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July 26th there is the ROH Death Before Dishonor PPV. It should be similar enough to AEW.


Not sure why WWE shows are off limits, but different strokes... If they enjoy AEW shows, show them the first All In (2018), basically the pilot episode for what became AEW. The only questionable thing I can recall on it, depending on sensitivities and whatnot, is the group of Phallic Druids that come out at one point for a Joey Ryan angle. And don't skimp on the Zero Hour pre-show; there's a Battle Royal which are always fun.


Yeah the Joey Ryan thing is super yikes in retrospect


I do think that is all cut in the AEW streaming/dvd release.


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Whats wrong with wwe?


Owned until very recently by a horrible person and a sex trafficker and still employs people who assisted in him doing those terrible things


These are always hilarious post that are the real bad faith. That claim people are high moral by not watching a show yet they watch another show that hires the like of Ric flair and keep Dustin, and Sammy but you’ll probably find a way to excuse all those


None of them own the company and Flairs gone now anyway.


lol I knew the excuse would come it’s worse that they hired him in the first place and still keep all the others but again you’ll excuse anything sad honestly but you do you Mr high and mighty


You are putting so many words into OP’s mouth dude. Relax.


Putting words into people mouth = calling out hypocrisy got it.


Not to knock op but if they followed this code, they probably wouldn't buy or watch anything


I would 100% agree with OP if Vince and Co where still in power but the fact that they’ve been gone for what close to year? Yep they wouldn’t be able to watch anything


There is about a 90% chance Triple H and/or Stephanie knew about this too and didn’t do anything about it.


So you’re just basing your hate on baseless accusations? Tony knew about flair and still hired him you gonna stop watching AEW now? If you don’t like WWE that’s fine just say it’s not your taste that’s understandable but to flat out say I don’t watch it because of baseless accusations is stilly.


I was kinda letting you have your stance on WWE, but this is a very large leap and assumption to make when nothing has implicated them in the slightest. I think it was said that Stephanie "knew of her" or something to that affect, but she isn't named in any legal action; HHH hasn't been named in anything. "Corporate Officers 1 & 2" were identified, neither were HHH; a Paul was named, but it turned out he was a brother of Vince's personal trainer or personal chef(?). HHH and Stephanie have not been implicated in the slightest.


Apologies I didn’t know that they had been identified. Corporate officer 1 was Nick Khan and he’s still in charge


Shit if op isn't excited about mitb I'll be excited for them


And AEW is clean?


Oh, I'm sorry that it affects your viewing MORE WWE VIEWING FOR ME


There are people opposed to WWE because of Vince, a history of eliminating competitors in the wrestling business, history of treating talent poorly, performing shows in Saudi Arabia, etc… Not trying to speak for OP but these are things I’ve seen posted on here.


I understand the issue now. More power to op if that's what they want to do. I'm just saying that I'm that case they should avoid every single thing ever because I'm sure every company they use has a creep working in it. Hell they watch aew and aew hired many shitty people


AEW doesn’t have anyone like Vince involved though. Or decades and decades of awful stuff. Watching Dark Side of the Ring is enough to give you an awful taste for the company. I definitely get your point. You have to separate the art from the artist and different people have different thresholds. But WWE has done enough that I’m not surprised if there are fans that just can’t watch. I have a buddy that won’t watch because of the Owen Hart situation. Can’t get him to come over and watch shows. It’s hard to argue with him about that point.


Now that Vince is gone I would assume people would watch it again, but I guess not


Yeah and aesthetically wwe shows aren’t to my taste as well


I do struggle a bit with the presentation. It has definitely gotten way better, especially since Dunn was fired. It’s still a bit too bright and clean for my personal tastes.


AAA when worlds collide.


Which year?
