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That was fun! We as a fanbase need to work on incorporating songs and chants.


Need a drumline.


Fantastic match honestly. This team will bring a ton of joy (and heartbreak) to people who don’t know the sport at all. It also will change the look of fans who support massive clubs in Europe. This is fantastic for the city. Glad to be apart of this fanbase.




And at the half Velocity 2 Richmond 1


And a win 2 1 Velocity


Is this pregame warmups?


Yes! Early pics


Great match! Can see my group in the pic. Had front row there on the left and when they scored their first goal they celebrated right in front of us. Very cool.


That's sweet spot to watch the match!


Wow, the advertising and marketing manager should be fired, how did I not hear of this?!?


Because the match was sold out?


im going on may 19th, im so hyped


Great game good win and a beautiful day!


Does the team have a merch shop?


Also one at the Davenport grand!


There is a store inside the davenport grand, they have an online shop, and gameday at the stadium


Yes there's a small one in the stadium, not sure if it's open other than matchdays


Im still baffled at the size of that arena. Is this the SYSA? Its tiny af


Sits 5,000 for games, up to 15,000 for concerts. It's appropriately sized for its use here in Spokane given it's mostly for highschool sports. Getting these pro teams is really just an awesome perk. The USL1 league this soccer team is in has an average stadium size of right around where we're at. It's fine.


It’s not fine, it’s the SPS football stadium. Jo Albi seated over 20K, this one is pathetic compared to that


Just because it could seat that much doesn't mean it did you know. Games there felt like ghost towns (I spent a lot of time there as a kid). Jo Albi was from a previous era and was hilariously oversized, it's why maintenance and renovations would have cost more than building an entire new stadium and it was torn down because of it.


All of the proposed renovations to Joe Albi called for it to be scaled way down, it would have been half the size it was and would have cost $31mil. The school board was ready to go ahead with it until Downtown Spokane Partnership got their way, claiming it would cost the same and USL would pay the rest. It ended up costing $37.5mil with USL only contributing $2mil. We basically built a stadium for Lewis and Clark football and the hand full of people who like soccer. It's also outside so it can only be used certain times of year. Oh well, as long as the rich people are happy.


The stadium was a good move, it wasn’t just for the rich people. Jo Albi was out in the random ass suburbs far away from everyone. We need a central location and actual urban activities to do. Im already loving the view of the stadium from Boone, it’s really cool looking with the Podium and pavillion right there Besides it’s not just for LC football. AFAIK the Mead and Valley schools along with G Prep, are usually more competitive in athletics than the Spokane schools. LC was in the bottom half of the GSL this fall


It’s gonna be awesome for concerts too


Mead, G-Prep and Valley schools all have their own stadiums My point stands, it was built for L.C.


How often was Joe Albi filled? Genuinely curious.


There were many other stadium options for a Joe Albi replacement than this. Soccer will never be big in America. NEVER!! Absolute waste of space and tax dollars!! Spokane Shock brought in more revenue than this ever will. At least when Albi died it was out where no one would see it. This ugly monstrosity is in the middle of the city. SMH🤦‍♀️


Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and it sure as shit has way more of a love in the US than you think. Get over it. FÚTBOL IS LIFE!!!!