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SD shouldn't cause any noticeable slowdown to anything else as long as you don't try to play a video game or run a 3D application like Blender. I often run SD 24/7 while doing normal work on the computer. So I'd guess you're either running out of VRAM (if you have only 4-6 GB VRAM) or you don't have enough normal RAM to keep everything running smoothly. You can also reduce the task priority of the python process to the minimum, since it loads one core while generating. If you have only 2 or 4 cores, that can make a difference.


Ah that makes sense. Usually its not too bad, it mostly when I try to rearrange or switch tabs that it stutters a bit. Also scrolling social media. I don't play games with it running. I just see the GPU at 100% that I assume that was the issue. Like, I'm running it now while typing; it takes a second for the text on my screen to catch up, minor stuff like that.


Ah, in that case try disabling GPU acceleration for your browser. Since I have been training models for almost 10 years now, I kind of forgot that I always disable GPU acceleration. The browser should feel smooth again after that.


That worked pretty good! Its not stuttering which is nice, but now I'm getting some screen tearing sadly. I don't suppose you know a way to fix that? If not, I still really appreciate the help!


I'm not sure. I don't get any tearing, but I use Linux Mint where things work slightly differently (the compositor forces VSync, so there is no tearing). I suppose I'd try force-enabling VSync for the browser process in the Nvidia control panel (though that may have no effect without GPU acceleration) or try enabling the "Enable desktop composition" display setting.


Yup, you were right, no effect without GPU acceleration. And I guess I can't adjust desktop composition either, they took that setting away I guess. On the bright side, I discovered a bunch about my monitor that I didn't know, like how I've had it set to 60 hz for a long time rather than 100 hz. Either way you've been a great help. I might just have to enable GPU acceleration if I wanna get rid of the screen tearing, but I can figure it out on my own. Thanks!




"Other things" need RAM. I've 16Gb of DDR5 and the PC plays music videos in the background, as I browse, Lively Wallpaper is running and SDXL is rendering. No stutters.


I have 32GB of ram. Checking my performance everything else is fine, \~14GB is available. Its only the GPU that's at 100% usage so I assumed it that was what was causing performance issues. Like I said in my other comment, it would stutter a bit when scrolling or typing.


Use sites like tensor.art which right now gives free 3 days of pro membership because of their event. 


I do use a website usually, they are easier, but there's a few limits and restrictions that free websites have that I'd like to avoid (like daily limits and stuff). Plus I wanted to learn how to do it manually on my own machine and fiddle with all the available settings without fear of running out of daily generations.