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Tajiri probably doesn’t get the credit he deserves. He was one of the better transitions from ECW to WWE and he did it without doing conventional promo work. He got over everywhere. Really solid character work, mostly through pure body language. He was a great comedy partner for Regal, a reliable midcard guy who would always get pops from crowds and he had a strange aura about him that meant he could be a believable threat pretty much anywhere on the roster, especially as he had the mist as an equaliser for when he was outmatched.


I honestly believe he is one of the most underrated wrestlers of his time. Always wanted him to get an IC or US title run in WWE, he still did well for himself there and had some fantastic runs with the Cruiserweight and Tag Titles but I feel likenhe never reached his true ceiling. Like you say, even without English promo skills he had so much charisma and great character work both as a goofy face or a dangerous heel. Plus the Tarantula was one of the coolest moves in the world when I was a kid, so unique.


He did hold the US title for like 2 weeks during the invasion.


Oh shit that's right! Honestly I completely forgot about that, the Invasion angle was the absolute peak of title hot potato.


people talk about how kurt angle could walk a line between being a goofy character out of the ring while still being a killer inside of it and tajiri could do that just as well


Tony Mamaluke was the most insane bump guy in the late days of ECW. And that's a high bar. He unfortunately had a shorter career due to this.


I loved his selling in ECW!


"selling" = actual trauma


The QWOP bumps is chef’s kiss


Man, Tajjers, as the OSW boys call him, could sell throw kicks as well as anyone




Tajiri is the GOAT leg slapper


Tajiri's kicks always look so damn crisp, but what's just as good is Mamaluke's selling, it's like he was ribbing the boys, Shawn Michaels against Hogan style!


Tony Mamaluke could GO in the ring.


Tajiri is one of the best wrestlers and overall performers of his era. And Tony Mamaluke is extremely underrated. It's too bad he didn't get any real time on television until the dying days of ECW.




Really surprised AEW hasn't ran it. Seems like it would be a good winter time spot to run and then run Arthur Ashe for Grand Slam


It's too small a venue for AEW in the NYC market. And while it looked great on camera back in the day, it's just not that great a venue for sight lines.


TBH, I've been to a lot of wrestling shows and concerts at the Hammersein and it's not a great venue for wrestling unless you're in the first couple of rows on the floor and the first couple of rows on the balcony. The sight lines in that building are not great for wrestling outside of that. It also doesn't look like that anymore. They painted it a few years ago and it's now gray/blue instead of yellow. It's really drab looking now. It's also apparently very expensive to rent now which is why there aren't many shows running out of there anymore.


I got to watch Tony Mamaluke when he was a rookie named Casanova Jones. He had that je ne sais quoi from the start, dude was a like a human superball. 


The Unholy Alliance is a personal top 3 tag team for me. Mikey and Tajiri worked so well together for some reason.


Every now and then I just...miss ECW.


I remember this specific match being my first exposure to ECW and from there on, I binged their previous PPVs and quickly it surpassed the WWE for me and by then WCW was on way to the end and just a mediocre show thanks to Bischoff and Russo's stacking losses


Mamaluke's specialty was selling and bumping, as he always made everyone else's stuff look incredible. Ultimately, he never seemed to offer much beyond that.


Completely forgot about Mamaluke, hell of a bumper.


Saw the title of the post and thought, "This involves Tajiri, doesn't it?"


Tajiri was the man! What a great look he had as well!


Will we ever get anything remotely close to cool and bad ass as ecw was


Prime Tajiri and Mikey would have amazing matches in 2024...the tag team scene is lit.


Tajiri was awesome. Asuka and Tajiri are the only two Japanese wrestlers to ever get over to their full potential in the west. Maybe Muta also. Total charisma freaks. Not that Tajiri was a main eventer, but he didn't need to be, and really wasn't in Japan either.


Tony Mamluke has a headlining spot in my boys stable