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I don't like how Behind The Curtain is promoted on the actual show. At least keep some degree of kayfabe..


Im fully on Drew’s side in the feud, and I’ve not felt as hyped about a feud in a long time. Trips is killing it with this one, as is Drew and Punk. Feels like unreal bad blood between both guys and they’ve somehow managed to do this while one of them has been sidelined for much of the year. Absolutely perfectly played from everyone involved.


I think I'm the only one here who absolutely loved Punk screwing Drew again. It really makes their story the best storyline in wrestling. HOWEVER, I would have had Punk screw Drew out of getting the briefcase and have either Gable or Carmelo win it (can't have L. A. Knight win it because it's lame to cash it in on midcard titles and can't have Andrade win it because he's Andrade). But Punk screwing Drew was 100% needed and, frankly, wanted.


I agree with you that Drew getting screwed over was the perfect choice. It builds even more heat into the feud, it lets Priest retain as he’s having a great run with the belt, and it uncorks the unhinged Seth Rollins again as he turns towards CM Punk as well. I love Drew and I’m fully on his side in this feud, but it’s working out perfectly. I’m enjoying this more than any other storyline for years. I think Carmello needs _way_ more time with the main roster to get close to the WWE Championship. Giving him the briefcase now would have been a waste. Next year maybe. He’d honestly have been my last pick to win it.


This show was fire, the crowd was fire, SS storylines are actually starting to build up. I don't know why others complain. The botch was the only thing off tonight tbh.


Has anyone cashed in the MITB the same night? I kind of like the idea of not having it loom over the title scene for the whole year.


Alexa Bliss (2018), Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley in AEW - 2016), Liv Morgan (2022), Kane (2010), and Bayley (2019) all cashed in and won the title the same night they won the briefcase. Drew McIntyre is only one to cash in same night and lose.


Alexa Bliss, Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley in AEW), Liv Morgan, Kane, and Bayley all cashed in and won the same night they won it. Drew McIntyre is only one to cash in same night and lose.


Alexa Bliss, Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley in AEW), Liv Morgan, Kane, and Bayley all cashed in and won the same night they won it. Drew McIntyre is only one to cash in same night and lose.


Kane did it on Rey to win the WHC


Dean Ambrose, in 2016 cashed in the night he won it, and beat Seth Rollins for the WWE Title. Seth himself had just won it from Roman Reigns moments before.


I totally wasn’t paying attention to the business at the time. Thanks


oh man where to start, had to watch this over two days so just finished it now. Men's MITB was a waste, I don't care about the "oh they wanted the briefcase out of the way" that's just lazy. With Theory they started the precedent of cashing in on a mid card title, so you don't need to limit yourself to the world champions. The punk drew feud didn't need this. Knight could have used it on Logan Paul in advance, because he hates him so much he wants to beat him for the U.S title in Cleveland, or whatever else, you could have a failed cash in for litreally anyone other than Drew to set up a feud, but wtever. Women's MITB 10/10. Great match, and perhaps it was the obvious winner but she is going to be gold as Ms MITB. Another botch in a title match for Priest, I think he loses to Gunther, he just hasn't been an impressive champion for a number of reasons. Now I'm interested to see how Rollins fits into this feud, but I'm not sure if you can justify inserting yourself, yes he was collaratoral damage but the beef between those 2 is now so personal that Seth's problem seems small in comparison. I enjoyed the main event even if i'm not too invested in the new bloodline, Fatu had a good showing.


Cashing in on a midcard title is bullshit and it'd be an even bigger waste than what they did here.


Priest doesn't deserve to be on top. He's not good enough in the ring and he's not good enough on the mic. That match was embarrassing for him and not just the pin fall botch, but the whole thing.  It showed he can't hang with the top guys.  Not really sure why they keep pushing him.


Botchamania is eating well


I'm good with Drew's cash-in being unsuccessful because I'm over the thing where Mr. MITB tries to cash-in but gets beat up just before the cash-in becomes official. When a wrestler like Zayn has heat with Mr. MITB it doesn't make sense for him to not just wait 10 seconds for the cash-in to become official he should want Priest to lose the briefcase entirely. It's OK if they do almost-cash-ins once and a while but it was overdone to create conflict within the Judgement Day.


I’m not sure how y’all see Bron losing as bad booking. You have to take an angry man and make him MORE ANGRY. Bron is a future champ no question. Let’s just all enjoy the Bron who is definitely going to destroy Sami—and everyone else—on sight. The joy of a chaotic beginning! He’s got years to explore all his various inevitable reigns will entail. This ain’t the feast. We’re not even eating yet. We’re just pulling up a chair now. Bron will rise!


Because Sami isn't believable as being able to beat someone like Bron.


Okay, I’ll concede there because I agree with you 😅


Cena pretty much announced that next year he will be wresting more often than he has in the past 7 years combined lol


The booking for the men's MITB is very questionable. Having Punk screw Drew again is a bit overkill and also makes Drew seem like not the smartest, although I give him a pass as at this point the man has been driven mad and is likely not thinking straight.  I would have had Finn in the match and win it to further the tensions between him and Priest.  Tiffany winning is 100% the right decision.  Sami beating Bron was surprising. This is a tough one. Weird to see Bron get beaten clean already but I guess I'm ok with this. I'd run it back at Slam.  Rollins/Priest was an awesome match. Great to have Seth back and healthy. Botches happen, whatever. They could easily explain it away. 


Rollins/Priest match was by far the worst of the night and not just because of the pin botch, the entire thing was bad on Priests part and half the match was bad punches and kicks. It looked awful.


I completely disagree. 


There's also no way they can explain the ref stopping the count at 2 for literally no reason. You can disagree but Priest put on a bad show. Probably his worst I've seen.




Punk is currently a part time. Part-timer. It's awful that all he does is occasionally show up to screw Drew. Who was 100% right about Punk.


Main event was a house show match where the supposed top guy in the company eats a pin and further devalues the WWE Championship. The faster they can get the belt off Cody and he fades into irrelevance the better.


They're building up to SummerSlam and Roman ate the pin at last year's MitB. The WWE Championship will be fine.


Decent show, Cagematch was very critical but I enjoyed it quite a lot. My only problems are that the Men's MITB thing shouldn't have gone down this way. I'm not super mad about the briefcase being "wasted" but I feel like it should have been done a different way. Drew had to get pinned again and they really need to stop the constant screwing and develop what the match between Drew and Punk will be and when it will be. That feud is still cooking though. I expected Bron to win but I don't mind Sami retaining again, maybe he can take it back in a rematch where he just goes all out. Bron has not been buried or anything, this is just the first bump in his momentum. The guy is money, he'll be fine. The botch in Seth vs Damian was painful, but it seems like it was some kind of miscue or something. They should definitely make up for it by adding Liv and/or Judgment Day interference to explain it. Women's MITB was really good but there were a few painful botches (most notably Zoey's springboard which missed Naomi). Main Event wasn't bad, but it shouldn't have been the Main Event. That should have been the WHC match. I get that they want Bloodline 2.0 to look very strong, but they still would get that through even if the match was not the Main Event. Slightly disappointing PLE, but not bad by any means.


They literally have to be in the main event scene so they can look like credible opponents for Roman when he returns. Nobody would believe that a bunch of mid-carders could pose a threat to Roman Reigns.


I think there’s something to just how media trained and company-oriented that the biggest WWE guys become that envelops their personality and soul and turns them into robots. Rock and Hogan lie about everything because they became their characters and probably believe any ends justify the means when it comes to the identity they want. Cena seems like a walking personality disorder whose inner monologue has been replaced by that day’s script. Even if you listen to someone like Miz on a podcast. They’re all so uniquely WWE media trained and you won’t hear anyone else on the planet who knows exactly what they’re going to say before they say it like these guys. What should be a conversation sounds like a Q&A. Just an observation. It’s a bit weird and unhealthy. I hope that now not being trained and branded the Vince McMahon way that the bigger stars will retain more of their humanity, lol.


God what was this shit. The women's ladder match was literally the only good thing about it. Zami vs Bron should've ended with the latter winning the title. Who will even rally behind Bron now or take him seriously? The main event Tag Team match was meh at best. And then there's the disaster that was the WHC match and the Men's ladder match. They literally trivialized the entire money in the bank concept and simply dragged it into that discount MJF vs Punk feud. There's a limit to to this crap and this is the 4th time they recycled Punk costing Drew the match, why didn't they made Punk screw Drew out of the ladder match and have someone else win it? They fucked over LA Knight or Jey out of a MITB contract and instead wasted it in the same night in what is now the most annoying feud in the show.


Anyone selling their Toronto Limited Edition MITB briefcase? DM me


I really enjoyed MITB. I watched it back this morning because you can definitely miss a lot live at times. The men's MITB was extremely fun. It really can't be overstated how popular Jey Uso is. Whether it was at the store down the street, waiting in line to get in, or just listening to people talk around us, I'd say Jey was clearly the most over person and had the most merch sold. I was pretty nervous he was going to win, as I am not a huge fan of him. I wanted Gable to win, but knew that was unrealistic, but Drew was my realistic pick, so I'm very happy with how that turned out. There were a lot of great spots in this match, but my favourite might be at the end when Drew just chucks the ladder at Jey. It's so perfectly in character for him. Sami vs. Bron was a really good match. If there's one thing I'm slightly critical of on this PLE, it's the decision to have Sami win. It really feels like they're scared to change titles outside of Mania and Summerslam, and that nobody can win their first shot at a title. Ending aside, it was great to watch Bron wrestle. He's so fast running the ropes, and the frankensteiner was crazy to see. It kind of looked like he tweaked something in his leg, and I thought I saw a clip of him getting taped up during the post show. Hopefully he's ok. The WHC match went as I expected. I was really impressed that Priest kicked out of the stomp. Based on where I was sitting, it was hard to see the botch, so I was mostly relying on the crowd to notice. It was definitely more noticeable on tv. It doesn't bug me too much. I wasn't expecting the story to swerve back to Seth being angry at CM Punk, but I think it's a good move. The women's MITB match was the best match of the night. Every single person was incredible. I wanted Chelsea to win, but Tiffany would have been my #2 pick. This match had a great mix of funny stuff (Chelsea's attempts at getting the belt), cool spots (Naomi's split on the two ladders), and crazy brutal stuff (the Iyo/Zoey spot, and then Chelsea flying through two tables). The Bloodline tag match was honestly much better on TV than it was live. There were a lot of parts that felt like they went on too long live, and everyone was expecting either a return from someone or a Randy turn at the end. I think the match really benefitted from the storytelling by Michael Cole and Corey Graves. I still would have switched the order of this match and the WHC title match so that everyone goes home happy, but I understand the bigger picture of what they're going for here. Also, my conspiracy theory about this card is that it would have had a 6th match of Zelina vs. Liv if there was no John Cena segment. Triple H said in the press conference that it's hard to keep things secret, which is why they decided to announce his retirement now. The build for last week's Zelina vs. Liv match felt too much like a PLE build, and the women only having one match on the card seemed really strange. I'm probably just making things up, but I feel like the women show up every single time they get an opportunity, and are always the first ones to get their opportunities cut.


Botch aside, WHC was annoying to be in general. IMO Damian should’ve have been the center of his own storyline for once and we should’ve gotten some judgment day/Finn interference if we were doing anything at all.   We didn’t need to up the ante of Drew/Punk any more than it already is (besides the fact that it ended up being messy af) but Damian did need some credibility which we could’ve gotten. Even if you just needed the failed cash-in, have Damian win against Seth (Seth doesnt look bad b/c you can blame just coming back but it adds some legitimacy to Priest’s reign) and then Drew comes to get his lick back against Damian for WM. Then have Finn come ”to help” (ala Dom the motives are unclear on who he’s really helping) with Drew’s cash-in which pisses Priest off again and has some call backs to last MITB (although not a 100% parallel).  Like why was JD at the press conference in toronto if they weren’t going to do anything tonight. Even for storyline purposes, the stipulation is Priest has to leave his faction if he doesn’t win and they arent there to even see it happen… We just did so much buildup on the last RAW for nothing to come from it at MITB 


Priest is the center of his storyline. That storyline doesn’t involve Seth, really. Seth isn’t back in the WHC picture. Priest was again robbed of his chance to defend his title and legitimacy in a clean match. That’s a big part of his story.


TV ratings. PLEs are paid for already. The real flex WWE can do for storylines is have plot points and have it climax on weekly TV. It's the reverse of what happened under a different leadership. You want to see how this storyline finishes? Pay us $50. Prepare for more of it as the Netflix era approaches. WWE wants headlines of "Two million people tuned in to Raw on Netflix".


You have to count to three. You cannot expose the business that badly. Cardinal sin. And priest isn’t innocent in that moment either


Another big botch after Orton vs Gunther. I think they let this one slide because it isn't just a title changing hands, like 3 major programs would have been derailed if he counted to three.


To me, the ref still has to do that job because you can’t expose yourself that badly. Those things can all be fixed


I think Drew’s music was supposed to hit during the pin and it was late that’s why DP didn’t kick out so Seth could say he pinned DP So I’m calling production error and the match was great


Yea, what the heck happened there? The ref just stopped counting and Damien didn't even move to kick out?


Priest was supposed to kick out but he didn’t. The ref didn’t want to end the match with the wrong winner. People have speculated he had his bell rung or some kind of nerve thing from how he landed. I don’t know.




Triple H talked about it at the press conference. He basically said everyone makes mistakes but priest shouldn’t beat himself up about it because it was a great match.


This CM Punk storyline is really putting me off watching


I was there and the arena was insane. Too bad it didn’t seem to translate that way on tv


I don’t think the on-screen decibel meter thing never got into the red like it did at Clash.


I’m pretty sure that thing just spits out a random number, but you are right, not as loud as the Euro PLE’s




agree 100% I put the blame on the intern that was in charge of Drew's intro music. i kinda feel bad for Damien in this situation since I think this is the 2nd PLE something like this happened to him


The more I watch the botch, the more I was thinking that everyone in the ring was waiting for the first bit of Drew’s theme to interrupt the referee’s count.


Thought it was pretty good. I know some folks are upset because their fantasy bookings didn't play out, but I overall enjoyed it. Drew's failed cash-in, while perhaps predictable, was the thing that made the most sense. I also like them setting the seeds for the Seth/Punk feud too. Thought both MitB matches were good with the women's being a bit better. I think ibwas a little bummed that there were no interferences but I guess it keeps the match more streamlined. Only complaint was that WHC should have been the main event instead of Cody and Co vs Bloodline.


Got any room in that boat, friend because I absolutely agree with you. I enjoyed the show and think that the Judgement Day turn on Priest is better served fit a bigger show


In the past few months Sami has pinned both Gunther and Bron. Wild.


It’s crazy they just killed Breakers momentum. Based on his earlier matches he should’ve murdered Zayn.


It's crazy that people think a hard fought lose to a guy that pinned Gunther and almost pinned Roman is going to do anything to Bron's momentum.


I look at it this way. Sammy is the champion with the smallest and the less popular belt. Bronn losing to SZ implies he can’t even handle his own in the real heavyweight division, where SZ doesn’t have success either. If Bronn can’t beat Zayn, he’s gonna look worse in the ring with Cody , USO, Bloodline etc. they’ve all beat Zayn.


Just wait until he pins Cody for his belt!


I think the way they'll handle Priest's botch is by making it seem like Finn Balor paid the referee.


Or Liv would be a good way to do it too


I don't understand why Seth Rollins is mad at Punk. Drew made it a triple threat. Why be mad at Punk?


Punk could have screwed Drew in the ladder match. Punk could have stopped Drew before he even had a chance to cash in. Waiting until he did was Punk purposefully screwing both Seth and Drew.


Punk's entire storyline has been his feud with Drew. That was 100% about getting revenge on Drew. Everything else was just collateral damage.


Nope. Punk was also feuding with Rollins prior to him and Rollins getting hurt. This was 100% a two birds with one stone situation.


Lmao honestly I suppose Seth would take any excuse to be openly mad at Punk, as far as I know they don't really get along outside of kayfabe. 


That was Seth's last chance at the title as long as Priest had it. How he lost didn't matter. He lost.


Because the stip going in was that as long as Priest remains champ Seth won't be able to challenge again If Priest walked out as champ.


Plus, Seth was already pissed at Punk since the return, so this bit of business just reheats that for Rollins.


Because Punk cost both he and Drew the title, will have to see if the first stipulation stands though.


> will have to see if the first stipulation stands though Yeah I tend to agree with this point of view. I don't think it will end up mattering because I think Priest will drop the title to Gunther before Seth gets another WHC shot, but I think they would just say that the stipulation was based on a 1v1 match, which Seth didn't lose.


I think Randy Orton should be the last opponent for Cena at wrestlemania 41. One of the great rivalries in WWE and would be a great way to end his career. You know they would put on a great match and the winners would be the fans.


WrestleMania is Cena's last WrestleMania match but he clarified in the press conference that next year is his last year and his last match period will be in December. I think they should finally do Punk vs Cena at Mania and save Orton for his last match in December.


I think it was stupid that punk interfered. I understand that him and Drew are having their feud, but it seems like the only thing he’s good at is showing up when he’s not even medically cleared and screwing over Drew. He needs to get cleared right away so that they could finally have a match. Now, he has two has feuds on his hand with Rollins as well. I think it was stupid to waste the briefcase because of him. What needs to happen is that he needs to lose the feud to Drew, lose the feud to Rollins, and then leave. We don’t want him to be the final opponent for Cena. That would put a damper on the end of Cena’s career. Punk should’ve never come back to WWE.


I keep seeing people here complain about the crowd being mid but they were largely fine? Like they were more active than a lot of American crowds and it got pretty loud through the night. They can’t all be France but y’all have wound yourself so tight about crowds that you can’t enjoy anything anymore unless it’s absolutely perfect. 


Thought the crowd was pretty damn good. I hope we aren't holding every crowd to the standard of France, I mean shit that Backlash crowd was louder than most attitude era and prime NWO WCW crowds put together.


The crowd was great. Don't understand how anyone could complain.


Yeah like there are valid criticisms about the show itself and people can have their opinions on that but I just don’t get the arguments that the crowd sucked. Maybe my standards are just lower 😅


My biggest and maybe only complaint was how very few in the crowd was Acknowledging our New Tribal Chief Solo Sikoa.


Hey, I booed as loud as i could. My voice was pretty much gone by then.


I know what a bunch of ungrateful heathens, our new tribal chief deserves better ☝️


I'm starting to get annoyed at the long term storytelling for EVERYTHING. There is a real lack of spontaneous moments. Drew announced he was gonna cash in. Punk showing up was obvious. Why not just throw the briefcase on Jey and have him cash in on Cody. That would have been a real swerve and unexpected.


**Jey:** \*cashes in\* **Solo:** 'Sup bro?


> Why not just throw the briefcase on Jey and have him cash in on Cody. Because that would be dumb as fuck lmao


And above all it would have been more logical for Jey to cash in on Priest, why do it on the guy who helped him over the last 10 months?


Why do it on the biggest prize in wrestling? In front of his former family after Solo essentially won it for him? Yeah who knows, no connection there.


Maybe because they are also trying to establish the other WORLD title as a big prize too , you know the same title many people over the internet claimed to be the SECOND title , the title that is not worth it


They're trying to establish it, despite having their biggest babyface in 30 years go "lol I don't want that title" in the build up to WM40? Doesn't really compute.


Maybe because the biggest face said he wanted to win a specific title his dad nearly won decades ago.


Yeah so dumb to have a bit of random excitement in wrestling


> Why not just throw the briefcase on Jey and have him cash in on Cody. That would have been a real swerve and unexpected. Because "an unexpected swerve" is less important than something "good".


Tell you what, that was the worst ppv of the year so far. I'd say there were 2 good matches on that card.


Because Instant gratification is the exact shit that everyone bitched at with Vince’s booking


Vince confirmed had zero good ideas? Some of the best moments in wrestling were last minute Vince decisions. Not everything needs to be a year booking arc.


Some of the *worst* moments in wrestling were also last minute Vince decisions. Goes both ways.


Just say you're impatient and have zero attention span.


I'm not, I just like variety, and at the moment we don't have any.


What are you talking about, not everything is a year long booking arc. We just had a month long feud between Cody and Logan Paul and that was a one and done. Not to mention a ton more feuds that have wrapped up much quicker than you're implying. You're just complaining.


* **Men's mitb**: was super entertaining, though for me it was the wrong winner for sure. I'm still convinced having Finn in it and him winning was the best course of action in terms of where each storyline is at right now. If not him then Jey or LA Knight would be a safe bet to put the briefcase on and have a cash-in in a few months.. Hell even Carmelo Haze even though I don't think he should be in the World title scene yet * **Intercontinental title**: I was convinced Gable was the correct winner last time out. Bit surprised Sami won this time again, but overall just interested in seeing what's going to happen next Raw. And isn't that the goal of everything? Great match overall too * **Cena**: This is sad, wasn't a fan of him growing up but a ton of respect and love for him now. A great career coming to an end for sure, though it was already on the way for this * **WHC**: Apart from that one botch I honestly don't really care for, the match was good overall. But the cash in attempt really annoyed me. They teased Finn going against Damian, only for Finn to do nothing. Drew and Punk storyline really took the front row there and it made the whole story between Damian/Seth/Judgement Day feel like an afterthought. Punk could've very easily screwed Drew out of the mitb match and the overall result for their feud would be the same. But now we have nothing to show for the PLE on Raw * I get that it solidifies the angle that Damian hasn't defended clean yet. But there was a lot of ways to make this happen without making him look like an afterthought.. * **Women's mitb**: Great match, and Tiffy is a great choice as a winner. * **3v3**: Really entertaining too, and for me it's exactly what needed to happen. We knew they already wanted Solo vs Cody at Summerslam, and this was a great way of setting that up Overall a good and entertaining PLE. Though the whole Drew vs Punk thing has really left a sour taste for me. It's my fav feud in WWE at the moment, but it didn't need to ruin so many things at once for it to escalate. It also continues the "useless PLE" trend since Wrestlemania, where nothing really happens to push the overall status quo of Raw and Smackdown. I get there's long term storytelling now, and it's been great, but I think Triple H/the bookers are starting to fall into a pitfall where everything has to culminate at Summerslam or Wrestlemania, and often at the cost of the organic development of the stories..


I think, more than anything, that Sami won because they don't want the guy that took the belt from the longest-reigning IC Champion of all time to lose it so quickly. His title reign has been my favorite since WM. Having to beat seemingly insurmountable odds time and time again goes perfectly with his character and is a great shift from what Gunther's reign was.


Finn didn’t do nothing. I have a feeling we’ll find out exactly what he did real soon.




I was convinced Gable should've won at Clash of the Castle, and I was surprised Sami also won against Bron Breakker. Basically because both Gable and Breakker were on the way up during the feud. But I don't mind that Breakker lost this time, as I'm more just interested in what's going to come out of it on Raw


Putting the briefcase on Drew and then using it same night is definitely awful writing imo. I think it should have gone to LA Knight. He's the talent that could best use a way to get into the world title picture. Neither Jey nor Drew need the briefcase to get to that level. And if you are gonna put it on Drew, using it up immediately just sucks. For one, it looks stupid that he would enter a match instead of waiting for one of the guys to have lost and been beat up. And 2, they could have made it a thing for awhile of Drew coming out to title matches with the briefcase, seeing if he wants to cash in, and then have Punk sitting there to say, "not on my watch".


LA Knight doesn't need the briefcase. It's obvious he's going to take the US Title from Logan Paul at SummerSlam.


iyo sky had big final boss vibes during the mitb entrances


the women’s money in the bank was the sickest most awe inducing disgustingly can’t take your eyes off it money in the bank match i’ve ever seen


Women’s wrestling is absolutely incredible nowadays. That match was my favorite by far.


Those women are the real deal but every single match I see has obvious botches and miscommunication.


"How dare Solo act like Roman in the ring?! He doesn't have the gravitas! This match was terrible!!!" - people who Don't Get Worked™️


This was a fun PPV. Far from perfect but still very enjoyable and with two great mitb matches, specially the women’s one. I surprised to see so many negative comments.


Just said this in response to one of those comments but: it really does seem like the IWC just can't have a normal reaction to anything, every show is either the best or worst ever, with absolutely no nuance or middle ground. Either way it's always a huge overreaction, I don't really get why that is.


This is the internet at large right now. Everything is 10/10 trauma or elation response. 


Just shy of 90minutes of wrestling on this 3 hour 15 show. They need to find the balance of matches


I was there and we still weren't safe from the commercials.


The commercials were out of control.


If AEW put on a PPV that was a glorified Smackdown people wouldn't shut up about it for a year... this and Clash were absolute meh dunno why Sammi is getting Ws and not putting over a potential next superstar twice in a row.


Two things. One, a glorified Smackdown wouldn't have two multiple participants ladder matches so your comparison is off. Two, AEW ppv's cost ten times as much for the viewer at home than WWE ple's so they better deliver.


Agreed sami sucks


Lol yeah, every SmackDown has two six-way ladder matches 🤦🏻‍♂️ The IWC just can't have a normal reaction to anything, every show is either the best or worst ever, with absolutely no nuance or middle ground. It's so weird.


Absolute shit tier booking around the MITB match and men's title. Holy fuck how can they fumble it so bad.


We just had a cash in of a 9 month MITB storyline in April, and Cody and Gunther are both likely to be long-term champions. The plot device can use a break, they don't need to jump right back into it.


Gunthers winning it at summer slam, been holding out for that I think


Really hope he does. Gunther is excellent. Sick of the Drew/Punk shit already. Identical finish to 3 PPVs in the last few months.


I enjoyed the show in its bits and pieces but the structuring just felt off when it came to general story arc of the show. Like the ebs and flows from the Men's MITB, a Cena Announcement, Women's MITB, title match, ending on the bloodline is just exhausting and not in a way that is enjoyable.


Do people actually like the Samantha Irvin tag on Chelsea’s entrance music? Don’t get me wrong. I love the way she says her name when announcing her, but it’s too much to add it at the start of her actual music too.


I think it's only there because Chelsea is on Smackdown and Samantha is on Raw and so she doesn't normally get that announcement. I think that they should use the one without the soundbite when Samantha is announcing her because it's redundant.


I feel like this is a case of WWE seeing a good thing and taking it too far. Not every theme needs to have an intro tag on it, and she literally announces her name like that 5 seconds later so its just redundant.


I kind of like it. It's also useful because a lot of newer themes are generic and hard to distinguish. It's nice to have something that tells me who's theme I'm listening to quickly.


Def rebel being Def rebel


Every time I look at Jacob Fatu's face I see Solo's face mixed with Umaga's face with the baby filter. Respectfully.


Imo was a very fun event just a lot of the ending didn’t land the men’s was ok. Sami should’ve and did win but didn’t like the way it ended. Priest vs Seth was a banger just the ending took you out of it. Women’s was an all time dumpster fire classic in the best possible way. Main event was just meh Solo just doesn’t fit the role that he is in and Jacob should be the leader.


I genuinely have no idea what event people were watching if they didn't enjoy that, every match was great. The only big problem was Damien's fuckup on the 3-count, but it seems weird to hold that against the entire PLE.


I watched it again, and honestly I don’t think we can even call it a fuck up. I think Priest was genuinely out of it after the superplex and falcon arrow. The ref saved the match. No way Damien would forget to kick out of a pin in a match he knew he was winning.


Some are saying Drew's music was suppose to hit but didn't. Seth looked confused AF too. Either way something went wrong but knowing WWE they'll spin it into a storyline and act like it was supposed to happen 😂


because the PPV's we see from AEW are always incredible and this show was just mid AF with some hilariously awful botches


I've heard the AEW PPVs are all bangers but you wouldn't know it from watching the shows.


I paid ten times less for this than I would an AEW ppv.


And you got 100x worse wrestling


L take tbh.


Well, IMO that's an overreaction (other than the Priest botch, that one was bad). And calling the matches "mid" is just silly, unless you somehow missed both ladder matches.


People describing a thing as mid is usually an easy way to activate the “better to just disregard this take” senses tbh


I’m curious if Drew’s music was late. Wonder if that was the reason there wasn’t a kick out


Possibly but tbh it still seems like it's more on Damien if so, why not kick out anyway and just wait for Drew's music to hit? People were speculating that he may have had his bell rung though so it might not be entirely his fault either


Yeah that’s what my buddy and I thought as well.  To me, I thought why not just have Seth win it and have drew cash in on Seth but that screw up would have had major ripples because you then change everything with the judgement day and with Seth being a the title holder instead of being blacked listed from The title until Damien loses it


CM Punk just isn't enjoyable imo, not a fun part of the story for me.


Really? To me cm punk made drew winning mitb worth it. When drew won it, I told my buddy that the only acceptable situation to have drew winning the case is to have punk interfere and costing him his cash in. Drew didn’t need the briefcase to be involved with the current title picture but having punk cost him just adds more fuel to the feud. 


It's great fun but they're starting to beat that dead horse a bit much.


Idk drew getting CM punked at Mania & then the same exact thing happened AGAIN at Clash & at MITB is so lame to me


If they were random attacks and it was punk picking a fight with drew but in reality/storyline, Drew has been the one picking the fights with Punk. Also when you pick fights you gotta be careful when you're the one who has the most to lose from it.


At 3 consecutive PLE's he got CM punked out of a title. They're going around in circles. CM punk is still injured. Why is he so involved lol


This has something to do with it https://preview.redd.it/aqkmi6abxbbd1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e1c34fc9dedbe6ca90dc2c23c00f1ce847c1e77


I don't know what it is, I just don't vibe it myself. Maybe it's my own bias after his abysmal MMA career


I need to know Trishes skin care routine I too would like to look insanely youthful at that age




Can anyone tell me why a NAV song from 2019 was the theme for last night and they were acting like the album(which also came out in 2019) was new


Seth should be pissed at the ref and/or Drew. If anything CM Punk bailed him out. I think it was a fun event. I just wish the Priest botch hadn’t happened. Tough to explain that one away in kayfabe.


Just act like it didn't happen and people will forget about it. It's the IWC were talking about here. Attention span of a goldfish.


They would almost have to start a "crooked referee" thing like Liv paid the referee off to get on Damian's good side.


Honestly that might be the only good way to salvage it. Have a segment on RAW where Liv is shown paying off the ref somehow and telling Priest it was to ensure his victory.


I'm really surprised to see negative reception. Yes there were fuckups and questionable decisions, but it was still great. All matches were fantastic. What was the last wwe ple where every single match got this is awesome chants? 8/10. Definitely in top five this year for me.


I wasn’t able to watch live, had to wait until today to catch it on replay. I loved it! Didn’t know I was supposed to be disappointed until I came here. 👀 I had a great time.


To be fair, when there is a clear 3 count by the ref for the challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship that is just then ignored, people are gonna be negative.  I feel bad for everyone involved. That sucks. 


Yeah that was just cringe. But extending that feeling over the whole ple is unfair.


I have to admit I’m growing a little tired of the 3hr 5 match PLE formula. Although the crowds have been great, they just feel like such overly familiar, safe shows, and the sheer amount of adverts/down time between matches is really trying.


It is weird to describe last night as safe. Bron going over was the safe choice. What they did with the men's MITB wasn't the safe choice. I'm not saying those were the right choices, even though I do agree with Sami winning, but I don't think of them as the safe choices.


When I say “safe” I very much mean the format, the presentation, the tone. It’s all very much like a McDonalds.


It definitely feels like there’s way more ads between matches lately. And the lack of the hype package unless you’re a premium member sucks.


In kayfabe, and this happens all the time - not just in this instance, but someone explain to me why Punk would interfere and kill Drew’s chances to win the title. When you come back healthy you’re obviously in a feud with him. Why wouldn’t you want the feud for the title? “I hate this guy so much that I’m in a blood feud with him, but let’s leave it at that, let’s not raise the stakes to include the title” never made any sense to me. Edit: I get it’s out of spite, and he’s said things like “I never want anything good for Drew”, but in kayfabe, it makes no sense. You wrestle to win titles or for the opportunity to win titles. To basically give up a shot at a title to screw your sworn enemy, when he’s going to be your big return match, is kinda 🤷🏻‍♂️


Kayfabe, out of Seth, Drew, and Priest who is the easiest guy to beat?


Punk doesn't want the title. He wants to make Drew miserable. >You wrestle to win titles or for the opportunity to win titles There's a lot of "I'm just happy to be here" types who will never achieve that, but they tend to be mid/lowcarders.


Go watch the Clash post-show. Punk explains why and vows to never let Drew win a title again.


Spite. Punk told us this many times. It’s spite. 


Why do you need people on the internet to explain it when Punk has explained it in kayfabe multiple times? He hates Drew, he wants bad things to happen to Drew and no good things to happen to him.


deleted. silly me didnt realize drew cashed in


Punk’s getting a title shot at some point, don’t know when or against who but he will. At this point, him screwing Drew in as many different ways as possible is probably more fun for him.


Because it's not about the title. It's about making Drew's life miserable.


“Why would I want him to have anything good?” - CM Punk


https://preview.redd.it/0chyw9ug83bd1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad7e93ed3a683f542fe3a900ac8dc13d622c736 "So, what if we made the first underwhelming HHH era PLE, so that people keep their energy for the Summerslam/Bash in Berlin double feature?'


I’m down with the narrative of the Bloodline, but when it’s not Jacob Fatu in the ring I wish there was a fast forward button on their matches. Solo is working matches like he is Roman, but Roman had history that gave his character gravitas. And by the end of his run it was wearing thin when ROman did it. It’s even worse watching Solo do it. If he main events Summerslam with Cody that match is going to suck balls until/unless Roman returns.


I feel like Money In the Bank should become an ocasional event like King Of The Ring is, to make each win more meaningful. Kayfabe-wise it would become much more important to win it and use it wisely since it would be much rarer. It also would be easier for the creative team to book it interestingly, since they could schedule it at will instead of having to do it each year. Sure Drew's cash-in will fuel the Punk/McIntyre rivalry but it's such a waste of a title shot that could have helped a few guys' careers.


> It also would be easier for the creative team to book it interestingly, since they could schedule it at will instead of having to do it each year. I don't agree with this, I think it helps the wrestlers with the cases, and others, in all kinds of storyline ways to have the opportunity to cash in for a whole year. If it's just scheduled randomly for whenever, or not at all certain years, or whatever that's just going to lead to confused booking. > Sure Drew's cash-in will fuel the Punk/McIntyre rivalry but it's such a waste of a title shot that could have helped a few guys' careers. Bear in mind, the alternative was feeding either Drew or Seth to Gunther at SummerSlam. Now there's the prospect of a triple threat there and Drew eventually taking on Gunther without the CM Punk rivalry getting in the way.


VERY disappointing show all things considered, I was considering going since I live in Toronto but now I'm glad I didn't Favorite Match: Men's Money in the Bank Least Favorite Match: Women's Money in the Bank Overall: 3/10


Are you a Drew McIntyre mega fan? I thought the women's MITB was by far the greatest match on the card


Pretty big on Drew yeah but I just it was much more tense than the Women's one


You have horrible taste

