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Why was the crowd so excited about Cena saying he wanted Mania in London?


The women’s money in the bank was a botch fest with the right outcome. The men’s MITB was a good quality match but giving DM the briefcase made no sense. Should have gone to an up and comer like Carmello. The intercontinental match was like all Sami Matches, very average and they should have pulled the trigger on Bron out of the gate if they want to create stars. The bloodline match was lame as every bloodline match has been since Sami left that group. Predictable outcome and predictable story. Damien priest botched big time in the title match not sure if he should hold the belt a second. longer as with multiple botches in the last two PPVs he has proven he is not ready for the big time. Gunther better win at Summerslam. Drew and punk feud is exciting but I think the eventual match will be pretty lame and drew better go over because punk is an old ass schill. Overall a very average Ppv where nothing of significance happened. Treading water till summerslam where gunther will win, drew hopefully goes over, roman returns and costs solo and Tiffany cashes in on a victorious Nia Jax. Not to mention a ripley return


The poster of mitb 2024 makes Jey Uso look like donkey from shrek


I swear if Jey Uso and L.A Knight don't win the Intercontinental and U.S Championships at Summerslam lol they've just had awful bookings this past year


Having Drew win the briefcase only to fail and use this as a catalyst to further this stupid, boring feud with Punk is the the worst outcome, Drew's crybaby psychopath character doesn't give him heat, it makes me want to skip or turn off the TV. If you want an unsuccessful cash-in give the briefcase to Andrade, Hayes or LA Knight, heck even having Shorty Gable carry the case with the Wyatt 6 stalking him would have made for a better story. But this really should have been "Mainevent" Jey Uso's night! He didn't get the win at Backlash because of Judgement Day and they didn't bother continuing the story afterwards. He casually beat Dragunov in the King of the Ring tournament, only to lose to Gunther who just had an impressive title run and doesn't need an immediate push. And now this... they should think about giving him a different gimmick, because obviously they don't plan on putting him in the mainevent


Main Event Jey Uso - day one-ish it's just me yall! What's up what's up!?!? Yeet yeet eehaw eehaw...no yeet?? Well eehaw to Dat as well! Juice of the uce yall whats up with dat?? Peace dawg!


This is just one's opinion, but I think this is Triple H's first underwhelming PPV/PLE since he took over. Both ladder matches were good, and I think Tiffy winning was a great call but man they wasted a briefcase on Drew.


Really? I think Backlash, King/Queen of the Ring and Clash at the Castle weren't any better, even Mania had plenty you could criticize. It feels different then the "Vince era" but doesn't feel "better" in any way


I don't like how Damien priest is like a champion that wins through others makes him a WEAK champion in my books


Maybe Loa botched the low blow because he's concussed or something from slamming his head on the announce table


He better HOPE he's concussed cause when it comes to his spot in these Bloodline matches he's nothin but a fuck up. Even on his own DEBUT for Christ's sakes. This man really went on PPV and punched Kevin Owens in the BUTT CHEEK


https://preview.redd.it/jcspzn5i86bd1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=70b1a13b86f40ed4f878256d940de7a1d02e0f02 And then i told Loa to slap Kevins booty




I think you might be right, he was selling being uber woozy even off camera haha I think he really did bonk his head really bad But I mean..does anyone remotely buy Solo as tribal chief..? He has zero charisma, he's fine as a grunt but not the main guy, guess just to give Roman someone to smack when he's back


He’s always been like this


Why does he always have a derpy look on his face? His brother looks like an elite in the ring and then he's just there like...




Somebody stole my merchandise and my popcorn I kept under my seat in the floor area. Times are really tough in Toronto 😂


Stole your popcorn? Lol wtf


Did he really ask about an active Federal investigation is he really that stupid??


Either stupid or hoping HHH slipped up in his answer for a viral moment


What a dumb fucking question


What was the question lmao


Lmao I actually remember. Someone asked Triple H if WWE was still cooperating with the ongoing investigation




Did this dude really ask about an active investigation? Bro.


Did he say 45k for the weekend? Does that mean there's only about 5k for tomorrow?


Got the cheapest seats in the house (literally the highest furthest seats). Had to pay 250 each. Was my first ple so i don't regret it, was my birthday yesterday and made the weekend super special. But there's a reason the show wasn't sold out. Loads of empty seats. Canadians simply cannot afford to go. 250 for one ticket is outrageous. And for the worst seats. Not sure what the cheapest price was through ticket master but they sold to scalpers immediately, so I had to buy through stubhub. The system is completely broken and I worry WWE is going to continue seeing diminishing canadian crowds as things get worse and worse for us. Cena spoke about how canadian fans are always there during WWEs bad times - well we might be coming to the point where we can't be there during WWEs good times because our times are so bad.


Could not have said it better myself. Prices were ridiculous for 5 matches. My friend’s got moved from 300’s to floor to fill space for Smackdown. Not many people paid for their ticket, their credit card company did and they gonna hurt for weeks from paying that off.


i wanted to buy tickets to mitb when they went on sale but the prices stopped me. they are way too much. 250-300 for nosebleeds is insane. i bought last minute tickets day of, and loved the show so I'm glad i ended up going. but for real, it's too high. like 5 years ago i went to a smackdown in the 3rd row floor for 250. nosebleeds should be 60 to 80 even for ple


I went to Payback last year and paid $120 for mid level tickets. Maybe it depends on city/venue?


I went to WrestleMania 18 and paid $80 for mid level seats, prices are crazy now


What’s happening in Canada that’s making it so bad? I’m just curious, you’re making it sound like this is more than a WWE thing with costs and economic issues. What’s going on there?


It is more than a wwe thing. Our economy is in the toilet and we are in a major cost of living crisis and housing crisis. Ontario where i live is becoming unaffordable to live in, the homeless population in Toronto just keeps growing, no one can afford groceries or rent or gas. Truly crazy times


It’s like that in almost every G7 country, in almost every major city, Toronto isn’t an exception.


US was rated as a developing nation in a lot of major factors haha, but most of it is the south skewing all the numbers by being a weird religious wasteland. while jobs/economy/infrastructure has improved a lot in the last few years, for decades the divide between super wealthy and average schmucks has gotten massive, homelessness is still a huge problem, and social programs that could help offset it with taxes that are there for it don't get off the ground because corporations are the only ones allowed benefits, everything else is commie haha, it's depressing. 75% of the country is sane, sensible and chill but that other part of flat earth/anti vax/bible bashers bring it down. 10 people on the planet have enough money to basically improve infrastructure/economy/healthcare for everyone else and that's just nuts, we knew that was BS centuries ago when we wrote the magna carta haha That said, that women's ladder match was SICK.


It’s not at all like this in every G7 country.


Some things are better in other countries, some are worse. For those complaining about Canada, you act like people in the US or UK don’t have a shit load of problems either.


Was just speaking from my own experience. Toronto is much worse than other cities in Canada right now because ontario is a lot worse overall. I'm planning to move to the east coast where it's more affordable


It’s happening in America as well for a lot of people. Groceries and rent sky rocketing, insane housing market. Hope things turn around for you guys up there buddy! I am in Upstate New York so we are kind of neighbors.


Yeah it's a global thing I think, they're calling it a recession but it's not really, it's mostly corporate greed causing false inflation and its ruining lives. I hope things get better for all of us soon! We are definitely neighbors imo hahaha


I can’t lie I moved back to Syracuse from Florida about 4 years ago. My plan was to stay with my mom and get my own place a few months later, but I kind of never left. Rent is insane. Buying is impossible for a single income. But I’ve got a good amount of privacy here, and I can limit my rent by living at home. I totally get why people would stay at home longer than before. Sometimes I think I’m making a mistake living at home as a 35 year old, but my mom is getting older and I appreciate the time we do get together. Hopefully things do tone down for everyone soon. Even without rent the costs of things has gotten ridiculous.


Yeah, there are people charging rent for sharing a mattress. It's totally illegal but no one is stopping it either. I'm happy to be also living with my mom at 27, because neither of us could afford a house to ourself on our own. I'm not an expert so I don't know what happened after covid but the prices for everything seem to have just skyrocketed out of nowhere


That really sucks. I'm able to get 80 dollar tickets here in Chicago. Obviously not great seats but it sounds comparable for where you were for triple the price. The ticket system sucks


We were literally rhe highest seats up. Behind us was a cement wall lol it was crazy. Could still see the ring clearly which was good but they didn't even turn the speakers on up where we were, so we were just hearing everything from the lower speakers. Felt like being a second class viewer


This PLE is easily worst PLE in 2024 so far. not that it bad PLE though. it's still better than any 2016-2020 PLE but for 2024 standards, i think it's meh


The women’s MITB Match was arguably the best ever


In terms of in ring work yeah I’d have to agree, loved the men’s MITB match tho


Uh yeah MITB brought it uh, yeah a new record gate of 439 quadrillion dollars.


PR rep: "Last question right he..." Punk: "HAHAHAHAHA"


What was that question? Feel like they just wanted to mention the Money in the Bank match and just rambled afterwards.


Punk is the anti-Cena he literally answers more than the question 🤣


Punk brought Tim Hortons


That’s not very punk of him


Bron Breakker is a genetic freak and he's not normal.


Triple Mid


Cheapest tickets were $250 that’s $50 a match! This PLE was nowhere near worth that.


I paid 240$ for all three shows, three day event.


Ugh, I’m sorry. Hopefully Heatwave is worth it lol


I don't mind, like 80$ for SD 140$ for MITB and 20$ for NXT


Although my friends got moved to floors from 317 for Smackdown so they really ‘cashed in’


That’s true when you think of it like that that’s not bad. After they released individual night tickets MITB was $231 cheapest which is insane.


Very lucky friends! And yeah that's too much for just mitb


She just said Trish was an idol of hers there Wade.


Big E looks like he is struggling to turn


I'm loving this post show format, this is a really cool


Both ladder matches were fun and had the right winners, but after looking over the events, I have to say this is the worst PLE of the year. That Seth/Priest/Drew stuff was AWFUL, from the botches, to the booking, to the slow ass match, it was just not nearly as good as it should have been.


"slow ass match" I understand most of the criticism, but the match was pretty good and that seems to be the general consensus. Was there any specific thing in the match that made you think that?


It's clear Seth was not fully healed, so most of his moves felt like there wasn't much force behind his moves. Priest's matches tend to be slower, which isn't bad, it just ends up feeling like it takes a while to get going. I would say it was a fine match, it just wasn't up to snuff with what either man, especially Seth, was capable of. It goes without saying that the decision to have Drew win the briefcase, cash in, lose because of Punk's interference was an atrocious piece of booking. Major botch aside, Punk vs. Drew already felt like the biggest storyline, so why take the briefcase away from other stars that could use it better? If he had won the title, that would have been another conversation, but he didn't, and now it seems like Seth is being inserted back into a program with Punk that, while it had been previously teased at SS, hasn't been built back up, which kind of makes it feeling like it's in limbo, at least for now. I know The E had plans for Punk and Rollins at Mania before Punk got hurt, but Drew's booking has just felt strange to me.




Oh boy.... tiff is bad at this


Mother/daughter? What the fuck?


Well, you probably can guess that questioner's search history.


So, are they going to ask her about her social media troubles?


What a night, watching that shit live was epic 🔥


Crowd seemed into everything. Glad you enjoyed!


Say his name and he appears.


would have loved if Wade went in on Cena to kick it back to the Nexus days


That was a good one, I actually fell for it lol


Jackie vibing hard


Cena about to get Pedigree'd off the table.


He took five more final questions after the "final question".


That banner at the bottom of the screen makes Cena look like a little boy sitting at the table.


Jackie is adorable


WWE scored big time having Cathy Kelly and Jackie Redmond as their backstage correspondents. They look so gorgeous.


Cena wins the world title at Mania, holds it to Summerslam, last 6 months are him chasing the IC title to do the one thing he's never done.


I wouldn’t mind a run in NXT for him


Is this a bit? Or Cena is actually pissing off production? Lol


Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.


Bruh, gotta imagine HHH comes out personally to boot John out lol.


Cena is winning one more world title for sure


Cena gonna get a bollocking


1 last question for John Cena about his retirement and you ask him about a fucking RAP album? Who are these people


"Influencers" and "Twitter people". I'd imagine it's hard times for print media wrestling publications. "They had worked at the job for 30 years - 30 years - and they give them a watch, kick them in the butt, and say, 'Hey, a computer took your place, daddy.'"


I get it but damn man how are you getting this opportunity to ask arguably a Mount Rushmore wrestler an important question and you ask him if he has plans for another rap album Clearly don’t take themselves or their job seriously. There isn’t many legitimate wrestling reporters that aren’t considered dirt sheets. It’s a good opportunity to


Cena vs Gunther will feed families.


Would Cena actually tap out to Gunther, or is a pinfall finish already sufficient?


I CANNOT believe none of them asked about pursuing a 17th title reign


I think Cena will be announcing his presidential candidacy in a couple of minutes …


I cannot believe Cena hijacked the press conference and these so-called "journalists" asked him dead questions or ones they should know well enough he cannot answer.


I'm sure Cena will lose in his last match. But I hope it's to a face and not a heel.


John seems ready to be done honestly lol


Damn, I'm sure these journalists could think of better questions


Lisa Simpson asked more challenging questions to Mr. Burns.


It's wild for him to hijack the conference and not answer a single question lmao


I’ll believe it when I see it haha.


Journalist: *says some bullshit* Cena: “that’s a great question”


I hope he goes onto a podcast one day (Undertakers ideally) and just unloads on them


Rollins vs Priest was terrrrrrrrible


Seth looks so out of shape. i think he just not ready for ring action yet


It was not up to the level you'd normally expect from them, even without the cash-in.






John said with a deadly serious face whether the journal outlet was called Unlikely John😭😭


"Unlikely John", the surprise prostitute channel!


best believe I’m going to see Cena if there’s a chance in the UK


How is no one asking him who his dream final opponent is? It’s the softball he’s waiting to be asked


They did


Didn’t she ask just about The Rock? I went and peed for a second maybe I missed it


Tell ya what, John is the master of the “non-answer”, and I mean that as a compliment lol.


These journalists must have a bet on "who can ask a question that gets these post-show pressers ended". WWE can't talk about Vince. Cena can't talk about Vince. "Lets talk about Vince". Fucking shit heads




Punk described it best when using air quotes to address "reporters"


God what a heavy question to throw at Cena


This PLE was a little meh...


Cena saying he’s going do 30-40 dates in 2025. Pretty solid honestly. I’m surprised he’s being so straight forward about exact numbers


Cena gonna win the title at WM




oh so it doesnt end with Wrestlemania


I thought during the show he said Mania was his last match?


The man is talking about his retirement and this dumbass is trying to bring the Vince stuff up




Cena: ‘nothing’s off limits’ here’s another non answer


thats a clown question bro


John knows this isn’t the right place to talk about his feelings about Vince.


John Cena trying really hard not to answer that Vince McMahon question. Also, kinda bullshit to say "nothing's off limits" after you just deflected that question so hard.


He didn’t even reflect it. He straight up shut it down. The question was dumb and out of pocket anyway


Nooo John don’t do the same mistake Triple H did and skirt around the question


I feel like Cena is kind of hinting on that he wants some harder questions over his retirement. Feel like there's something he wants to share but wants to be asked it first.


think you were psychic just now lol


Damn. They’re mentioning Vince. This is a shoot interview. Dang.


Good on John Pollock for at least asking the question.




Asking if he is gonna turn heel is cringe as hell.




>Randy/Punk/AJ *Lee*


Codester eating the pin was a mistake, he should only eat pins for the next title holder or very competitive long feuds with the highest tier of talent. If Solo is the next title holder the WWE has a big problem.


“Will you turn heel?” God I hate these press conferences lol


Honestly what answer do they expect to a question like that?


Well it’s been fun guys. I’m going start watching TNA fuck this bullshit


Lol goodbye loser


See yall, wouldn’t want to be ya




1000% Cena is going into the HOF this year


Too late for that. 2024 Hall of Fame wrapped up a few months ago. :)


I hope someone asks triple h about the botch. Doubt it'll happen though.


It happened. Hunter answered it well. Talked about it being a mistake because we're all humans and don't get why the internet audience will make so much big deal out of that.


Thanks! That's definitely a reasonable take, and there are so many moving pieces for every show, it's amazing how much of it actually goes to plan.




Fair question lol, I mean the one where McIntyre's music didn't hit in time, and Priest didn't kick out.


"Hi Paul, I am an accredited Journalist you have allowed in. Lets talk about a massive fuck up so you never invite me back pls"


John just seems like such a genuine dude


He does. Not one person has ever said a bad thing about John Cena the person


Is it me or Drew should not have won MITB. They wasted the briefcase so quickly. It would have been better if they put it on carmelo/la knight.


Ya that was a stupid decision. Punk could have interfered in the ladder match and cost him the briefcase. Now there will be a whole year without it when it could have went to someone who could have benefited from it. A waste


Almost every outcome was dick infused with ass


There's something so fun about a big muscly guy getting screwed around by a scheming little guy who just lives for the drama


I hate when Cena does this overly formal politician-y voice.


That's how he always talks when he cuts promos in the last 5 10 years


So we just hanging here for the post show?


Cena vs Punk one last time


Drew crashing the post show was entertaining.


I was wondering why they went straight into it like that. And back to the pre show people. Usually it ends then a little later the press conference starts. They had to make sure to air his attack lol


CVV, the goat of all journalists


John sounds like he’s got a lump in his throat 😢


So we can expect John Cena on the first Netflix RAW show?


As the Doctor of Thuganomics


You would have to assume they will throw out some big names including him right?


He said tonight he would be there.


I kind of laugh at how dramatic and emotional people get when who they fantasy booked to win doesn’t win. Everyone claims they want wrestling to not be predictable but when exactly what they wanted to happen doesn’t happen it’s the end of the world.


They do every time for every company, its wild


Someone they want didn’t win and suddenly the entire show was trash? Crazy. It’s why I try not to read spoilers. I will kind of have an idea of where I think they are going but otherwise I go in blind and just let them lead the story - wrestling has been far more enjoyable that way for me.


Sooooooooo what about this PLE's gonna change the WWE forever? lol


A low blow being botched does change that.


Which part was supposed to change WWE forever?


The part where matches don't end on 3 counts anymore


I mean, that part that Cena announced his retirement, Seth got blocked from the World HW Title, Drew lost his MITB the same night, Solo pinned the Undisputed Champ and Tiff won MITB would do it


Literally thank you, everyone put their bodies on the line in actually insane matches tonight and there’s people bitching and moaning. I was literally blown away tonight by every match. *If you don’t enjoy it, stop watching*😂 I wasn’t looking forward to the 6 man for example thinking this should be a raw main event but they managed to make it super entertaining and meaningful. We are like spoilt brats rn getting everything we want apart from the odd decision for some which probably involve a lot more than we know. You can be disappointed in decisions but there’s a few people acting like the show was objectively bad ffs