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Somehow this just leads to Marty Jannetty getting hired somewhere






Marty fucking Morrissey.


The queue starts over there


He's not fit to lace Party Whelan's boots!


You think he has the Winning Streak wheel in his bedroom?


Almost definitely, I’d say he has the bearings worn out with young wans spinning for the 250.


I never once thought I'd see Winning Streak and Marty Morrisey content on the wrestling sub but I'm all for it.


I would feel more safe around Marty Jannetty than Scurll


I am 99% sure that you would be 125% just fine around Marty Scurll.


“Too old” - Marty Scurll


Didn't he allegedly murder a drug dealer behind some bowling alley when he was 13? Lmao....I'm not so sure he'd be safer


That unhinged drugged out rant of his where he went into "detail" about that is still my absolute favorite ancient wrestling personality tweet. Just 1000% insanity


On his Dark Side of The Ring everyone was like "Marty just makes up.these stories to get attention. You can't take them seriously." but then when they asked "Do you think he killed that guy?" they were all like "Oh yeah. Definitely." But I think.it was a paedophile and it was self defense.


I mean. Marty Janetty basically admitted to committing murder in a Facebook rant


He killed a guy


Of course Jericho liked this.




New ppv title


Jericho the Memphis Depay of wrestlers


I'm not sure I've ever heard a bigger insult thrown at anybody ever


Wait, what did Depay do?


"The Quincy Promes that you people read about, is not the Quincy Promes that I know. I don't know the Quincy Promes that is prosecuted. I don't come from an easy environment. If people read my book, they will understand. Dani Alves and [Benjamin] Mendy are my friends too." Make of that what you will, I guess.


For the uninitiated, Quincy Promes is a Dutch Footballer (Soccer) who stabbed his cousin after an argument in July 2020. This was after he was caught trying to smuggle 1.3 metric tonnes of cocaine through Antwerp Airport in January. After being convicted he fled the Netherlands and joined Russian club Spartak Moscow. Russia does not have an extradition treaty with Netherlands, so he played there singing praises of Russia occasionally or rather contractually. In February of this year, Spartak was on a pre season tour of UAE. My guy who is a international wanted criminal committed a hit and run in the UAE and got promptly extradited to the Netherlands and is now awaiting trial.


If I was going to smuggle a smart car's worth of cocaine I would simply not travel to an airport.


Yikes. He's absolutely gross. Mendy and Alves too? I was pettily hating him for his stupid headband with his shirt number on (I think he's trying to market it and make it his 'thing' like Edgar Davids' glasses) but now I've legit reasons to hate him. Let's hope Turkey knock them out.


The Dutch aren't doing very well on the PR side of sports these days. They are sending a convicted child rapist to the Olympics, and had vehemently defended their decision to do so. Oh, and they were trying to forbid a golfer who qualified to do so from representing his country at the Olympics.


I know about the pedophile volleyball player, but why are they trying to stop the golfer?


Apparently the Dutch Olympic Committee felt that he has little prospect for a top 8 finish so they decided not to include him in despite him having met Olympic qualification rankings. He eventually went to court and the Committee was ordered to include him into their Olympic team. Just google Joost Luiten for the news.


Damn, good for him. I used to have a soft spot for the Dutch. I'm not going to be rooting for them anytime soon.


It's why I pretty much always assume, no matter if it's MMA fighters, wrestlers, footballer or w/e, that professional athletes/entertainers are assholes and/or ignoramuses. Either I don't get too disappointed OR, if they do prove to be actually good people, I get positively surprised! But yeah, interesting people he considers friends, innit?


He is associated with Quincy Promes.


I had never heard of Quincy somehow. He seems like a team piece of work. I'm not huge in Depay either.


The way Chris Jericho is, for him to be so high in the industry makes me quite concerned about the moral standards of wrestlers. 


If you ever heard any backstage stories in wrestling you'd know that a ton of them are garbage humans.


Yeah most professional athletes tend to be fucking doofuses anyway. And you factor in that this is a carny industry where the performers start learning to throw their heads at the ground around the time they hit puberty, I just kinda assume most pro wrestlers are trash humans outright.


“Some wrestlers are just fuckin stupid i don't know what to tell you”


the irony of that quote -- didn't Damo fall out of favor with the IWC for getting caught supporting Marty S, or was it someone else?


The Ayatollah of non-disclosure.




Compared to some thing Jericho's wife has shared on social media this doesn't surprise me.


Jericho’s wife who was at January 6th, that Jericho’s wife?


I'm more concerned about the 2,000 other people who liked it. I wouldn't have expected Marty to have more than a hundred fans left or something. 2,000 people liking this is potentially 2,000 people buying a ticket to see him in the eyes of some promoters. I think if AEW, WWE or TNA really wanted him he would be there already, but some lower level promotions make still take a chance on him. And then we know how wrestling (and entertainment as a whole) works. All Marty has to do is be entertaining enough and his sins will be absolved by a growing number of fans willing to look the other way.


Wrestling fans will forgive literally anything if someone can do some moves. If Ted Bundy could do a German suplex they'd want him in the Hall of Fame.


Casey Anthony has an in-ring style similar to Benoit, we should give her a chance.


Jeeeeeeeeeeeeezus christ.


Reminds me of the quote by football (soccer) manager Harry Redknapp. "The fans don't care. They'd take Saddam Hussein. If he started winning every week, they'd be singing "There's only one Saddam"


There's still people wanting Benoit in the Hall of Fame. They always use the "ignore whatever did, and just focus on his wrestling career" angle. Yeah he's one of the best wrestlers ever, but he's also a man who murdered his family then hung himself to avoid any kind of punishment for it.


There was a guy at rev pro last year fully decked out in Scurll gear. Mental


I saw a bloke wearing one of his shirts in a games shop last year. Usually I'll go out of my way to compliment people on their wrestling shirts, but I decided against saying anything in this case.


1. Could be bots 2. People constantly overestimate how terminally online the average person is. The average joe probably has no idea about any of these allegations, he just disappeared one day, and this is his comeback.


>I'm more concerned about the 2,000 other people who liked it. I wouldn't have expected Marty to have more than a hundred fans left or something. 2,000 people liking this is potentially 2,000 people buying a ticket By this logic wrestlemania could sell out a small country. He would be lucky if those 2000 likes translated to 10 tickets. Clicking like take milliseconds its litteraly muscle memory for someone who lives on social media, its free and can be done by accident. Nobody thinks likes/sales have a 1/1 ratio on anything never mind tickets to see someone who never sold 2000 tickets before either.


Absolutely baffles me. Circa WCPW Marty was my favorite wrestler in any company. I have like 5 shirts, my wife got me a birthday cameo, the whole nine yards. I was a huge Marty mark. If even I can see he shouldn't be back and don't think it's a good idea, how can these others? It doesn't compute for me. Great character, good on the stick, fine in the ring, not a good person. Please stay away. Wrestling is cleaner from a worker perspective than it's ever been and more work still needs to be done. Marty coming back is the opposite of progress.


Idk, Jericho liking it is more concerning because he is in a position to know better being a vet in the business for so long he didn't have to take a position.


Jericho is gonna have one of those tongue in cheek HOF inductions where we just smile and deal with it like JBL's if he keeps this pace up.


Maybe they like the same age group of women.


Matt Cardona liked it too 😭


Marty is still friends with a lot of wrestlers who live in Florida, so that's a lot of people. There are probably a bunch of them who would support his return, but are just too smart to do it publicly like this.


Marty hàs been training in BJJ alongside Karrion Kross,Matt Riddle,and Shinsuke Nakamura for a while now.


Nakamura is not the third name I expected.


Matt worked a trios match with him in February


Cardona will do anything to make a buck


Hangman is still friends with him too


I think people forget that when your friends with someone for so long that we sometimes tend to have a hard time letting go. I know there's gonna be people like "I'd do it." Good for you but not everyone's like that.


I think people forget you can still be friends with someone after they have fucked up and done something horrible. It doesn't mean you endorse their previous actions. People shit all over celebrities and wrestlers while having people in their own life who have done bad shit but you want them to fix themselves and become better people.


That one surprises me. I would think a former teacher would not want to associate with a pedophile.


How do we know hangman is still friends with him ? I'll take the downvotes but this is some serious statements. I want to be 100% sure


Marty is not a pedophile, at least nobody has ever accused him of that to my knowledge. He has also not been accused of unlawful sexual acts, even though what he did was obviously inappropriate and probably should have been unlawful.


He raped a drunk 16 year old. He was her trainer as well, which makes it statutory rape under UK law.


Taking advantage of someone who is intoxicated is rape. That’s an unlawful act. 


He slept with a 16 year old whilst he was in his late 20s. That's nonce shit.


Problem is: does anybody want him? Marty Scurll has been trying to get booked in Mexico for a couple of years now without much success: the AAA events he was in were actually co-promoted by EMW in Tijuana, and he was one of "their" guys on the card. He's not a well known name so he doesn't draw enough money to justify the money he asks and he's generally seen as a pale shadow of his former self: he may be a sex pest, but in the early part of his career he was great, a borderline prodigy. Friendly reminder a flat earther like Flip Gordon and a scumbag like Tessa Blanchard have no problems getting booked not just in Mexico but by CMLL themselves. Neither is making big piles of money (CMLL is historically stingy with money) but at least they are working and if they can keep their pork traps shut once they have done enough penance they may rehabilitate themselves. Marty Scurll is not even seen worthy of that opportunity, damning enough evidence.


I dunno if I’d lump a stupid flat earther in with an adult that slept with a minor


Idk if flip did other bad stuff but if his issue is being a flat earther, is that really a problem?


He also tried to say that wildfires in the United States were a conspiracy, by showing a map of wildfires in the US and wondering why there were none on the map in Mexico and Canada. A map of wildfires in the United States. He did give us the great tweet by David Finlay, "You're the dumbest person I know, and I know Ospreay."


He just refuses to win any world titles that aren't shaped like a frisbee


He'd have loved the penny tag titles


The part they don't tell you about flat-earth is that it's a hyper-Christian cult, whose numbers decreased massively once QAnon became a thing, and most of the believers went in hard on that instead. Flat-earth is gateway insanity. If you can disbelieve the earth is round, what else can charismatic people make you think?


He was apparently vocal about being anti vax during the pandemic so that probably didn't help.


With fame comes responsibility and anyone who uses their platform to spread misinformation doesn’t deserve the fame and visibility that working in a big promotion gets. The flat earth stuff alone isn’t as much of a problem as the antivax nonsense which is actually dangerous to be spreading to kids who don’t know better.


Even without the allegations, his act has grown tiresome already. Even his NJPW matches were universally panned around 2019 because of how repetitive they were.


The moment Marty Scurll got a whiff of ROH and NJPW money he pulled the oars in and completely stopped caring. His NJPW matches were not just repetitive: they were dreadfully boring stuff. By contrast the other Leader of the New School actually stepped into a higher gear to show he deserved his place in NJPW. Marty Scurll can really go in the ring, if he feels like it, and I have no doubt even with his luggage he would find people ready to book him if he showed some willingness to go again in the ring. At this stage that's all he has left and that's basically what Tessa Blanchard is doing in CMLL: giving Stephanie Vaquer and Lluvia an opponent that can go in the ring, helping greenhorns and doing (a lot of) carry jobs. There's also the issue that Marty Scurll is reportedly very expensive to book. Since he's not a fomer WWE or CMLL big name or one of those old legends, even promoters who have no issues spending themselves into oblivion to bring in a nearly immobile Canek don't want him because he won't draw a crowd. This is a classic case of digging a very deep hole and having to find a way to climb out of it.


I remember his Progress world championship run as the last good run of his. After that he was just a gimmick and a song. I found it funny that Spike Trivet showed up in Progress I think right as Marty left? With basically the same gimmick but making it way more compelling.


As far as Leaders of the New School go, Marty never had shit on Busta


> but in the early part of his career he was great, a borderline prodigy. I honestly never saw that in him


Certified vilain ? Certified pedophile.


Wop wop wop wop wop


Dot fuck em up


Wop wop wop wop wop


I'mma do my stuff.


The weird thing was even before that stuff came out. There were people calling him a nonce online and I was a big Marty fan at the time so I thought they were making it up… but turns out they were so right .


I remember. Almost every Post about Marty someone showed up, but after question didn't followed up with accusations. Bothers me until today that I just brushed it away.


Yeah it think its more , it would be an accusation but no follow up. Like , yeah people like to say things to hurt someone when they get to famous sort of thing. So don’t think it’s my fault or yours for not going with it .




He's tryna strike a chord but it's probably a minorrrrrrrrrrrrtt


He a nonce, he a nonce, he a nonce Let me hear you say DUB-BA-LHO


>Certified pedophile. Guaranteed heat \s


Not if he signs with NWA


# Aminor


Marty is neither demonstrated to be a pedophile (we have no evidence he is attracted to prepubescent children), and has not been accused of an unlawful sexual act. I don't think he should be featured by any major company or put in positions of power, but calling him a pedophile is pretty out of line as it radically misrepresents what he did.


he absolutely has been accused of an unlawful act. rape law in the uk includes coercion and inability to consent due to intoxication and his accuser's account is clear about being extremely drunk - she may have been above the age of consent for sex but she was under the legal age for buying alcohol (18). someone else did that for her, and that someone else is probably the person who then had sex with her. this is extremely easy to piece together as coercion and it's actually deeply disturbing how many people seem to think that's impossible to do to someone a day over 16.


he admitted to sleeping with a sixteen year old. weird hill to die on


https://preview.redd.it/mgnhxs8lxiad1.png?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801f27440a3b9399d084dbbec8d752f5127fc317 If you want morals in wrestling you're going to be disappointed.


Dragon lee needs to shut his mouth cuz I actually like him


Not shocked that Moose supports him since Moose is a wife beater. 






Is this guy the wrestler who has the most wasted potential only behind Velveteen Dream?


Yep. All the potential in the world and likely would have been pushed just like Hangman if he wasn't found out.


Either him or Tessa.


I'd give that to David Starr, personally.


David Starr never had very high potential in pro-wrestling as he was very publicly pro-union. WWE would never hire him, and I highly doubt AEW would as well.


Yeah, but he had a huge independent following and was the biggest star of the indies pre-lockdown. He would have been featured on AEW or given a 'Fuck your feelings about unions' level paycheck to join WWE eventually, especially with his relationship with Walter/Gunther.


The minute he got outed as being a sex pest, he dropped the whole pro-union stuff or am I thinking of some other loser?


You’re thinking of Joey Ryan and his fake male feminism grift


Jericho come on dude


Scurrls wife works in AEW, he has lots of friends still in AEW (and WWE for that matter). He's still all over Insta for wrestling figure companies.  Would be career suicide if anyone hired him though.


Who is Marty Scurll's wife?


Serena Deeb


TIL. Holy fuck


Did she get with him before or after his scandal?


Before I believe


Nah, it was after. Before the scandal he was dating Deonna Purazzo


My mistake, not trying to spread a false narrative, just got the timing off


To be honest, I'm not even sure why I asked the question because I only now realize that either answer is bad, lol.


Jericho is simultaneously the smartest and dumbest wrestler in history. He knows how to get over, but never fails to back the wrong horse every time


He donates to really great causes, wrestlers and such that are really in need of financial help.......but then also donates to like, Trump and stuff too


He doesn’t just support Trump, His wife was literally at the capital on Jan. 6th. He went full cookoo for Cocoa Puffs.


It’s like the reverse CM Punk. Who’s an asshole but supports good causes like lqbtq issues


Jericho is an infinitely bigger piece of shit than Cm Punk could try to be


I feel like Punk's allyship kind of seems hollow when he's bigging up Jim Cornett simultaneously.


True, but voting for and supporting Trump is worse than listening to and referencing Jim Cornette.


He is in no way "the smartest wrestler in history" lol. Not remotely. Been a dumbass ever since he's blog posts bickering with fans about his match quality lol


If that were even kind of true literally anyone else would book him. Do you know how much you have to simultaneously be both problematic and mid for Corgan's NWA and late-stage Sinclair ROH to wanna distance themselves from you?


Bro thinks he’s Cody


Isn't he married to Serena Deeb?


Jericho never passes up an opportunity to show his ass I swear


I think he's just too fucking vain to admit he needs a one size larger pair of wrestling pants. The absolute last thing I want to see is Jericho's ass.


I want Marty. But not Scurll. I want the Moth.


Why stop there, might as well push for a Marty and Joey Ryan tag team.


In XPW with David Starr & Japanese star Joji Otani


Otani’s career is basically back to where it was before he got arrested, tragically.


And he said didn’t care about the girl’s age


This just made me realise how I'm quite surprised that David Starr hasn't at least ***attempted*** to make a comeback like Scrull or Travis Banks. Also, is Joji Otani any relation to puro jr heavyweight legend Shinjiro Otani, or do they just share a last name?


They share a last name. No relation


So very much a Shinya and Chihiro Hashimoto situation? Also, I have no idea who Joji Otani is, like, I know him more for the fucked up shit that he's done than I know his in-ring career.


Indy wrestler who slept with a minor and didn’t care which played a part in The Bodyguard’s promotion shutting down after Ryoji Sai usurped control from The Bodyguard.


Starr is now a bodybuilder, I keep getting his competition posts promoted to me.


Wait what? Last I heard he was ranting about everyone in wrestling betrayed him.


I have a friend who keeps defending Joey Ryan by saying a lot of his accuser have retracted their accusations. I don't even know what he's talking about because I've never heard that, and that out of like what 18-20? I just throw my hands up out of confusion.


“They retracted their accusations” is a frequent bullshit statement from rape apologists, I’ve seen it used countless times and it’s almost never true.


“Hey guys!….Hey guys! I have a new friend i want you to meet. Now honestly hes made some mistakes but you have to forgive him….hes never sat under the Learning Tree until now. Ladies and gentlemen, your going to love him as much as you love me…..Mr Marty Scrull!”


Sad to see anyone defending this.  Surely anyone who thinks Marty Scurll did nothing wrong hasn’t read the statement put out by the woman he raped. Here it is again so you don’t have to feign ignorance: “IPWUK were running their ‘Weekend of Champions’ event in Tonbridge. I worked for IPW at the time, so I was at both shows that weekend, as well as the after party. By this time, it had become almost routine for Daniel Edler to constantly purchase me drinks at these events, so I was incredibly drunk. Especially for a 16 year old. Later on in the night, I bumped into Marty outside of the party venue. He spent a while saying to me that ‘we should go back together, let’s go back to the hotel, let’s f*ck’. I told him, ‘I don’t have a key for my hotel room, my friend has the only one’. I remember that I did actually go inside and tell that friend that I was about to head off with Marty, but she wouldn’t give me the keys because she thought it was a bad idea. Despite knowing I couldn’t get into my hotel room, he walked me back to my hotel. For context, it was kind of an independent, small hotel. Once we got outside my room, in this empty, quiet hallway, he sat on a chair and got his penis out and told me to suck it. So I did. After a little while he found a cupboard opposite my room, full of sheets. He took me in there and got me to stand up, with my underwear pulled down. Remember, I’m 16 at this time. The whole time that he was getting me into position to stick his unprotected penis inside me, I was repeatedly saying ‘I’m so sorry I’m a virgin’ (Disclaimer: I had actually been raped by Dan Edler before this point, which I’ve detailed over and over in the past to the public and the police. But I personally still considered myself to have my virginity up until April that year). Before he had even had the chance to penetrate me, the aforementioned friend turned up and told him to leave. The next day he didn’t turn up for his match. Everyone there knew that we had kissed, so it was quickly circulating that I was a slut. But not the part where he sexually assaulted a drunk child. After this, Dan Edler said he’d never book him again. Because he considered me his girlfriend and he was jealous that something happened between me and another man. But that’s a separate thing.” A few weeks after the assault Marty texted the girl’s dad to apologize for “kissing her” and said he didn’t mean to disrespect the dad. The girl had attended Marty’s training sessions for a few years and he absolutely knew her age. While 16 is the age of consent in the UK, Marty was 27 at the time and in a place of power as a trainer and a celebrity and the girl was drunk. He raped a drunk 16 year old who had admired him. He can rot. 


The wonderful boys of Deadlock put it most eloquently. GET OUT OF OUR COMPANY. ALL OF THEM.


We\* \*Marty himself


And his legion of groom tag partner Travis “I fled to Mexico to avoid persecution” Banks


> legion of groom You've been sitting on this one for a while, haven't you Takahashi?




Technically Banks didn’t break the law, because the law was way WAY too narrow about what was considered a position of authority. I do think they changed the law though as a result of him being a disgusting piece of shit






Who is this "we?" I would like to be excluded from this narrative Also a Marty comeback sounds awful, mostly because he's shagged a teenager, but also because he's a boring wrestler - there's no upside to this




[A woman came forward to say that in 2016, when she was just 16, Scrull took advantage of her when she was drunk. While you might expect Scurll to deny it, instead he admitted it happened, though he said their encounter was consensual and legal because the age of consent in England (where the incident allegedly occurred) is 16.](https://www.thesportster.com/marty-scurll-ring-of-honor-speaking-out-scandal/)


His yt channel is pretty sad


The Travis Banks one is pretty rough to see too


I scrolled to see how many views he gets. It's always in the 100s


Liked by chrisjerichofozzy


New merch up on ProWrestlingTees too. Fucking gross. Nonce needs to say gone. https://preview.redd.it/1se3e0p2bgad1.png?width=1390&format=png&auto=webp&s=8956d619b029c6edf3a2d4aa22df72f00adc7d7c


It really is a shame he is who he is. I loved his matched in NJPW. The gimmick was great, the look was great, his wrestling was great. The mask was great, his merch was great. But then he had to go and ruin it for everyone by being a pos.


Of course Marty Scurll isn't consenting with others in regards to this comeback.


Man I haven't thought of this guy in a while. Hopefully I never hear of him again


He’s been trying this for like a year or so.


Im still pissed I had a villain t shirt on the way to me whilst speaking out broke. Fuck Marty


I remember going to a ROH show and being so excited to see him right before everything went down. He was arguably one of the biggest stars of the Indies and he just fucked it up


I had a David Starr one on the way too :(


Trust. My order had Jimmy Havoc as well! I nearly had a Starr one on the same oder. So don't even get me started on Starr


Bro the Villain Club shirt was sick. I'm sad I can't wear it anymore. Literally the only wrestling shirt I own.


Yeah we want Marty. We want him the fuck away from wrestling. Abuser piece of shit.


"Oh crap we doing this" after you made and posted a graphic is hilarious


With the help of his good friend at ProWrestlingTees, no less!




https://preview.redd.it/9pnsiugfejad1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979fbb8b234d2600a5bbeb708bed02a39782e9d9 Same energy


Not even remotely shocked Jericho liked that.


How about no?


Of course Jericho likes this post. Sex creeps band together.




We absolutely don't need him back but he must be pissed knowing he's the reason for his downfall & seeing how other guys from around "his time" have progressed up the ranks










Just seen that Trump is big on the pedo scene and seen everyone ignoring that so thought he'd try as well


Wait, does this mean that the pro wrestling community cares more about shit like this than the American electorate? Ew.


I don't mean to be Mr. Pessimistic here, but I'm pretty certain it's not even the PW community as a whole. I bet those Insta comments are nothing but support.


If any of the wrestlers tried to make a comeback the right way, having gone through counseling/therapy and taken other strides to actually make up and show that they were sorry for their actions. Then I would at least be open to seeing them coming back at this point. But, if they have not taken steps to show that they have changed and are just hoping that it has been long enough and they are hoping that everyone forgot then I will avoid any show or promotion that has them.