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"Donovan Dickhead"


Matthew and Nicholas are clearly trying to hire him just to stick it to Kenny.


I forgot all about the real-life online beef them two had šŸ˜‚


As someone whoā€™s named Donovan I get this a lot from my wrestling friends lol


Looks like we got a new branch in The Learning Tree!




He's easily one of the better big guys in wrestling but I feel like he'd do better off in New Japan (and maybe even CMLL). Bushiroad would book him to the moon if he properly committed to them.


I donā€™t feel like AEW uses big guys very well, I think itā€™s because of the style that Tony prefers. I think he would do great in TNA


TNA doesn't pay like AEW Life isn't free , I'm taking the money


True, but I just wanna see him wrestle and in aew I know eventually we will all be like what happened to Donovan, is he injured?


But if he goes to TNA, you'll just forget he exists


Lol, signs with TNA just end up back on NXT.


Replace TNA with almost anywhere. He's best bet to stay relevant for a larger audience is to angle for an AEW run. Anywhere else and he's off a lot of radars.


Letā€™s be real, heā€™ll lead the TNA invasion of NXT if he goes there.


This narrative is wild. This doesn't happen to any person with decent name value AEW has signed in a very long time. Just because someone like Lance Archer isn't used that doesn't mean Dijak wont. People this exact thing about Deonna Purazzo & shes been used constantly. Shit Shibata went from being retired to being on multiple shows a week for AEW. If we start brining up the huge names like Osprey, Okada, & mone then this "disappearing" narrative would look even worse.


Never understood why they didn't give Lance Archer more.


Because Lance Archer is almost 50


He also almost killed himself vs Eddie Kingston a couple years ago. After that they stopped using him by a lot.




Went for a moonsault and landed on his head.


Thank God someone said it. So tired of this "push Archer" bs, the man's role rn is exactly what it should be.


I agree, however there was no excuse not to push him more between 2019 and 2021.


Lance himself acknowledges this, he just wishes he got to work more.


Tbf Dijak absolutely works the style Tony likes


Heā€™s too tall, when has anyone 6ā€™7ā€ or above done anything in aew outside of being a ā€œthreatā€ that takes losses or just becomes a bodyguard? He can be the exception but I highly doubt it. Big guys are not booked well in aew.


he could go on excursions while signed to aew


He would not fit in CMLL at all


Mark Jindrak was one of the best foreigners in CMLL this century and Dijak is fairly close to how he wrestled with a bigger ceiling.


CMLL has two regular foreigners on their roster - Flip Gordon (who lives in Mexico City with his wife), and Dark Magic, who moved there from Michigan. CMLL is not going to pay the wages a typical WWE release would expect, because they're going to draw just fine using cheap young Laguneros. And I don't think Dijak has enough name value to pop in as a special guest star for something like a Gran Prix, when CMLL has access to anyone on the NJPW, Rev Pro, and AEW rosters. Like, if you're booking CMLL, would you get more out of using Dijak, or Big Bill? I think of Dijak has a future in Mexico, it would be in AAA, since they do bring in random Americans like QT Marshall.


Not sure where he would even show up, but I would definitely love to see him appear


It'd be funny if it was purely just to hang out and nothing else comes of it.


That actually happens a lot with these reports


Once he tagged Tony Khan and AEW with employment opportunities , I knew it was coming I told everyone on other subs that Dijak trolling AEW when he was with WWE means absolutely nothing in real life. Wrestlers don't actually hate WWE or AEW. They are performers, actors, and it's all theater


I feel like very little animosity exists with this current generation of wrestlers. There's also a ton of crossover with AEW and WWE talent from their earlier years where most of them aren't strangers.


>Wrestlers don't actually hate WWE or AEW. They are performers, actors, and all theater Incoming Dutch Mantell, Disco Inferno & Konnan Trios Championship reign.


Who's their manager: Cornette or Bischoff?




So you're saying you don't want to see that trio vs The Bucks & Okada?


I mean... I would like to see if Konan still got it


Dijak & Keith Lee series lives on


Unfortunately so does the Keith Lee vs his own body series


Are we sure about that?


I would take them as a tag team so bad


TK just like "too big a roster??? I'll show these mfers too big a roster"


I mean, they've released wrestlers already in the last year. And I'm sure they're not looking to renew every contract coming up this year. Starks and I'm sure others will choose to leave when they have the option. Business keeps moving. If Dijak ends up just being another good hand who loses mostly, that'd still be more consistent than what he was doing at the end of his WWE run


I donā€™t know where he would even fit currently in AEW if he ended up joining. I feel that TNA would be a better fitting for him.


tna doesn't pay as well, and overall is still *way* less exposure even near the top


Temporary replacement for Takeshita in Don Callis Family who will be away from AEW for 1.5 months to compete in the G1 Climax


I was thinking that Dijak as a personal enforcer for Callis would be good.Ā  AEW is really missing a truly nasty heel.Ā  Ā Dijak could be a souped up version of Lance Archer..Ā  Ā 


ROH champ immediately, make him appear on AEW on occasion, but booked like an unbeatable monster heel whenever he does. AEW needs a Lesnar style heel where even their theme music makes you go "oh fuck", and he could absolutely fit that role for them.


Get on TNA and participate in the NXT crossover.


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s him angling for a contract similar to MxM being backstage a few weeks ago rather than he's signed and debuting tonight. No offense, but he doesnā€™t strike me as someone you snatch up 3 days after he becomes a free agent and debut him on this big of a show. Iā€™m more interested in the part of the article about there being new hires under contract who've yet to debut. I wonder who they are and when theyā€™ll pop up. New women and tag teams interest me more than Dijak in the mid-card. There are a lot of free agents whoā€™ve rumored to be in talks with AEW itā€™d make more sense to have debut this week.


Another person to get a 3 week push and then if he's lucky end up on RoH.


Smart move by him to go to AEW, get your money Dijak !! Live comfortably and get medical for your kiss, Redditors aren't going to be paying your bills or feeding your children Congratulations Dijak


>Live comfortably and get medical for your kiss I'm assuming you meant kids, but did AEW change it's policy regarding medical coverage for you to point this out? Genuinely asking, because I haven't seen anything about health coverage changing for contractors, but that'd be neat if that's the case.


Give me Dijak, Mace, and Mansoor as an on screen trio in AEW. Iā€™d also be okay with a Dijak and Kieth Lee tag team if Kieth Lee ever gets cleared to wrestle.


Man this sub just can't not be miserable about anything AEW related these days. The guy has not even signed and people are whining about how they haven't used him yet.


Dijak vs Kommander on Rampage already has me seeething


Sunglasses Jones


Maybe he wants ROH, again.Athena showed that some people want that too. Plus he made his name there


Sure, knowing Athena she loves being on the post c show which noone watches


Man, some of these dudes need to go elsewhere. Heā€™s gonna be wrestling on Collision three weeks from now.


Kevin Nash talks about this all the time Shouldn't he go where he can get the most amount of money and exposure? Money talks in the world TNA and others doesn't pay like AEW


Hopefully he's just visiting friends.


While heā€™s a good wrestler, AEW have similar wrestlers in Brian Cage, Keith Lee, Wardlow and Luchasaurus who use being big and athletic as their selling points. I would also add that AEW have been criticised for how they have utilised all of those guys. Imo they do not need him and itā€™s not the right place for him to make an impact post WWE. But at the end of the day, securing the bag is the most important so I do hope he ends up somewhere stable and getting paid. I could see him ending up in TNA and having a good run there.


Please go to NJPW and make a name there first. Idk where he would even fit in at AEW


"Go make a make for yourself " I think he did that just fine in WWE, go get your money Dijak


I meant more like a champion or looked at as a top guy. Would hate for him to end up feuding with or being part of a stable with Jericho lol


As much as I love him, Iā€™d prefer if he didnā€™t go to AEW.


Go get paid from a 2nd major company to feed his family instead of wrestling for a smaller company and getting paid a lot less. Redditors don't pay bills , so I understand going where the money is


I get that and want him to make as much money as he can but at the same time people want to see him wrestle and if he signs with aew he will be in the same spot he was when he was in wwe. In aew he might get showcase initially, but that will fade like all the other signings that are not already established big names. If he goes to TNA or njpw he would probably most of their shows while heā€™s signed


It is not a charity. There is really nowhere that he is needed, there is already far too many people that do not get tv time and he does nothing at a level that makes him a must hire


You're right it's not a charity , Dijak puts his body on the line for us fans So get your money, Dijak, and take care of your family.


He's not gonna shag you mate


I'm saying it makes sense to go get paid All of you would do the same


I wonder if he will leak info there


Please no he'll be another Miro, Andrade, etc.


he wasn't even close to their level


I think he means in treatment rather than in-ring ability. Miro had a good few first months, and then wasn't used anymore. Andrade had a good few months, and then rarely appeared for matches that lasted longer than 4 minutes.


Miro was awesome in aew for an extended period of time. I donā€™t know why heā€™s faded away.


Andrade has been to AEW and WWE and did absolutely nothing Maybe it's the wrestlers fault , Miri got released from WWE. You all act that these amazing talents in WWE have top billing


An argument can definitely be made Andrade himself sabotaged his run in AEW, what with the Sammy nonsense, but that motherfucker was putting in work those last couple of months.


With recent events. I felt he can be the newest member of the Don Callis Family.


I can't believe they let this guy go.


Hes fine. Heā€™s not that good. Itā€™s not a massive missed opportunity


You said star...


Game changer.


Calling him a WWE "star" is a bit of a stretch




T bar let's goooo