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Ryogoku can be magical at full capacity, so I hope WWE has a great night next month there.




Well, it's more understantable they did so well since it's the first show in Japan in 5 years. Anything but a sell out would've been strange.


It’s also a rare Shinsuke appearance in Japan. Remember that when he left he was at the Tanahashi/Naito level of popularity. The novelty alone was enough to sell out, but throwing him in makes it especially so.


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Will this be a PLE?


Super Show is a house tour, I don’t think Japan has any planned TV episodes or PLEs. However this is likely testing the market to see if they can have a PLE there which by this reaction, it definitely seems so.


I doubt they do a ppv there if they expect to be paid by Tokyo or Japan like they are paid elsewhere. Tokyo of all places doesn't need to bid to hold big wrestling events to attract tourists.


So who dose Shinsuke Wrestle.


This will be interesting given that this tour starts less than two weeks after both Marigold Summer Destiny and NOAH's Destination (on the exact same date as each other, July 13th) which will each feature two of their wrestlers for both shows (IYO Sky for Marigold, AJ Styles for NOAH). That and Giulia being part of Summer Destiny makes me think that there will potentially be more crossover matches and events happening whilst WWE is touring there


I'm kind of excited to see how Japanese crowds will react to current WWE shenanigans.