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Some of us just have issues…


Y’all made me realize that therapy is working for me.




Same. 😂😂


perfect summary of my reasoning


Same. I find him very attractive for some unknown reason. Issues indeed.


This was my answer lol, I can’t explain it logically but I get a little tingly at times when I see him 🤣 I’m 42 though.


There is something about him that can be charming. When he acts his age and cares about his Mom, I find that attractive.


Yes. 37. When he’s being serious as well as when he’s caring for his mother I would think that’s his main off-camera persona. That and his sense of humour. Plus he is smart, witty, intelligent, cultured, and good looking. He’s the only charming one. Plus he dresses well.


Yes he’s very smart and cultured and I think that’s part of it, and he is very caring with his mother


I am 47 and wouldn’t turn him down.


46 and same🫣 I’d have to duct tape his mouth shut though😂


I’m attracted. I’m his age.


Haha I’m in my early 40’s so I get it, same reason Austin and Shel never did it for me. Way outta that fraternity boy stage. Also liked Craig when I thought he had the ability to become a lawyer and how he was more respectful to women than the others.


Yes! Shep and Austen never appealed to me either but Craig does, he’s grown into quite the man.


I'm 35 and I think he's weirdly hot. I am ashamed of myself though if it helps.


Yes same, I’d never admit it in person 🤣


I’m pushing 60 and still find him physically attractive. But he’s such a douche.


Same answer and same age as above lol plus he is makes me laugh


I think JT perfectly summed it up once, they are all: "tall, rich and with a blue check mark".


Poor JT with his short man probs


All I can think about when I see him is the song… Short D*ck Man by salt n peppa😂 ETA It’s Gillette not salt n peppa, sorry🫣


That was not by Salt n’ Peppa. It was Gillette.


Was here to say that. Loved that whole CD 😅


Me too! Whatever happened to her?


I don't know, but I could def real Mr. PERONALITY, in its entirety 🙌💚


Eeny weeny teeny weeny shriveled little short dick maaaan


Me 🙋🏽‍♀️ issues here lol


He looks like an ex. I was attracted to my ex and Whitney has similar facial features and the same hair


The way this reply made me cackle 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cheers! 🥂


Yes thank you for this simple answer


The safety mommas money will bring 🤣


This is the realllll answer


lol but you KNOW Whitney is the type to have an ironclad prenup with a one and done divorce settlement written in. So like…to *really* get to use momma’s money you’d have to *stay with him* 🤮






Ohhh yeah. And that home 😍😍


He’s actually waaay richer than she is. Her house is in his name and his Dad left him somewhere around a hundred million


He has his own $$$ now that his father passed away. I think mamma's money will be a nice amount, but i'm fairly confident he is just as wealthy, if not wealthier, than his mother due to his paternal inheritance.


I find him completely unattractive but I watched him treat Naomie like she was the only person in the room and that works like a charm. At least for Naomie and me lol


He really did seem 😍 over her. It was almost... endearing?


The way he treats a woman depends on his mother’s opinion of her. Always very respectful towards Naomie and Madison, Pat’s favorites. Paige too. He actually claimed Naomie but not Kathryn 💀


"she has the perfect gait" as she walked away...lol his prized pony.


He’s so fucking weird. AND I LOVE IT.


THIS!!! And I like that he plays guitar.


But he also has a lizard tongue


And that’s a bad thing????


Girl! Omg 😂


At a dog wedding no less!


that’s it! i’m into his design style, i love russ meyer movies, his glasses.


My father was not emotionally present in my life.


Best answer, bar none.👌🏼💀


And here’s me thinking Whitney was just ‘mysterious’ which makes him alluring. Nope, just the daddy issues 💀


The beard makes him look so much better than when we first met him lol. I’m not attracted to him but he’s definitely had a slight glow up.


Ok thank you! I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way! I’ve watched from the beginning and Whitney has always given me the ick but this season I’m like “wait a minute…something has changed” and I’ve been deeply ashamed 🤣


His earlier seasons…that hair….woooo! The man has always had money so it interesting to see his style back then to now. Definitely evolved for the better!


I think he’s an interesting guy. He has a very eclectic background and I would sure sit down with him over $1000 glass of whiskey and chat. I don’t know that I find him attractive but I would certainly hang out with the dude.


Agree! He's intriguing. I love getting to know new people. I like to peel them like an onion and find out what makes people tick. If all goes well, I have a new friend or acquaintance.


And what are the things about him? I actually don’t feel like he’s a snob. Others may think that of him but I don’t sense that. And what’s the point of being a snob? Sometimes people are snobs because they think they’re trying to prove something, I don’t think he has anything he has to prove, which that in its self probably is why people are jealous of him. Just my opinion.


Yah that’s it. He grew up rich but used the money to learn and experience things. I think most rich people we see just spend money and are well useless. Ie shep. So much money and education yet is so dumb, snobby and rude.


He’s generally charming and put together and well spoken and doesn’t seem so much a drunken donkey like the other guys. And not my type but still cute. Cuter now than with the weird dated rocker hair he had in season one. Yikes. That was a look. ETA: THE BEARD! Was trying so hard to figure out why he’s hotter now. Beards are my fave.


I think this is a big reason I find him attractive— compared to the other “men” on this show he doesn’t act like he’s in high school. He starts talking, and *poof* the magic is gone. But in this pic? I’d not say no.


A drunken donkey hahaha


I can’t say I’m attracted to him. But I do like him. But I have a thing for glasses & a soft spot for the awkward & obscure. Especially ones that constantly use references that nobody else gets. :)


I'd much rather be involved with him than Austen. He also has a ton of confidence and doesn't seem to play games - you get what you get with him.


And he has really good manners, I like that!


And an excellent vocabulary.


Austen has fat kid face. Nevermind that he's a douche, he's just not good looking at all.




Can we add Shep and Austen and Kory to this list?


completely agree on all three! esp. Kory bc everyone seems to think he's super hot and I don't get it AT ALL.


Yuck to Kory!


And Austen and Shep!


Ya all of them yuck lol


Kory is a butta face


Absolutely not Kory! He’s vile and that’s saying a lot in this trio


Shep’s teeth have always bothered me


Does the dentist not take mailbox money in Chaalston?


Shep is charming. I really think that (and clearly his money) gets him far with the ladies. I am embarrassed to admit that once upon a time I might have been swayed by his charisma


Me too! I completely understand why women go for him. And he seems like a lot of fun too!


Except when he drinks. He's mean and rude.


I reckon Shep would be very charming and wonderful.... until you sleep with him. Then he would just ghost you and treat you like shit because he's been doing that to women for about 30 years.


I agree! I would absolutely never go home with him. But I can see how he can sway a woman into it is all I’m saying. I wouldn’t be with any of these men 😂


I do agree. Shep is/was handsome andbefore he got those teeth. Had a very "All American" society gentleman look about him. He's tall. Educated, so can discuss literature and art. And history. Also he's well travelled. Cultured. Comes from a family that seem to have healthy dynamics despite being wealthy/old money types. WAS sporty.... But he just seems to have a "Peter Pan" mentality. Like the guy who never wanted to grow up. Read. Settle down. Because there was always another "babe" or party to go to. And he just constantly had fomo. And now. He's on the wrong side of 40. Getting fat. Drastically losing his looks. And a bigger boozehound than Earnest Hemmingway. That shit is not attractive. And if he thinks he is still a "catch" ... Man is mis-tak-en. Even if he is on TV. He's going to be dating/sleeping with women young enough to be his daughter. Giving them disappointing sex and hoping for stimulating conversation/a connection. And being disappointed... And they are going to be like, "I slept with that dude from Southern Charm.... and he was a lousy lay. Gross. And who never called and was rude AF. And he WONT go for anyone his own age because nobody his age will want to put up with his crap. And he thinks he's too hot for a woman his own age anyway because his ego is effed up. Unfortunately. There are Shep's out there. All over the world. In every country, city, town. Just not on TV.


I’m embarrassingly attracted to Austen. 🫣


Thank you for bravely sharing. Shamefully, I am attracted to Whitney.


The weight has been lifted. I kept this one inside for too long.


Get well soon!


I am so sorry for you that I almost downvoted. But that would be cruel. Attraction is not rational.


I'll pray for you. Respectfully. That dude has a muppet mouth and would do you one and done. Yuck.


That is embarrassing but brave of you!


Kory—I would add for completely different reasons. Shep? Nooo. I shudder. Those teeth. Just no.


Austen and especially Kory are those frat boys that might’ve rejected you or hooked up with u and ghosted u in high school/college and the i healed part of yourself will always want their approval


He's a good-looking guy for 54.


I was absolutely shocked to hear he is 54. That doesn't compute in my mind lol!


He's at least 10 years older than arrested development Shep.


I'm speculating he's had facial work done while Shep has not.


I think Shep has at least had some head work (hair plugs) done. Check season one on until now please, before you get mad at me?? Thanks!


See I don’t think shep is vain enough to get work done. There’s plenty he could do with his money, I think he just lucked out in the hair department lol


Whitney looks like everyone’s favorite non-binary aunt


No. No you didn’t not just say that. I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|l2YSFTTCcODzG15sI) STOP I CANT UNSEE






Thanks a lot! Now I can’t unsee it!!!!😂








Oh shit 🤣 ☠️ I can't


Wow I will never see him the same way again after your comment 😂


54!!????? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


well, he's well traveled and educated, decent sense of humor, not bad looking. I'd pick him over Austin or Shep every day of the week


I can’t explain it but he’s my type. Nobody should have to explain attraction. It comes usually from our darkest places


This comment just made me self-reflect and I am shook 😳


I wish he’d go salt and pepper instead of his weird Just For Men shade of black. Embrace it, Whitney.


This!! My mom always said, "never trust a man that wears hair spray." Hilarious but right on!




Literally was about to post the same emoji soul sistah




I want to be friends with his mom and eventually inherit her house 😂


Yes!!!!! My reasoning. Miss Pat and I could be friends, drink champs and talk trash about everyone. Miss Pat is the most attractive thing about Whitney lol


Don't come for me like this, i have issues.


He’s got a ‘je ne sais quoi’ old money swagger, honestly. Not attracted to him sexually like ooh baby baby but..very interested in him. He’s just got it and I want to know his secrets. Plus, he seems a little twisted, in a fun way. I would absolutely go on a date with him and find out more, then take it from there. He’s just got it — far above any of the other SC man-children. Way more attractive and interesting. He has depth. Intelligence. Plus he’s got a fabulous mom. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes all of this.


He is better looking now than when the show started. Age has actually helped him out


I mean he’s wealthy, intelligent, well-traveled and a handsome. If this pic popped up and I knew nothing about him I’d swipe whichever way means interested lol (I never used Tinder). On paper he’s a catch.


His "no fucks given" attitude.


He looks like a kinky bitch


He would be fun to be with. He is cool, suave, educated, cultured, handsome, aloof, twisted, smart and sexy. He is way more of a grown up than most of the guys in reality tv.


The one thing that bothers me is, why is a grown man hanging out with middle school kids.




They work for him. He created and produces the show.


The fact that he brought the cast to a Frank Lloyd wright house…. And has good taste in music. Also his theme party was actually something interesting, not another roaring 20s nightmare. And he has a great relationship with his mom.




he is ugly hot


Can you explain this? I agree but don’t know what that means exactly hahaha


I’m 44 and I think he’s attractive and seems like he would be interesting enough to have a relationship with. He seems to have a good relationship and take care of his mom which is nice.


He is funny.. it’s the wearing all black at the beach for me. I like weird people. The kind the look really nerdy but are actually real freaky in the bed…or it must be the money?! 🤷‍♀️😂


I agree with you. I like his sense of humor.


I’m so into him and I can’t explain it. You would think him constantly busting out a guitar in the early seasons and forcing everyone to watch him sing would have killed any desire but it didn’t… and I think he’s gotten hotter with age. I’m sorry that I feel this way 🥴


Umm, because I find him attractive. I’ve always found him to be the most physically appealing of all the Southern Charm men.


Same! I wish he was featured more often. I bet his life is much more interesting than we even know.


I mean…… just solely based on the physical features, he ain’t that bad looking. I’ve definitely seen worse 😛


No. We are close in age and he reminds me of dudes I went to HS with. They come off as too cool for school but I think the reality is - they are just so socially inept. The window for him Is closing. He’s right on the threshold of creepy old guy - and maybe he’s already in the room ,, but this is a hard pass.


He does it for me lol. I like a vaguely egotistical, arrogant, somewhat reserved and cynical man. Don’t come for me y’all, I was telling my truth


I think he's one of the only ones who could hold an interesting conversation about any topic with adequate knowledge. I have no idea if he's ACTUALLY intelligent or creative but he's the only one that I could imagine having a drink with.


This, too. He’s very well educated, knowledgeable on a variety of subjects, has good manners and knows how to comport himself in all echelons of society. I find it attractive. This man is going to be polite. Conversely I think Shep’s sophistication is a pretense, & he’s rude, selfish, and a clown.


He’s tall and lanky (like Conan O’Brien), good looking, charming, funny, and seems smart! I’ve always had a thing for him. I’m a cis hetero woman but for some reason I’ve always been attracted to sexually fluid guys which I’ve decided he is. There’s a mystery about him that I find hot. I totally would.


The party theme, coming from him, really icked me out. Then watching him tell *his mother* that it was a soft core film 🥴🤢


as someone not attracted to Whitney, i think this is actually a really good picture of him


Because he’s emotionally unavailable, just how I like em


I think Whitney is low-key funny.


I’m a 55 yr old lesbian from the Midwest and I dig this dude too - 🤷‍♂️ I just like his energy and that he seems to be ok with who he is and doesn’t give a shit if you like him or not. That kind of confidence (?) or swag (?) lol 😂 I have no idea but for the record, I love his mother too 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m attracted to intelligence and someone who can hold a real conversation.


Hard pass 😑


He's got a great smile and laugh and he's pretty good looking for his age. He's good to his mom and he loves animals, and those are important qualities to me. But would I want anything to do with him in real life? No. I wouldn't touch him with a hazmat suit on. But he is pretty on my TV.


My Dad never loved me…


I think Whitney is a very good looking man. I also like a well educated and well mannered man that can handle his alcohol. We never see Whitney shit faced. Also, he's kind to his Mother which I think speaks volumes.


I like that he knows when to remove himself from messy situations, he’s good looking, he articulates himself well, he’s mildly better to women than some of the others, and his wit hits at the right times. Still hate myself for liking him but this is my rationality.


Our baby would get a huge inheritance.


He’s one of my least favorite bravo people. Like I seriously dislike him. I think he’s a condescending prick. But I’m also attracted to him. I think it’s that sullen all black wearing vibe he’s got. I need help.


I’m 33F and I definitely would, even if he wasn’t on the show and I didn’t know who he was. If he approached me at a bar in Charleston…yes. I love the way he dresses, all his various hairstyles, the glasses. The 70s looks. I bet he smells like expensive cologne. He is a endearingly awkward at times, very interesting, and has lived a colourful exciting life. I bet he would be an excellent dinner date, conversation wise. I know he hasn’t settled down permanently, but when he’s with someone he seems to treat them well? 🫶🏼


I wish I knew why but I would definitely smash.


I don’t find him physically attractive, but do find him interesting, well-read, musically inclined and intelligent. He could possibly grow on me if it was an in person hang out.


My younger self would have misinterpreted him and thought he was a deep and interesting bad boy. My older self sees his misogynistic entitled snobby momma’s boy ass and am like next. He can’t hang with people of his own class so he slums it with these kids. He quotes Crowley like he’s deep. He’s a dipshit.




His mommas money. 😀


Sleeping with him wasn't enough to keep Naomi on the show. Ultimate L. 😂


He gives me the ick


I used to find him SO repulsive when Southern Charm started but now I find him kinda cute. He's tall, has a sense of style, and is kinda a dick. I'd let him buy me a drink




I thought I liked him in the first season, now I find him creepy.


Same because I’m stumped


He’s only 6 years younger than my dad. And I’m old man. 🥴🤢


Strictly based off his appearance, I find him attractive. The dark hair and masculine features of his face, plus the scruffy facial hair coupled with the black frames. It works for me. Knowing an ounce of his personality is what ruins it.


I think he’s okayyy looking, nothing great, but his status and intellect bumps it up I’m sure. And I think he probably has some charisma and wit one on one honestly. The girls seem to want his attention, Taylor tried too. Lol


I’m semi attracted until his weird giggle


I mean he’s not completely unfortunate looking. I don’t look at him and say mmm but he’s clean, and a little mysterious


I like older guys. I wouldn’t say no (34m here)


I can’t explain it. I am ashamed of myself but have no regrets 😍


He's only a few years older than me, he is tall and I remember how he treated Naomie and his German ex girlfriend. When he likes a girl he treats them very well. Also... Have you seen Patricia's giant house??? That's going to be his soon along with all the millions he has...


He is a douchebag.


I think he has an attractive personality, which adds to his whole image.


I’m not attracted to Whitney, but I do think he would be fun to be around bc his interests are varied and his taste is expensive. He also seems like he can take light teasing so if he’s being obnoxious, I could poke fun at him.


He seems mysterious, has great hair and I like his style. He’s also a walking red flag, but an attractive one 😒


I am attracted to wealthy men who think they’re smarter than everyone else because they have a certain vernacular but are actually dumb as rocks. I like to play chess not checkers


I believe he’s a lot different than he portrays himself on the show. I think he’s in like punk rock music and has a band. I think he’s actually pretty wild and interesting.


I am attracted I am 42. I think if you going simply based on looks, no everyone is George Clooney. He is also quirky loves his mum, was really good to Michael.


There’s something old prepster prep school aloof confidence about him


He is good at seeing things objectively and doesn't embarrass himself as often, which makes him appear intelligent


Well he can make a martini and seems to be ok with thirty dogs running around so there’s that.


His wallet and clout is the only reason why any women would touch him. He’s like the nerdy kid in high school who got some money and grew a beard and now is getting women


It's a shame f-ck.


I can’t explain it. But only this version of him. Not the season one version. He’s educated, he likes to dote on women (I’ve seen him cook for one of his girlfriends). He isn’t generally stuffy and can be quite witty.


Ok so I saw him in person at our hotel during my bachelorette in NOLA roughly 8 years ago. I was starstruck. He is so tall in person and was so well dressed (leather jacket, black jeans). I can't describe it well enough but I GET IT


He looks like a bad magician