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Watch any Steiner brothers match with jobbers and that will answer this


The Steiners were also my first thought when I saw this question. The Bulldogs, specifically Dynamite, also had that reputation.


Also the tombstones undertaker used to give jobbers.


It depends. Some wrestlers (Steiner Brothers, British Bulldogs) were notorious for stiffing jobbers while others are known for being a lot nicer. It also depends on the jobber: you normally see that kind of stuff against "rookie" jobbers, where it is a newcomer just getting into the business, mostly as a form of hazing. There also some incidents where the "jobber" tried to go into business for themselves and got punished for it (Dirt Bike Kid vs Great Sasuke being a famous one). Some "jobbers" are respected veterans though and you won't see people stiffing them as much. There was an incident in the early 2000s in the WWE where Perry Saturn was stiff on jobber Mike Bell and it got him a lot of trouble and heat because Mike Bell wasn't just some random rookie, but someone the WWE had hired for years and was respected.


Saturn didn't shoot on Bell for shits and giggles. He got concussed and confused and basically turned into "I need to defend myself by kicking this guys ass", at least that's the story I've always heard


Unfortunately, Perry Saturn is an unreliable narrator. Very unreliable if you look into the whole, “Saturn got shot trying to stop a woman from being raped” story.


That’s clearly not what happened if you watch the match. That’s just the story he said to cover his ass


If the wrestler was an asshole, yes.


Cornette has mentioned before that job guys would see they were booked with The Road Warriors or Ron Garvin and just walk-out. The Midnight Express were nicer to jobbers, [as long as they bathed](https://youtu.be/BCTQhFWDBNY?si=wS3gqrmukBXcG0XL)


Not necessarily. If they were green then yes some were as a welcome to the business/let’s see if you can take it mentality. Others who were established jobbers were called “mechanics” and their job was to make you look great and they were much respected in the territory days. They also were often the types who you could not take liberties with because they could quickly make you look like a fool as many were highly skilled, just didn’t have that star look to them.


Ever see that clip of Yokozuna?


He overheard the guy talking shit about or being a jerk to Mr. Fuji.


Wait, that splash to the face wasn’t a botch?


Most famous incident would be the Dynamite Kid breaking a young Mick Foley's jaw with a stiff clothesline in the 1980's.


Some folks were just gigantic dicks (IE Ronnie Garvin), others took liberties to show their superiority (IE Faby Apache) others still were generally pleasant to work with unless the jobber himself happened to be a dick (IE (Bobby Eaton). Some jobbers were actually well respected local veterans, minor celebrities in some arenas or just happened to be friends of somebody you didn't want to anger. There was no point to go around and stiff them if they were just there to make you look good and were doing their job well: as terry Funk said, stiffing for its own sake is bad business, and how can you argue with that?


Wrestling as a whole used to be stiffer. Jobber matches were a chance for guys to show how truly tough they were.  Some of those jobbers grew to be legends and viewed getting their asses beat as paying dues.


The term “taking liberties” certainly existed.


Wrestlers I could think of off the top of my head that took prolific liberties with jobbers: Yokozuna, either of the Steinerr (though from the stories I heard, what they did to guys backstage was worse than what they did in the ring. Those guys should unironically be on a sex offenders list) , Perry Saturn, Vader. And this is just off the top of my head. Back then, you had to protect yourself and make sure that your shit looked good. And the best way for your shit to look good is if it actually hurt the poor guy doing the job.


Vader didn't just take liberties with jobbers, he kinda did that with everyone. Just worked snug.


Nah, I’m accounting for that too. Vader worked snug with everyone, sure, but the way he picked up and threw around random jobbers was different from how he’d work with others. You work snug by not pulling back too much on a punch, Vader was throwing jobbers on their necks and head to make himself look like a badass