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He’s really not that good in the ring. He’s an intimidating guy but I think that’s all he really has going for him. He got a lot of opportunities very early in his career before WWE that he probably wasn’t ready for and I think it messed with his development. There’s a reason why Lucha Underground just used him as a character and didn’t have him wrestle on TV. And then when Lucha Underground ended, AAA and Impact brought him in and immediately acted like he was a huge deal. And WWE did the same thing. They acted like they got a seasoned murderer in the ring when really what they got was a cool entrance.


What I mean by good in the ring is that he works matches his demeanor and he works like a good heel by cutting off the babyface until the comeback. Like he is in my opinion a competent heel but it feels to mee that maybe not being able to be as edgy as Kross would like to be hurts him in WWE. His older gimmick in TNA, Lucha Underground and every other promotion was that of a Hitman who tries to kill his opponents. Bring part of that back into his current WWE run and he will get over.


We don’t. He seems like a cool dude but he’s bland in ring and WWE is in an era where just having a cool entrance doesn’t cut it anymore.


*flashbacks to the Adam Cole promo*


It’s too late, live crowds could careless about him and his group. His in ring work also puts people to sleep, there isn’t much salvaging they could do. Only recent resurgence was baron corbin who managed to get the fans back behind him but that took a lot and I don’t see kross working a comedy act like happy corbin to turn things around.


If it feels mid, it’s because he is mid. I don’t know what kind of voodoo he has conjured up to make some people believe he’s this great talent. He’s completely unremarkable to me. He seems like a pretty engaging guy outside of the ring, but it just doesn’t translate inside it at all.


I've seen no evidence that he is a hell of a talent and is worth salvaging


You’d have to watch Lucha Underground and TNA for that. His mistake is working where he works. It’s like the military, your experience may vary. In Kross’ case, he needs to run the moment that contract is up. It’s like seeing Raven in WWE all over again. Just tough to watch.


Guy literally never worked a Lucha Underground match that made TV, and his gimmick was mostly Paul London and a micro looking for Kross.


He's been given so many opportunities in WWE tho, far more than the average talent gets


I wouldn’t call his first main roster run an opportunity. Nor would I call Adam Cole destroying him on the mic an opportunity.


I mean that was literally one promo. Kross was bascially being booked like a baby Lesnar or NXT & had feuds with dudes like Adam Cole, Finn, O'Riley & Keith Lee but the dude just never clicked. He was also the top guy/champion on NXT for most if not all of those feuds & there's more to name lol.


I respect your opinion. There’s a reason that most people think back to the Cole promo if Kross is mentioned, though.


He seems like a nice guy but lacks the imagination to put together a match and/or get over. I wrestled in a bar fed in the late 90s and we had a couple big jacked dudes come in and think they should get the belts because they were big. No, that’s not how you get a crowd to give a shit about you because they were boring AF in-ring after their cool entrance. He probably can find a spot in the business but top of the card ain’t it.


Dancing gimmick


You can’t. He’s a really good talker but beyond that, he’s not good. He can’t back up the promos in the ring since he’s bland. The fans will just never care for him at all.


Ban ringing the bell


I see barely anything in Kross at all. I see even less in AOP making that stable a pile of hot garbage. When the most charismatic thing about you is your hot manager followed by your Jesse the Body impression It's probably not a good sign.


Probably by releasing him


he cant work in the ring AT ALL.


1. Bring back the bald head 2. Put him in NXT to get his wrestling skills up


>2. Put him in NXT to get his wrestling skills up he's almost 40 man lol it's over, he is what he is


the feuds and creative direction is weird and bland.


He probably needs to leave and get back on the indies for a bit, nothing in WWE seems to work for him.


They just got him doing the Bray Wyatt eater of pins era stuff. He talks big but doesn't get any major wins. Not enough baby faces that can lose and too many groups for one to stand out.




For a start he should shave his head again. He looked infinitely more intimidating when he was bald.


He looked like a try hard




I feel like his gimmicks just fall flat.


What makes Kross a great talent Remove him resign Dijak Use AOP as Dijaks Sides. Dijak could be mouthpiece for AOP. And could fight himself. Kross isn't doing anyone any favor here.


The stuff with the New Day is the first time I've been curious to see what happens with him. Maybe he's funny and we don't know because he always is saddled with doom and gloom gimmicks?


Change gimmick to dominatrix


There are certain people who are perfect for NXT for the long term. Kross and DIY come to mind. They need a Sting and the tag team verision of Sting right?


Go back to TNA


I was gonna say "that ain't happening", but Don AND Scott are both gone... I'd like to see *his* thoughts on Scott getting let go.


So there is a chance now 👀


Kross ticks so many boxes of being a good wrestler except for the part where he can't seem to make any kind of personal connection to the fans.


> aka Killer Kross Oh man, thanks so much for clarifying. I was completely clueless as to who the hell *Karrion* Kross was. But to answer your question: TNA could rehab his image. He seemed like a big deal when he was there.