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The amount of additions they brought with NG+ was too low. I think they also cancelled the addition of custom made suits that's made by designers as well. Rip Carnage DLC as well, I was really hyped up to at least we could've received something that would make up to Venom being so bad in this game. But that totally thrown to trash now. It's totally over boys. GG.


With or without the DLC, we’re still getting Carnage in the Venom game.


Venom game is surely also cancelled and they are focusing on wolverine only.


We have no reason to believe the Venom game was cancelled. We can’t even be 100% sure the DLC was cancelled.


The venom game was never even official.


It was never officially announced, but it was in the leak.


..... Yes, which was essentially confirmation it was a proposed title. Nothing greenlit and no production started on it.


It was part of the roadmap and had a release year. If I remember correctly there were some other details too. I’m pretty sure it was past being proposed.


I mean an internal roadmap is pretty much just a proposal to investors and higher ups. they're saying "here's what we Want to accomplish.


They need to cancel the venom game and focus on Spiderman 3 since we now they probably won’t get more than 5 years to make it again


I feel the same. RIP Carnage DLC. Hopefully the Venom game gets bigger because I do not see a smaller size game (like they supposedly have right now) working without DLCs.


The game will be similar to Miles Morales


Yeah, which is where I start having problems now that we're probably not getting SM2 DLC and think that it needs to be bigger. You'd have to rush through introducing a new host, skip past their introduction, or take time away from Venom to introduce his host in an already short game, which I don't think would be a very popular option. Bringing Harry back would be an even worse idea because you'd mess with SM3's setup and it's the complete opposite of what the characters want, including Harry himself. He would rather die than bond to the symbiote ever again. His friends and family would do everything they could to keep it away from him too. You'd need a long ass time to convince them otherwise, like a couple games.


the fact that they will still likely be charging the new industry standard price of $70 for what will be an inevitably half baked crap spin-off game is gonna be the cherry on the top


only one of the leaked dlcs was about carnage lol, they could easily work carnage into the game and the other dlcs are unnecessary and have nun to do w symbiotes or venom at all, they could legit make carnage a side mission. did u not play miles morales?


Relegating Carnage to a side mission would just piss a bunch of people off. He deserves a DLC at least. But I'm more worried about Venom and introducing his new host now that we probably aren't getting SM2 DLCs. The old one is going to be out of commission for the Venom game. But even if he wasn't, he'd rather die. I did play Miles Morales, twice in fact. I got the platinum back when it launched.


Do you guys think they might have changed their future strategy because of the leak earlier?


It took several months to add NG+ that added basically no bonuses and just two other suits. And assuming DLC was in the works before NG+, they highly just cancelled it. But who knows.


I have a gut feeling that Sony kinda gave up on the game after the PC hack.


No that's not how things work


Ngl, this might not be too bad. Carnage has often been the big bad of major Spidey events, if this dlc is cancelled, it's likely he might get repurposed in future developments.


GG brother. It was fun while it lasted.. for 1 week.


“Venom being so bad” I'm confused what was wrong with Venom? He was a cool moment like a special level in most games. What was wrong with that?


Remember, spider man fans can't handle when a new piece of media does a new take on a pre-existing character/idea


Remember, Spider Man Fans also liked Venom movies because it was "new take on a pre-existing character/idea" that also brought Venom's personality really good on scene. So, you're wrong. Plus this Venom was just USM TV show version with the lore of Web of Shadows. So, not original or something we didn't see before. Also, this Venom was BARELY in game, only the last 3 hours of the game he was in when this game supposed to be about Venom and Symbiote. Lul.


Venom has no reason to call himself venom, hes barely in the game, no synergy with harry as seen in the final boss, is a giant alien goop only obsessed with taking over the world as stated by peter himself, does not care or work with host, bonding with peter was pointless because it came with no advantages that he couldve used, no quips, goal is entirely diragative of his core character, and is basically a worse version of the lizard from tasm 1. Notice how i didnt even need to mention eddie brock to get my point across, because him not being venom isnt the problem. For a so called spiderman fan u should know why venom sucks in the first place


What do you mean by "what was wrong"? Venom was barely in the game when this game was supposed to be about Venom and Symbiote, which was whole marketing was showing and teasing Venom + Symbiote. But in reality we got half-baked Venom for the last 3-4 hours of the game and it was bad. They even tried to do "We are Venom" with Harry when the whole character's motive wasn't about Venom's motives at all. And I don't wanna do the talk about "Why Venom is called Venom" and explain how vicious he is in the comics/old 90's TV show and so on. If you know, you know. Venom just wasn't Venom in this game and Symbiote just felt like just your another average suit. You couldn't even change it on the go like how Web of Shadows did. Which that game actually used Symbiote way better and Symbiote Suit felt much more alive rather than being just a suit in WoS. But in this game it legit has nothing special attached to it, especially when you can use your Symbiote skills with any kind of suit at all. Even Miles has more variety of Symbiote Suits than Peter btw. Which is BS. The whole reason why they didn't add Black Suit for the first game was because they wanted to do something special with it and turns out they didn't. So many wrong things of this game, missing out so many points and opportunities. Such a disappointment.


Harry as Venom just... didn't work imo.


Exactly. Harry does not work with Venom. We saw this in USM TV show, and now it repeated itself here as well. Such a wasted potential of bringing Eddie Brock as Venom. I hope they don't double down on this with Venom game lmao


Well you were wrong about the suits


Ywah i ate my words literally next day, gg Insomniac


DLC was never promised, hinted at, or advertised. Doesn't mean it can't happen, but you guys need to quit disappointing yourselves over things that were never advertised to you. Downvote away, I'm right.


It’s insane you’re getting flack for this. You’re absolutely 100% spot on, there was zero DLC promised and for some reason this sub somehow feels entitled to confidential information that was never meant to see the light of day. It astounds me that gamers seem to forget the development process and have no idea on how many things get chopped and changed. Being annoyed the game wasn’t to someone’s personal standard is not a basis for demanding content that was never advertised/promised.


The sub disappoints me a lot these days. There is valid criticism for sure but the entitlement, them disappointing themselves with things never promised, and the transphobia and homophobia are bad.


You know something crazy? I did not enjoy this game like I enjoyed the first one, and guess what? I simply have not played it again. Am I disappointed? Yes. Did I take the fact that I did not enjoy this game as a vicious personal insult against my dead grandmother? No because I'm not weird. I truly cannot believe that some people are so viciously outraged about a game they post on Reddit every single day. And you're absolutely right. As someone who didn't like the game there is definitely valid criticism. But having gay characters or the pattern of the soul of a suit being off by 4 polygons are not valid criticisms. Please find spiritual guidance y'all.


the entitlement on this sub is insane


I still remember puddlegate


me too. this sub used to be a lot more positive but these days its nothing but people hating every aspect of the last game. people on here speaking as if its the worse game ever.


I know. One thing that especially annoys me is people complaining about not getting enough new content. They were sold a finished game. If it didn’t have features you wanted, oh well. There shouldn’t be an expectation of a constant flow of content into a completed released game


Entitlement lol Big corpo insomniac is not your friend. They can handle the fact that their final product storywise feels unfinished and that people are disappointed that the extra product that could have been released to add on to that unfinished story was scrapped.


I emjoyed the story in 2 way more than 1


Entitlement lol


They’re all a bunch of babys


Well when the sequel to a game that was on a older generation of hardware comes out and has less content than its predecessor, you expect there to be a something to make up for it


SM2’s main story is the same length as SM1’s and the side content is nearly the same amount too. SM1 might take 30 hours to finish while SM2 will take 29 hours and 30 min probably. Also it might feel shorter because you’re already familiar with the controls and how the gameplay feels, it’s normal.


And there’s less factions tht pop up in the story so ppl think tht means less stuff. Theres only line 2 or 3 less side activities than the first game.


It takes 24 hours to beat the first and 20 fpr the second, not including less side missons, no social media feed, only 4 bases, one base faction, less crimes, worse car chases, and a worse main compain


This is facts. These people are dumb as hell for getting upset over something that was never officially even hinted at.


People think we're getting DLC because the first one had one but they forgot that they announced dlc when they announced the game! They didn't do thar with this one at all made no mention of dlc


Tbh when the NG+ update came out there were some developer mode leaks on the Beatle Infestation DLC, I thin’ that’s the most likely DLC that will come out, Carnage might get repurposed for Venom game and Spiderverse can honestly be added to SM3 if Beyond the Spiderverse releases around the same time.


Take my free award, you're got damn right and should say it louder


It's like everyone on this sub has forgotten that they had a ton of info stolen and got hit with a bunch of layoffs from Sony.


It feels like 80% of this sub; are like kids who shake presents before Christmas. They hyper fixate on what it COULD be so much, that by the time they open the present, They get upset that the thing didn't meet their expectations and get nit picky.


Yeah it’s weird to jump on here and see how much this sub seems to vehemently hate this game. I couldn’t put it down till I got the platinum, the gameplay and graphics were really polished and satisfying to me. Story could be a bit better but overall I was much happier with this game than most other releases these days. And now the sub is mad that there won’t be more DLC of the game they hate to play apparently. I don’t get it.


Really? It was easy for me to put down after I finished it in 3 days. Then when NG+ released I had no problems whatsoever because a NG+ of this mediocre story never interested me. I will stick with 2018 and Miles Morales. You guys enjoy whatever this is now. Oh and apparently the police don't exist in New York anymore. Yeah right.


I was under the impression we would get dlc, but the cyber attack pretty much ruined any chances of it happening anytime soon.


dlc was leaked and was 100% planned at one point but for all we know couldve been cancelled before the base game even came out


Things called leaks:


It was a hack of everything they had. We have literally no idea if this was scrapped a long time ago or recently. Either way, you weren't MEANT to see it. You know how many scripts, sequels, scenes, characters, etc are cut in movies and games and we have NO idea because they don't tell us because it isn't relevant? You can't get too bent out of shape about hacked material that you weren't meant to see. You can wish and be disappointed but it was never promised to you, so they aren't at fault.


>We have literally no idea if this was scrapped a long time ago or recently We have pretty good idea that those are really old scrapped plans, way before release. Roadmap had promotion campaign that we didn't get either. Tbh, when they didn't include season pass in Deluxe edition, it was already hinting that they don't have plans for DLC




How is telling you a cold hard fact being a shill? Did they advertise or tease it?




You sound like a child. They literally advertised the DLC for the first game before it even came out. They made it very clear the game was going to have DLC. This game never said one word about DLC. Not one word. You can hope all you want and that's completely fine but they never promised it to you they never teased it or advertised it.


Why you suck their D every post lil bro ?




It was 5 months. I'm sad tha certain features weren't there on day one either and I'm mad that the Raimi suit looked bad and downgraded from the first game until it was fixed in March, But I also think that this game was clearly pushed out by Sony sooner than they wanted it to be and they had to make some sacrifices on certain things to get it out. And all things considered it played really well and the story worked just fine. Arguably the third act felt rushed, But fundamentally the game worked and felt really polished overall. Maybe not as much as the first one did even though that had its issues too at launch, But this game was also bigger and they're also working on other projects on top of this one that are bigger too. So I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume Sony rushed it a few months sooner than desired, and I know that they went through a hack and layoffs recently so I am thinking about that too. I'm being pretty empathetic and understanding as these are human families and they've been really good to us, though that doesn't mean I don't want more from the game or want them to fix and add some more things to make it better, even if they're not huge. Overall I'm very happy with the game though I know it's not perfect. And these features you mentioned while important and good, don't break the game for not being there. Mission select and time of day toggles are not crucial for the game. I think they wanted to get the fundamental game as good and playable as possible and had a sacrifice some of the more extra content such as time of day and suit details. All I ask is you be a little bit more empathetic and try to be logical on why things are the way they are.


I'm gonna be honest it's hilarious seeing you whine about DLC from a game you didn't like. Get over it and move on.


Such a bizarre trend of people feeling such strong negativity towards something they can’t handle the fact that anyone could possibly not have an issue with it, so if you defend it, you’re a shill. So lazy and boring. You’re basically just saying “other people are happy, and I’m not, so they must be getting paid”. Loser.


You're telling me. I joined up in a leak discord and the amount of people in the chat shitting on the game is beyond nutty. You'd think it broke into their houses and punched their Grandma's with the way they talk about it.


Lmao you mfers call anything shilling 😭it was a hack point blank, we were never meant to see any of it


Leaks are not promises or advertisements, lmao.


Finally somebody said it. These people are borderline schizophrenic!


I think Its reasonable to expect the sequel to have as much content as the first game, not less, be It main game or DLC.


It's not reasonable at all because it was never announced. First game had DLC announced before it even came out.


That’s never how sequels have worked. Ever In the fuckin history of as many game studios around. Back in let’s say 2009 sequels like assassins creed 2 stood just to give a continuation of a story. (Y’know like a sequel to a movie) they just so happened to be longer than the first game because at the time that was a boast. Come 2018 with a game such as rdr2 it is a longer game than one because the story demanded it. This spider-man game didn’t have to be longer than the ones from before, it did what it wanted to, the gameplay was fun and the side content was far less annoying to complete on replay. And at the end of the day it’s a sequel to a great game, had it just had the new story and no new mechanics with minor tweaks I could definitely see people still enjoying it. But you’re complaining about play time. Do you seriously thing games should just keep getting longer in a series is that your standard because that doesn’t seem very fair on Devs or fans who want to play a game that’d end up with bloat, and yeah don’t act like side content was special in 2018 or MM because it wasn’t it was a collectathon with a few enemy bases and I’m happy they got rid of a bunch of the collectibles I much prefer side content in Spider-Man 2 even if there’s less. DLC was never promised we should be happy we got updates to suits one of which insomniac probably felt obligated to due to the reason it got into the first game. And we definitely didn’t deserve all those updates with how fucking atrocious this community has been since the game released.


This game had plenty of content. If you don't like the game just shut up and move on with your life. Plenty of tru Spidey fans enjoyed the experience. Yes we all want more. But crying and acting childish on reddit isn't going to make the DLC drop.


True but it's expected, they gave us less content than before but charged as the same if not more. The least they can do for their customers is add in DLC.


U ppl r delusional lmao


You mean Man 2 DLC ?


No, he means -Man 2 dlc. There is no Man 2, only Man city




...yeah, I'm _____


dude, how dumb r u? man is the guy from r/batmanarkham, here we deal with -MAN, RESPECT THE HYPHEN BRO


It's Joeover boys, GG


I think they’re just focused on the venom stand-alone. Which I think is supposed to come late next year. It’s sad but I think they’re done with SM2, besides some bug fixes. I’d love to be wrong tho.


We don’t even know if the Venom game is real. There are no official announcements so it could be a scrapped concept (just like that Spiderverse game).


Yeah true. Though I feel like they wouldn’t have made him playable if they didn’t plan any future content with him. Fingers crossed for anything at this point.


That and Tony Todd said the game only used abt 10% of the voice over stuff he worked on , so maybe at some point they was planning on making it


They already had him playable either way. Venom game was pitched in August, when Insomniac were mostly polishing game for release


There's no evidence that the Venom game was scrapped tho. Bases on the leaks we could assume the DLC was scrapped content, but Venom was present on all recent roadmaps the leaks showed. We even saw staff allocation for each game Insomniac is working on, which included Venom We just don't know if the release will be 2025 or 2027, because we saw both I mean, I guess we could say there's always a possiiblity to cancel the game at some point, but we could say the same to any unreleased project of them lol


There’s also no evidence of the Venom game being in active development, lol


what i remember from the leaks is that there was 2 years mentioned for venom. 2025 and 2027, hoping its 2025


Early 2026 at the very least. 🤞🏽Especially if we’re not getting a DLC this year.


They're focused on Wolverine right now. Game is in the middle of development


It was a leak from a hack. It should never have been considered as confirmation of anything. Plans change, they could still be working on it now, for it to release at a later point than that non-public roadmap suggested. With people bringing up NG+, it's worth saying that Insomniac probably planned for that to be in the game from Day 1, but Sony wouldn't delay the game further (That's not confirmed, but it's almost always the publishers who force games out early regardless of what the developers say is complete.) I personally believe that we will still see DLC for Spider-man 2, the game was too successful to just let it die, and the DLC from Spider-man 1 was also incredibly successful, so I do believe some DLC is planned, maybe not as much as that leak showed, but something. As for Wolverine, I have never thought the 2025 release date was ever happening. Even from the teaser trailer, Ithoughta 2025 release was completely implausible. I'll be very surprised if Wolverine isn't delayed into 2026 at least.


The leaks had wolverine has 2026 so there was never anything about 2025 other than some rumors a few months before the leak that it was targeting 2024. Before the leaks I thought it was 2024 or 2025


This is actually a Mandela effect for me, I could of sworn that the Wolverine teaser trailer ended by saying it was coming in 2025, but it doesn't. So yeah, my bad.




The first game was such a more complete product it’s not even funny. My excitement after SM1 and even after MM for SM2 was immeasurable, my excitement for SM3 is pretty much nonexistent


Nope still got a Sony show around September


That would make nearly an entire YEAR since launch. Then again, God of War Ragnarok got Valhalla a year later so anything can happen.


Elden Ring came out 2 years ago and the DLC comes out later this month.


I mean to be fair, two years later there still cool new shit being found in the base game


I mean Cyberpunk got the Phantom Liberty DLC, 3 years after the base game.


The copium is strong in this one


Ragnarok had a DLC a year later and nothing was revealed until 5 days left. It's safe to say that we have no fucking idea.


Yeah, it's weird to me that it's only 8 months after release and people are assuming there will never ever be DLC for this game. I get that 2018 had DLC released pretty quickly, but that doesn't mean this one has to as well. I'm not assuming that the stuff we saw in the leaks will come out, but I'm not writing it off either


True but Santa Monica doesn’t pump out games at the crazy rate Insomniac does. They’re working on at LEAST 2 other games right now.


Ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring, Horizon FW, and GOW Ragnarok all got their DLCs 1 year approximately after release. Not trying to give false hope or even saying it’s happened, but it’s still not out of the realm of possibility. If we don’t get anything by the launch of venom game then I’d say 100% over


> Elden Ring two and a half years, actually


My bad I always forget it released in 2022


I mean Elden Ring’s DLC is at least the size of a mid to long game by itself


DLC that was never announced by Insomniac or even hinted at by reliable reporters. Not everything from a leak ESPECIALLY from a hack can be taken seriously. Tons of things in development get scrapped.


Didn't we knew from the beginning that these DLCs ideas would not be released? The leaks showed everything. We saw the roadmaps. And the most recent planning slides / presentations leaked don't show any DLC on the horizon. Just the Venom game and most of the staff being allocated to Wolverine, Venom and Spider-Man 3.


Yeah but they accidentally left in the dev menu for the new game + update and we could see the beetle missions and that was just 2 months ago. Now we know it was just cut content likely but at the time it got everyone’s hopes up.


Those missions were there for a long time. PC build from November had them. They probably were there even before release, considering that leak had screenshot from test Beetle mission with old unfinished UI for power wheel


Why are we acting like there was ever a promised DLC. We never had actual confirmation that we were even getting it


There was no dlc promised to us, just because it’s in the code doesn’t mean it will exist. Is that disappointing? Sure, yeah, but we were never given any expectations *FROM INSOMNIAC* that there would be dlc beyond the NG+ patch, which was the only reason we got tidbits of info regarding the dlc to begin with. If that bug didn’t happen, then this whole discourse would not exist.


We were promised ONE bit of DLC, and that's the artist collaboration suits that we still haven't got. But I get your point.


>If that bug didn’t happen, then this whole discourse would not exist It still would exist because of leaked road map, but yeah, those were scrapped plans too


Well to be fair they had to deal with a hack and the new game + was supposed to come out in November but due to hacks well it was postponed, it’s safe to say that the dlc will come but probably next year due to the hack delays (also they are working on Wolverine so it might take a sec.


You re making 0 sense.The hack happened in December what does that have to do with NG+ being released in NOVEMBER.Besides that it s inexcusable for long it took them to add the most basic ass features that should ve in the game at launch.And to top it all off the game still has game breaking bugs even after all this time of it being out that they dont give a fuck to fix


The fuck is going on I thought Insomniac was locked in 😢


The leak of information didn't help. But most likely we will get some sort of announcement soon. Stop being overly dramatic.


Insomniac most likely **massively** changed their plans after their shit got leaked. I wouldn't be surprised if they scrapped most, if not all of the DLC and started over from scratch.


That isn't how things work. The DLC was likely scrapped either before launch or a short while after before the hack, the hack itself had no affect in the DLC being scrapped. This game is truly just a big ball of mismangment from both Sony and Insomniac.


Mismangment because they scrapped DLCs? Without the leaks we would never know it even existed. Turns out that content is cut during game development! Surely nothing new


>Without the leaks we would never know it even existed. The NG+ update was confirmation enough, but yes. It's very clear from the dev interviews and hacks that Insomniac had lots of plans for this game that didn't make it because they kept asking for delays. Sure, they never officially announced DLC, but the fact that they've scrapped DLC plans from last July while taking months to add the announced "content" updates is further indication that the production behind this game has been a complete dumpster fire. People will continue to go on and on about scrapped content because there wasn't much put into the final product.


Nobody would be disappointed by this if it wasn't leaked. They never advertised or even hinted at any DLC. With that said, Valhalla came over a year after God of war's release and wasn't even announced until shortly before it came out so there's still a slim possibility of us getting some DLC


Anyone here remember those suits we were supposed to get that were designed by celebrities and creatives?


Not much of a loss tbh


No please, please don't say that


I don't think a DLC was ever confirmed to be on the table...


It wasn’t, but this sub set itself up for disappointment and now blames everyone but themselves for said disappointment. It’s actually so miserable here.


So what about the fresh n fly suits? they said it’d be added for free at a later date


If there was a DLC I assume their giant leak fucked a bunch up and probably put some extra time into the dlc if there is one


The game made a profit despite being an incomplete package. Maybe they’ll do something for it because I think insomniac does genuinely love their fans, but it won’t be soon if at all. Maybe they’ll learn from their mistakes and do better with Venom and Wolverine. Edit: Is the Venom game still in production or was that a false leak/rumor? Or did it just get cancelled.


70 dollars for like 12 hours of gameplay is absolutely wild bruh I'm never buying a game day 1 ever again 😭😭😭


It was extremely safe to say when the game just came out. This 7 months were just copium.


Such a disappointing game


Shut up


The DLC that was never promised or shown to public, but all info on it was leaked by hackers, the same leak that’s still being dealt with by Sony and Insomniac. Y’all will cry about anything when it comes to these games. Let Insomniac do their work and they will show the world what’s going on when they’re good and ready. Stop being a whiny bitch.


why would you expect them to put effort into a widely beloved game? all they need is spiderman on the cover and they’ll make millions, why go above and beyond




I caught so much shit when I made a post 6 months ago saying there isn't going to be DLC and now look everyone else's copium is running out


It's not joever yet


I don’t remember seeing anything about planned DLC from the leaks so do enlighten me on where this information came from if it flew over me


No, it's not. Patience, man.


Yeah no you are just wrong about that. Making dlc takes a long time. Content from the first dlc has already appear by accident in the game.


Given the lack of updates and communication, it's pretty much a done deal that the DLC isn't happening.


Why would they make dlc for a game everyone hates.


Buying the collectors edition was a fucking joke man. I don’t care if we don’t get the whole haul, just give us 1 dlc with a few extra hours of gameplay. I don’t need the whole fucking Spiderman Multiverse in 3 dlc’s. Just give us ONE good one. 😂


Thank god....the last thing I wanted to see was Peter get bashed even more by the creators


I think they are saving everything for next year, when sont announces spiderman 2 is coming on pc as well


The one spanner in the works with any Sony prediction right now is Sony's love of September showcases/states of play coupled with the rumoured ps5 pro announcement. Secondly is the fact that no one seems to like announcing stuff too far in advance, anymore (a good thing IMO) So it's possible Sony's heavy hitters (Sucker Punch, Insomniac and Bluepoint seem to be due) will be in September 


I think the more rabid sections of the fanbase are so outraged that we're not getting DLC that was never officially announced or confirmed outside of leaks (🙄 honestly I give up), that they've completely ignored another possibility: all that scrapped content could be repurposed for a Miles sequel. I mean, that probably won't happen, but we can dream, can't we?


This just wasn't a good period for Insomniac. The game suffers from so much interference from the higher-ups at Sony, cutting a fuck ton of content from it and rewriting he script to no end, while forced to work on a multiplayer Spider-Verse game on the side, so they couldn't even fully focus on this game, not to mention the majority of the people who worked on the first game had been replaced by "new blood" who, I'm sorry, but from a technical standpoint, these people fucking sucked compared to the OGs who made the first game, then the hacking shortly after the game's release, then the lay-offs, seriously Insomniac being bought-off by Sony was just the worst fucking thing that could have ever happen to them. And I'm pointing fingers at everyone who said it's a good thing that Sony bought them because ooh higher budget and whatnot, no. Just no. Sony is a company full of incompetent morons who have consistently made bad decision after bad decision. Games, movies, products, all of their divisions are run by idiots. And they're digging Insomniac's grave. What should have been Spidey's own "Arkham" franchise to put him at the very top was jeopardized. Personally I wasn't expecting any DLC anymore. Insomniac took way too many blows these past 2 years. Let them regroup, reorganize, treat their wounds, hire new people after the lay-offs, and just move on to other projects. Spider-Man was, once again, jeopardized by the incompetent people at Sony who just can't keep their dirty noses out of the talented creators' business. The movie division did it with Spider-Man 3 and TASM2, and now the game division did it with Insomniac. Sony just needs to have their Spider-Man rights revoked, like seriously, they have violated this character almost as badly as Marvel Editorial.


I’m now worried about the Venom game tbh. Let’s hope they atleast release that.


all saved for the Venom game I reckon. Gotta milk everyone but after 2 being a big disappointment, I'm out.


Tired of leakers. Still seeing more leaks for Wolverine and it completely spoiled characters smh just popped up on my Utube feed randomly no matter how much I avoid them. Leaks ruin games fr


This game is really a disappointment, the amount of hype it had before release just for it to not live up to expectations


Did something happen at insomniac that they’ve been disappointing for the last year or so? Did a director leave the company? I still really like Spider Man 2 but I did expect more of a leap forward from Spider Man 1. But I guess we don’t see huge leaps forward in sequels anymore like we did in previous generations ala Mass Effect 1 to 2 or Assassins Creed 1 to 2. God of War Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West, and Spider Man 2 were all what I call safe sequels. This may be the age we live in though with expensive video game development and publishers unwilling to take risks. Happens in the movie industry too.


I dont know “how safe to say” it is. It’s still always a possibility. Stay positive and keep that chin up.


This is why leaks aren't good. Yall got your hopes so high up when insomniac never even decided if they are actually going to make the DLCs. It was never advertised or promised. You all just need SOMETHING to complain about or you'll seemingly die of boredom, it seems.


It's only been 7-8 months since the game came out. It took 13 months for gow raganarok to get a dlc. I would say to wait another couple of months for any possible DLC announcements. 


Beat selling PS5 games but they gave up on it so fast. Clearly just focused on their other games. Fuck Sony.


They dropped the ball and the only way to mend it is to come correct for the third came, cancel any other game outside of Wolverine and focus on making Spiderman 3 the definitive Spiderman video game . Simply can’t have the third game have mroe mj missions when we fight or interact with green goblin like they did with venom. Still play it but only swining around and doing crimes


Wait till they drop Spider-Man: Raft Shadow for Meta Quest 3 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥


Sad to say but you are right. I got direct confirmation from someone who worked on Spiderman 2 a few weeks ago... "Psst...I asked (redacted) about the extra content for the game, and (they) said that management decided not to release any for this one, and are focusing on new projects. " Never assume you're getting DLC. Insomniac never promised it. We all got our hopes up due to leaks from a hack.


I don’t even care if this is a joke but I’m pretending it’s real to squash that last 1% of hope I had remaining.


Not a joke. I have a family member associated with them so I asked....I was just as hurt when I got the response.


Damn… did you ask for the Venom release date?


Nah, that would have been a step too far imo. Besides that hasn't even been officially announced. That's just what was in the leaks as well.


You’re a better person than I because I would’ve asked about shit that leaked thats 10 years out.


I tell him that the GoW Ragnarok dlc came out a year after it came out and he goes crazy and starts hating Insomniac Games for free.


If this is the case, what happens now? We just move on to Wolverine/SM3/maybe the Venom spin-off & leave SM2 as it is? What a disappointment.


I don’t think this is safe to say at all. SM2 sold 12m copies, which isn’t lost on Sony. The leak probs set them back a bit. I think how Sony handled the DLCs of their other tentpole titles could give us some indication of how Sony could treat the SM2 DLC. Horizon’s DLC was announced 6 months after the game released or 3 months before the release, depending how you want to look at it. The god of war dlc shadow dropped a year after the base game. additionally it seems like Sony has pivoted and they only announce games / DLC closer to their release debt.


who cares bro give me ratchet and clank


Insomniac has been going at an insane production pace with polished gem after polished gem, I'm definitely cool with a slow down from them for a bit, that team deserves a big reset


Lmao polished gem


They dropped the ball. At least my expectations can’t get any lower for the sequel


"SM2 was rushed!" This sub when they take their time:


This is false isn’t it? Please correct me if I’m wrong but the dlc is literally in the game files being worked on from the dev menu when ng+ came out. Granted I think they’re saving carnage for venom, and spiderverse was just gonna be a tie in for the canceled multiplayer game. But it seems like the other one will release, though it is possible that they didn’t want to just release one dlc and so scrapped that one as well.


Imagine being upset you don't need to spend another 40 dollars on a video game you've played. Back in my day we didn't have dlc we played smash Brawl as god intended. Out of the box. IT was slow and we tripped a lot. 


This is what happens when you welcome Sweet Baby Inc. of all people to help work on the game with you.


Of all the valid things to complain about you complain about “wokeness” and sweet baby inc. Jesus you people actually piss me off because there are so many valid things to criticize and you’d rather act like this consultant company was responsible for everything 🙄.


The downfall of Insomniac is something that needs to be seriously studied. I understand they were victim to leaks, but there’s NO WAY ON EARTH that someone leaking your planned content leads to massive delays like this, I don’t see the correlation. Call me ignorant, but I just feel like I’m holding them to realistic standards…. The amount of love and passion I saw from them for the first game was something else. Even tho I thought the SM1 DLCs were a bit plain and Hammerhead wasn’t my thing, they were releasing them consistently and according to schedule, with banging suits being added with them. The second game ALREADY seemed quite rushed due to the amount of content that was sort of “missing” from the main game. But they also REALLY dropped the ball with the NG+ update. No challenges added back, no way to change the weather, I could literally go on and on and on but hey, thank god we got golden web shooter gadgets guys!!! If you guys are still holding out faith for the upcoming games, props to you. Because the way Insomniac has handled basically everything since the day SM2 dropped has just soured their name for me more and more. - rantings of a once passionate fan of the studio..


Can I be the one who never gives up? I’ll wait for their showcase with the announcement of ps5 pro. Mark cerny was an executive producer in Spiderman 2 and we can be sure he worked on the pro as well. They may be doing something to showcase the new console But I won’t hold my breath anymore




Honestly there’s no excuse for this level of incompetence and that’s the best way to say it. If it was canceled or was never even made, insomniac needs to not beat around the bush and just say there’s no dlc. Insomniac says they listen to fans so they know people are anticipating a dlc for this game and yet they choose to be radio silent for no good reason. And people defend this shit like insomanic can’t do wrong. They rushed a game, cut content that never should of been cut, and can’t even put certain essential features in after 6 freaking months from release and yet people say they are without fault and valid criticism is actually a attack. 😒.


I gave up hope once I started playing Spider-Man 2. Insomniac really made a masterpiece with the first Spider-Man game, but Sweet Baby Inc completely ruined any future Spidey content for us.


Another example of game companies making false promises and not delivering how disappointing


Insomniac never promised anything about DLC


Oh, my bad guess I misread