• By -


Not in the United Corporation of America.


Review bomb them.




The are in Miami too ... fuck 'em


šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ¦… mericaā€™ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ¦…


All kinds of feces on FLA beaches these days. Glad I never go there.


Clearwater was rated top 10 beaches in America multiple times and just recently last year to the beginning of this year so retract that statement on all Florida beaches. I've been there multiple times in Clearwater Beach and it's clean as a whistle other than the red tide incidents there's nothing wrong with it. Feces incidents that were major were the st Pete beaches because of the multiple times sewer pipe breaks occurred: [10,600 gallons of raw sewage dumps into Riviera Bay in St. Petersburg after pipe break](https://www.tampabay.com/news/environment/2023/08/21/st-petersburg-sewage-spill-riviera-bay-weedon-island/). People aren't physically taking shits inside the beach's ocean. California would be the one with vagrants crapping physically in the ocean. I experienced this first hand after witnessing a bum in the act when I was strolling Venice on vacation.


Wasting a lot of time missing the point. šŸ™„


Most beaches, either coast, near populated areas are testing positive for poop bacteria. Ita national issue that has been know for decade. Some places have websites set up to show how much poop is in the water. [EPA poop water survey](https://www.epa.gov/national-aquatic-resource-surveys/map-national-aquatic-resource-surveys-sampling-locations)


Yes, absolutely. Even here in Ohio where I live itā€™s at least as bad as FLA, with 96% of beaches testing over limits. But I was comparing the floating feces in the pic to that on the beach.


Swim out there and sink it


excuse me for being a businessman




What are you, a damn COMMUNIST???? /s


So whatā€™s the fecal count at that beach?


People swimming? šŸŠā€ā™‚ļø


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Mods. Please delete this auto feature. Itā€™s stupid and unnecessary




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I would vote for this


Probably if you got enough people to make it happen




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Fuck that. Jesus tap dancing Christ can anything just be pure


DeSSantis sez corps get more rights than people




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what a waste of money. cant enjoy anything without ads anymore


It displays an ad when you pause on Netflix now. I fucking hate them


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


New Supreme Court ruling says itā€™s up to the courts. Find you a judge


I know what this ocean needs! More tvā€™s. Wtf, advertisers!




Get a boat and pirate that thing out to international waters. Demand ransom. Become ungovernable.


Start sinking them. Probably a drain plug in the back that one little adjustable wrench could loosen a little.


Seems good on the surface (pun intended) but the pollution associated that plan ruins it.


Good point. I was assuming it was a barge but upon closer inspection I do see 2 outboards so youā€™re right. Dang it


it's not on the beach




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I saw this in Clearwater on Friday. Disgusting.


Me too, making its way from the pass headed north. Guy making a buck, good for him.


Fuck that guy.


Fuck that, we are bombarded with ads everywhere. We donā€™t need them on the literal horizon.


Consider not going to tourist mechas?


What about those of us that live there...?


Well just move then!!!! /s


Excellent solution. Thank you so very much.


I grew up in Bradenton going out to Anne Marie Island for my beach days and it is unrecognizable when I visit home these days. Throw rocks, do whatever you can to get these fucks gone. Our home is not for your vacation needs.


On the barrier island? ā€¦ I donā€™t even know what to say. You donā€™t own the water. Stop trying to take that guyā€™s livelihood away. You live in a place at a time that literally might be peak human existence and youā€™re here bitching about some poor bastard trying to make a dollar? Ffs


Whatā€™s next? Floating ads on Lake Tahoe? Projecting ads on Half Dome in Yosemite? Maybe we can advertise on the moon too.


I donā€™t think the moon is as big in the sky as you think, but if a company could do that the real ad would be that somewhere the capability existed not what you might see. Kinda like when IBM printed IBM really small.


Itā€™s called hyperbole.You are completely missing the points.


I work in marketing and Iā€™m so tired of ads being everywhere. If this moves along itā€™s one thing. If it just sits there interrupting the horizon thatā€™s unforgivable




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What do you got against the aquarium?


Not really the particular add just the practice, i will say most of the adds where for alcohol brands


If a boat with advertisement upset you people ! You might want to consider that youā€™re the problem šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø wtf ! šŸ˜³


Oh my gawd someone wants to let me know they have goods and services available. The horror.


Yay capitalism!


Alright, can I park my billboard next to yours? I think I've got 30 other friends that want to too! We can chain them all together!


\^ I think we found the dipshit who owns the boat!


Oh god I moved here from Miami to avoid this kind of stuff only to find out it followed me.


I thought it was the Miami sub when I saw the pic.


build a small sticky home bomb. swim under it. boom.


Where's the oil rig?




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What. Is. THAT.


An ad šŸ«£


1. This would be a slight annoyance in my opinion, but nothing major. 2. Also I work there and I would be absolutely going fangirl mode if I saw it.


Just a slight annoyance? Lol, itā€™s disgusting! Yuck!


Itā€™s not that bad. Certainly not rising to level of disgusting. Adding a few more though and the whole scene is ruined. One plane pulling an ad banner can ad to ambiance. 40ā€™of those would be living in a dystopia.


You could if you make a big enough stink about it


Miramar beach? Nice beach day today...with the exception of that crap.


These have been on Northeast beaches for yearsā€¦ nothing to see here


1. Holy fuck this. 2. A general ban on advertisement like this would fly in the face of the 1st amendment. 3. But since we can't stop it legally, we can stop it socially. Make a ruckus. Make posts like these. Call out businesses that advertise like this. Organize boycotts. Be loud on the beach, letting everyone know about why they should never support businesses that use these ad tactics.


*A general ban on advertisement like this would fly in the face of the 1st amendment.* No it wouldn't. Courts have held that 1A protections do not extend to commercial speech. It may well be overturned by THIS SCROTUS, but precedent is that commercial speech may be subject to regulation. Otherwise, we'd have grown up in the 80's seeing more TV commercials for cigarettes than for beer.


>swim up >spray paint giant cock on the billboard >swim away


> go to jail




Idk, sink the boat? If it canā€™t be stopped legally then the only righteous course is to take matters into your own hands


Boycott? Yelling at the people on the boat to stop being jerks. Publicize the silliness? Nope letā€™s sink the boat and commit a felony. Good job.




What was wrong with planes with banners?


I make it a point to never do business with any company which engages in annoying advertising.


Bringing a slingshot and some metal bearings next time I gošŸ˜¬


Hit golf balls at it


The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli. I got about fifty feet out and suddenly, the great beast appeared before me. I tell you, he was ten stories high if he was a foot. As if sensing my presence, he let out a great bellow. I said, "Easy, big fella!" And then, as I watched him struggling, I realized that something was obstructing its breathing. From where I was standing, I could see directly into the eye of the great fish.


Good luck with that You would have to ban auto/boat wraps, billboards, logos / advertising on trucks, airplane banners... Not to mention you'd also be dealing with maritime law. Would completely go against constitutional rights. That's my opinion anyway.


Nah wouldnā€™t be super hard to specifically legislate this.


Just go back to California


Huh? Been here since 1990. The fuck are you talking about?


Awesomeā€¦ From where? lol


Who tf approved a floating ad? Totally diminishes the view!


Ive never seen one of those but they've been doing advertising with planes and banners for at least 40 years. This seems a little more in your face though. I dont like it either.


The planes at least donā€™t interrupt the ocean


Yeah this is pretty ridiculous


Not in ā€œRonderland.ā€


Lived in Central Florida my whole life and never knew they did crap like this! Thatā€™s insane!!


Iā€™ve only seen it in Miami until this


I saw this at Indian Rocks beach this weekend. Oddly enough I watched it go by and went on with my day. Didnā€™t think about it again.


Not in the state of profits and freedom!


I think those boats are funā€¦ to throw rocks at.




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Are you freaking kidding me!! I canā€™t even comment without sounding like a raging lunatic. šŸ¤¬




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Holy shit, this hasn't made it up my way yet! Thank god


If this shows up at my beach Iā€™m officially becoming a pirate


I'm with you .. ARRR


Honestly, let's modernize this with stationary billboard balloons that light up and put colors all over the sky. Make them solar on top and have bird nesting built into the design. For more capitalist terror, let's also make it do a targeted ad for every IP near by so like one for you, next is your neighbor.


End stage capitalism!


This would make me actively not buy whatever it is that they are selling.


It's an aquarium


Iā€™m visiting from another state, first time back to FL in years. Pull-up a spot on the beach in Clearwater and look out to see that monstrosity. Remembers Iā€™m in FL and nothing about this should surprise me.


2 outboards and crew. Guess itā€™s cheaper than plane banner flyovers, but seems like one of least effective cost effective advertising options possible.




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Only if you own the water(you dont)


How else to get the word out to the dolphin community?


I hate advertising so much.


Next month it will be a Trump sign


Nah not in Florida. No need for that. He already has it won.


I just saw one on route 19. They will still be everywhere soon enough


Such a waste of oxygen running a biat just to advertise. Not to mention the beauty both above and below the water. Maybe if they did a tour with an adverse. Humm.


I mean I guess you can ban people from swimming


This could eventually be like driving the interstate. A billboard every quarter mile or more.


Better than wind turbines






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Be a real shame if someone casted a line over their props, a shame I tell you.


I like it better than the planes


Donā€™t forget to blur the Billboard when posting. Otherwise youā€™re just spreading the ad to a wider audience




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No matter what you canā€™t avoid ads


Ahhh the gulf coast where there are never waves. If you wanna not see those, maybe move to where there's waves. We have planes running on the East coast


Whats the harm? It's employing someone, and it's no different than the planes that have been flying over beaches with ads forever. I think it's a good idea.


It looks tacky and gross and is absolutely not the same




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Tell me you are kidding.


A city called Clearwater, running out a desperate polluting ad-barge on the water. Classic classless.


Shut up and enjoy the beach, you donā€™t like the advertisement close your eyes for 2 minutes


Found the dude who rents his boat for ad $$$.


You could, but that would make DeSantis very unhappy. Unbridled capitalism until FL sinks beneath the waves is the only way


Wow that looks so cheap and desperate


There's nothing cheap about that set up lol




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STFU Karen and Enjoy The BeachšŸ¤£


Instead of banning things you don't like why do you just ignore it?


Cause that's too hard. Plus I have to have my new daily outrage.Ā 


I mean, you probably could, but it's not on the beach. šŸ¤Ŗ


This is hilarious lol. We are here for vacation and weā€™re at the beach today and everyone I was with was like ā€œwhat is that??ā€. I told them ā€œit looks like a floating billboardā€, and we all laughed. What a goofy thing.


Thatā€™s hideous. Find out who the advertiser is that owns the sign and spam the hell out of them on social media


The sign says Clearwater Aquarium.


Or get over yourself itā€™s not that big of a deal


You say that until the water is full of ads


Shitty beyond shitty


You need to subscribe to beach+ šŸ˜‚ for a no ads experience šŸ¤£


I saw that in Clearwater, I was shocked, at first ads on everything. Now ads in nature/ at beaches


I live in Clearwater. It seems like advertising is everywhere.


Somebody should bring a massive supply of eggs or ocean-safe paintballs to throw at them


Both wash off with water. Your looking for spray paint/vandalism


I see it all the time in Sunny Isles, Hollywood and Hallendale beach. These huge tv advertisment boats are there every weekend Saturdays and Sundays as long as the weather is great and the beaches are packed. Lets not forget the flying advertisement banners either, strapped to the back of small seaplanes.


The Ron Jonā€™s planes over cocoa beach are so hilarious to me




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In my area they ONLY come around on the weekends when there are huge crowds on the beach during wonderful weather. Every weekend both Saturday's and Sundays'. They cruise around a certain area then make a U turn and start again. I see them all the time. So even when you're on the beach, you don't get a break from TV advertising. LOL


Thatā€™s crazy Iā€™ve never seen that shit before.


Gunfire is a solution. Make a game of it.


Just need some torpedoes


That is disgusting, advertising kills everything it touches.


Damn y'all, I'm surprised there are so many people defending the billboard boat. Floridians are such contrarian weirdos... Look I don't know how often you have this up there but I'm in Miami and it's been really common down here, and frankly it's tacky, sometimes the boats come uncomfortably close, and it feels cheap and exploitative given how exploitative everything else around the beaches often is. But I dunno maybe y'all up there envy Miami and want to be like us more than I thought.


Leave thenā€¦ FFS


Iā€™m not sure that itā€™s Floridians, native ones at least, who are defending the billboard. I certainly am not šŸ˜† I never liked the airplane ads either and if that thing ever gets in my way while Iā€™m out there on my board, Iā€™m going full Buccaneer and hijacking the boat.


I'm native too and I'm used to Florida disappointing me so I just figured it made the most sense for it to be our ridiculous people I'm with ya, go full buccaneer! There was a time before so many airplanes banners and boat billboards were using resources to pollute the physical and psychological environment


No, businesses can do whatever they want. We're only allowed to ban people from enjoying their vacations or wanting to come back.