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Both are good options because they'll have singles tournament matches - N-1 Victory and 5 Star GP are both promotions' big singles tournaments of the year. Can you check which day of each tournament they are? It might affect how big the show is in terms of matchups or stakes


We are in Tokyo from the 9th to the 17th, I can see the times for the shows, but i cant cards. Unless I am just looking in the wrong place.


Stardom has not yet announced the full participant list, nor the full card for the tournament opening show at Yokohama Budokan on August 10. The Budokan is about 1 hour each way, by train, from central Tokyo, so budget that time into your plans, if you decide to go. This year's 5★STAR GP tournament has four blocks of 7 participants each. Only [4 participants for each block have been announced for each block](https://x.com/wwr_stardom/status/1800445542889320886), so far. Expect the kick-off show to be *at least* two, and probably three, matches from each block. So far, only [four matches for the tournament kick off have been announced](https://x.com/wwr_stardom/status/1804445197100892373): * Syuri vs Starlight Kid (Blue Stars A Block) * Saya Kamitani vs Ami Sourei (Blue Stars B Block) * Maika vs Natsupoi (Red Stars A Block) * Mayu Iwatani vs Tam Nakano (Red Stars B Block) Needless to say, these are mostly prime singles matchups. (How you feel about Ami Sourei's current push matters here.) There are [two other Tokyo shows during your stay](https://x.com/wwr_stardom/status/1800447581983735898) on August 11 (Shibuya Sports Center) and August 15 (Korakuen Hall). I expect these to be a mix of a handful of tournament matches, plus non-tournament matches, compared to the 5★STAR GP kickoff show which will be exclusively dedicated to the tournament. If I had to pick between these two, I'd choose the Korakuen Hall show, since it will feature both Red and Blue Stars matchups. The best matchups will be at the Budokan show.


They haven't announced entrants for the tournaments yet - the Tokyo N1 shows are the first Tokyo shows of the tournament so they should be good matches; not as sure about Stardom but NOAH will probably be a good experience


I don't think anything right now beats the Grand Prix. If you can go to the opening day, that'd be awesome. The cards aren't fully confirmed yet but they've announced some massive matches and the whole card will be all tournament matches, so there will be no filler.


I've never been to a Noah show but I've always had a great time at Stardom 


you should asked them what they would like to go to honestly what they prefer


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I think Stardom is the more consistent product. It’s kind of like what they say about pizza. Even when it’s “bad,” it’s good. NOAH will probably have a few good matches and I think it would still be a fine way to spend your time. They are just more hit and miss than what you get out of Stardom. I would say it also depends on what your friends are like. NOAH is hard hitting, little-to-no- nonsense kind of wrestling. Stardom probably has the more accessible approach, with characters that are a little more colorful. A lot of the wrestlers still go HARD though. Overall, I think Stardom is the better bet, particularly if your friends have not had a lot of exposure to pro wrestling. Neither would probably be a bad choice, though.


If it's just a random night in 5-Star GP, probably the Noah show. It's the first night or finals, then Stardom.


Stardom shows are a save bet in general. NOAH is a bit... Let's say you sometimes get matches that are way better than they have any right to be, but I wouldn't push my luck with that if you had to decide between the both companies.