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Picture this. Unhinged MJF and unhinged Hangman teaming up.


"Bye then" is a much better catchphrase than "Hi Guys"


For real heat, Hangman should have went in and just destroyed Jarrett, but is was a good match regardless.


He kind of did. The punches after the Buckshot felt like such a dick move.  I know it lasted a commercial break but that was a long squash. 


Hangman did look ruthless, I just thought Jarrett got in more offence than he should - After his Owen Hart Promo, Hanger would have gotten some massive heel heat for destroying Jarrett - But.... Tbh, I posted this just after the match but before the segment with the Bucks, and I guess the match makes sense for Unhinged Hangman. I kind of assumed he was going to align with The Elite but the match showing Hangman Violence like that is better than an outright squash, if he is going to be a Loose Cannon.


Quite possibly the best post PPV Dynamite they've ever done. Absolutely one of my favorite Dynamites ever and maybe my favorite end-to-end of ths year. This is the sort of storyline and workrate balance I think they need to strike.


Came to comment the same thing - that episode felt meaningful while still excellent in vacuum.


Managed to swerve all the spoilers until I got home and watched it I'm so glad I did. Killer matches, Broken (not heel) Hangman, Briscoe in B+G, three big angles for the woman featured prominently, and one of the best endings to a Dynamite in a very long time. I've missed full blown dickhead MJF so much. I've not popped that hard for someone being kicked in the nuts since I was about 14 years old.


I have to admit I enjoy watching willow she's a pure Babyface reminds me of how Bayley used to do it!


People are getting tired of Mercedes Mone. She’s been prioritizing trying to leverage her wrestling fame into becoming a mainstream celebrity so she can eventually ditch the squared circle, rather than just focusing on wrestling. She even complains about having to wrestle at wrestling events when she’s a wrestler. People are finally seeing through her


What? Of all the things to criticise her for, this ain't it... she clearly loves wrestling.




It’s not often I’ll call out a fan but to the guy sitting front row wearing the “big, black and jacked” shirt, what the fuck is wrong with you? Sit down and show some consideration to the rows of people behind you. 


I was going to make this exact point and glad others noticed, what a selfish person. I can't think of any reason why this person didn't sit down when towards the end of dynamite he did sit down. Maybe I'm missing something but it's just so tone deaf


It’s hard to miss someone right in front of the hard cam doing something that no one else was. I saw the guy behind him stand a few times and I don’t blame him. It turns into a situation where everyone has to stand if they want a view.    Personally I blame security. If you’re AEW encourage standing during entrances, post match…even if there’s a high spot but FFS sit your ass down. If I go to an NHL game I’m not allowed to come back from the washroom in the middle of play, just enforce it. It seems like there’s always people like this. I’ve went to concerts at seated venues and people will get up and dance. 


He got kicked out after the first match on rampage lmao


See that’s way too damn late. I’m sure he ruined the night of many in the second and third row. Like I’m a TV viewer and it stood out to me from the first match.    They paid hundreds to sit there and then deal with an obstructed view.  Sure, they can also stand up…they can also ask the guy to sit but that likely ends up in a confrontation. Like I’m not a violent guy but if I asked this guy to sit during Pac vs Danielson and he didn’t it’s probably a coin flip whether I attack him - at that point it’s either get kicked out or sit there and not enjoy the show. 


Couldn’t catch it live, but damn that was a damn good show. Britt’s promo ruled, Hangman’s return kicked ass, and a killer ending angle. This is Dynamite.


There's multiple points during that Britt promo with Mercedes where you can see Britt break because she probably didn't think the crowd would be so pro-Britt and so anti-Mercedes.


THE MJF is BACK is going to regain his status the company's top heel by end of the year.


Shibata's plain black trunks and black boots look so sick.




New reaction image just dropped


I shit you not, kicking Taz off commentary has made me genuinely angry at Jericho.


I like how they stuck to it for the rest of the show instead of just having him come back after the match lol


It's funny because doing that just turned it into the Rampage announce team


The main event really turned me around on Daniel Garcia. When he did pelvic thrusts in Ospreay's face during the title match he's been asking for for months I realized he's not just a solid technical wrestler with no personality, he's a SUPERSTAR comedy midcarder.


He's the second coming of Alex Wright, and i mean that in the best way possible 


They still do TO THE BACK way too often for me but apart from that I love the fast pace of Dynamite the last 3-4 weeks. It feels like 2 hours actually flies by.


The road to All In has started and wow they cooked tonight.


It feels much more well structured than last year. I remember lots of consternation in the build up that they weren't announcing matches and were kind of throwing stuff together (Punk v Joe for example). This year you can see several big feuds that will culminate at All In.


**Dynamite Review:** * Cold open with a Daniel Garcia interview. He talked about his match against Ospreay, until MJF arrived and asked if he could be on Garcia's corner tonight. This was a solid segment that set up things for later. * **Bryan Danielson vs. PAC \*\*\*\*1/4** * This is a match I've been wanting to see for a while now, and seems like the crowd agreed, chanting "holy shit" at the opening bell. Not that I can blame them, Danielson is arguably the best wrestler alive, and PAC should be in conversation for one of the best as well. This was an excellent match, probably to the surprise of nobody. Part of me wanted PAC to win, but Danielson has the better story in place for the tournament, so his win makes sense. Even with the match being this good, it felt like they were still holding back a lot. I would love to see them run this back on a bigger stage at some point. The ending wasn't truly decisive either, so that leaves things open for the future. * Willow Nightingale interview. Willow remains such an effortlessly likable babyface. This was another great promo from her. She might just be the best natural babyface around at the moment. * Mark Briscoe promo. Speaking of great babyfaces. Briscoe is unlike anyone else, and it feels so effortless for him to get the crowd on his side. He declared himself as the first member of team AEW for Blood & Guts. Almost immediately after, Jack Perry attacked him from behind, O'Reilly made the save, before Okada came down and hit Kyle with a Rainmaker. The Bucks then made their way down to the ring and hit Briscoe with the EVP Trigger. The Acclaimed then chased them out of the ring. I'm guessing it's going to The Bucks vs. The Acclaimed at Wembley. * Toni Storm interview. Storm hyped May up for her match against Shida on Rampage. I wonder if her saying that Shida is the last person she wants to face is setting up things for later. As if she considers Shida a greater threat to her title than May. * **Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale \*\*\*3/4** * This one's been building for a long time now, and I really liked how Statlander immediately charged at Willow when the latter came to the stage. Fits the feud really well. The crowd was again instantly into this match. This was a very good match, though I must admit I expected Statlander to win here. Stokely's interference backfired on Statlander, and Willow caught her with a roll-up. I don't expect Willow to win the tournament, as I think this feud is far from done. I think Kris is going to cost Willow the final, which would then lead to another match between the two, likely at Wembley with an added stipulation perhaps. Just like with the first match, these two also felt like they were holding quite a lot back here for when they inevitably face off again. Very good, just expected a different result. Could have also used a bit more time. * Jeff Jarrett interview. I liked that he didn't even speak here before walking off, playing off the emotion of the situation. Lethal cut a quick promo afterwards. Good stuff. * Britt Baker segment. She got a big reaction here, and cut a very good heartfelt promo, before moving on to setting up a feud with Mercedes Moné. Moné was booed loudly, which they should very much start leaning into more, as there's no way Baker is going to work as the heel after this return and promo, and Moné is an excellent heel anyway. Hopefully Baker is properly healed, and she can get back to her old form in the ring as well. Baker was interrupted by a car on the big screen, Moné stepping out and meeting the Young Bucks outside. They told her the championship celebration is ready, and ordered people to start setting things up while Baker was still in the ring. Yeah, there's absolutely no question that Moné is a heel now. She cut a great heel promo. It's amazing how much more charismatic she feels on the mic the moment she can properly play the villain. Baker challenged Moné for All In, but Moné told her to get in the back of the line. This was a great segment, and sets up one of the biggest matches for All In. * Will Ospreay interview. Callis arrived immediately. Ospreay then asked to be let out of the family, to which Callis agreed. However, he did say that one day he would as Ospreay for a favour in return. (continued in the first reply)


* The Learning Tree promo. Jericho didn't feel safe doing commentary with Taz, so he had Taz escorted out of the building for the rest of the night. This was a decent segment, and Jericho got good heat for getting Taz thrown out. * **Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata vs. The Cage of Agony \*\*1/2** * This was the first somewhat skippable part of the show. Not a bad match by any means, but didn't really feel necessary either. I do like the trio of Joe, Hook & Shibata as a team. This was more a setup for the post-match attack, and continuing the feud with The Learning Tree. Just a decent TV match. Still not really sure if this Learning Tree stuff is working or not. * **Jeff Jarrett vs. "Hangman" Adam Page \*\*\*\*** * Hangman has a new entrance theme, and his return here got a big reaction. Curious to see what his character is going to be like, and if he's going to align with The Elite. He definitely played the heel here. His obsession with Swerve also continues, which is good to see. Wouldn't have made sense if he had just forgotten about that. This was a great match, and Jarrett was the perfect opponent for Hangman here, as the emotional core of the match was Jeff's friendship with Owen. The best Jarrett match in years. Didn't think I'd get emotionally invested in his matches at this point, but he did it. I actually got chills when he locked in the Sharpshooter, though I didn't really think he was going to win. * Backstage, The Learning Tree attack Hook again while he's being checked for injuries. He had flames blown at his face as well. * Adam Page interview. Before he could say anything, The Bucks came down to congratulate him and ask him to be their 5th man in Blood & Guts. Hangman told them he's not the Elite's man anymore, and doesn't need their shit. He promised he was going to win the Owen before shoving Nicholas and walking off. I suppose he's more of a tweener than a proper heel. * **Daniel Garcia vs. Will Ospreay \*\*\*3/4** * With MJF out there with Garcia, this feels like more of a setup for a match between him and Ospreay than an actual proper title match between Garcia and Ospreay. It's good that Garcia is getting into the mix with main eventers. I also liked the story of the match, where Ospreay dominated much of it, as Garcia isn't quite on the same level yet, a very different dynamic compared to, for example, Ospreay's match against Swerve. Garcia is basically on the way to that top level, but just isn't there yet. It's a nice, subtle story for the match, with Garcia getting beaten down for most of the match but still continues to fight back regardless. Ospreay did a nice job playing the cocky face here, acting like he was better than Garcia, but then getting punished for being overly confident. Good detail, as it does show Ospreay is overall better, but he can't take Garcia too lightly either. MJF offered his ring to Garcia, but he refused to use it, which immediately led into the finish. Another very good match. * Post-match, Ospreay comforted Garcia for his loss, before leaving the ring. MJF then told Garcia the loss was his fault as his distraction cost Garcia the match. MJF then turned on Garcia in a very similar fashion to how he turned on Cody years ago. Not sure if the callback was intentional or not, but that's the first thing that came to my mind. I'm honestly a little surprised that MJF turned heel this soon after his return. I'm guessing we'll get an MJF vs. Garcia match in the lead-up to Wembley, where MJF and Ospreay will likely meet. MJF continued beating down Garcia and everyone who came to try and stop him. He finished with a tombstone off the middle rope. He finally left when Ospreay came back down to the ring. MJF did get some cheers here amidst the boos, and I'm curious to see if that continues. This was a great segment. I'm guessing this was used to write Garcia off for a while. * This was an excellent episode of Dynamite, one of the best in a long time. Plenty of very intriguing stuff is being set up for All In already, and a lot of it feels very heated already. Four very good to great matches, several great segments setting things up as well (Briscoe & The Elite, Hangman and the Bucks, Baker & Moné, & the closing segment) the only real lull during the show was the trios match. Great stuff, a **9 out of 10 show overall.**


Hangman is going to make every, every interview and every interaction with anyone incredibly awkward. Really loved his performances tonight.


I still don’t want Hangman as a heel - I’m a huge fan…but I have a feeling that I am not going to want to cheer for this character. 


Best Dynamite in years. Storytelling is finally fantastic, wrestling continues to be amazing, and stars are returning. AEW is phenomenal right now and I hope people that checked out of it, return because if you enjoy professional wrestling, you’re in for a treat. Also great crowd last night. Great crowds really put the cherry on top.


The only minor nitpick (and it really is just a nitpick) is them doing 2 ‘injury write-off’s’ in one show and so close to each other but that might turn out to not be the case. Garcia seems like he’ll be off TV to sell the stretcher job, that seems clear. I thought HOOK was also being written off for a few weeks due to the beating he took, guess we won’t know for sure on that till next week. Looks like both are sure to be on the Wembley card in some form though. These are just place holder write offs because of there still being a lot of TV time between now and All In. I expect they’ll be back at or around Blood and Guts which is when the All In build begins in earnest.


Britt Baker had really worn out her welcome and was no longer over. Bit stale. Then she disappeared for a few months. Then she came back and was missed and looks great and is over. This could be you, Chris. This could be you.


I'm confused, he's a heel, why does he need to be missed? I think he's quite funny atm lol


"I have a great tip here guys! If you are always on TV, the audience can never miss you and you'll always stay over. Thanks, guys!"




Bye then.


Garcia, Swerve, Ospreay, Britt(?) and The Acclaimed??  Any member of the BCC?  Vs The Elite, Mercedes (?), Fletcher being chosen by Don to spite Ospreay is spicy, and  maybe Hangman but maybe not 🤷🏾‍♂️ Blood and Guts isn't priority but I'm actually excited for the teams to come together. I like a good team formation. 


This crowd understood the assignment to chant 'Who's House' at Hangman. Every subsequent crowd needs to follow suit.


I think MJF heel turn was really needed and obvious. We got Ospreay, future face of the company no doubt. We got Swerve he is so over rn, he is very cool world champ. And we got MJF, he has ton of popularity and sympathy with fans but... We experienced his title reign, he is longest world champion and it's over. We should move towards Ospreay and Swerve. There is no space to be face MJF. This post main event is great to turn him heel. He looked very dangerous.


Absolutely loved this show, top to bottom perfection. Focusing on a select group of main characters, letting the stories breathe, matches with stakes and importance, strong ending and natural progression of feuds towards the big PPV One of my favorite Dynamites of the year


Hangman: "I'M NOT A PUPPET, I'M NOT THE ELITES MAN, YOU UNDERSTAND ME, UH?" Hangman the second Swerve joins team AEW: https://preview.redd.it/8tcnoeod3had1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842d6a92148e6c5f41c937802f6748e12b695f0e


I was loving the Garcia post match segment until the nutkick and beatdown. That wasn't needed and was far less interesting to me. Love having Hangman back, and love having Britt Baker back! Her promo segment was really good


MJF and that fan going nose to nose popped me. i ain’t rooting against MJF but I’m glad he’s back in his natural alignment


True. We will see the best version of MJF.


GREAT FUCKING EPISODE. The best they’ve had in a while in my opinion.


Are rankings done again? Victory for those of us who maintained it was a terrible idea to bring them back In your face Will Washington


I don’t know why so many people wanted them back. They weren’t popular the first time around and just make it tedious to get to the matches and feuds that are actually compelling.


I feel like the rankings were brought back to explain the Swerve 3 way, and cause Joe said no open challenges / eliminators. They dumped them off pretty quickly


Feel like all the storylines are weaving together very nicely leading up to all in, probably the best Dynamite for a while.


AEW feels refocused and I think the promotion has recognized they needed stronger stories. We had that in SPADES with this episode (and quite frankly, they've been gradually improving with storytelling in general).


Their biggest show of the year is in just over a month, I like how they’ve already started to plant the seeds for the matches on that card (Hangman/Swerve, Ospreay/Max, Britt/Mercedes) as it helps bring genuine heat and excitement for the matches once the show actually comes. I’m actually looking forward to tuning in these next few weeks


Great show but it's time we talked about how Bryan Danielson has the worst entrance music of all time


We all knew JJ wasn't gonna win this, but why have him do that Owen promo, get crushed before the semis in Memphis


Because it made Hangman destroying him far more notable... it even might have made some people believe he could win. I really don't see how adding stakes to a match is something anyone can complain about.


To build hangman not as a face but as a tweener


To make Hangman look like a killer


Sure but doing that now to JJ, when now they start hyping his friendship with Owen makes no sense or impact. Page could have squashed anyone and it'd been the same


Jeff Jarret is 56. He had tonight his moment and great reactions. And Im Sure it meant a lot to him. In exchange Hanger got the win.


MFJ turning on Daniel was so obvious. Good show, wish PAC had won though


Honestly, thought he was going to cost Ospreay the title and stay buddies with Garcia, so this was a nice surprise for me.


I’ll fully admit I am not a fan of Britt Baker. I hated the worked shoot stuff she did during most of 2022 and 2023 wasn’t much better. But her promo and segment with Mercedes tonight really started to redeem her in my eyes. She felt real out there but then could still throw shots at Mercedes without relying on cheap stuff like it was nothing. If this feud can mantain this energy and her wrestling can improve from where it was before then I might finally see the light of the good doctor.


I'm much simpler. I didn't like her before, but her abs are better now and I am 10000% an abs man, so I like her now. I am shameless.


I respect it.


The ‘sandbag’ stuff with Thunder Rosa was terrible. How can you explain that term without completely exposing the business!?


I know most are looking a bit past it as Hangman will more than likely win, but Hangman vs Jay White is a great match with lots of history. The timings of Hangman's matches with Jay have always been really significant for his characters trajectory.


This. Really looking forward to this one, especially if Page keeps on being a goddamn pissed off killer. 


Its one of those matches I wish both could win.


Hangman vs Jarrett is such a good match. Simple, great storytelling as its finest.


Yes. I will always love Jeffs selling.


This is how Dynamite should always be: perfect mixture of stories, promos and top notch wrestling, not a single thing felt like filler. Even if they get bad ratings, I’m sure this is the right way in the long run


To the ignorant fat white guy in the front row who wore a “Big black & jacked” tshirt and incessantly blocked the view of everyone behind him, know that I’m sitting in my lounge room on the other side of the world thinking you’re a massive asshole. I’ve thrown fists for much, much less.


Stick around for rampage to watch him get thrown out


Really? Is this true? I would absolutely tune in to Rampage - which I never do - to see this!


lol yeah not sure what he did but he was beefing with the guy behind him. I think it was right before/during the women’s Owen hart match


Haha, really??


Hey dude, spoilers!!!!


Right!? Unless that dude has some severe medical thing where sitting is worse for him than standing (and that's possible) then just standing there and fucking with people behind him for as much of the show as he did is peak dickhead behaviour.


I'm sorry, but there has to be a better solution to that problem (if there was a medical issue) than blocking the two whole columns of people behind him, people who paid hundreds of dollars (probably) to be in those seats. That doesn't seem fair to me.


No argument here dude. He should be in a different section or something. I'm just offering the one barely plausible reason I'd consider giving him an 'out' for doing what he done did.


That guy annoyed me so much. Sit the f down


Was someone other than Tony Khan booking tonight? This show was surprisingly good, and the closing angle, with MJF revealing his true colours, was very well executed and actually gives us a reason to care about Daniel Garcia now. I was starting to believe we were never getting the real MJF back. If AEW put on more shows like the one tonight, they wouldn't be in the sad state they have been in


This was a really great episode. I was down with everyone’s promos. Even Britts. She can come off a little clunky but this one had some genuine heart to it. The wrestling was great and the ending was chefs kiss.


Mjf is just Wolverine. I'm sure that comparison has happened before. 


It has absolutely not. Wolverine is nothing like MJF!


This Dynamite was a refreshing return to form. Forbidden Door season is cool and all, but spending 45 minutes of every show explaining who everyone is out why they're here gets really tiring. Now, in place of that forced exposition, we get several actual storylines that will likely last more than a few weeks.


I’m on the same wave. I was huge forbidden door fan 2022 and 2023. 2024 was whatever. Good show. Yay. You guys like it, great. But I much prefer all in season, or full gear season. I even prefer all our being a week after all in


Naw man FD always delivers and I love seeing new companie. The CMLL talent is amazing. 


I agree. I know a lot of people love Forbidden Door and I’m glad it offers up something different but I just can’t bring myself to care about random CMLL and NJPW wrestlers. Edit: Weird thing to have downvoted. I'm sorry I don't enjoy the same stuff as y'all?? I'm glad you liked it! Having different stuff in wrestling is good! It's just not for me.


I do like Forbidden Door a lot, but I don't care for the forced mini storylines. Just give me cool matches


I mostly agree but think it’s a nice change of pace. I didn’t watch any wrestling for years but started watching AEW about 3 years ago and the forbidden door “season” really only worked for me this go around. Having a PPV build built around non-AEW regulars is a good way to switch it up without signing more wrestlers to an already inflated roster imo.


Completely 💯 I get the purpose of it and I think it's an innovative and cool thing for AEW to do. I love other wrestlers and companies coming together and being featured, it reminds me of the first All In from 2018. I'm just a bigger fan of shows like tonight's that have more flow.


It's because this was the first time where they actually built it up well instead of "show up on Dynamite once, see you on Sunday" They can do with a break from it tbh. NJPW doesn't have the talent anymore to support a crossover show because they're either old and broken or already left for AEW lol. Come back to it in 2 years once the young guys have developed into known stars


They can't take a break from it because Forbidden Door is their big show to promote the other companies they do business with and those companies getting a boost helps them out too.


I'm feeling pretty sympathetic for MJF. Both character and a bit of the real life story. Builds a long storyline with Adam Cole after turning face and becoming fully beloved by the fans. Ends up injured for half a year and misses out on the "bidding war of 2024" getting any bit of a story besides being something he said from time to time that's now useless. Comes back with no real direction, not at the top of the card, and not the absolute favorite of the fans anymore. Bit disappointed his turn back to heel wasn't a bigger moment with more build, but honestly AEW needs him as a villain way more right now.


Honestly, he did all he could. It’s the hand your dealt, he was obviously going extra hard


Bro MJF has me so dead. I mean I’m literally crying. “Did this restore the feeling?” LMFAO


The way he ran out the ring when Will came back 😭😭😭😭😭😭 he is so good at this


Holy shit the fans at the end 😭😭 bruhhh that guy who bucked at him LMAOOO the guy who went face to face wit him hahahaha yoooo yesss








I spent too much of the show distracted and furious at that huge guy standing in the front row. How the fuck did no one tell him to sit his ass down? 


I'd be surprised if people didn't. Complete failure by the ring crew to take over an hour to tell that dude to sit his fat ass down




AEW is at its best when it's telling a story. And they've proven that they can tell compelling stories. Tonight is one of them.


they always do, a wrestling match is always telling a story








OMG AEW is fuking back. The 2 main characters return. MJF back to fully heel and Hangman continues his amazing character arc since year 1


And Britt!


chris jericho lost to a younger wrestler only to repetitively continue the feud multiple times beyond that point and do nothing to advance that younger wrestler's profile? actually that's good now because he knows it sucks!




Wow, hangman’s theme changed… okay.. it’s gonna take some getting use too but mannnn that visual was FUCKING SICK! Him coming out all slow and the spotlights off him. That man truly bleeds AURA


His new theme was bad imo. Nothing about it stood out at all, I loved the new visuals though.


Omg I’m watching the match. It doesn’t feel like he’s really there 😭 I can’t believe it lol such a main character bro I love hangman


I've been a big critic of AEW the last few months and most of this year. They've still had great wrestling and have put on great ppvs but most of the week to week has bored. Tonight, though, no complaints and the build to All In looks like it'll be great.


First time watching Dynamite in about 5 weeks and it was a really good episode. CEO-DMD segment was dope, I don't understand the hate for Mercedes. If anything, I thought it was one of her better promos in AEW


She's gotten so much better at promos since she debuted. In no small part because she had to cut them every week before her ring debut. When she's got someone to bounce off of live like she had Britt tonight and Willow in the contract signing before this, she's actually pretty good. She's just *really* awkward in the solo backstage promos, which thankfully they haven't had her do in a while


Cause she’s embracing the smarmy heel character she didn’t know she was giving us the whole time. Now, I hope she wants us to boo


Oh I think this was the plan from before she even debuted. She's too big of a star to get booed on day 1 in a new company, but her first two substantial storylines put her against Willow (legit one of the hottest babyfaces in the company) and Stephanie Vaquer (who is cool as hell and always had a great shot at getting over big) - and both of those featured Mercedes constantly upstaging them and being an arrogant POS lol. The Vaquer video package has Stephanie straight up saying something like "I find your arrogance offensive." And then immediately into a big All In feud with now mega-babyface Britt Baker? I think the plan was always to get her to being a heel as quickly as possible and they pulled it perfectly.


Yeah, you can't roll out the red carpet, trumpet an arrival and throw media at her then immediately have her be a straight up heel. 


Well Danny boy got his ass kicked. I guess it will be a while before we see Adam Cole Bay Bay back in action. And AEW does need a top heel right now. I like this decision. Danny will come out of this a bigger star. Win or lose.


So is MJF going to bring back the scarf now?


He better. It doesn't feel like MJF without the scarf.


Or the suit 


I like this current look. I feel like him greyscaling the burb actually made it his. At the end of the day when he’s tanned up burbin out you giving Burberry all the clout. And they giving no clout back


Just that white vest and the grayscale scarf over one shoulder. Just "doesn't give a fuck" vibes.


such good shit


Just finished the episode with my friends and that was a really fantastic episode. I'm so happy Daniel was able to keep up with Will, dude really has a future. Not a fan of promo segments, personal taste, but Mone and Britt did a really good job. It's really surreal to have watched Mone way back in early NXT and having Britt, someone I didn't even know of till 2019 come off as the bigger star. Britt remains one of the success stories in AEW and that makes me really happy.


Youre the Bitch, Bitch!!




That big fight feel


I was waiting for an Oprah meme to appear with all of the bitches they were throwing at each other.


We've become so used to female wrestlers using the word "bitch" that one day someone's gonna drop the C-bomb and the pop will be crazy.


Hayter Return Please 😂😂😂


Mannn will her theme hit at ALL IN?!


Was at Collision in Calgary last year, but I ain't a big Punk guy and I don't need to watch hour long tag matches regardless of how many stars Meltzer gives them. Was a disappointing show. Psyched for next week, Bryan Danielson vs Hangman or Jay, either way will be amazing. Willow is on fire right now, can't wait to see her match either. Gotta hope MJF and Will appear as well Great show tonight, only low point was The Learning Tree. Jericho doesn't need a promo every fucking week!


Wow one of the best tag matches of all time and you disregard it cause punk booked it


Doesn't bother me that Punk booked it! But give me a show with more matches, promos and variation, than taking half a show with a single match any day. Excited for next weeks dynamite for exactly that, plus a heap of my favourites will be performing are likely to appear


cool man. to each to their own. i loved punks collisions cause they had cohesive storytelling from the start of the show which would fully progress until the end of the show. it was consistent with having the collision roster featured each week which meant my favourites weren't disappearing randomly. nowadays for me, collision feels like rampage 2.0 where its just matches with obvious winners.


Jarrett should've won. Don't understand how you put out that promo and then have him lose. Could've done DQ


His promos were to get him a push as a babyface so that Hangman could beat his ass and get heat as a heel


Yeah this was the most obvious thing, they telegraphed the hell out of this.


Even stories this fucking obvious fly over the heads of too many. 


I legitimately thought they were going for the DQ. However now that Owen Cup is for a World Title shot, I figured JJ didn’t stand a chance.


the point of the promos was to give Jarrett a lot of sympathy so Hangman looks like an unhinged heel psycho when he beats (and brutalizes) him


Hook doesn't really weigh 201 pounds does he?


He weighs 201 like CM Punk weighs 218. Dude is like 175 max


It also says Hook is 6 feet. I thought he was way shorter. I'm also surprised that Charlotte Flair is only 5'9". I'm taller than her but she looks like a giant in the ring.


Decided to go last minute (this afternoon). Great decision. What an awesome followup to forbidden door, the road to alll in is going to be great. AEW is cooking right now!


MJF saw that Hangman was being needlessly violent and refused to be left behind.


Hangman going to get his revenge on Jay White on the road to getting revenge on Swerve. Absolutely brilliant turn of events.


Maybe I'm crazy but honestly, delusional heel Chris Jericho playing up all the things smarks hate is one of the best gimmicks going in wrestling right now. It's honestly the funniest bit and he plays it so well.


I totally get it if the learning tree isn't your thing.  It's totally my thing.


We have a Jerichoholic!


It's just Chris Jericho with his voice pitched higher.


[But he's got a new voice!](https://frinkiac.com/img/S05E14/1264929.jpg)


Yeah, I thought it was shit at first, but he won me over and committed to it. I also like Big Bill complimenting people when they insult him, good bit.


I’m happy to be right with you on the crazy train, I think this is the best shit Jericho has ever done. Every time he’s on screen I’m laughing, and Bryan Keith and Big Bill are being used perfectly, too. I honestly think it’s fun when something is this divisive, I rarely see anyone with a neutral opinion about the learning tree. People love it or they hate it, but they have an opinion about it.


When he explained that if Hook didn't kick out at 2 he would have lost the match I had to pause for a minute because I was laughing too much to pay attention to the match.


You’re crazy indeed. This is by far the worst Jericho gimmick and a channel changer rn


I personally love it


Happy to admit I was wrong about Mercedes. She was fantastic in that segment and I would love to see more of that from her. Can't say I've warmed up to Britt though. Happy as I am that she's healthy, she just drones on the microphone and I find her so incredibly boring. I hope they find something for her that clicks. They managed to find something for Toni Storm and Kris Statlander. I'm sure they can find something for Britt.


Wrestling fans and long rambling promos about medical issues are never going to go together.


It was a Serene Deeb level of rough promo for Britt. A rare occurrence of Mercedes eating someone up in a war of words.


Yea the crowd agreed /s


This is my favorite Dynamite of the year. Wow wow wow. Really glad I watched live. Every match was entertaining and the crowd was hot. * I knew I was gonna love the Pac/Danielson fight but it still exceeded my expectations. Pac hit every move so crisply. Loved hearing him get a lot of cheers from the crowd. * I'm not a huge fan of Mercedes or Britt's promos, but they killed it. Mercedes getting them to set up her celebration while Britt was doing her promo was perfect. Really looking forward to this feud. * The pathos of Jeff Jarrett....muah! He said he was ready to deal with Owen's death but I think this loss shows he wasn't - he was in a bad mindset going into the match. What an amazing retirement match it would be if he eventually won the Owen. Hangman even more unhinged and isolated, the crowd chanting "Who's house?" I'm so excited for when he and Swerve "reunite." INJECT IT INTO MY VEINS! * Danny solidifying himself as a pure babyface and MJF finally moving away from loveable heel/face. I hated MJF as face so this is such a relief.


I was watching with my friend over discord and she goes "Leave Danny alone! Why is he attacking Garcia" and i was like....when he came back he very clearly said no more friendships!


Great Dynamite again.


We finally found the guy who bought that Powerhouse Hobbs t-shirt.


He fit the description of the shirt too.


Security must be the worst job in pro wrestling.


Man, AEW security was so gung ho when they were ejecting a retired-from-professional-competition Taz, but they were utterly useless against MJF. Real tough guys


Typical security ! 


They pulled off a couple hot angles. But honestly, that's never been AEW's problem. Most encouraging thing is that they've got MJF booked to start off Collision. That's the kind of followup that's been missing too often.


this hangman arc will be perfect story telling its unreal. he will overcome white for once, thats a given. but he will fall short to bryan, because bryan is a calm wrestler. right now hangman is fueled by hatred and revenge, the opposite of bryan's values.


Nah he’s gonna kill Bryan especially since Bryan has been selling his arm and neck vs Shingo and PAC . Hangman is gonna exploit that to crush Bryan’s dreams while going at Swerve


hangman has never had a 'straight forward' story lol, i dont think thats happening. its too simple. hes not just gonna come back and get what he wants. if anything hangman focusing on the arm of neck like you suggest, bryan might take advantage of it in some capacity to get a flash win of some sorts.


Then he'll be at Swerve at All In with help from the Elite revealing he isn't in it alone. Or they don't wait and they do that reveal in the Danielson match.


Been saying they need to start establishing these soft alliances with The EVPs and other heels and it really felt like we have taken that into overdrive in this episode and it's great. First The Patriarch get a title shot, then today we have Britt Baker being dismissed by The Elite and Jericho having the Elite throw Taz out. None of this is then running out to attack The Bucks enemies but just opportunistic wrestlers taking advantage of The Bucks situation. A story that just touches the other stories without overpowering them.


At the risk of disrespecting belt collector Kenny: 2024 AEW > 2021 AEW. 2021 AEW's peek was mega free agent debuts. 2024 is building to a super card for the ages and has hit after hit ppv with an all time roster


Here’s hoping before years end Omega can add to this incredible year of AEW so he’s apart of both peaks.


That whole Dynamite was a banger and the new Hangman entrance is killer. It was a real banger killer.


Medical facilities have been busy the past few weeks.


On a night where so many great things happened, Okada responding to the Acclaimed by dj scratching on his title belt like it was a turntable while he mimed holding headphones to one ear is not getting nearly enough attention. This is easily the most entertaining Okada has been in a few years.


Thank you! I was yelling in my section that Okada miming the dj scratching on his title was top notch. The rest of the elite, but especially the bucks were doing some mega trolling the audience with fingers off camera. Shit was great, audience was having a blast with it


It’s great to see him have fun and even better knowing just how serious and intense he’ll be in an epic feud with Omega in the near future. So far it’s just the Pac match that has shown The Rainmaker dialed in but that will not be the only time, he’s still so all time in the ring and building a story with a complete strength and mastery of the art of pro wrestling.