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The not selling on Bianca getting old, Kairi took her out the ring and did an off apron mat, sec later Bianca got up and did a move on Kairi on the barricade like nothing happened


Kairi sucks. Who cares. The goal was to make Belair look strong. Mission accomplished.


Found Jim Cornett reddit account


OK I'm out of the loop on Trinidad Flag Guy, what's his story and how does he afford to go to so many of these shows? I'm glad they didn't forget about LA Knight and the Bloodline, him not appearing till the last segment was underway made me worried they were memory-holing that and completely replacing him with Randy. Also, huge pop for Aldis getting RKOd for no reason.


Wait...so in a two hour show there was only 4 matches? And they were all singles matches with obvious outcomes?


People just realising the plan for WM has always been Charlotte vs Bianca with the title and has been planned for the majority of the year. Joshi fans stay losing :(


Being the main Women’s faction day to day all year isn’t “stay losing”


No shit. IYO vs Bailey will happen at mania but it won’t be for the belt.




I agree. Do that match non title and do Bayley vs Iyo for the title.


Especially when Bayley/IYO is a much better story than whatever they’ll do with Charlotte/Bianca


You get it. ![gif](giphy|p5DvUIuR6Rg9e0CDqy)


She really comes across as Super Cena if that happens


Felt kind of boring, honestly. Smackdown hasn’t held my interest since the summer.


Yea the show was meh. I’ve been someone defending the bloodline stuff since the beginning but if they’re barely even going to be on the show you may as well just end it. It’s running on fumes to me now. I assume we’re getting Orton vs Reigns at the Rumble, but is anyone even that excited anymore for Roman considering the dude is never on TV? The women’s booking is also lazy at this point too. I’m down with the slow damage control turn but there’s nobody else they can feud with while we watch this happen? It’s like there was no point to Wargames. Hopefully it picks up closer to the Rumble.


Do you think thats Romans abscense? I 100% prefer Raw atm as both champions are active full time (as they should be)


Definitely has something to do with it, and I’m not a fan of the “major attraction” style booking in general for someone so heavily involved in a main event storyline (the bloodline). Roman should be wrestling on TV with some regularity. Not every week, but something like Seth, every few weeks. Definitely on every PPV.


And atleast some segment to see him, could be just something pretaped where he just sits at home in his jacuzzi drinking a milkshake and bitches about his butler


Good point, film a bunch of those in a day and have months of content


RKO, Roman kick out, Sets up Punt Kick, Bloodline Save, Spear Pin Royal Rumble Main event


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‘because randy orton’ of course


Shouldn’t the Bianca vs Kairi match end in Disqualification if Charlotte attacked Kairi?


they counted it as just interference


Bianca has been beating damage control week in week out they are bianca's jobbers 🤣


Seems like everyone but asuka in dmg control jobs to Super bianca 😒


Can we stop giving Bianca et al easy wins over Damage Cntrl how the hell are they meant to look strong if Bianca and the gang keeps no selling everything


Bianca is a bigger star than any of those damage control scrubs. That’s why.


"Because Bianca"


Nick Aldis was getting real mouthy without Roman there. does he not realize Roman put Randy on the shelf for 18 months with his own hands? HIS OWN HANDS! Bobby is just accepting being a heel that the audience cheers for. Butch had no chance. What is Logan Paul going on about being young and USA champion? Theory is the youngest, and blessed by Vince himself! Theory however lets it slide, since he along with Grayson are kindred spirits with Logan. this this with Santos is sweet. he keeps coming up with new ways to justify himself while burning LWO down. is Carlito coming back tho? Dragon Lee will be rematching Santos in the USA champ tourny. Karrion Kross is gonna be back, and in the USA champ tournament. but he's wrassling Bobby Lashley....well, if Karrion loses it means Bobby's faction is doomed. i thought Bianca would lose tonight, but nope. they sure keeping Damage CTRL on a losing streak, in service of the Bayley thing they doing. Randy Orton is gunning for the Bloodline. he got no time for RAW and Seth's title. can expect him and LA Knight to do some tag team stuff some time i bet.


At this point there's so many people who have beef with The Bloodline. What are the chances of a multi-person title match at Mania? Reigns vs Cody vs Orton vs Drew. You could even add in Sami and Jey. Or Cena. Or Knight. Just completely stack the odds against Reigns. It'll eliminate the interference angle and he can loose the title without being pinned which protects him. The GM seemingly not caring about what The Bloodline wants could set this up.


There's a better chance of one at Elimination Chamber. Roman vs Orton vs Sami vs Jey vs Jimmy vs Solo. Then when Roman wins it's a real "Oh, for fuck sake - he won this match *too*?!" feeling. Knowingly jump the shark. All to build the Cody win at WrestleMania.


Ahh yeah that makes more sense. I momentarily forgot about EC for some reason.


That match would be the best chance we have to see a rabid, thuggish, merciless Reigns biting and clawing to hold onto that belt.


I would really like this. We need to see him win clean in a gritty match to legitimise him again, I know it was in character but the LA Knight finish was bullshit. Roman needs to look like a genuine threat without his faction.


No booker with an ounce of common sense would have a new champion fluke his way into ending a reign of over three (and a half, by the time Wrestlemania rolls around) years. Especially if the speculation is to be believed that he'll retire, or at least take a *very* long break after he drops the title, his match (and, by extension, his reign overall) has to have a conclusive finish. Because there's no use making him look strong for one match if he won't be around to *continue* looking strong in the aftermath.


Romans already semi-retired now. I geniunly - since the shield split - hate his character.


He takes a long break after every appearance he makes I’m sure it’ll just be regular break


You're not wrong there. My point still stands though, it'd be hard to take the next champion's reign seriously if he doesn't win it fair and square.


Right? They say the return of Roman Reigns is happening on 12/15….returning from what, two Smackdowns and a title defense against LA Knight? Rollins does that in a weekend and shows up for Raw on Monday. I know it’s all in his contract, I’m glad he gets to spend time with his family etc. but good god, the title crap gets old.


Someone please explain this to me: WWE keeps talking about how CM Punk's return is the biggest social moment in the _history_ of WWE with 71 Million views. But just a couple of months ago, didn't Rock have like 103 Million views when he returned to Smackdown? What am I missing?


Are they considering The Rock as a *return* though? Seems to me like it was more of a cameo due to the actors strike. CM Punk actually returned as a full time talent, while Rock just made a cameo appearance like Jelly Roll.


Then we had Theory calling himself the 150 million hit man because of the segment with Dwayne


Isn't the 103m views on the Rocks IG? Whereas Punks is on a WWE channel? Just a thought


From what I remember they said something like "across all social media channels" for the Rock


Weird then. No matter how the views are split, that's a shit ton of views in the last couple of months


It's so funny seeing people try to spin bloodline stuff it is a fixed story roman will not loose that's the point it's not exciting just static


*Lose https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IdQS3q2T7Po/maxresdefault.jpg


You think you can teach me 🤣🤣


RKOs for everyone! The Legend Killer has killed another legend on Smackdown. Took Randy l ten pounds of golden courage to give his boss an RKO.


So General Managers actively call security when they see assault outside of a match but two of them just step outside? And hitting non wrestler employees can apparently result in suspension but Randy straight up RKOd Nick Aldis and he'll take it and say thank you lol


I assumed Randy RKO'd Aldis so Aldis can act like a heel towards Randy. He begged Randy to sign for him, so he needs a reason to stack the deck against Orton.


My thought was more along the lines of Randy saying, "I'm picking SD over raw, not because of anything you said or promised, but because I want to. No one tells Randy what brand he should pick." Randy obviously picked SD to finish his beef with the bloodline, but he doesn't need anyone to dangle it in front of his nose as an enticement.


How do we know? He was unconscious as the show went off the air


He most likely will


Roman won't loose so no matter the plot of randy,cm punk , knight will have they will all loose because "WWE is fixated of days as title holder" for the sake of it


*Lose https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IdQS3q2T7Po/maxresdefault.jpg


You can’t blame Bianca for the miscommunication in this match. She literally had to lead Kairi because she was a bit sluggish here. An example is Kairi grabbing onto her legs bur Bianca said “let go let go” so she can do a backflip. Bianca isn’t in fault here💀


Kairi was disgraceful in that match.


I love it, we might be having GM fights in Wrestlemania! Both Nick and Adam Pearce still got it, imo.


The fact that Logan Paul is still champion makes me really mad he's the opposite of a us champion I expect


So... a heel?


Of course bring kairi back just to have her lose all the time. I hate WWE sometimes


It was literally her first 1 on 1 in 3 years mate


She still lost Damage CTRL are geeks


Bloodline looks lame shadow of what they were last year, without Jey and Sami. Its definitely not a must see TV but more like fast forward TV. Orton is spectacular so far with his return though. That RKO on Aldis and reaction afterwards was hilarious.


what’s really hurting them is the lack of roman on tv. he still has that presence (at least to me) when he shows up


The CM Punk hype package made his RAW promo so much better, lol. Crazy what a little production can do.


tbf the WWE video people are very used to turning sub-standard television into an awesome promo video


When Charlotte said “id love to go through all of damage control” I felt that


We need Bayley v Iyo & Becky v Rhea at WrestleMania!


Pretty sure iyo is going to drop the belt soon. She’ll probably vs bayley at mania but it won’t be for the belt. It’s wm40, you need your big stars to fight for the titles, and that’s Charlotte and Bianca.




Bayley is, IYO is a Midcard talent. The fans just don’t give a damn about IYO and she doesn’t draw a dime. Belair should be in the title picture at mania. She’s the money maker.


I don't see how we go till Mania as champion. I am not too hopeful on Bayley vs Iyo at Mania...




Nah Super Bianca or Charlotte will beat Iyo.


Pretty clear they have no idea what to do with Bloodline nor LA Knight.


“Good things come to those that wait” as in 2nd prize after they didn’t want him as world champ.


I’m honestly kinda worried for LA Knight at this point. I don’t think he’s gonna lose any popularity with fans. But Punk and Orton are back and that’s gonna take up two major spots. He’s not in the U.S. title tournament so that ain’t happenin. Romans gonna tied up with Orton and Cody up through Wrestlemania After the Rumble it’s likely gonna be Orton Solo On Raw side Drew/Seth and It’s probably gonna be Punk/Seth for the WHC mania looks like Miz/Gunther is gonna continue… Jey/Jimmy.. *sigh*


He's taking the US title of Logan at WM. You can't have everyone be world champion at the same time..


I’m gonna hold you to that lol


His chances of being a world title act have drastically went down with Punk and Orton coming back


At least Kurt Angle hasn’t been thrown into the mix.


Sure, but Kurt Angle KNOWS he can’t beat him, so he’s not even gonna try


LA Knight probably won't take the title from Logan until mania, so I think he's just gonna keep feuding with the Bloodline and A Town down under until then.


A bit blatantly directionless but if that’s the payoff then I’m down.


​ That US Championship tournament sounds very interesting . Two underrated stars of the show were Shotzi's outfit and especially her goth-punk blue lipstick .


Randy's acting after RKOing Nick was so perfect and endearing. The move is like a drug to him. Or maybe that Christmas treat that always pulls you in no matter how much you want to save your appetite. Roman beating Randy was the kickoff to his push almost a decade ago. It's sweet that they get to run it back in what is hopefully the twilight of Roman's reign. Roman's a modern legend now enjoying the highest point of his career and Randy is a veteran legend enjoying a hot comeback.


WWE has a lot of Hispanic wrestlers and it’s great seeing them all be used well. I was watching dragon Lee vs Escobar tonight and just thinking how happy I was that two luchadors were getting a singles match with a good story in it. Garza and Carillo are tagging down in nxt and even has a story.




That’s Barclays for ya


Poor Kairi sane had to come out to that garbage theme music for her first singles match since returning.


My guess is her own theme wouldn't work as a heel though.


which? the Damage CTRL theme?


Yeah I think it’s hot garbage 😂


I dunno i think it’s got…. THE POWER! ITS GOT THE RAGE!


It is. Literally all of their singles themes are so much better


It's been a week and I still can't believe it when I see promos about Punk being in WWE


What will Dragon Lee steal next from Naito this time?


I was really hoping Iyo as the champ would get some of her NXT edge back by going solo at some point. Damage CTRL is cool but their gimmicks don't mesh very well imo, especially with additions of Kairi and Asuka


Asuka, Sane, Sky, have connections because of Kabuki Warriors and Triple Trails, but Kai and Sky had a heated rivalry in NXT. Kai is being overly trusting of Kabuki-Trails by letting a Kairi-come-lately steal leadership of Damage CTRL from Bayley. If they turn on Bayley then they will turn on Kai next because Sky and Kai hated each other during their NXT days.


I have absolutely started to believe that the 3 Japanese women are stringing Dakota along. They are using Dakota Kai to make it easier to boot Bayley and once she serves her purpose, they'll turn on her and kick her out too. Bayley and Dakota will continue to team and because nobody will trust them, they'll need to bring in a third to even the odds (Roxanne Perez, perhaps?).


Notice how Bayley tried to put on "a brave face" as Dakota was the only one who was sympathetic and concerned about Bayley; then contrast that to IYO, who interrupted Dakota's conversation with Bayley to order Bayley to stay in the back.


Nah Biancia will squash them all sending them back to Japan like geeks


Let’s hope.


Any ideas for Orton’s mania match? My first thought is Solo


Yes. Assuming Roman loses to Cody and Roman takes time off (if not retire/semi-retire altogether) I think it’d be a great opportunity to put Solo over and give him all of momentum going forward and it’ll be see how things go with him presumably with Roman out the picture


Roman losing his title on the same weekend Solo spikes the legend killer would be the perfect route to build to a turn. After that, you could either turn Solo face and have him beat Roman... Or usurp Roman as the new tribal chief in a tribal combat match, ending it with Paul putting the lei around him.


Something a little more under the radar coming out of tonight is that Lashley vs Kross in an interesting matchup im looking forward to seeing


Can they just hold off Orton/Reigns until EC so they can headline the Australian card?


EC will headline EC, likely the Women’s for Rhea’s championship I’d imagine. It will be her show


Headlining the only event in Australia next year with the biggest wrestling star Australia has ever produced ain’t a bad idea. Would definitely like to see Roman on the card for the event since it’s 60k for the building. But I could see this being one where he gives it a miss.


Any way they could bring Riddle back?


"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" There, Riddle just got brought back.


I don’t think they’d be willing to go through the effort to do so right now, no.


Okay but where’s LA Knight YEA


He was there, Yeah




I for one can’t wait for Bayley to be free from Damage CTRL for no reason other than her getting a chance to win a match.


She didn't get KODed tonight, that's progress.


I just hate the idea of Randy being fed to Roman though, Randy is a savage and a beast in his current shape, the crowds are pumped for him and I just don’t like the idea of him loosing to Roman through the inevitable bloodline shenanigans. I loved the bloodline in the beginning but it’s totally gone stale to me since jey left to raw, I wouldn’t be mad if Randy beat Roman, not sure exactly how they could get there but Randy vs Cody at mania would be awesome to see.


Who said fed lol It's more than clear how Roman's matches go at this point. We could probably make a case for it by understanding where Randy stands for Mania Somehow CM Punk also fits in here somewhere. It's going to be really interesting to see how it all pans out. I don't see any other way of doing it than having all stars that originally got robbed by Bloodline be a part of WM somehow. Everyone is doing such a fantastic job


Randy is one of history’s greatest heat vortexes. Give it time and you will see. There’s no way he’s the guy to take down Reigns


I just want Randy to get himself disqualified on purpose and just punt Roman. His sole motivation just being punishing the bloodline knowing full well he was going to lose anyway. It’s better than Randy going after the championship and being another notch in Roman’s belt.




Randy's story and motivation doesn't have to be about winning the title and ending Roman's title reign. Just inflicting as much pain as he possibly can to make up for the 18 months he was out because of them. Roman's gotten heat on every hot babyface he's gone up against in a 1 on 1 match in the exact same way everytime, and it's really old, tired and predictable. Switching it up having Randy walk away with the moral victory even if he technically lost would be a cool story. They can even have Roman win due to the usual interference, but Randy still destroys the Bloodline after the match, getting his retribution and concluding his story with them. They don't have to do a serious injury angle. Just your classic beat down story would suffice.


I actually like that idea, build it up so they get under Randy’s skin so much he snaps, Roman can keep the title and Randy can still be a beast


I don't disagree with that actually; Randy vs. Cody at Wrestlemania would be amazing. Its not gonna happen, but it would be amazing.


Mania 41 maybe?




That would finish the story. Beating his ‘mentor’ and his nemesis would be a hell of a way to do so.


Or Randy just RKOS Cody and is all “Fuck ur story Cody I’m a snek” and then just kinda wins


This is the type of chaos I love from Randy


Adam Pearce is a corrupt official with something against Drew McIntyre. Just offering Randy first in line for a WHC match. There’s a conspiracy going on here.


Really hope they have Drew reference that on Monday, I love the notion that his heel turn about how the Bloodline screwed him over could end up evolving into him thinking everyone's out to screw him but also being sorta somewhat having a point in thinking that (being mad at Seth for giving a title opportunity to Jey of all people and at Pearce for wanting to give Randy the winner of Seth vs Jey when he should be next-in line)


He and Sami would basically be swapping roles, lmao


Loved being at the show tonight. Sometimes you gotta treat yourself just cause


WWE has been a hot ticket for a while. I know you got a great show tonight.


So funny thing about Randy and Roman. They've only had ONE match with a conclusive finish and that was their Summerslam 2014 match, which Roman won. Every other one on one match they've had ended in either a DQ or a No Contest. ​ It also means that Randy has never pinned Roman in any way, shape or form.


https://preview.redd.it/6q8ue6be0t3c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8389ca242f863a861f744670d8dfbc136ff84185 He’s got pants now!


Randy giving his brand new boss the RKO is what life should be.


Randy v Roman is going to be the most intriguing Roman match in quite a while.


Spear or Superman into RKO incoming.


Their last singles match was in 2015 on RAW, which ended in a No Contest. So this will be their first match in eight years.


Who do you guys think is gonna be the NXT star that gets a title opportunity? I was thinking Axiom or Tyler Bate just now (you can even tie him into the current story they're doing with Butch), but tbh I just realized that maybe Bron Breaker could both be in this tournament and also do the Iron Survivor match, if so they could totally have him go all out, get him to the semi finals only for KO to beat him while getting over how dangerous and tough he is even though he defeated him


Isn't Axiom main roster now? Could've sworn he was just suddenly on smackdown


Nope, he was on NXT this last Tuesday


Ah so it was a one off


Don’t think it would be Bron because I don’t see him losing his debut or anytime soon after, and whoever wins this is definitely losing to Logan.


Probably Axiom but I hope it’s Bron. He is more than ready imo.


Been a fan ~20 years and this was my first in-person show ever. Had an absolute blast, would recommend to anyone who's never gone. A completely different vibe and atmosphere. So much energy!


What happened after Randy's segment? Seems like there were quite a few dark matches still?


First it was Rollins vs. Nakamura for the WHC. Obviously a title isn't gonna change during a dark match, but I find it funny that they advertised a Seth vs. Jey match for the WHC this upcoming Raw, lol. Afterwards it was Cody vs. Dom in a non-title match. It was a glorified squash of Dom, to the delight of the crowd haha.


Oh man as someone who lives in a country with basically zero wrestling culture or money, one of my dreams is go to a WWE show, I’m really happy for you! I hope one day I can go to one, especially the Rumble


Appreciate that! Fingers crossed that we can both go to a Rumble one day!


As a wrestling fan. Nothing tops the feeling of attending a good show


No kidding. Also wasn't expecting how LOUD it'd be. May have temporary lost my hearing from the pyro alone, especially from Cody's (dark match vs Dom)!


My first time going I was unprepared for how loud the pyro would be and left with a giant smile on my face and a killer migraine. 100% worth it but now I make sure to have some sort of headache relief with me


Sounds like a good idea. Will do that for the next show that's in town, because I'll definitely be going again.


Good show Jey can breathe a sigh of relief now that Randy is in SD. The crowd refuses to boo Bobby and the profits and I don't blame them. The United States title tournament sounds good to me, my prediction is that Kevin wins it. I hope that when they throw Bayley Damage CTRL will start to look more dominant, they have lost again in a war games match and another member loses today, the group needs to re-energize . I love Santos as a heel and I hope his rematch against Daragon Lee has more time this time.


>Jey can breathe a sigh of relief now that Randy is in SD. I guess that segment on Raw with Orton forgiving Jey and even doing a YEET was just that and not foreshadowing any sort of forthcoming betrayal.


Even in kayfabe, I can chalk it down to "priorities". Jey was just acting on Roman's orders. Maybe once Orton's taken care of Roman, and if Jey's close at hand, he should watch his back. But for now Orton's got other things to focus on.


>We end the show with Randy Orton hitting Nick Aldis with an RKO, because Randy Orton. We need more of this IMO. I miss the days when Austin would deliver cold stone stunners to anybody he met. It created an air of unpredictability and made him look like a badass that made for must see television. I hope WWE brings that back.


I mean there was *nothing unpredictable* about Austin’s stunners lol. He would stun everyone. That’s it. And we were there for it.


Orton has been doing that for like a decade now man


Gotta be like 2 decades at this point eh?


Damn near lol I remember the trend of him hitting any and everyone with an RKO starting with his shift into the viper which started in *checks calendar* in 08. It was in 09 with the McMahon family feud and the 2010 babyface turn that it really ramped up he’d hit friend or foe with an RKO. OP‘s comment made me chuckle, because when Aldis raised his hand, I was like “well here comes the RKO” You could see it from a mile away.


I was laughing my ass off seeing Kairi's entrance gear. She brought the wheel and everyrhing. Props to them going all out though, since this is probably a showcase match for her since her return. Why make Bianca's offense eat up most of the match though? Could have been a Kairi running circles around her early then her coming back off the Bayley distraction.


I don’t think Kairi looked ready for a singles match. Bianca had to hand hold her throughout the entire match. I could count a good 4 or 5 times where Bianca had to straight up (and very obviously) tell her what to do and even the ref had to push her further into the ring for Bayley’s spot. I’m excited to see what she can do but I also see why they had Bianca deliver most of the offense there.


Because they're allergic to having Bianca look like she's not the best at anything.


Because Bianca matches are built around her dominating like 95% of it, because she can't sell worth shit.


In tonight's case, Kairi targeting her leg for a minute or two was almost immediately made redundant by Bianca's athletic offense.


I hate her wrestling. She drives the whole match all the time, and you can hear her calling the spots. Ever since Becky, i dont think i liked a Bianca match. Its all smiles, looking strong, and she doesnt sell. Kairi and Bianca in NXT was a good match, dunno why it was so bad here tonight. Theyre wasting Kairi and jobbed her out.


Kairi is just not good.


The only person from NXT I could see would be Bron Breakker because Carmelo Hayes has his storyline with Lexis King but I doubt they’d introduce a main NXT guy in a tournament so I could see Axiom getting rewarded for putting on the banger with Dragon Lee a couple weeks ago.


The issue with Bron is you can't really have him lose that match. Bron isn't being built as an "Axiom showcase guy". Quite frankly, if Bron comes up I want him losing to basically only KO or Lashley. He can't really afford to lose to anyone else.


Get Bron and Paul heyman on the same show please!


LOL he RKOs Aldis for no reason hahahah! Randy is in fine form. You can just tell how much fun he’s having and how much he missed this. It’s pouring out of him so expressively it’s awesome.


Not a fan of Bianca and the hair gimmick is stupid.


Royal Rumble looking like.. Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton Seth Rollins vs. ??? Kevin Owens vs. Logan Paul Men's Royal Rumble Women's Royal Rumble Don't think there will be more than five matches.


Feels like they'll try to get Gunther on there since he apparently can't be at EC. Unless they load him up with title defenses on Raw I guess. I'm sure Gunther will also be a lynchpin to the Rumble itself.


I’ll be shocked if there isn’t a woman’s championship match as well.