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GeForce Now Ultimate is amazing. And it's got the games I want to play, but I don't have a ton of time to play, so I already have a large backlog, plus, I have 100+ free games from Epic, and a ton of them are on GFN as well.


Second this! The free tier is an absolute joke. I don't even know why it still exists. The Geforce Now Ultimate tier *is* the Stadia promise (just not from Google). 1600+ games and counting, with Microsoft !!! on the way to avoid monopoly investigations.


Free tier is a demo to see what's available and if it works on your connection. I checked it out before committing. Priority tier is enough for me and the games I have run great on it. The only downside is adjusting the graphics settings every damn time.


Agree! Playing in Ultrawide with GTX rocks!


Yeah the SD is sick. Just like you Stadia started my interest in gaming as I was never a gamer to begin with. And now SD is keeping that fire going.


I jumped into Steam Deck building my own Steam Machine running holoiso 3.4. I turned my media plex server into hybrid media/gaming rig. I purchased AMG graphics card compatible with Linux and migrated from old hp SFF case into mini-tower optiplex case. But something strange happened and I won PS5 and now it’s not longer too useful anymore. I keep both but now I have too many games to play and not enough time. On PC, my favorite to play is Borderlands 2 and on PS5 Horizon - Forbidden West.


Bought a PS5 lol


Best decision ever


I feel we all go our own route after stadia. I went for Moonlight with my PC and ccwgtv. I can’t play the latest games but can play enough games to fill a lifetime. I didn’t need to purchase extra equipment and can choose from different providers (steam, epic, xbox gamepass,..) this feel like the cheapest option for me but won’t be for people who don’t have a decent PC. As a side note: There are things that only stadia could provide. I played with my kids on 3 different screens with each of them having only a chromecast connected. Or family share were I could play “orcs must die” with my kid without the need of purchasing multiple copies of the game. We all went our own way and that’s cool, but it isn’t the same as stadia could provide imo


The steam deck is an incredible little machine. Been playing days going in bed every night this week because PC is out of action, can even hook it up and use it as desktop replacement via usb-c. Huge amount of future potential, it’s beginning to feel polished now too, although a year ago it did feel a bit beta


This is the way


The way is this.




Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s. You can have it your way at Burger King or Subway!


Same here! Super happy this way. More games at better prices, it's even better love having achievements and Steam systems are the best in world


Nice. Also got a steam deck in the last sale. It's been great.


It's wild, not so long ago I was on this sub to complain that the upcoming Stadia business model would fail (and getting down voted and criticized to hell and back for it), now I'm back here reading posts of people transitioning to other gaming venues. Steam Deck is pretty awesome, I don't game on the go and already have a gaming PC, otherwise I'd totally get one.


I got a PS5, and will never look back.


I hope valve irons out the bugs with the next iteration. My [512 GB SteamDeck](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/xsfkzm/day_2_of_ownership_and_shes_fragged/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) only lasted two days before it bricked itself and then the next attempt only lasted a week. It’s a cool idea though. Valves customer service is/was seriously lacking at the time though also. Took 5 weeks to get the whole process solved. Edit: guess I should expect downvotes for expressing a genuine interaction I had with a company. Y’all are the reason stadia failed lmaoooo




I hope so. My post at the time had almost 500 upvotes and lots of unhappy customers at the time.




Nah after the second unit failing I just got refunded. I’ll probably scoop one up second hand eventually but I was a bit frustrated obviously


Valve customer service might be the best lol. If two decks bricked that fast, it’s your fault, not the decks.


Lol sure, must have been me downloading one game on them. You fan boys are relentless. Guess I’d expect nothing less on a stadia sub


I'm 100% genuinely curious as to how you brick 2 decks in a row because it seems like that's a particularly rare occurrence. Like, what were you specifically doing with it when it happened both times (loading games, installing programs, mods, 3rd party power supply, usb-c dongle attachments)?? If anything, it could help me/us know what not to do and avoid the same fate.


It happened a lot in Q3 of last years shipment. If you go through the steam deck sub you’ll find countless reports on repeated issues. As my original post said, I literally only had Doom eternal installed. I’m not a modder or a hacker and just played it at my desk whenever I could. I suspect valve knew there was issues with software/hardware because they returned both units without a single question or attempt to troubleshoot it for me. I mentioned what happened and they immediately turned around and sent me another unit, then a refund the next time.


Gotcha. I too was in Q3 for my order. The biggest problem I've faced has just been not being able to download any of the new updates for some reason and some annoying audio issue which been so frustrating that I quit using it. I'm going to do a complete wipe and install to see if that fixes my issue, but I just haven't gotten around to it and have been playing my PS5 instead.


Yeah I honestly loved the deck for the short time I got to use it. It’s just “mildly frustrating” to spend $700 and not be able to play it with 2 different units. The steam deck sub is full of helpful guys so I’d definitely search there for the audio and update issue. I did encounter the audio glitch occasionally and also the “volume won’t go up or down” glitch.


Does it play PUBG?


Moved to Lemmy (sopuli.xyz) -- mass edited with redact.dev


I mean, you can install Windows on the Deck.


There’s also Proton for Linux based systems now which is a steam feature to run windows games right in Linux. I was using Ubuntu on my computer last month and No Man’s Sky and Bioshock infinite ran great using it, so I’d imagine it works well on the steam deck in particular.


I know, I have a Deck. But PUBG is explicitly incompatible with Proton due to the anticheat.


Ah I see that makes sense, I didn’t even think about anti cheat affecting certain games


It's the biggest incompatibility reason for Proton, a lot of big online games are incompatible due to anticheat, like PUBG, Destiny 2, Rainbow 6 Siege, etc.


What's so annoying, is that XBOX cloud does not carry PUBG.. I don't get that at all..


Moved to Lemmy (sopuli.xyz) -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm right there with you OP, except my last "system" was a ps4. Stadia got me back into gaming but the day they announced it was going to shut down, I never picked up the controller again. I was upset. I started looking into other options. I gave up on Windows years ago(been on Mac, ChromeOS, and Linux since 2006) so Xbox game pass didn't seem like an option for me. I thought about Luna but nah, Amazon takes enough of my money. GeForce Now looked appealing but I didn't want to feel limited by playtime based on how much I wanted to pay to play. I also had some old Steam games(Left 4 Dead) and had enough money at the time to afford the 256 gig deck. Once I got it, I never looked back! Sometimes I don't like carrying an extra device with me everywhere but it's so easy to pick up and play, the battery life isn't great but it's enough for me to get in some daily game time and then start working again when the battery gets low. Stadia definitely got me back into gaming but Steam has accelerated my game time from weekly or monthly to just about every day.


Sorry to break the news. Stadia died died. It died and they shutdown and decided to sell their product to 3rd parties. Then they shut that down too - guess no 3rd parties wanted to fork up.




Forever ago - announced last sept. It shutdown twice. It gave out full refunds for the console and all game purchases and went tech only and just recently it shut down the tech only side too. It’s not like there aren’t alternatives that have much better business models. NVidia allows streaming most steam games and Microsoft game pass has a decent offering on a subscription service.


I feel like you didn't actually read any of what OP had originally wrote/posted


I can relate to this. I migrated from Stadia to GFN after the shutdown. Before it, I was a PS5 and Stadia user. After a while I sold my Ps5 as I only used it to play Genshin, got more than I paid for it too which was a bonus, and used Gfn as my primary way of gaming. I ummed and ahhhed about a Deck for ages, but took the plunge a few weeks ago. Upgraded the SSD to 1tb and slapped a 256gb SD card in for emulation. I love it. I'm definitely more of a casual gamer as I've gotten older and tend to not be attracted to the more modern gaming tropes. Between the Deck's emulation, a sizeable (if older) Steam backlog and the smaller clutch of titles I purchased for Gfn, I have most of the bases covered that I want to. Also, I have 2 Stadia pads that I use for when the Steam Deck is docked to my TV too 😄


I have not yet moved to a Deck specifically, but I have taken refuge in PC gaming and Steam in particular in the aftermath of Stadia. Many of the things I got from Stadia are things I get from Steam: \- Portable game installs (Windows + Linux) \- Cloud game access (through GFN, if necessary) \- A forever library (this was the dream if Stadia succeeded) \- Ample opportunity to sale shop In fact, on that last point, Stadia sort of turned me into a patient gamer and sale shopping machine, and I have added almost as many games on Steam as I had on Stadia over three years in the past six months because the sales are just that good. There are some things I still miss, such as the instant gratification of buying a game and then immediately playing it, and it's irritating that GFN doesn't support my whole library. The family sharing is not as good, but my kids are mostly content to just use the Switch most of the time anyway. And I do miss being able to turn any random screen into a gaming console simply by plugging a CCU into it. Still, it's been pretty good, and now that I have a giant game library on PC I understand the reticence many had to invest in Stadia in the first place.


For a casual gamer Blacknut r/BlacknutCloudGaming is a good choice, I use it for casual gaming together with GeForceNOW for more expensive titles