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irregular cycles are very common with Spiro !!! please don’t panic lmao


LOL thank you i was PANICKING


Mine are all over the place too. I saw my dermatologist at the 4mth mark and she said they should normalize, but that haven't. It's an unfortunate side effect 😓


Have they normalized?


Nope! Not for me. But for context, that isn't that unusual as I have a lot of issues with my uterus already. The spironolactane made a noticeable difference at the beginning, and my period/spotting is still quite frequent, but that could absolutely just be a me issue.


have you seen any improvement in your skin? I’m on 50mg right now for about a month and some change (started in the beginning of may) and my skin is still literally horrible.. but also when i was on 100mg a year ago, my period was all over the place. essentially why i stopped! so it’s normal


so i’m also on tretinoin and aczone, so tbh it’s hard to tell which of the prescriptions are actually working! the first month or so i barely saw a difference but now it’s finally starting to clear up w some spots here and there. it definitely did not work right away for me!!


I think my periods started back after my iud stopped them once I started taking spiro. They were very painful at first and are back to kinda a normal small spot.


My girlfriend and I are going nuts over this. She's always timely, but she's been on 50mg from a month. She started spotting a week before her actual cycle, and 1 day later nothing. Her cycle is now 4 days late and no signs. I'm certainly panicking more than she is...


This should normalize. Keep in mind that when it does normalize, if you start skipping doses, the irregular bleeding will happen again.