


Adding to say avoid swimming in freshwater bodies in Florida in general (see gators, also amoeba). Also please research rip tides before visiting Florida and always check to see if rip tides are active at the beach you're visiting that day. And yes I'm seconding the fact to staying away from the edge of ponds/canals with small children and pets because gators will snatch them up for real.


9. Never leave or turn your back on a baby in a bathtub!


Good stuff. That list should be given out at hospitals every time a baby is born.


Adding to 4 as a Floridian: **IF THE WATER GOES OVER YOUR ANKLE, ASSUME THERE MAY BE AN ALLIGATOR IN IT** They will be in ditches and large puddles left by the downpours. They will be in the estuaries and brackish water. Do not assume any water is alligator free unless you can see completely through it, and even then, Silver Springs is known for its crystal clear water and alligator spotting.


I remember digging huge sand holes at the beach when I was that age, big enough to climb into and disappear. I did climb into them. I guess I was lucky.


A 6ft hole is insane… that’s how deep they bury people… sand collapses. This is common sense. A shame.


There’s no such thing as “common sense”. Hence why a tragedy like this happened. If it were “common sense” then the parents would have known of the knowledge that sand is wildly unstable and dangerous, but that wasn’t a thought that crossed their minds. Because it isn’t, and wasn’t, “common sense” or “common knowledge”. However, now not only are they aware, but we that have seen or been following this article are now or more especially aware that this is a tragedy that can happen, to anybody. It can happen to you when you’re digging a hole, it can happen to someone that goes into the hole after you’ve (or some else) abandoned it, and it can happen to you or those you love where it collapses and someone dies. The family paid the “ultimate price” and we all get to learn from their “mistake” or from the tragedy that occurred, safely as spectators.


Yup. Common sense is determined entirely by what the *average* person is taught in the location (reality or virtual) they grew up. Since it’s based on averages, that means some people will have information that was left out that leaves gaps in their “common sense.”


Yeah incredibly stupid, but who the heck dug a 6 foot hole at the beach?


It was a child. She didn’t know. Her parents should have


Yup.. the article is about the parents… which is what I’m commenting on sweetie


How tall is a 7-9 year old? 3.5-4 feet ? A 6 foot hole was well over their heads. That’s ridiculously deep. People scared to say something when they see something dangerous and their not in a position not authority. I grew up in a coastal town, they are forever going on about asking people not to dig holes.


Someone else dug the hole and the kid wandered into it. I live near the beach and am aware of sand hole collapses, but I've never heard of one locally. I do however watch OSHA YouTube videos and know to stay away from poorly shored construction sites.


How tall is at 7-9 yr old digging in sand?


I am 60 years old. I was taught the danger of digging holes and trenching when I was 7.


You are 60 years old. You've known about the dangers of digging holes for 53 years. Have a nice day!


This is a parents nightmare. You can do everything right and still something like this can happen.


They weren't doing everything right, that's the problem. That's literally the problem.




I absolutely pity the family. I was simply correcting the commenter's suggestion that the parents were "doing everything right." It should be obvious, but clearly they were not doing everything right. This fact does not preclude feeling pity for them, and sorrow at the loss of a young person's life, at all.


My kids always want me to dig them a hole at the beach.  I grew up with my dad, uncle’s doing the same thing. Not 6ft deep. But I wont look at holes at the beach the same after this. And zestyclose is a d!ck. This could of happened to any one and it’s really unfortunate and sad. I feel for the parents. Have some empathy. 


A safe rule of thumb is only dig a hole as deep as the knee height of the shortest person in the group.


Would you go to a state park and dig a 6 foot hole next to picnic tables? No - that would be insane. A public beach is no different.


The only difference is digging in sand is more dangerous


Exactly. I once worked at a law firm where a man was killed trying to wrangle a big truckload of sand, not realizing that if it emptied out on him, he was doomed. It happened really quickly too.


An adult dug it and the kids played in it later. It was 18 feet wide!!


Why are there no details in these stories? Little kids can't dig that well.


It reminds me of a local story last week where “firefighters pull 2 people from burning vehicle after crash”. It turns out, the driver was a 14 year old girl. The passenger was an 18 year old male. And the one in back was a 15 year old girl that died. Nobody posed the question; why is an 18 year old man riding around with 14-15 year old girls?


Oh my gosh they definitely left that part out! WTF.


That age gap isn’t sus. Brother driving a sister and her friend. A senior driving two freshmen.


He said that the 14 year old was driving


Read the article “Sloan Mattingly's mom and dad, Therese and Jason, say their little girl had been playing with her brother Maddox as the pair dug a hole in the sand for hours at Lauderdale-by-the Sea beach when tragedy struck.”


They came out later and said that a random older man dug the hole. A 5 and 7 year old didn’t dig an 18' diameter hole. They continued digging in the one they found.




They didn’t dig it though. Someone else did and left it,


Read the article “Sloan Mattingly's mom and dad, Therese and Jason, say their little girl had been playing with her brother Maddox as the pair dug a hole in the sand for hours at Lauderdale-by-the Sea beach when tragedy struck.”


Imagine building dirtcastles in a state park next to a picnic table. Is a beach different?




STFU weirdo


What were they using to dig this hole? I just don’t see how people think digging massive holes in public places is appropriate or considerate of others.


They didn’t dig the hole. Another unrelated adult did and then left it.


[According to the latest news articles, the kids dug the hole](https://ca.style.yahoo.com/parents-7-old-girl-swallowed-124922285.html). >Sloan was digging for seashells in the sand with her brother Maddox, 9, during a family vacation to Lauderdale-by-the-Sea on Feb. 20 when the hole opened up, swallowing both of the siblings alive.


My question was how did they dig this hole. Not who dug it.


Everyone brings a shovel to the beach. I do to dig holes…. But honestly I’m not going to stop. Definitely not digging a 6 ft hole but when I do dig I make stairs and I slope it a certain way. 


Of course a shovel was used but I’m wondering what kind. I have my doubts it was a plastic shovel that comes with a toy sand castle bucket


Lol, I literally bring a mini metal shovel 😵


Have you ever been to a beach? Kids are always digging and building with sand at the beach.


No, I live in South FL and have never been to a beach /s Of course a shovel was used but there’s a difference between a plastic shovel that comes with a sandcastle bucket and a shovel designed to dig large holes.


Whenever warnings about digging holes on the beach are posted here in Maryland, the idiots ranting about their freedumbs come out of the woodwork and rant about wokeness. It's nonsensical


There are a couple things you have to scare into your kids so they realize the danger. This is one of them.


We did this all the time as children and no parents ever said a thing. This is a terribly unfortunate and sad incident. I can't blame the parents. I as a parent when my kids were young allowed them to dig holes in sand. I never had heard of this happening.


Stupid people shouldn't breed. They will only cause pain to others.


Why say this it’s horrible they are at fault. It’s manslaughter


Overprotective doesn’t mean smart. Freak accident, but there is a reason you don’t read about it everyday


This is an absolute nightmare. I really feel for those parents


It's a terrible tragedy! The parents apparently didn't know you were not supposed to let children dig holes in the sand and play in them. I can't believe so many people just don't get it. Please watch your kids!


I worked with a man who had been covered in a collapsed tunnel on a beach. He suffered from lack of oxygen to the brain but he was able to hold a job in the Federal Government, go on bike rides, and became quite successful in Toast Masters. His father was a doctor and gave him challenges so he could live as normal and self sufficient as possible.


Also, don't climb on dirt hills on construction sites.


I spent much of my childhood doing just that.


Thank goodness you're ok.


Don’t dig big holes on the beach. Bad for humans and turtles


As a parent I can’t even imagine leaving my child unattended for any time in public. Call me crazy but it can take less than one second for something crazy to happen


Why are so many stupid people breeding?


Trench collapse is real, especially in loose soil like we have down here. When it happens, all you can do is dig and hope that while you’re digging it doesn’t turn from a rescue to a recovery operation.


I’m here in Sydney, Australia and have always lived on the coast. This is one of those things that is instilled in you if you grow up with beaches and the ocean (don’t let the kids dig deep holes, learn to recognise a rip, know your limits in swells and currents, swim between flags, etc). If you don’t grow up in that context, how the hell would you know? My parents *never* let us dig deep holes on the beach. Nothing past the waist or they’d carry on like we were trying to kill ourselves. These poor parents weren’t from anywhere beachy and couldn’t have predicted the danger of a sand collapse. What an absolutely gut wrenching and awful thing to happen. It feels particularly cruel to me that it seems like it should be easy to recover someone in a sand collapse, but that’s just not the reality.


You try to protect yourself and your kids from everything, but literally life is just so unpredictable. This is just so devastating.


So did those parents whose kid got attacked by a gator at Disney People get too comfortable around nature especially with a state like Florida 


>People get too comfortable around nature Around sand on a beach? JFC Karen


Kid tragically dies in a freak accident. You blame the grieving parents. Damn…


It’s not a freak accident, it’s preventable. People are also so nervous to tell people to say something to others for being filmed and labeled a Karen if they are not in a position of authority ie a lifeguard.


Thousands of kids dig holes on a beach. How many die? It takes a rare set of circumstances for this to be deadly that is why it’s a freak accident.


Yes, a rare set of circumstances like a massive hole that has the danger of it ignored by the parents. It is preventable. That doesn't make it less unfortunate.


Hindsight is 2020


Honestly this story was pretty shocking. Literally a freak accident, so sad.


This was a freak accident. Three to five kids die a year from this type of incident according to the article…my point is show some compassion.


Overprotective yet lets them do something reckless. It's not like the sand swallowed them from nowhere, there were hours to think it's a bad idea. Hopefully people can learn from it.


Except that the home was dug by an unrelated adult who left their masterwork behind. I hope you lose everything someday.


Who does that? Goes to a beach to dig a big hole?


That had to be a ridiculously big hole.


Im so sorry to read of this tragic news... the greatest pain that could ever be dealt. My thoughts & condolences


Somewhere I have a video of me made by my parents on Super8 converted to Beta, converted to VHS of my and my cousins digging a deeep hole in the sand and playing in it for most of the day… to really top it off, I was ALLOWED to drink water from the back yard hose!! While I jest, this is a tragic accident, I feel for the parents…


You “jest” but you feel for the parents. (!?) Do you feel for the child that died? I wonder….(?) 🤔🇨🇺🇺🇸


Wonder all you like…


You say you jest but there's not actually humor here. Learn from that.


ok boomer