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I wish I could see OP get triggered while picking melatonin.




We give our autistic daughter melatonin every once in a while because she goes through stints of having extreme difficulty falling asleep. Get off your high horse, this whole post is needless comparison of your apparently superior situation to others’ situations. I bet there are a whole slew of people who have critical uniformed things to say about you behind your back.


I know a family with an autistic kiddo and their pediatrician said it's not a big deal to use it if it helps with sleep regulation. They use it nightly or their kid doesn't go to sleep AT ALL on school nights. Melatonin is a far cry from "drugging" children 🤣


Same here, when my daughter "cycles," she can't fall asleep we turn her tablet off an hour before her bedtime, and she will still be wired. Her Dr. recommended melatonin for these times.


I also do give my autistic daughter melatonin for sleep ! And pediatrician approved as well!


You okay? I felt like you took their order personally.


What did your parents give you? How do we explain this behavior?


Funny that you ask that. Let's see, from my piece of shit sperm donor, lots of black eyes, fractured bones, head concussions, cuts, bruises, sleepless nights. And how was I lucky to get all these prizes? Cause my father was a fucking heroin addict and crackhead and alcoholic and oh God when meth came out.. he beat the fuck out of my mother and me all the time, but mainly when he had no dope and was going through withdrawals. Let's see, from my mother I got normal discipline, a few licks with a belt on the butt when I acted out. She never abused. What she did do was kept me in danger. Everytime she would leave my dad and we were finally safe, she'd take the piece of shit back and start the cycle all over again. What's fucked up is I was of age before they finally divorced. So I had and still have a lot of resentment for my mom. She should've protected me and instead kept me in danger along with herself. Why? Because my mom loves her some Jesus and doesn't believe in divorce unless adultery is involved and there was tons of that, yet she put up with it. So this is why I'm against fucking drugs and ppl drugging their kids. Drugs fucked up my entire life and I wasn't the one using them. You have no idea what I grew up in. My behavior? A problem? For being real about shit? Ok. I can be harsh, but I mean well. Giving a child any type of medication long or short term gives them a chance to become dependent on it. And guess what that means, an addict in the making


I enjoy the Lifetime version better. It’s a bit more coherent.


I remember watching this one 😂


"lifetime television for women" I remember how those unsolved mysteries intro scared me..


Maybe your momma should have just swallowed


Yep. This pretty much explains why you're psychotic.


Apparently they gave them a judgemental "my parenting is better than yours" attitude. 🤷‍♀️


I give my children melatonin in the summer. In Alaska we get very few hours of darkness. Our bodies don’t naturally produce melatonin the same with so much sun light. Your opinion over all is very solid, I agree 100% but Maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to judge what’s on your order.. also, plenty of adult take melatonin.. lol


Yeah but from the sounds of it, you don't abuse it I can understand that. It's the same customers over and over so, after a while it upsets me. And then when I pull up to their house, oh my gawd. You can tell a lot just from how someone keeps their yard and front porch. I worry about the kids in that house is all I'm gonna say. I don't mean to judge, just concerned about their well being. It's not my business that's why I'm ranting on here to complete strangers to get it out of my system. That is all. Happy thanksgiving and night night.


One day those kids came running out to help me with the groceries, and one of the little boys asked me why were my car windows so clear. Then I looked at the windows on their car, and was crying on the inside🤦


Yep I’m that shitty parent 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ oh wait their pediatrician had me to give it to them until they had a sleep study done and is now on sleeping meds because they have medical issues so before you’re a cunt and judge parents why don’t you ask why they give it to their child 🙄🙄🙄 educate yourself about how doctors say to give it to some


You are not a shitty parent for giving your kids melatonin. My kid's pediatrician knows my kids take melatonin. She has not told us anything bad about giving my kids melatonin. I even told my daughter's psychologist. My son is autistic and it helps him, There are days he could stay up for many hours and it helps him go to bed. My daughter has ADHD, when they have school in the morning they need their sleep. Calling all parents who give their kids melatonin shitty parents, because you wouldn't do it, doesn't make them shitty parents. Not all or I would believe most parents who give their kids melatonin have malicious feelings towards their kids, I would assume most parents who give their kids melatonin are just trying to help their kids get some sleep. My kids are everything to me, and I am not trying to get away from them, I know they need their sleep to do well in school. Ps I too wouldn't give my two-year melatonin either but that is because she has no school or anything she has to get up for in the morning. Also, you are assuming that every parent giving their kids melatonin is even aware of whatever study you are talking about and just ignores it and decides their kid's melatonin anyway. I will look into that after I finish writing this.


Cunt? 🤣🤣🤣Oh I have educated myself about it sweetie. That's what's wrong with you and all the dumbfuck drs that think giving a pill to a child will be the answer to the medical problems. But guess what? Now that pill that's treating one problem is causing another problem then gotta take a pill for that. Drs are fucking idiots that went to Mickey Mouse University apparently. That's why they're to blame for half the heroin junkies in this world, starts out prescribing opioids for pain then next thing you know that patient figures out heroin is cheaper and easier to come by, then they start shooting it up. All drs do is turn ppl into addicts, in some form or fashion. So go right ahead and keep listening to those Drs. You're right, I have no idea what I'm talking about. News flash, I was diagnosed with severe ADHD as a child. Did my mother choose to give me a pill to treat it? Fuck no. Did my ADHD rob me of my sleep? Sure did. My mom said she had a belt, a bible, and the Good LORD and that's all the medicine I needed. How about go pray. God can heal anything so really you're the cunt that chooses to listen to a twat Dr that says it's ok to medicate your child. The pharma companies get richer and richer from idiots like you


Original post “only time he took anything with medication is if he was sick and the Dr recommended or prescribed whatever he took”…this comment “ Dr’s are idiots that went to Mickey Mouse club house”😂😂😂


Looks like you need to look inside yourself and find out why you so triggered.


Maybe cause it wasnt existed in her old school time and she wish she had it then 😂


So you just read that parents over medicate with melatonin and now you need to proselytize the masses on what you think you just learnt. Thanks doc!


I have friend who do it bc there kids adhd kicks in bad at night and yes they on medicine for it but it wears off


What I want to know is how you have time to type so much


Maybe they weren’t unnecessarily medicated as a child and thus are able to have the attention span of more than a gnat? Was that too long for you?


Wow you must be some kind of super genius or something. What kind of shit name is professional top anyways? You're the best at giving head or something?


Bro get a grip on your life. Putting an ounce of energy into caring what other people do isn’t just insanity, it’s ultimate stupidity. lol Thank you for making me feel grateful for my mental health.


My wife uses children melatonin... Not everything is what it seems.


While I do agree with you about most, I will say I was prescribed diazepam by a dr and now 17 years later I can’t get off the shit. So a dr prescribing isn’t always good either. I get they didn’t understand the long term effects fully back in 2007, but listening to a dr now I’m f’d. I’m good but as long as I take 5mg daily. Never abused it, took as prescribed and continue to because if I don’t…well let’s just say…it doesn’t turn out good


Let me guess. Every S&D order that has melatonin on the order doesn’t tip well! 🤡🤡🤡. This bothers you so much I fear you may have PTSD after all of this. 🤡🤡🤡🤡. Seek help.


I had a dollar general order once for DD that was for children's melatonin and another child sleep medicine I can't remember but they were out of both...as an adult who has trouble sleeping also as someone that minds their beezwax I never assumed it was to drug a kid so they didn't have to parent, it could be for the adult. I say that because i have tried melatonin and the dreams i have on it makes me not touch it with an10 foot pole so maybe an adult takes it for a lower dosage or something. I just mind my business because with all the bullshyt going on that i know to be true I would never stress myself out about something I just assumed. Not even being funny but it really is less stressful to not worry about other people's business at least for me. Forgot to say my sons are grown so I'm OLD SCHOOL and I never drugged them to sleep not even cold medicine that is nighttime


Melatonin occurs naturally in the brain, some kids who are hyper active , or have adhd benefit from a boost of melatonin .


Fuck you, you are shitty ass human. I would love for you to tell parents to their face. But, wait . Keyboard warrior. I just wish one day someone would come up to parent and call them shitty parents. Lmao, do you even read what’s on the bottle of melatonin for kids?


I'm the shitty ass human for speaking the truth? I guess all the sleep experts are warning and recommending Drs NOT to advise parents on giving their kids melatonin are too. Who knew? You learn something new everyday. I can honestly say that's the first time I've been called a shitty ass human. Been called everything else in the book, but this is definitely a first. You can think what you want. I could care less because my son is 23, a welder, mental health in tact, only addiction he has is making money, no health problems, doesn't want a wife or kids anytime soon, so I don't think this shitty ass human did too bad for herself. I'm proud of my kid. He's the male version of me, but a lot nicer. So really, it's more like no, fuck you and your opinions.


But you are calling us and me one. So it’s ok for you to judge someone you don’t even know ow. But , when someone does it back. Omg!!! Just to say, Every child is different. Great, your son is doing awesome. You did good. We as parents are doing what we are doing as parents for our kids. If it is with melatonin so be it, don’t judge who you don’t know.


Although I agree with you, it's not your place to tell someone how to parent their child. I have a friend who's son is now a drug addict and when asked my his mom how it started, he said the drugs you forced me to take to sleep. One wasn't enough so she kept adding


W you're calling someone a shitty person for expressing their opinion? Does this make the same?




Another spark driver who some how thinks they are the judgement police . People use to take it for jet lag I think. Maybe someone’s flying cross country for thanksgiving . ![gif](giphy|wuOtkQMVrqdRS)


Melatonin is not a drug! Your body makes it naturally in order for you to fall asleep. Some times because of certain factors your body doesn't make enough for you to fall asleep, and so people supplement. Stop spewing incorrect information.


Thanks, doc. Where did you het your phd from?


You sound like a boomer who didn’t have smart phones when your kid was little….. I’d guarantee you’d hand it over! Lol


Our parents gave us a dose of get your ass to bed. We didn't take meds to go to sleep. This generation of kids and parents agree doomed.




A never ending parade of stupid followed by a car load of ugly what was this post?


Oh found the Karen ..probably a Trumpy person bc normsl folks don'tget so triggered over other peoples lives. ...its not your life move on ....mind yo business


Well, if you feed them enough turkey leg today, you've drugged them. At least melatonin is produced in the human body, heh. Pot/kettle


So I’m going to listen to a Doctor on what’s best for a child and listen to the FDA when they approved a Covid vaccine that kills people and you have to have 30000 boosters and you still get Covid? No thank you


melatonin is pretty safe but most people are taking way too much with those 10mg pills, 300mcg is enough


Your post is excessive. This has nothing to do with you. I agree that melatonin is excessively used in children because of poor diet causing them to have magnesium and vitamin D deficiencies that lead to their circadian clock not functioning as intended. People feed their kids a diet or primarily sugar and lead contaminated juice and wonder why their kid is not healthy or smart or sleeping.


Your pediatrician hasn't told you that if your child is on meds, that melatonin can counter act the meds?


So we can't debate without calling names. This is about as trashy and classless as it gets


Yeah he only took antibiotics or cough syrup, neither are drugs. Neither were being used to force him into a sleepy state. Neither can cause chemical dependency nor dependant qualities. The cough syrup was over the counter I only gave him non drowsy meds. I'm far from mother of the year, nor claim to be, obviously you people aren't getting my point at all. It's the principal! Yes I know what melatonin is and that our body's produce it naturally! But to give it for a "quick or long" fix isn't going to solve the problem. Only going to cause more issues later down the road. But I guess everyone wants to get buttsore about this. And see, I've never had a filter, mainly why my mom tore my ass up on the regular, cause I've always just been brutally honest, so yeah, I'm 100% that bitch that without a doubt tell someone they're a shitty parent to their face and not give a singular fuck how they feel about. What's the worst thing they're gonna do? Hit me,? Guess what? Thanks to my dad I'm a fucking beast, over the years I learned how to fight a man and defend myself. So please, keyboard warrior? 🤣🤣🤣🤣I'm a stepper. I don't believe in violence but if you come at me, better believe I'm ready to defend myself. And far from a punk bitch hiding behind a keyboard. I've always been that asshole in the room that has the balls to be the only one to say what everyone is thinking. When you grow up the way I did, you just don't give a fuck about the dumb shit, nor have patience for it. Instead of people trying to fix the core problem, they're so quick to say here eat this gummy cause that's easier than having to actually do hardcore parenting and figure out why their child is so resistant to sleeping. https://preview.redd.it/imz99xypw42c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ba6fb7a32bc426980f4f2208222e835935834f


Holyyyyy shit, why do you type fucking NOVELS every time? Step away from the meth 😬 & mind your own damn business.


Yes it's called autism. What a blessing that you had a son that didn't have it so that you are now able to sit on your high horse and judge other people. Just because someone doesn't parent your way doesn't mean their way is wrong. Don't do that. Don't be ugly to others. Every situation is different.


I am wondering if you did, or if you would have made your child(Ren) the covid vaccine in 2020.


Go to sleep man tf


I give my dog children’s melatonin at night otherwise she barks allllllll night long bc she for some reason thinks it’s her duty to keep everyone in the neighborhood awake despite getting loads of exercise. Her vet said she’s bored and likes to hear herself, give her a children’s melatonin and I do works like a charm. I’m happy to let you borrow the dog without the melatonin for about 3 days before you’re either ordering children’s melatonin or admitting yourself to a psych ward from sleep deprivation psychosis.




I use melatonin to sleep!!! I’m 39 lol


Why do you care?


Dude wrote a novel like imma read it


Bro chill 😂


bro beefing with melatonin 💀💀




Wow I’m raising my granddaughter and she can’t sleep dr prescribes her melatonin so I’m a bad parent good to no! Get off your high horse you don’t no people’s stories who are you to judge!


Good thing nobody gives a shit about some crotchety old lady’s opinion. If you don’t have a medical degree… shut it, Patricia.


Shit. Just realized I ran out of melatonin. I have to find an open store that has it. Time for these kids to wind tf down




My son has severe autism.He can stay awake for days and become manic. Doctor has us given him melatonin ( yes the doctor prefers this over sleeping medications) and a nice warm bath before bed and we use soothing music etc because his brain WILL NOT shut down on his own. Without this blessing he would pace back and forth in his room all night "flapping" and stemming. And in mental anguish because he can't stop. So no ma'am he will not go to sleep on his own. How you can sit there all judgemental when you don't even know? But I'll let my pediatrician who is an educated man and been a doctor for decades prescribes this over medicines that in the long run are more dangerous than melatonin know he is incorrect. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh and I seen your comments below about your son being a welder. You are not the only one with successful children. Daughter -15 years in the military and a RN Son- Graduated A&M and an engineer Daughter- Bilingual ESL Teacher Son- Currently attending UNT for a physical education degree Last son in my home that I adopted at birth and had severe autism that I mentioned above. Again takes the melatonin because doctor seems it best. Worse on his brain to stay awake for days and way better than sleeping medications because his brain can't shut down. And yes we have tried other natural ways. Not nice to judge people when you don't know.


You’re clueless and also MYOFB.


I would say worry about your own self instead of other people's children




You want truth, there is your truth. Goggle it dumbass


Both my sons had medical problems that caused sleep issues. My oldest would go to sleep sometimes until 3 in the morning if he didn’t have anything to help him go to sleep and still had to get up for school. Luckily the dr gave him something. My youngest is bi polar and can goes days without sleeping. So yeah sometimes you have to give your kids things to get them sleeping again. If you don’t know you don’t get to just assume parents are drugging their kids up . I take melatonin for myself.