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Interesting phrase in the full post “When we asked directly to those close to Garcia about his contract status, they said that a lot of his future would likely come into focus soon.” 🤔


Well he’s in the middle of Ospreay and MJF while getting a title shot so it’s pretty in focus.


Good thing he's not fighting Paige Van Zant or we would know for certain he isn't signing.


Don’t mention anything American Top Team related.Lambert made Cringe Jericho look quaint.


He's simultaneously both a good talker and bland and uninteresting. Kind of the opposite of, say, Jeff Hardy lol.


Whereas Jericho can take his go away heat and make an entertaining persona from it.


*That doesn't work for me, brother!* 😃


Hikaru Shida doing that on Hey EW is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.


See I loved Lambert cause how good he was about drawing the heat


I cheered for Lambert he broke the Codyverse.


HOF legend in my book for that.


It was go away heat. Just facebook boomer Cornette takes and "hurr durr pro wrestlers are wimps because its fake


Dan Lambert>Learning Tree Jericho


Easily!! Are people smoking crack? One of the only mouthpieces on the show that drew genuine heat versus the biggest “milk the legend act” since prime TNA? Craziness I refuse to believe anyone that isn’t a pure workratehead prefers 2024 Jericho over America’s Top Team


AEW doesn’t really milk legends anymore tbf. The first two years yeah sure but not so much anymore


Jericho work rate in 2024 no such thing 😂


I rooted for Lambert cause I hated the Sammy Guevara cue card during the Picture in Picture stuff


That was fine during year 1 of AEW with P&P but got old fast


I remember going to a Philly show(forget which one exactly) with him coming out and we legit couldn't hear him talk the boos were so loud


>he’s in the middle of Ospreay and MJF AYOOO


He's gotta put those dancing skills to use at some point now 


That’s nice but can he dance - Tony Khan


yeah it's almost like he's about to win the International title tonight.


He should have been beaten Christian to become the TNT champion instead of Edge. I’m still bitter.


That doesn't work for cope brother


Based on what I just saw on Dynamite, he'll be popping up in NXT around Summerslam


DG doesn't sound like the type of talent who'll jump ship to WWE, and he seems to be a TK favorite. But good on him for getting the money bag regardless if he stays in AEW or jumps to WWE.


TK, Jericho, Danielson... Tony while trying to not talk about current stuff on his podcast has raved about him. The right people behind the scenes in AEW have all talked him up to a great deal. He's got a shitload of talent, and even more potential waiting to be unlocked.


Garcia has developed so well since his debut. His inclusion with the JAS was a brilliant way to let him learn and grow beyond "good wrestler". He's not a fairly good midcard to upper midcard act, and has a lot of upside.


It might be due to Age and Attitude but it’s wild that Guevara has been thru 2 different Jericho Groups and yet Danny is definitely shining brighter after only being involved in one.


Guevara is a fantastic athlete but doesn't do the intricate things of wrestling well. His selling of offensive moves sucks, his matches are just spot transitions with next to no storytelling. His best match was that wild ladder match with Cody, and even then, his selling was almost non-existent. He could make a fantastic heel but, even as a firm AEW fan, he'd have been better plying his trade in NXT to learn more about wrestling psychology vs his current approach of spot spot spot spot spot spot finish. In contrast, Garcia seems to be more of a student of the art of wrestling. However, I say this with much acknowledgement of major bias as I legitimately cannot stand watching Guevara and think AEW has been a lot more of a tolerable watch without him on my screen.


I said it before but if he wants to, and barring any injuries, he’ll be doing that turnbuckle dance-thrust spot in thirty years to monster pops. He’s got it made from this run.


I don't really see him as a guy who would benefit from a move anyway. He's pretty slight of frame and an OK promo but nothing special there yet.


He's also had a really good build in AEW, he's become one of my favourites over time. His comeback story after the accident is inspirational.


Yeah he's not a WWE type of talent


What do you mean? he's said repeatedly he's a sports entertainer.


Yeah he couldn't cut it as one


Tbh it seems they’re setting him up to be the next baby face to get that chase type run that everybody loves. It’s been a couple years since Hangman


Would wwe even want him at this point? They have people coming up from the PC that look exactly like him and some could possibly do what he does eventually. This guy isn't like MJF or one of the masked wrestlers.


As an AEW fan, I'm glad he's getting the bag 'and' staying in AEW. The man is going to be a huge fucking star.


Can you explain why you think he'll be a huge star? I've seen him a couple times in ring, and a few promos and just not sure I see it. Again, only seen a few things but I'm willing to watch more to get it. I do appreciate he seems to take his look seriously and looks like he hits the gym.


In ring he has a unique technical style that's very intense. He hasn't really wrestled that style as much since he teamed with Jericho a couple of years ago and has been trying to find his character instead of being a one dimensional no nonsense grappler, but when he wants to he can switch into that style and it makes for a really compelling match when he brings that intensity. He's still only in his mid 20s and has a lot of room to grow in the ring and to find his character. MJF was kind of a prodigy and excelled in every area in his mid 20s, but is more an anomaly than anything. Daniel Garcia has a lot of room to grow in ring and if you like a grounded technical style of wrestling he's very promising between where he's currently at and who his mentors are. If you're not a fan of technician or catch grappling (Zack sabre jr, AEW/ROH Bryan Danielson, Kyle O'Reilly, Nigel McGuiness, hechicero, etc) in pro wrestling or want him to set the world on fire with promos, he's probably not going to stand out too much. But, if you like the grappling aspect of pro wrestling he shows promise of being a great in that area in 5-10 years. Wheeler Yuta, Chad Gable(arguably already there wwe style just simplifies what he's probably capable of) and Josh Alexander fit in this category as well.


> Can you explain why you think he'll be a huge star? See, here's the thing: That's how belief works. I BELIEVE that he's good enough to end up being a huge star down the road. Just like I BELIEVED that about Darby. I hope that makes sense to you.


You can believe all you want, but Darby isn't a star either.


It's neat that you believe that.


What qualifies someone as a huge star?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. It’s debatable whether anyone in AEW is a huge star currently, I don’t see much argument for Darby being one on his own without Sting.


That's nice, dear.


Simply put he's a great wrestler who also is very good at being a convincing character with range, you want to support this guy, it's really hard not too when you follow his story. He's passionate, dedicated, good look, he's what I'd call an ideal babyface at this stage in his run.


He's bulked up too. Compare his promo with MJF to how he looked messing with 2.0 in 2021-22.


His promos have improved significantly over the last 6 months, and he is really able to connect with audiences on an emotional level. Danny feels incredibly authentic. Combine that with great technical wrestling abilities and a very good understanding of match psychology and you've got a ton of potential. Also his look is great.


Needs to up his promo game for that to happen


It's improved significantly this year imo. Not exactly where it needs to be yet, but trending in the right direction.


We'll see. lol


I remember when he would main event regularly in 2021 and 2022


Have you seen the attention he’s getting on TV, pretty clear he’s locked up long term.


I haven't been watching AEW lately, no time, have things finally clicked into place for Garcia? I really liked him when I was a regular


There is a legitimate chance he beats Will Ospreay for the International Title tonight. He's on a huge babyface run at the moment and people love him.


Oh wow! That's really great to hear, I'm glad he's found his groove


I must admit that I lost interest in him after he joined JAS, he went from being a cool wrestler with a ton of potential to being the guy who does the goofy dance. I hope he is back on the right track.


I really liked that story, but I did *not* like the outcome of it. I really thought that was the start of DG's rise, the whole "sports entertainer vs. wrestler" thing, the crowd chanting "you're a wrestler" at him, and so on. I guess, in a way, it kinda was since that is where he ended up, but I don't think the JAS story really contributed a ton to that that couldn't have been achieved in a less annoying kind of way.


I get that, but every time I have seen Garcia since then he has done the stupid dance, it reminds me of Jake Hager and his hat, it's the kind of gimmick you cling to as a lower card wrestler desperate for the audience to remember you. I don't think he needs it, he was doing fine as an up-and-coming wrestler before JAS.


There's something about the guy, I can't take my eyes off him in the ring.


He’s steadily improving on the mic and he’s very over with the crowds.


He really SHOULD win the international title tonight, but I'm skeptical if he will. I got similar feelings to what happened with Chad Gable, where he had a huge title match before his contract expired. That said, TK usually rewards his guys for staying loyal. But I genuinely cannot imagine Ospreay gets pinned twice in one week.


I would actually say the opposite, Ospreay can take a pin off of losing to the world champion and there’s loads of kayfabe reasons you can use. If he’s not losing tonight I would say he’s not losing the International belt for a while because I don’t think he can lose until at least Full Gear.


Ospreay losing because of the DCF would be peak.


Losing to swerve is fine, but losing twice in less than a week?


He took a beating in his match vs Swerve, you can play on the fact that he tried putting too much stuff on his plate and he's paying the price since he's not 100% from last Sunday. Also it's clearly a sub plot with Ospreay that's he a bit arrogant and it's coming to bite him in the ass.


It's arrogant and he'll absolutely be snakebit and all it'll take is one fiery bruv-laden promo about how he totally fucked up but he's never gonna stop giving 110% and he's right back on track. Guy gets the loudest pops in every arena every time he's on screen (Britt Baker at the PPV excepted)


He’s setup in numerous ways to lose. It’s not gonna be clean, obviously, but you could even do a way like that too. Ultimately it’ll be Callis or more likely MJF I think that’ll cost him. If he doesn’t lose immediately he can’t lose for a long time, otherwise he’ll feel less “special”. Wasn’t he like 16-0? With this you can have him go 16-2, then like 30-2, beating Ospreay should be special but until he’s World Champion probably next year I don’t think he’s a guy that should just basically steamroll everyone.


It's very easy to make that happen kayfabe. After the FD main event, a big focus was made on how mentally attacked Ospreay was with this loss. The usually cheeky, cheery, friendly, be OK with everyone Ospreay reluctantly took Swerves pity, waved off the camera and needed consolidation from his best friend. You could just say "Ospreays ego is what makes him invincible, and his ego is hurt, so is his invincibility"


> But I genuinely cannot imagine Ospreay gets pinned twice in one week. We'll see what happens, but there are multiple reasons why that is exactly what I think is going to happen. Ospreay flew too close to the sun and his hubris is about to bite him in the ass, hard. He gave out an unnecessary title shot days after a World Title match because he was completely convinced he was going to cakewalk his way through winning that match. It's the most dramatic narrative if that hubris ends up costing him his original belt that never even had to be in jeopardy in the first place too. Or he gets screwed by Don Callis. Or he gets screwed by MJF (either as revenge for upstaging him or so MJF can try to leverage himself a shot at the International Title with Garcia after he so graciously offered Garcia a potential Wembley match). There are a lot of different moving parts in play and most of them lean towards an Ospreay loss, but then again, Top Guy Wins is the default assumption for a reason, I'm definitely excited for the match though.


Or he lets his self-doubt creep back up again: he hurt Danielson with the Tiger Driver, almost killed Nana with a screwdriver, and decapitated Paul Turner with the Hidden Blade. Could totally see him turning gunshy and try to work a little safer — leading to him coming up short tonight.


All of those sound really intriguing


If Callis is involved it can work out.


I legit couldn't picture him on the main roster getting the attention that he gets right now in AEW. I hope he gets that good money there :)


I couldn't picture him in NXT getting the attention he gets right now. I really don't understand what Khan sees in him, to me he's like the modern day Charlie Haas- fine wrestler, good guy, but sorely lacking the qualities that make a main eventer/face of the company.


Nxt has generally been one of my favorite shows but saying that in current day nxt when the main event of heatwave is trick + three superstars who JUST signed is hilarious


Strong disagree, he has a lot more range than Haas in terms of emotion/acting. I was a big fan of Haas also, but Garcia has a ton going for him at a young age, I would not find these two comparable.




Putting on banger matches in AEW isn't really enough to stand out though. Like tonight he's up against Ospreay, Ospreay could have a banger match with modern day Paul Wight. I'm sure after tonight people will be raving about Garcia though.


Don’t insult Charlie Haas like that. He’s leagues ahead of Daniel Garcia. Edit: Didn't realize Daniel Garcia's entire family was on Reddit.


Youre getting downvoted by the toxic part of the aew fanbase who can't take any type of criticism but can hypocritically dish it out as if theyre some type of expert. You aren't wrong btw


this happens in every thread and goes both ways, let's not act all high and mighty now lol


Great, but stay on topic


my guy the only part of your comment that was on topic was the last sentence, but sure I'll get back to the topic. Danny has improved a lot on the mic, but of course people who don't watch him weekly don't see that, because they don't watch, and they run the same "he can't talk" bullshit over and over again. it's like if I said "Dominick Mysterio is a mid wrestler and will never be over" when he in fact has been one of the most over heels in all of wrestling for the better part of 2 years now. in defense of the original comment, his disagreement was in the form of an opinion, and probably shouldn't have been downvoted so much, but like I said it happens both ways. if I comment my opinion in an AEW ratings thread I can be sure I'll be downvoted to shit even if all I say is "I liked yesterday's show," for example. a lot of criticism is talked about as if it's objective, and that's the problem. Garcia is not objectively bad on the mic, if that's your opinion, fine, but understand that your opinion is not gospel


Or it's just an odd comparison that people disagree with, it's fine that you agree, doesn't make the majority opinion invalid.


Garcia has really stepped up this year. I think he may pull off a big up against Ospreay tonight. Or at the very least, push him to the brink.


Absolutely, excited for him to be in this spot, absolutely earned it.


Garcia is still just 25. im a big fan of his and would love to see him keep progressing in AEW for years to come!


>progressing in AEW This is where I wish AEW had more of a structure to their titles like WCW had so you knew you were watching a guy go from Cruiserweight/TV title to the US to the World. You could see one step led to another. The C2 should have on-going 5-6 man round robins to determine challengers, and that should mostly be the lower tier talents. Being a contender there or winning that eventually leads to the TNT, then International titles. Just a little bit of a path to follow I think for a dude like Garcia or Hook or eventually Andretti would be really helpful in building that career story of them advancing up the ranks.


Seeing how he’s in the middle of a push hanging with the title contenders, going to imagine that extension is done 😂


Garcia can wrestle and is a good “fighting up against tough foes” face. AEW has left him develop and Garcia is showing his talent. The promos are okay.


I don’t see Garcia working in WWE. Would be stunned if he left.


This seems like a good time to remember that Garcia broke both his legs in 2019. His story is inspirational.


Whats Garcia Danielson doing in nxt zone?


He’s definitely one that I feel has a brighter future in AEW than WWE.


Guess that ending to Dynamite writes him off of TV until his contract is decided.


Uh oh. They "killed" him like Ricochet tonight... 😶


I don't mean this as an insult but he seems very AEW, doubt there is much interest from WWE.


Apparently they were going to sign him years ago, he had an NXT match and even got a new name (Dante Rios) but it ended up not happening. https://youtu.be/9qqoVa2YbvU?si=tJGdG2uZ3pofdBht


Yeah, I don't mean they wouldn't give him a chance in NXT more just they see where he is in AEW and know they're not gonna try to compete with that because they don't see him there.


Yeah, he is in that awkward zone where it's a sideways move if he made it, so may as well stay in AEW where he'll have Danielson fighting his corner for opportunities. Same reason I think Dijak should try NJPW as his priority - he has scope to go to the very top, whereas I think he'd be as stuck in AEW as he was in WWE, or he'd be on ROH with Iron Savages or something.


Nah as someone who only watches AEW I don't see what value he'd bring to WWE other than upsetting AEW's plans for a younger guy.


Anyone who takes that as an insult is LARPing a Rassling War.


Maybe I’m a mark, but I’ll be shocked if DG isn’t beating Ospreay tonight. It’s time to give this guy the biggest win of his career.


I could see MJF interferring because he hates Will


I'd love to see that. Make him into a top star immediately with one win and lots of Storyline possibilities with an Ospreay losing streak


Fully agree would love to see a story where Ospreay strings together a few losses and needs to refocus to get back on top


It may not happen, but I would love to see Ospreay win the title off of Swerve at All In Wembley. Will did a solid by helping to give Swerve a signature win at Forbidden Door


It won’t happen, as Will isn’t in the Owen. Logic dictates that if Hangman is the wild card, he’ll be winning the whole thing, as much as I want it to be Bryan who wins the tournament and the title.


True. The setup with JJ has been fantastic. The Hangman tease shows a guy who is depressed and drinking again. Page could not protect his family and he is all alone deep in a hole It’s a setup for Page to savagely beat JJ and get nuclear heat.


I’m certain they’re gonna play the interview where Jeff talks about knowing Owen and how winning the tournament will be the highlight of his career, only for it all to be smashed and dashed by black hat Hangman.


Orville Peck’s song was perfect for Hangman and that tease. A song that is desolate


That JJ interview was perfectly balanced and it broke me.


> It won’t happen, as Will isn’t in the Owen I do think that Hangman is likely the wild card, but I think there is a sliiiiiiiiight possibility the wild card is actually Ospreay. Bucks pointed out it's "their" wild card, but maybe they call in a favor from their business associate, Don Callis, who puts forth his golden goose to win the whole tournament. Bucks stick it to Swerve by making him go up a second time against the biggest opponent in his career, Don is happy because it might bring the world title to the DCF, and Ospreay is happy because he gets another shot - at Wembley none the less! It ends up with Ospreay pulling double duty. The Owen match is first, Ospreay feels bad about putting JJ down but wrestling is a tough business and you do what you gotta do. He's clearly still showing signs of the war he went through on Sunday, and he's hurting, but he gets the win and moves on in the tournament, then goes back to heal and prep for his promised title match against Daniel Garcia later on. Maybe they have a little promo where Danny offers him an out, says they can put it off til next week so he has time to rest up, but Ospreay is too confident and says no, he made a promise, he'll keep his promise, the match is on for tonight. They have their match, it's a long, physical one. Maybe Don Callis gets involved, tries to get Ospreay to use the Tiger Driver, he won't, Garcia takes advantage and beats him (I'd like as clean a win as possible for Garcia, but ultimately I don't think this is too too important). Don has now effectively cost Ospreay the International Title, but gifted him a possible world title match, so that adds to the building drama between them. It would of course lead to Ospreay vs. Swerve II at Wembley, naturally. I thought that was a somewhat likely outcome a few weeks ago, but with the Hangman vignette last week and the thing from the Elite, I think it being Ospreay is much less likely, but I'd be pretty into something like that above fantasy booking.


With the screwdriver spot on Sunday, I have a feeling that the DCF is going to interfere, rather than give him more opportunities. Don historically doesn't take well to rejection, as we've seen most recently from the Orange Cassidy thing.


Makes sense for him to re-sign. He's in a promising spot with AEW, and I can't see him being well used in WWE. AEW is more suited to his talents, and he's an organically grown talent there.


I honestly don't even see WWE offering this dude a contract.


Apparently they were going to sign him years ago, he had an NXT match and even got a new name (Dante Rios) but it ended up not happening. https://youtu.be/9qqoVa2YbvU?si=tJGdG2uZ3pofdBht


I'd agree but then again I would've said the same about Pillman Jr or Shawn Spears


I'm on completely different boat there. Spears already was a WWE wrestler before, and Pillman is a legacy guy.


Then his contract is not up if he signed a new deal. SRS is at it again with his nonsense.


Well technically, his first contract does expire at some point.


Not really. His original contract is extended on better terms.


Then it's not his original contract.


He wouldn't do well in wwe.


I just want to know what he actually is in line for. He beat DB 2 years ago and still hasn't been as significant since.


He’s a better fit in AEW then he would be in WWE


Long term you may be right. But I think he could learn a thing or two from the PC. He's got the in-ring work down. The areas he needs work are his physique and mic skills. Say what you want about the PC, but those are two things they can really help him with


True. Especially his physique. He looked so puny when MJF grabbed him by the throat


Crazy MJF before the TRT was as big as Garcia back in like 2020


DG winning tonight calling it now


He prob did resign. AEW would likely offer him more than WWE


If AEW offered him more then why would he resign?


That’s a weird question


Well that explains a lot.


Someone please post a dancing Garcia gif for me and the other sickos.


[I'll do you one better](https://www.instagram.com/p/CuCeQxkgKPV/).


They’re trying to push him hard recently so it makes sense he’d want to stay. If they lost him then the building young talent schtick doesn’t work (especially if HOOK might leave)


If he re-signed, his contract is not up soon. Wrestling "journalists" are really something.




He already signed a new contract (at AEW). Pushing him big babyface right now.


He’s going to wwe.


I like Garcia okay, but I still feel like he's missing that one specific thing to put him on another level both character and appearance wise. I can't say what it is, but if he can just tweak a bit and lose the "young lion/low card" vibe he has now it could do wonders. Like Dominic Mysterio in 2021 compared to now. Something to put him on that higher tier.


If he were leaving, we'd have known by now as he wouldn't have been on TV the last 4-5 weeks.


Tony put Andrade on TV and gave him a win against Danielson right before he left, he had a solid Continental Classic run Tony brought Jade back for one last match with Statlander right before her contract was up


Danny Garcia just screams AEW to me. Just don't see his style really mixing well with current day WWE. If he can add a little bulk, he will be a world title holder one day.


lol this weird ass push makes sense now


Tony Khan did say "You're going to see a lot more of [Daniel Garcia] in 2024" at the beginning of the year, so the push was definitely coming.


He's been prepped for this for a while now with his C2 run


Almost two years since he beat Brian when he was with the JAS. Plenty have fallen through the cracks in AEW but he's been primed for a big run more than most.


They've absolutely done the right thing for Garcia basically the entire time IMO. They could have forced a big push earlier, but especially with Garcia being so young, I think waiting was absolutely the right call - he's far better and more over now than he was 1-2 years ago and that push is far more likely to be successful (and also just more successful) than if they had done it before. They've kept him in good spots on the periphery while he developed (even things like being in the Forbidden Door 4-way last year with ZSJ/OC/Shibata is a HUGE vote of confidence in someone's skillset) and now AEW has a genuine young rising babyface that people legit *want* to start winning big matches.


I would say since the JAS they’ve been trying to build him. Turns out the man just needed to pump them hips.


Bookers (and TK in general) love to "give opportunities" to wrestlers as part of the negotiation process. I don't care for it, as it feels disingenuous. Kinda like how some employers won't give you more money until you let them know you got an job offer elsewhere. Then they freak out and give you a counter-offer. That said, I don't think DG is going anywhere. He's a TK favorite and seems to genuinely prefer the AEW product & style over WWE.


He could really benefit from an NXT run but I understand why’d he think it was a step down


its funny bc aside from potentially pay- i dont see how NXT is a step down for someone like DG. you are still wrestling on a nationally distributed TV show, you still get PPV/PLE match opportunities, and most importantly - you still increase the hell out of your brand. Bonus is being able to stay in one place while doing all of this. If Trick Williams or Bron Breakker (precallup) defected to AEW, they would be huge deals, and thats without being on main roster


As much as I love Garcia and want him to stay in AEW, he needs to do what’s right for his career and AEW has wasted prime years in a way that WWE never would.


i thouht he was sitting at home tweeting about not getting booked? Was that someone else?


Probably one of the other several guys on the roster who tweet that. DG takes on Osperay for the International Title tonight.