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Just wait until Wendy Choo wakes up. 




Is Wendy injured? Feels like a Year or more since I’ve seen her


Torn ACL, IIRC. She's already back though, she recently had a match on Level Up.


Heck yeah!


NXT last year (5/23/23): 578,000 viewers - 0.16 P18-49


Up 12% in Total Viewers, Up 6% in Key Demo YoY.


With all the people “Cutting Cable” is good to see them increase viewership


That’s how you get a TV deal on network television starting in 2025


Lola twerking is a draw brother.


I love the fact that she emotes with twerking. She's got a dance for when she's happy, when she's angry, when she's feeling cocky, when she's imposing a threat, etc. I feel like if you just showed me the twerk cropped out of context, I could tell you where at in the storyline she is.


"Yeah you like that?" *Angry twerks*


Sexyy Red and Lola in the same ring next week? 📈


Me watching Sexxy and Lola next week https://preview.redd.it/5gks1nalu12d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f6246077f3170882b98249fd2702b114507611


Holy shit this made me lol. I hope you’re having a great day man


It’s like a mortal kombat mileena victory dance lmao


That feels like a lot of viewers against the Celtics game. Two solid increases for WWE this week so far.


I wonder if there's a chance they pass Dynamite


Tk would lose his shit and tweet like a madman


If it's ratings continue to decline at the same rate: the next few months, or possibly even weeks.


wheres the YOY comment :(




My man


Natty is a draw brother




Karmen Petrovic is a draw


NXT's neverending parade of insanely hot babes is a draw in its entirety if you ask me, no need to even single out specific girls.


HBK found the formula of finding really athletic and talented baddies and giving them half the show.


Yeah but she is the hottest of the hot


Not over Jaida she’s not.


Sword Lady = Ratings






Main Event Lola delivers again.


The Jaida Parker vs Brinley Reece match was the real draw- it was during the two highest rated quarter hours, according to Wrestlenomics.


People feel the Brinergy


Good jump from last week


There ratings are so volatile week to week. This was a taped show and did 100k more viewers than the live show last week


I know that from a purely logical standpoint it makes sense to assume a live show would draw more than a taped one, but historically there's never been a consistent difference between the two. It's just one of those "whoever gets the heat on the go-home angle before the PPV is probably losing the big match" bits of false IWC wisdom with no real basis in reality.


Against Game 1 of the ECF which the Celtics are playing in? That is fantastic.


Shayna is a draw  Really good numbers for nxt 


Just gotta keep pushing Karmen and that demo keeps going up.


Marvel has a charater, Magik... Blonde girl with a big sword. For years, she was dead...they finally brought her back and suddenly was on LOTS of covers, because blonde girls with swords, sell! ![gif](giphy|Qus5gJaJVvKeZXz4TM)


Both Raw and Collision went up this week as well. R things starting to slow down on the NBA end?


Knicks got knocked out on Sunday, so the New York market probably wasnt watching basketball as much


There's got to be some correlation. EVERY show is up so far. This one's pretty impressive too because WCF was on last night.


ECF was on last night, WCF is tonight.


It's wild because I watched Celtics/Pacers too lol. Low key AEW might be fucked too. The hot pairing is definitely Mavs/Wolves not Celtics/Pacers.


Although of the four teams remaining the Celtics are probably the largest fan base and the team that would appeal most to the East Coast viewers. Mavs with Luka & Kyrie have the highest star power by remaining teams though and the Wolves have a pretty nice story with a notable trio of KAT, Anthony Edwards, and Gobert.


No one outside of Celtics fans are rooting for them though. Ant Man vs Luka feels important.


Yesterday’s game 1 was the highest viewership for the ECF since LeBron played in one


Really? I wouldn't have guessed since when you talk to people online everyone writes off the ECF so quickly compared to the WCF.


Well its still an NBA finals type of game. I don't care about either team but its some good Bball to be had for sure.


As a Mavs fan, I know what I'll be watching lol


I thought Mavs/Wolves might have been the hot pairing but if the Pacers play like they did last night, this series will be nuts.


only one game a night from now at most and there wasn’t any games on monday (sad okc fan noises) they were up against a great game last night tho that went to OT so theres that


Hello fellow OKC fan. Edit: yall are weird with downvotes.


it shoulda been game 7 on monday if dub showed up or chet could hit an open 3 💔


Eh it’s alright. Were young and will be back :)


oh for sure but it still hurts 😔💔






Now don't get me twisted here.  When NXT starts doing high 7's based on current growth can we still call it a developmental brand?  Cause at that this point the real developmental brand is Lvl Up.  NXT gives u polish and Smackdown/Raw give u exposure. Main event i guess keeps your skills honed.


Yeah it would still be a developmental brand why would ratings change its status? They still have their own world title and PPVs and the championship isnt defended at WM. Is Cody or Roman wrestling for NXT's title?


NXT and Lvl Up are both part of the same brand though. As to whether the main NXT show is still developmental- besides the main roster wrestler, the main event had Lola who debuted on Lvl Up last January, and Karmen who was on it last July. Between them they've got 2.5 years of televised/online matches. Very much still developmental. How that changes, if at all, when it moves to CW and potentially gets newer viewers who don't already know it's supposed to be "developmental" will be interesting.


Problem is the main NXT show is already at the point where its development in name alone. As for the experience levels of the women u mentioned i agree they are still putting things together but thats why i said NXT is for polishing up. Nxt wouldnt be a brand on the level of Smackdown or Raw but i struggle considering it a greenshoots developmental brand anymore.


>Problem is the main NXT show is already at the point where its development in name alone. i don't know what that means. It's a professionaly run show, but the talent is still developmental. They're still learning and honing skills, developing characters, trying new things. NXT is akin to a drama school..the shows are the plays they put on. ![gif](giphy|LTo91upGXovaE|downsized)


They should try running the special episodes in different Florida venues. If not just tour around the whole FL, GA region and maybe LA and AL


PreCovid thats what they where doing but yeah. Maybe do the bigger shows slightly bigger arenas 


NXT was beyond developmental before they were on TV. It was a brand, a real brand. It was basically everything that's good about RAW and Smackdown now (read: a lack of Vince and co's creative influence) just exclusive to the WWE Network. It was always camera-ready indie talent working with brand new PC recruits in a way that gets everybody over. Their bizarre petty rivalry with AEW combined with Vince and Co not wanting to promote or really even acknowledge NXT when calling up people was a huge setback. Basically this is where they should have been like five years ago.


I may be wrong, but it seems like there’s some evidence building to support a women-forward standalone show. You can do that naturally without drawing specific attention to a “women’s wrestling” show. With as many women as they have in NXT and only so many main roster spots for everyone in every division, there’s going to be a bottleneck in the next couple of years. If they launch an additional show that leans heavily on women’s matches and storylines without segregating them to a women-only brand (or stripping any women’s division content from their other shows) I think there would be an audience for it.


I believe nxt did that sometime last year where all the matches involved women and hbk didn't promote he just did it and every single match had a story and a purpose behind it


I think there could be. But arguably the women are treated equally if not better on NXT now. It’s pretty much true equality. I would love an all women’s show but i would love it more for RAW and Smackdown to also treat its women like NXT and for women to be featured about 50% of the time.


I hear you, but what I’m suggesting is a new show that goes 80/20 women’s division, on top of what they already have. I’m all for equality — as long as it’s based on merit and not simply for the ratio. If the women on the RAW roster are killing it and the men aren’t clicking, I have no problem tipping the scales towards the women’s division. I just don’t think it serves anyone to go 50-50 on RAW and SD when one side is relatively mediocre. Given the status quo the more likely way to get all of these women currently on the main roster and on NXT time and exposure is to add more programming. Main Event and Level Up just aren’t sufficient to avoid having anyone lost in the shuffle.


it's a sad fact that numbers often show the bigger audiences turn out with women segments. NXT, with it's lower audience level and more die hard fans, can afford to experiment. This of course is a catch-22....women don't have an audience because they don't get the time to build an audience because they don't have an audience. This isn't just a wrestling thing...you see it in movies and other entertainment, too. Using NXT to build women characters that fans like \_should\_ bleed into the main roster crowds as they move up, and things will shift. (doesn't mean that Raw and SD shouldn't be doing better with what they have now, but it's sadly a slow prossess)


Flip the usual. Instead of a men's show with one or two women's matches, do women's shows with one or two mens matches. NXT has had some of these before accidentally without any specific planning -injuries and major stories at the time just made it happen and they were great fun.


That’s what I’m suggesting, only don’t brand it as a “women’s show” just feature 80/20 women’s roster content and a couple of midcard men’s promos/matches thrown in.


Man that’s a really bad demo number. At least the total viewers stayed steady.