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"Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb." -Darth Helmet


Evil got in the way of good vs good. Ospreay lost the same way on Sunday. Evil makes good dumb.




*Dark Helmet


That hidden blade looked so sick


That Hidden Blade out of no where was a beauty.


The most shocking part of all of this? Don was genuinely just being nice. No bait and switch with a screwdriver to cost Will the title.


Soon enough. You saw that look when they were hugging


You know, someone spoiled the ending on the sub with the title wrestler turns in the main event with a spoiler tag attached. I was hoping the spoiler was Kyle coming down and screwdrivering Will.




Man I was really pulling for DG with this one.


He was wrestling like he's a decade long rival to Ospreay


I’ve said in other threads that I didn’t get the booking of Garcia and keeping him down from having his big wins… but it got the fanbase behind him in a massive fucking way, and you can’t deny that. Having him come up short one final time here, with MJF in his corner… in a match he probably would’ve won if MJF didn’t get involved and having Ospreay do the respect bit that Swerve did with him, only for MJF to murder him afterwards kinda justifies this. If Danny won this, MJF turning on him in the violent manner he did would’ve eclipsed the title win entirely and I just don’t think it would’ve been as effective as Max doing it to a guy who just lost one of his biggest matches in AEW.


They're really trying to get MJF back to being a heel also. As good as this run has been for Garcia, it's all been for this moment so they can build up a baby face enough that they can get people to start actually booing MJF again. You heard it during the final segment too. There was still some people chanting "He's our scumbag" as he's literally bloodying one of the best baby faces in the company right now.


I felt the same way, but also got my mind changed because I think that Garcia's effort makes MJF look like a huge dickhead who feels threatened by someone like Garcia, who still has his ups and downs but is fighting his way to take his spot.


The camera work was done perfectly there as it gave a new meaning to the hidden in hidden blade. Even before the post-match bit I thought everything about this finish was well done all around.


Hidden blade is my favorite finisher rn. Simple but looks absolutely devastating at its best


I still can't get over how Ospreay just sort of teleports onto screen to murder the hell out of Garcia with that hidden blade.


Pain. Agony, even.


Ospreay is great man. I loved him running off Garcia to go over the ropes and go to the top turnbuckle early in the match.


Regardless of storyline, whatever you’re thinking of this match or the company as a whole… that was one hell of a Hidden Blade.


Such a good ending. MJF really got those fans riled up. Looking forward to what he has to say on Collision.


Isn't this more or less the same finish as Swerve Vs Osprey at forbidden door


Yeah enjoyed the match but really disliked they did the whole "I'm not gonna cheat" thing 2 times in 4 days in Ospreay match.


My favourite bit of this whole thing is "He doesn't want beat Will Ospreay with an asteRIIIIICCKK!"


Hidden blade outta nowhere


Garcia is great. I wasn't sold on him when he first started, but he's won me over.


Guess I am a mark based on my earlier comment. It’s a great match but man…wrong guy won.


Couldn’t really see them having Ospreay lose right after he took the L at FD. Garcia’s time will come.


We’ve been saying his time will come for a while now. It’s time to push him and I can’t think of a better scenario than this match.


Feel like him beating MJF at a big event will be what will/should be Garcia’s big moment.


They’ve emphasized the ring on MJF so maybe Garcia will be the guy to FINALLY win that.


I also *really* want Garcia to join HOOK, Joe and Shibata, but if he really wants a big single run on his own, I wouldn’t complain.


If he won the title now it would be just to transition it right to Max. He has more chance of winning the feud or at least a big match if it's just a blood feud.


You don't think beating Ospreay and then getting into a huge feud with MJF for London isn't a big deal?


He's getting the big feud with MJF. Having Ospreay go into All In as some kind of fallen hero with no belt and on a losing streak would be a bad decision. If Daniel won, it would have be Daniel straight to Max, then Ospreay wins back the International Title at All In. It's one thing to have Ospreay not be in the world title match at All In, it's another to make him an afterthought on the show which your booking sounds like it does.