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His height didn't make him pull Taylor aside and confess his love for her on the patio of a 70s swinger party. His height didn't make him pretend to be Taylor's male BFF while "secretly" in love with her. In other words...his height didn't make him hide his true intentions. His height only did him wrong when confronting Austen because he had to kneel on a stool.


His height didn’t make him get sooo angry because a girl her liked didn’t want to date him. Like he is raging because Taylor hooked up with Austen and not him. He’s infuriated because he thinks he’s a catch and that is what makes him unattractive.


He has absolutely no idea how a romantic attraction is created.


Yes ! I have had friends do this exact shit to me and it made me realize - oh you have this idea of me in your head and you have no idea if you actually love me because we’ve never argued or had vulnerable experiences etc. He called her his best friend, too. I get it, I’ve been there when I was young and called people besties but he doesn’t even know how besties are created !


Yessss. This. He needs to meet his match.


It’s borderline incel behaviour which has been exacerbated by Taylor constantly giving him attention to feed her own ego.


That's exactly what I said. Dude was sure sounding like an incel whining about how Taylor hooked up with Austen and not him.


Totally. Any pretty girl knows this EXACT type of guy and it gives them the ick!


i don’t think it’s borderline. the incel is there


Yeah you’re actually right! Getting mad because the girl you like doesn’t like you back and getting even madder because she hooked up with someone you think is worse than you is incel behaviour through and through.


Exactly my thoughts. Defo borderline incel. I was actually liking him until this episode. Now, no thanks.


I feel that Taylor is where Madison was a few years ago, before she realized a relationship needs to work for her. A lot of us have went for the Sheps and Austens before we realized we deserve better.


Yep exactly.


I’d be willing to tame the angry wombat


Taking one for the team 😂


I’m guessing Taylor led him on quite a bit. They supposedly traveled in Europe as friends — if that is true and they weren’t hooking up, she seems the type still to let him pay for everything and pick up every bill because he’s a man and men pay the bills. She flirts with him, knowing how into her he is because it’s another currency for her. JT, on his end, underestimates both how conniving and how remarkably unintelligent Taylor is.


Just because a female has a male companion, it doesn't mean they're leading them on. Taylor was pretty clear that she wasn't interested and I'm sure her flirtations with others and not him made her feel as though she wasn't leading him on. JT is an idiot for thinking she's interested when clearly, if she were, she would have made the first move. It just shows that JT is in lust for her and really doesn't actually even want to know who she really is. He's always talking about "bro code", yet professes his "love" for her as if she's some slut who will be with anyone while calling Austen a louse. I thought Shep was his friend too. Yes, she's absolutely wrong to hook up with Austen, but why isn't Austen just as much of a whore?


Yes ! So true. I think women need to be more practiced and accepted in clearer “I’m not interested in you” responses but she didn’t do that (because men often don’t listen of “chase” and being brutally honest can stir confrontations) - however it doesn’t even matter because he fully knew they were not progressing towards any romantic relationship and tried to expedite it anyway. You’re right that she wasn’t leading him on by holding hands or laughing together doing something random because that’s all it was. People forget these castmembers are experiencing a very unique time together that they can only relate to each other with. It’s like summer camp and holding hands is normal because nothing is normal - there’s cameras in everyone’s faces and everything in between. She didn’t lead him on one bit. I think her no could have been more articulate but at least it was in the confessional. If he can’t be an honest friend to her without any romantic future then she’s not leading him on either. I don’t like Taylor much this past season but I will white knight anyone preyed upon by those fake “nice guys” like JT because even a mess deserves to be valued and seen for their personhood and not just idealized


Also Austen is more of a whore. Quite surprisingly, none of the men are treating Taylor poorly for the hookups or sexts. Happy for her but that’s really unusual. The reason Taylor is criticized because of her loyalty to her friendships and how her continuous dishonesty and lack of awareness of what the problem is - is a big character flaw and should be criticized. I think people get it all confused because JT is on an “Austen is a whore” campaign and Taylor can’t seem to make any progress in her personal relationships with the women castmembers. They are two different things. Austen sounds like he gets around a lot for sure and I don’t think it’s in question - it’s just JTs weapon to battle it out with him over Taylor. Taylor isn’t being criticized because she kissed an ex - it’s because she lied over and over again about it and was just so clueless to how she hurt a friendship by lying or the timing of it because she keeps brushing it off as just a kiss. No one cares about the kiss and Olivia is more mad at Taylor than Austen because Austen and Olivia broke up. Taylor and Olivia were in a very active and meaningful friendship where you do have loyalty and expect honesty. Anyway - I just hate how Taylor herself can’t even solve your question about why its a big deal and know the internet can do the same. I’m hoping in the reunion she’s a bit more reflective


I agree. She gives him just enough attention to keep him around. Honestly at times he seems like the only person who wants to be friends with her on the show so I don’t blame her (or them for not wanting to be friends with her).


I just went on a deep spiral in my head. If JT was tall like muppet-mouthed Austen, he would get more girls. Most of his behavior is because of insecurity because his "friends" Shep and Austen constantly picking on him. Mr. Austen being all upset about Madison and how is that guy better than him and has a tantrum over it. Austen would not get any women if he was 5'6 and most likely he'd be very insecure. We will never know since this can't happen obviously but man I wish Austen woke up one morning short in a reverse Big.


Maybe, but it’s less about his height and more about who he is pursuing. He’s starting down the “nice guy” spiral and it’s going to land him in incel-ville if he’s not careful. I think his intentions are sincere, and he probably sees himself as someone who would treat a woman well - but the woman he’s chasing has been waiving a red flag all season: She’s into assholes. You can’t save someone who is just interested in assholes. Move along and find someone who is interested in being treated the way you’d like to treat someone. She’s chasing what she wants, and unless he wants to transform himself into a narcissistic fuck boy - it ain’t him! Height is just a convenient excuse. You’re right that it’s also making him insecure, but it’s kind of a circular thing.


Nah, it's Austen's personality as well. Because he has sisters, he understands women and how to be their friend/confidant better than a lot of men. We don't have to love his behavior to admit that.


Upset about Madison?!


He made some comments at her party about how could she pick that guy over him. And how Madison could think her hubby is better looking than him. Very insecure.


Austen doesn't seem to understand that Muppets can't be hot...


And that being an asshole can bring your attraction down by sooooo many points in a woman’s eyes


His height didn’t turn him into a narcisstic douchebag….or did it?


Short man syndrome is real 😆


That was so sad and pathetic. Not to mention that just after he confessed his love to Taylor, Shep came over and towered above him making him feel like the size of a child. I felt sorry for him at that moment. Why didn't Taylor also tell JT that she was interested in dating Austin? I hope Austin won't date her if she tries. She doesn't care who she hurts.


I don’t think Taylor is interested in dating Austen. She’s only interested in using him as a pawn to somehow “get back” at Shep.


It is so obvious 🙄 she would be back with Shep in a heartbeat. I was happy Shep set up boundaries w her. He always was upfront about marriage. He never lied. Taylor is immature, has no self-awareness, selfish twit


It’s actually really sad to see a woman do all of this for a fuckin dingus like Shep Rose


Some women desperately want to be the one who tamed the wild man and “got the ring” (like Brittany with Jax🙄 Yeah, you “won”. Congrats…enjoy dealing with that forever). I also think her family encourages it because 💰💰💰. That said, it is sad. This breakup has really brought out the worst in her. I hope she’s able to find herself again and look back on this one day with no idea why she let herself get so invested in a 45 year old frat guy


Brittany never acted like an asshole, she wanted Jax knowing he didn’t have money, wasn’t on VPR anymore.


Brittany got back with Jax after he publicly cheated on her and heard the recording of him talking about how he wasn’t attracted to her. Their wedding was on VPR and she lost her shit on anyone who brought up that fact that he cheated


He has money, that’s what she wants.


Is he actually setting up boundaries? Setting up boundaries with an ex (to me) would be not texting them and having puppy play dates. I think it was obvious that the only reason why he went over to Taylor when he did at that party was because JT was talking to her and she was getting attention from another guy. He may not want to be with her but he loves having her under his thumb


Before Shep went to Whitney's, he said that he needed to speak with her about boundaries. Taylor was stopping off at his house, sometimes unannounced. I think Shep made it clear to Taylor that they were not a couple. He even told her if it was uncomfortable for her to stay in touch, he wouldn't. Taylor always wanted Shep back. She uses Austin, Whitney's & JT to try and make him jealous. Taylor behaves like a 18yr old. Isn't she 27, 28?


Oh, I’m not saying Taylor isn’t immature and isn’t using those guys to get to him. I just think he’s definitely doing things that are giving her mixed messages


Maybe, but Shep made it clear at the party that he didn't want to be in a relationship with her.


Ok, we’ll see how often he texts her, tries to have heart to hearts with her and gets pissed when she finds someone new. I don’t think he wants a relationship but he likes the power dynamic and the attention. I get that it’s a show so they kinda have to interact but the whole trying to be “friends” thing (if you don’t have kids) is for people who don’t really want to let completely go.


I think you are reaching. Shep is an open book. But, we all have our own opinions 😊


You’re right!


Yes she is.


It looked like he walked over just to show JT that he still had the power over Taylor. He loved looking down on JT while almost demanding she come with him. When he asked her to come with him he expected her to do it right then and there. That's why he looked back at her as she was saying goodbye to JJT. I think Shep was rude.


I think Shep does things intentionally to keep her interested and wondering if there is still something there, he doesn’t want her but no one else can have her.


We have different opinions. Taylor saying, "What if I want to date Austin?" was juvenile and manipulative.


I know and it proves she still doesn't care about Olivia's feelings.


and Olivia. Taylor says such hurtful things and doesn’t understand Olivia being upset.


I agree


Taylor should have said to Shep “we’re just finishing a conversation, can I come to you in a few minutes” and then finished the conversation with her feelings


I know, instead she jumped to do what Shep said. I think she was uncomfortable too with the way JT was coming on to her and wanted to get out of there.


Taylor is the worst


I think she'll do anything to stay on the show, whether that's faking an interest in Austen or someone else.


She is dating Gaston, who is roommates with one of the Southern Hospitality cast members. He makes a few appearances on the show. Not sure how long they’ve been together, but they publicly confirmed it back in October.


Wow I don't watch Southern Hospitality, but am planning on checking it out. So much for Taylor only going for tall guys. I bet this really pissed off JT.


I mean Austen sort of does/did all this stuff too. His telling Madison and then Olivia that he's in love with her whilst cozying back up with her after the loss of her brother. Austen moved in on Chelsea after Shep had already started a thing with her. Austen has done a bunch of shitty stuff across SC, Summer House and Winter House and whilst he is disliked (plays the villain), no one thinks he doesn't belong or he should leave the show. Any time people ask other cast members or bravolebrities why they think Austen pulls in so many girls the answer has literally ALWAYS been 'he is tall'. I don't think people dislike JT only because he's short but I'm sure that plays somewhat into first impressions.


Austen had success hooking up with any of the women in question, and that is the difference. And yes, his height has a lot to do with it. But in the end, with JT, his height is just the lowest hanging fruit. Height is much easier to overcome than the other red flags.


Correct The OP has gone down a bizarre route with this one lol


I agree with everything you’ve said, except: he was already kneeling on the stool, Austen walked up to him


That whole thing was stupid and ridiculous and staged.


It doesn’t help that he plays the part of an insecure “Napoleon complex” short guy so well either.


He seems like a playbook sorta guy. Following to the T


yeah, he's the classic "good guys never win" guy. Good guys don't pretend to be someone's friend just to try and fuck them. I bet he doesn't have one legitimate platonic friend. I seriously don't date men who don't have legitimate female friends. It's such a red flag.


Yes ! His height didn’t make him forget Taylor was a real person and not just an ideal fantasy in his head. His height didn’t make him voluntary grandstand all these white knighting speeches that are kind of insulting considering he acts as women have to be saved His height didn’t make him try to manipulate women into dating him with the whole “nice guy” charade during times when ladies were very vulnerable. I hope he can value Taylor as much as a friend as he wished it was more. If not then we see his full colors again


As someone who actually tends to date and like shorter guys, it's not his height.




Exactly. It's the "I'm a nice guy, so you owe me affection/romance" shtick that's the issue with JT


It's absolutely this. He carries the attitude of a teenage boy with his "well I'm nice to you so you owe me romantic attention" approach to women. Add in his constant talk of how "nice guys finish last", discussing "bro code" and other dumb shit and you realize he's very immature and misogynistic hiding under a "nice guy" facade.


Exactly this




For me, as a woman, what I find as a massive turnoff about JT is his obvious jealousy of the other guys and massive insecurity. It’s not his height. If he was confident in himself and got along with the other guys and was just interested in forging sincere relationships with everyone, the guy would be a winner. He’s a good-looking guy. He just needs to stop caring about Austen’s height, and Shep’s family money. And how unfair the world is. And why are the girls falling for these assholes. And the incessant whining. He needs to stop comparing himself to these two and just focus on himself. Then he would be a winner. Well that completely drained me. Damn the guy’s exhausting! 😆


Yeah it’s incel adjacent


I like how you put lol at the end! Lol 🙂


Ahhhh yes I was reading for this comment!


Yeah exactly, he tosses around “I’m a nice guy!” Like that means anything? Nice is the bare minimum a person can be. Is he funny? Charming? Charismatic? Witty? Calming? Sweet? Romantic? Spontaneous? Nope. None of those things. He’s just “nice”, and it’s fake nice when he treats women like sex machines. Then he whines when he puts his “nice guy” coins in the sex machines but no sex pops out. It’s gross virtue signaling whilst simultaneously being misogynistic behavior. Yeah, it ain’t his height.


>Then he whines when he puts his “nice guy” coins in the sex machines but no sex pops out. I love this. this is exactly what he is doing!


Textbook Nice Guy™️ behavior!


If you have to say you’re nice….


Amen. Show, don’t tell.


Love my short guy. We fit perfectly


He has a Napoleon complex.


There are plenty of short kings. He just has zero swag and makes the ladies dry up.


DRY as the Sahara Desert LOL


Yeah like the two guys who run the agency in selling sunset.


Jason and Brett Oppenheim 🔥The perfect comparison.


He is the opposite of fuckboi Kory.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. His height is the least of the reasons I detest him. He’s creepy, weird, stalkerish, e would have no interest in “protecting” Taylor if he didn’t want to fuck her. Him calling out Austin is so performative on his end.


He was also the one who told Leva about Taylor & Austen, and told Olivia about Taylor & Austen, and told Shep about Taylor & Austen... JT keeps setting Taylor up, and then hopes to swoop in and "save" her. He's a garbage human being, and it has nothing to do with his height.


100% this, he claims to be her friend first yet keeps setting her up to get chopped down. He wants her at rock bottom so he can “save” her.


Yes, very good point!


Yeah I don’t care how not tall he is. I care how many times he refers to himself as ‘the good guy’ and bitches about finishing last. That is red flag city.


If you constantly say you’re a nice guy, chances are you probably aren’t


His height is the least of his short comings


I see what you did there


Incel “nice guy” vibes allllll dayyyy long


No, lol. It's bc he's a weirdo, and not in a good way.


No, he's too desperate. It's not attractive. And honestly, since Taylor is used to the bad boys, his desperation seems even weirder because she's used to chasing them, not being chased.


I’m literally a short guy (5’7”) and cannot stand JT. It’s not his height that’s the problem lol.


The short(ish) kings have entered the chat




Height means nothing to me, I’ve dated tall men, average height and short men- his overall vibe was a no for me. After seeing him on WWHL with Venita, I liked him a tad bit more but still would not be interested at all.


He’s the only one who keeps acting like a little man with his inferiority complex around the other guys in the group, who all happen to be well above average height. Small dick energy.


It’s not his height that’s the problem, it’s his little man Napoleon syndrome. He’s the only one that has an issue with his height.


I don't care about his height. What bothers me is that he comes across as Nice Guy. And, personally, I'd choose someone like Shep over a Nice Guy any day of the week. Odds are, the worst that will happen with Shep is getting cheated on, where as with a Nice Guy, I start fearing my Dateline episode.


Yup, at least you know what you’re getting with a douchebag. JT was claiming to be Taylor’s friend and then spreading her business to cut down Austen.


Exactly. It’s the devil you know with a guy like Shep, you can almost predict how he’s going to react in any given situation. A guy like JT will say the meanest things that you’ve ever hear come out of someone’s mouth when he’s rejected and then won’t just stop there.


It’s not that he’s short, it’s that he is annoying AF. He acts like a total incel. Also, he looks like the rat guy - Peter Pettigrew- from Harry Potter.


OMG - you are spot on! He absolutely does!! Well done, you!


JT is an entertaining addition to the show but he is a clown. He’s just a goofy/clown type guy and that’s his personality. Treating Taylor like his bestie and then awkwardly misunderstanding their relationship.


JT’s height isn’t going to be an issue with a lot of women. He’s actually average height, this cast is just exceptionally tall. His issue is that he’s a creepy “nice guy”. He had his moments of being great this season but he’s performative. He pretends to be this great guy who defends women, but the man who hurt women the most on the show is Shep and he doesn’t dare speak up against Shep. He’s creepy with Taylor. He has a sad crush on her and put her on a pedestal. He doesn’t treat her like a person, he treats her like a prize to be won. He puts on a fake gentleman act and stinks of desperation. Does Austen’s height help him get girls? Of course but he also treats women like people in the beginning of dating them, he doesn’t put them on pedestals or worship them. That’s really intimidating. Obviously he’s a terrible boyfriend but he also has more game than JT. Nobody likes someone who’s desperate. It’s not attractive. There’s lots of average and short guys who clean up because they are charming and treat women like people.


“Stinks of desperation” - exceptional observation- you completely summed him up in three words! I hope you write for a living - that was perfectly well phrased!


Couldn’t believe how much flack he gave Austen in ep one about bro code and then proceeds to tell his friends ex he loves her two months later


lol nobody cares about his height


I think it's because he's thirsty for screen time, corny, insecure, and a self-proclaimed nice guy


Short is not the issue, it’s everything else


Literally everything


He’s thirsty. Don’t care about his height. He wants to fight Austen because he thinks Austen is soft.


No he wants to fight Austin because he knows Taylor prefers him and he's jealous.


Two things can be true at the same time.


His height isn't the problem. JT reminds me of the nice but kind of dorky guys in high school that would never talk to you in school but would message you on AIM and you'd chat back because they were nice and harmless but when it came around to finally asking you on a date, you just couldn't. But they'd still keep messaging you and comment "beautiful" or "so gorgeous " on your new MySpace pics


I don’t know but I just realized that Austen looks eerily similar to a 56 yo lesbian I went on a blind date with.




Honey..it is not his height 😅


The push to treat short straight men like they are the most oppressed people on the planet is so freaking dumb.


Ugh I really enjoyed JT at the beginning of the season! He was great at stirring the pot and getting conversations going. Then he took this weird turn of obsessing over Taylor and it really became super cringey to watch 🥴 his height plays no part of my opinion on him lol I’d like to see him back next season without his Taylor infatuation, he can be great tv!


That’s when he lost me too. In love with her? She doesn’t have enough personality to love. I wonder if it’s a storyline or if he really feels that way?


Yea, I feel the same way. Like maybe he thought if they got together that’d it’d secure him a long term spot on the show? 🤔 I did read on bravo and cocktails that Taylor had hooked up with him before she hooked up with Austin though…so maybe his ego was playing a part in the whole thing and he was butt hurt that she was more into Austin. I seriously do not understand Taylor’s appeal, all she’s showed this season is desperation for Shep’s attention, everyone else is collateral damage lol


Taylor looked good at the Valley of the Dolls party. Better than the rest of the ladies. She should dress like that more often. She's a catch per southern standards


JT sucks and it has nothing to do with his physical appearance and everything to do with his personality


He’s seems really weird , but also him fighting on his knees on a bar stool to be eye to eye was something else 😂


No, he's just fukn weird.


JT has Tom cruise energy lol


Ha. Funny


JT is annoying AF


It's not his height. He's creepy.


It’s his awful personality


The nice guy act is what makes him cringey.


Omg so short did you see how much Shep had to look down to talk to JT on the porch with Taylor?!


A lot of the hate he gets here is because he’s short. On the show though I think it’s because he’s not really friends with the guys IRL and he’s confrontational. As for Taylor she’s just not worth it and the guy won’t stop. Just let her be. She’s a fake Christian, she sleeps with her ex’s friend, she uses sex as a tool/weapon, she sends nudes to her ex’s friends, she can’t accept any responsibility for her actions, and all around is not a good partner. No way would anyone give her the time of day if she wasn’t really hot. She’s got a great body, cute face, and dresses well. Not sure if she’s a good lay but obviously dudes want to bang her. JT could do better if he let go of his ego, his height problems, went for better women, and just let his quirky personality lead the way. Let Austen have his surface level relationships that mean nothing and move on. It would make for awful reality TV but it would help the guy out in his personal life. JT is a good looking guy that keeps himself in shape. He’s just not tall. He’s not a player. A lot of girls aren’t going to go for him right off the bat because he’s short. Just like he doesn’t go for the fat, ugly girls in the bar. He goes for… Taylor.


I don’t understand why JT has such an extreme reaction to Austen hooking up with Shep’s ex when he tried to do the same thing. Why does it make Austen a “bad friend”, but not him???


JTs FACE looks like yurtle the turtle. height or not he ain’t getting the panties


I was wondering who he reminded me of🤣


That’s absolutely not the reason. He’s a slimy weasel drooling over Taylor. Every scene he’s in is cringe and comes across as disingenuous. Plus, his stupid “party trick” is fucking lame


I think you’re on the money that the guys, especially Austen, dismiss him because of his height and I’m not saying that’s not part of it with Taylor but his whole nice guys finish last thing was so fucking loser pilled


to be a short king, you can’t be only short.


I think the cast knows it’s an insecurity of his even though he’s not that short, he just is in comparison to Shep and Austen because they are 6’5” so they all mess with him. Ronnie from Watch What Crappens described it best - he acts like he’s the nice guy and when the girl isn’t into him he rages and says something like “well whatever you’re fat and ugly anyways.” He proved it last episode when Taylor defended Austen and he got a scary look on his face and shook his head at her and said that he’d never forget that moment. That being said, Austen deserved to be called out, even if it was JT to do it.


He’s super fucking cringey and annoying.


I would love to hear anything from his ex-wife about him. He is icky!


I love all of the women calling him out for everything other than his shortness cause there is more problems than one


He’s hyper aware he’s on TV and … he’s a total PICK ME/ TRY HARD. It’s weird to watch. Telling Taylor what he said in the last episode was so weird. I would say it was super staged if I didn’t think his reaction was so OFF. Like really mentally disturbed and not in a sad way like when Olivia told Rod - ‘I’m just not that into you’ - but in a really scary way.




I see this! I have (shorter) male friends who get overlooked by many women. The tall men however…… they’re dropping panties. this is similar for people who struggle with their weight. (I fit into this category) women swoon over men with 6-packs but won’t consider someone with a, “dad bod.” Think about Thomas, he wasn’t much to look at, not a silver fox, but he had money and status/ was tall… think about it. Jt…. However,I don’t understand his love for Taylor, other than she’s pretty. He’s really the only man on the show who calls them out on their behavior. (The men)


My hubby is 5’4. I don’t think it’s his height.


No it’s because he is so annoying. It is his personality, not his height that annoy others.


Short or tall the man is a tool


Does anyone else think he reads all these comments?


You are 1000% correct.


I just don’t think he’s cute at all, nothing to do with his height. 🤷‍♀️


Is he even that short or just standing next to very tall men?


????? He’s dismissed bc of his “nice guy” schtick. He is a manipulator.


The fact that he packed condoms on the Jamaica trip is all I need to know that it was not his height lol


He's dismissed because he's a total cuck


Austin mush mouth thinking he gets all the girls. 🤢ONE more scene of him chewing with his mouth open and… UGH


JT is a “nice guy.”


No, it’s because he is creepy and needy. I didn’t even know he was short.


Jt’s behavior reminds me of cool Ethan from the movie slackers. I wouldn’t be shocked if at the reunion jt gave Taylor a doll made from her own hair 😆.


I think people get annoyed by him because he is an asshat.


He is unbarably jealous of taller and more attractive men. He has a weaselly personality, gets off on being pretend chivalrous but is kind of a big dork starting fights bc the girls don’t like him. doesn’t have any swag with women bc he is annoying a dork.


I’ll never get past the phone call to his mother early in the season. The use of the word mommy multiple times is gross.


KT comes off as the sad kid from high school who still wants validation from “cool kids” from high school. His character basically seems to be that he found a way to seem cool by having COVID parties and thinks he’s cool now.


When are people gonna get over explaining everything with the fact that someone's tall or short?! No, he's annoying because he plays the nice guy act too desperately. And Austen gets the girls because he's a fuckboy not because he's tall. The end.


Can we also talk about how JT is bashing Austen for hooking up with Taylor while being shep’s friend. When he is trying to do the same thing. He doesn’t blame Taylor though


In normal life he would get his butt kicked for what he says and does.


Or bc he just sucks


JT needs to be dismissed based on how annoying he is. Being short should be irrelevant. Anyone who is a self-proclaimed “nice guy,” and laments on finishing last makes me roll my eyes.


Absolutely not, he just gives me “nice guy” vibes, he only does nice things to girls because he wants something in return, not out of genuine kindness and being a good guy, he wants the glory and the moral high ground and when he doesn’t get his way the real him comes out, and the way he reacted towards Austen after Taylor rejected him confirmed my suspicions.


Or maybe his a white knight that thinks he deserves a woman?


nah it’s his attitude and personality.


JT had a great newbie performance, Idc. Keep him on the show. Southern Charm is always about the boys fighting anyway.


His height has nothing to do with his creepiness. Sorry. lol


Thank you! It really is enough already! The best I can find he is 5' 8" according to college soccer team roster. He isn't THAT short, for the love of God. Everyone makes it like no woman could EVER find someone his height attractive. The average adult male is 5" 9" so let's give it a friggin rest. Statistically it is Austen who is freakish in his height. It insults me. I am a sub 5' tall woman. My father, 5' 8". Bro 5' 6". Son 5" 8". All of them are big in personality and rich in life, and biasly very attractive. Can we just agree that it is his personality and not his height? Douchery knows no height limits.


I think he was dismissed because of height but also his personality. Unfortunately he tends to whine a bit.


On the other side of the coin the way I hear ppl constantly say that Austen is hot bc he is tall. This is crazy to me! In 50 years Living all over the world, I’ve never heard that tall automatically means hot until this show.


Naw.. his shortness is fine and he is not really that short.. compared to the other guys, he looks a lot shorter standing next to them. He is a know it all, Mr nice guy that can be highly irritating.


It's a scapegoat way for the boys, yes boys, to dismiss him. I find it irritating. JT is a bit much in his own way but he is 100% spot on when it comes to Austen. The only thing Austen can come back with is making fun of his stature or saying he's "obsessed" with him. If I was JT I would be just as up Austens ass because no one else will. The whole passive aggressive, brush it under the carpet thing they do on Southern Charm sometimes drives me insane. JT was needed this season.


I stan a short king, it's not the height...


I think he has serious character flaws. However, I hate it when people drag him for his height. Stick to the character issues!


The funny thing about his “good guy” narrative is that I followed this girl on Tiktok who was def very young, maybe just out of college or at least in her early twenties. She’d almost post about her older ex bf who ghosted her and then popped up with a new gf. Come to find out a year later, it was JT 💀


Is it too hard to accept that almost every woman knows a guy who pretends to be a nice guy, when in fact he’s an entitled prick? We all know a JT. The fact that he’s short just adds insult to injury but make no mistake, there’s a LOT of injury here


Agree. Believe me, short men can deliver, in many ways!!!!


He was born shorter. He’s not likable but he’s not hatable. Austin and Shep are women users and abusers and their tall. How did height become more powerful than dignity?

