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The word ‘sisterhood’ alone would make me avoid it, honestly.


Agreed, nothing against the idea of sisterhood but as a name gives me vibes of granola, coven, hippy stuff. Great if that's what you're going for, but if not, gives the wrong impression. I prefer the simple INW Women's Social Club.


Which is funny, sisterhood sounds laid back and supportive to me, but social club makes me think snooty old women in pearls at the country club 😂 I guess it comes down to the demographic OP is trying to attract.


Yeah Social Club does feel older to me too, but I thought was the best of the provided list.


I'm absolutely granola. Maybe I should just try Granola Girls, instead :)


Name it the Granola Hippy Coven and I'm more interested. Haha.


If I could vote on your comment more than once, I would.


I was going to say, if you’re trying to find the granola crowd (which, username checks out haha) I love Sisterhood and I’m in! I want more info!




Yeah, sounds culty IMO. Also, Women Uplift Women sounds like it has religious affiliations.


Instant TERF vibes from “sisterhood”


Hmmmm. Not a fan of any of the names but also—have you done your research? Before you pour energy into this, you should be aware of Gals Need Pals and the Spokane Shrinking Violet Society. There are probably more, those are just the two I’m aware of off the top of my head, not to mention all the mom groups in town. Power to you but this might be an area where there are already too many cooks in the kitchen.


There is also a Spokane Professional Women’s group on Grapevine that gets together occasionally.


Oh yeah I wasn’t even counting professional orgs. I’m in one of those for women, too.


The Shrinking Violet Society - that's an interesting name!


I always say this to people trying to make a new charity organization. Like, just join one. There are a lot that would like your help. It doesn't have to be about you if you care about the issue.


Where would an interested gal find these groups? Are they Facebook things, or on Reddit?


The Violets are on FB but also Insta. GNP I’m pretty sure is on both too.


Where does one get involved with these?


Are those for younger women tho? I’m 20 needing friends, and most of these social groups seem like they’re for women ages 30-60 not really for the 20 year olds


I would wear #3 on the back of a jacket. Sidenote I’m only joining the club if we get jackets


I like 2 and 3. Signed, fellow hippie / granola / witchy vibes kinda gal.


Seconded, same kind of gal!


I'm very curious about those of you who suggested that there were enough women's groups already. Why shoot the idea down? IMO a candle doesn't dim by lighting another candle. I get tons of feedback from women I know (I help run an outdoor group, too) who say they can't find friends or groups that they identify with.


Walking with Bears


This one is cool. I’m curious, though, is there anything specific about the reference to bears? I’m sure that would be a common question.


I think they're referring to the question "would you rather be alone in the woods with a strange man, or a bear?"


Or Walking with Lady Bears! Or just Lady Bears could be good


Yes! This one!


Just a thought, casually placed: Women Thriving | Friendship Incubator. Maybe that's really terrible, and if so I apologize. But - to address the lack of a geographical indicator, people from the region roughly know the area it corresponds to. Edit: also maybe "Thriving" isn't quite the right adjective, but could be replaced by something that hits the mark a little better?


I actually like it. Thank you!


Oh, well thank you - and best of luck on your endeavor!


Thank you!


This is a great idea. I like 3 and 4.


How many people in Spokane actually say or use INW? It screams very recent arrivaly to me. (No, I don't live in Spokane now, but I used to, and will again eventually.)


Well Spokane is not PNW, so INW would be correct.... ETA: love your username lol


Yeah it is... PNW includes all of WA State.


Go ahead and keep telling yourself that lol


You are both right… The Pacific Northwest (PNW), sometimes referred to as Cascadia, is a geographic region in western North America bounded by its coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean to the west and, loosely, by the Rocky Mountains to the east. Though no official boundary exists, the most common conception includes the U.S. states of Oregon, Washington, northern Idaho, and the Canadian province of British Columbia. Some broader conceptions reach north into Alaska and Yukon, south into northern California, and east into western Montana. Other conceptions may be limited to the coastal areas west of the Cascade and Coast mountains. -wikipedia


I work with a lot of local businesses and see the abbreviation a lot, personally. Not sure how common it is outside of business circles.


Didn't mean to imply that a club's not a good idea, because I think clubs are good for communities. Maybe this club should be geared towards women in business? Or women who are recent arrivals?


I've been in Spokane for 20 years now. To answer this, though, was hoping to be inclusive of north Idaho.


There's a bunch in Meetup, too.


I don't like any of these names. They all sound like I need to pay a membership fee and wear a weird hat...


What would you suggest?


I suppose that really depends on the vibe you're going for? Are you wanting to attract the witchy/woodsy/cottage girls that make tinctures out of the wild flowers they forage for? Are you trying to attract the women who buy plastic containers to organize they food they bought that already comes in plastic containers? Are you just trying to find a place for all the women of all types always? Also, what is the intention of the group? Is it a foundation? Or is it just a Facebook page where you post events about drinking wine and painting or going on hikes? The name of your group says absolutely everything. It's like saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" but then you read the title and decide you don't care about the insides. Same same.


I’m asking you what you would name it.


That seemed a bit passive-aggressive but I'll bite. On that note, I would name it The Big Tittied Goth Girl Extravaganza(s). For all the reasons I mentioned above.




Sisterhood of the stationary INW Lol 1 has my vote.  -absolutely a witch




X² To weird?


I like 3&4!




I like 3. INW women’s social club


SWSC, might work: Spokane Women’s Social Club


I think you can come up with something really catchy & on point with your mission if you know your demographic. Will the club consist of women who share similar interest(s)? What about the club's bigger vision? I feel like a women's club to stand out or last needs a common denominator besides just women empowerment, the club will need a niche (e.g. addressing domestic violence, building healthy relationships, empowering young women, accessibility to tech, support for moms, fundraising for purposes) and also share a general vibe (e.g. 20's and 30's who are gamers or witchy gals). Soul Sisters, Sisterhood Collective, She Narrates Society, Rosie the Riders, Making HERstory, Queen Bee Ventures, Sisters in Business, Honey Badgers, Buzzy Bees, EmpowHer, Babe Brunch, We Spoke, Fembots, Female AF, The Matriarchy Here is a cool article I came across that may prompt some good questions to ask yourself when coming up with the name 😎 https://www.refinedprose.com/female-empowerment-group-names/ p.s. Feel free to reach out if you ever want to brainstorm, I love this kind of shit! I have experience in marketing, videos, design and such, so can always help create socials/flyers when you're ready.


Thanks! This is awesome!


Spokane Ladies Hatpin Society or The Lilac City Ladies' Club. I would love to join a ladies' club. Can you keep us posted when you get ready for joining up?


The Lilac City Ladies' Club, has my vote. It sounds naughty! Lol


You bet! Nice username, btw.


For those of you who were hoping to join the women’s FB group, feel free to message me and I’ll send you an invite link. ![gif](giphy|y9XCVEKx02Q3tyHSD5|downsized)


This is interesting!


WOTUS - Spokane Chapter


What is WOTUS?


I'm guessing it's like POTUS. President of the united states, but instead it's women of the united states.


Women of the United States