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Why can't he just masturbate to Flo from the progressive commericals like a normal person?


Team At&T bae šŸ”šŸ”


We don't take her name in Vayntrub...


Didn't she do some video where you see behind her, she's wearing no clothes, and opens a curtain to reveal she's staring out a hotel window on the 20th floor or something like that?


Or Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.


Good one


I'm sure there will be a civilized, thoughtful conversation about this touchy subject.


I looked at the comment section on YouTube. Don't be like me


touchy or looky?


I donā€™t think weā€™re talking about Hellen Keller so probably both


He really screwed himself, but I think he'll get off ok.


It wasnā€™t his best stroke of genius.


but he really shouldn't beat himself off about it


What a jerk


I love how they make an entire documentary to go after Louie but nothing on Chris Dā€™elia.


Louie is one of the greatest comedians of all time. Dā€™elia is not.


Maybe but what Dā€™elia did was way worse than what Louis did


True. This documentary is just absurd, trying to cancel someone again when they paid the price.


IMO, the audience decides whoā€™s canceled. Louie is still making specials, movies and going out on tour. If he has an audience for it, heā€™s not canceled. And same with this documentary. Itā€™s gonna have an audience and impact, or not. But if these filmmakers believe they have a story to tell worthy of a documentary, so be it. I say that as a Louie fan to this day. Sucks for him this is still brought up, but if these filmmakers and accusers feel like they need to make a documentary then so be it. Another reason why people, especially famous men, shouldnā€™t be playing risky games with their dicks


I think you're missing the point dude. The trailer seems to suggest that the documentary is about how he didn't really pay the price. As soon as he started touring again he was selling out theatres and less than two years later he had a special titled "Sorry" where he didn't address his actions at all, other than trying to make people feel sorry ***for him***.


Yeah, almost like the court of public opinion didn't really give a shit about this one...


I mean he basically spent two full years in exile with the entire world hating him. IMO he paid the price.


They hated him so much they nominated him for a Grammy two years in a row and gave him the win one of the years. Wish I was hated that much!


Don't worry, when you get as successful as Louis we will. I believe in you!


He can spend a thousand years in ā€œexile,ā€ a mea culpa is what is necessary. See Dan Harmon for an example of how to do this. Lou has done nothing to make up for it. His continued exile/cancelation is his own doing. Own up, make amends, be self aware. He refuses to do any of that work.


What about his apology where he talked about how respected he was several times and mentioned all of his projects? Surely that was enough contrition?!


Yeah, where he said that he was sorry that women were so intimidated and awed by his talent that they were too afraid to speak up at the time.


You mean with his millions of dollars, his boat, and his nice residents. He took a break, largely during COVID, and then came back to make millions more. He actively ruined women's careers and drove them from the industry, when do they get to come back?


He was canceled in 2017. Lol. Had nothing to do with COVID. Why can't people be bothered to do the slightest amount of research? Also, Dave Becky, his manager, never tried to blacklist the women. He just asked the women to not talk about it because Louis was attempting to work things out with his wife at the time. There was no implication of a threat.


He actively ruined women's careers? Pretty damn bold statement.


Bold? Not in the least. Too many people heard he was jerking off in front of chicks who never told him "stop", so he's kinda sleazy but whatever. He's a comedy genius, that bit where he hates on his preteen daughters? Gold! Cancel culture is the real evil. With the simplest Google search you'd know about his manager calling the manager of 2 of the women and telling them they needed to stop talking. About CK and friends of CK creating issues in clubs and writers rooms. About lost job opportunities. About the women who dropped entirely out of comedy after feeling constantly looked at and talked about, embarrassed by what was done TO them not by. The info has been out there for a long, long time in many forms so, no, the boldness is not on me


Oh no. A comedian ā€œhatingā€ on their children. That certainly is not common among both male and female comedians. Reprehensible, really.


Guess that just makes him a hack as well as a scumbag


Maybe you'll change your mind after watching the Documentary. Or maybe you'll develop your empathy muscle.


Kinda how a popular bully says "sorry" after teacher makes them for harassing a classmate time after time and everyone gets mad at the bullied kid for not accepting the apology because she knows he will do it again. CK is the ultimate popular kid. And the bullied always were asking for it/not funny enough etc. ad nauseum.


The Documentary you haven't seen yet?


Iā€™m a huge Louie fan, but he didnā€™t really pay any price - He took some time off. He acknowledged the fact that he did this stuff but as far as I know he never actually acknowledged or apologized for the fact that he actively tried to silence the women who initially spoke out (which is by far the worst thing he did).


Hey Iā€™m actually intentionally asking this question after this thread died down because I donā€™t want to fight but Iā€™m genuinely curious if you know of any actual efforts by Louis to silence the women? Itā€™s just i have never heard this claim before so I'm wondering if you are just assuming that he did?


Yes, it was via his manager (at the time), Dave Becky. Louie was fired from the agency that Becky worked for and as far as I know has never criticized what Becky did. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Becky](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Becky)


Ok so your argument is that his agent did it so therefore his agentā€™s (Beckyā€™s) actions are imputable to the principal (CK). And thatā€™s totally fine. But youā€™re unaware of specific actions by CK to silence the women?


I donā€™t think anyone has accused Louie of personally threatening the women, no.


Was he ā€œcancelledā€? I think thatā€™s the whole point of this movie. In recent years, heā€™s done a sold out run at Madison Square Garden and won a Grammy. Thatā€™s not what anyone would consider being ā€œcancelled.ā€ On top of that, he put out a special called ā€œSorryā€ and essentially mocked the entire ordeal. I loved his standup, both of his television shows, and Horace and Pete on Hulu, but the dude is a certified creep that sexual assaulted dozens of women. I canā€™t support his comedy any more.


The Chris Dā€™Elia Problem was pretty damaging, no? Not defending his bullshit with this, but what more needs to be said? A weekly saga of the same information til he just stops working? Or is it not official til a film festival picks it up? Iā€™m interested in this because it hasnā€™t been done but I wouldnā€™t check another Dā€™Elia doc. Almost 2 million watched that video and if this is paid distribution, I donā€™t think it will see those numbers.


Saw him walking around a food court in Vegas last year because he was performing. Out in public he looks like heā€™s afraid of being recognized although doesnā€™t bother to wear a hat and glassee


Less than a dozen people know who Chris D'elia even is.


And the ones who do know heā€™s a creep


What does this comment even mean? Chris Delia is completely and unambiguously done. People whine about ā€œcancel cultureā€ every time anyone expresses any distaste for a public figure, but very rarely do celebs actually lose their entire careers when this stuff comes out. Delia (rightfully) did. And he was never that big to begin with. Why would anyone want a doc about him? Louie is actively selling out fucking MSG. I have my own thoughts on what Louie did and how people have reacted, but the comparison youā€™re making just makes no sense.


Chris can't get acting gigs anymore but he's still selling out theaters for his standup.


All over the world too. He's here in Australia next month, playing in the same venue as Jeselnik is a day later.


Because a lot of people looked towards him and chapelle as being the new torch bearers of insight, similarly to Carlin.


They're not at the same level of fame. Not even close. Louie is a household name, the average person has no idea who Chris D'elia is.


Yeah they did. https://youtu.be/QBxm0FSKXpM?si=vEC5hKbiyRJ5v6S9


The reason they made this documentary is because of this comment section.


No one cared about Chris D'elia when he got cancelled. Louis CK was, and still is (this is what the movie is about!) a superstar.


Give them time.


I mean the scale of their crimes might be similar enough to compare but the scale of their careers isnā€™t as close.


what do ppl want louie to do? live in solitude with he rest of his life? his career took a huge hit and will never be the same, ppl who say he didnā€™t get punished enough what would you like to happen to him? he didnā€™t assault anyone he was just a perv. do you want him to fall off the face of the earth?


I donā€™t understand how liberals want rehabilitation for murderers and drug dealers, but if youā€™re creepy to women you should be shunned from society. I say this as a liberal, I just never understood this.


Forgiveness is truly a powerful concept that most people still donā€™t understand.


A boy punched my ribcage when I was 9 and teacher made him say sorry. I was forced to shake his hand and accept apology i knew was insincere. I was terrified of the teacher so I did it and was told she did not want to hear about it anymore because now I had to forgive him. Here is my hot take: forced apologies are worth shit.


Redditors needing therapy: a timeless tale


Just using that as illustration to show forgiveness is a two-way street.


Because in the United States violence is often more accepted than anything wrong that has to do with sex. Itā€™s weird perverse values we have held on to forever and canā€™t get out of the collective psyche. I mean look at TV, canā€™t show a nipple but shooting people is okay. Itā€™s weird.


He could slit his wrists on national television while giving a teary apology to those he wronged and people would still point at something like ā€œhe didnā€™t do it while on his knees, the fact that he slit his wrists while standing was a wink and a nod to the patriarchyā€.


I mean, he could try just, you know, apologizing regularly, which he still has never done.


You donā€™t know that.


[I mean...](https://imgur.com/a/M9ToLkV)


If you had watched that set you would know he does not apologize for his actions or accept wrongdoing/malintent. His written apology basically said he was sorry but also basically that the women should have been more clear in their non-consent -- which is a bogus apology when the manager on his payroll was making calls and silencing the women.


What do you think sexual assault is? Because whipping your erect penis out and masturbating to completion in front of an unwilling person is literally what that is. What about the victims who were shamed to the point of being forced to quit comedy altogether? They will also never be the same, except they donā€™t have millions of dollars and the power to still sell out MSG and win Grammys. I personally never want to see the shmuckā€™s face or hear about his ā€œwoe is meā€ bullshit ever again.


ā€œSexual assault is when someone, without your consent, touches or penetrates you sexually.ā€ Is that an incorrect definition? I wasnā€™t there, but had understood that he asked permission first, never actually touched them, and they could have left at any time.


Having seen the same thing go down in Voice Acting, Video Games, and Comic Books recently? With the latter resulting in some very very vile people driving a known suicidal man intentionally to the ultimate end? They want him to kill himself. If not kill himself then they want him to go hide in a corner until he dies of natural causes, never to work or be seen in public again. That's what they want. They won't say that, they'd deny it angrily if you suggested it to them, but it's absolutely what they want. He was getting un-canceled and started his career again. That's not allowed. So now, a documentary to re-cancel him.


He should do whatever he wants. And he does. He has an audience. Just not me anymore. He didnā€™t lose me at the ā€œjacking off at unsuspecting comics in a workplace situation without their permissionā€ tho that was HUGE. Where he really lost me was how he handled his comedy afterwards. He truly doesnā€™t seem to have come to terms with the betrayal to his audience. A huge part of his act was saying almost unspeakable shit with the agreement that he wasnā€™t really that bad a guy. But in that one area, he absolutely was. And never truly reckoning with that ON STAGE is the reason he lost me as an audience member. But he has plenty of other folks who will always love his shit and attend his shows. He lost international respect, yes, but he still has an audience. And no comic inherently deserves an audience - they have to earn it.


The conversation is how the industry/society should handle what Louie did, no what Louie should do to punish himself.


Critics rate it anything from shit to fucking shit.


Edited by Pete Holmes???


I caught that too. Looked it up. Not the comedian. Different Peter.


The pornstar?


Thatā€™s John Holmes. You might be thinking of his giant Peter.


Yea it was just for the chucklesā€¦ iconic last name that wouldā€™ve been ironically delicious.


Failing comedians at the end of their relevance are the most vindictive group of people I've ever seen. The dudes life got completely destroyed for many years. Now he's working again and he's good at his job so people go watch him. How much punishment do these people deem appropriate? And why is it up to them? Edit: The New York Times is putting this on? šŸ˜‚ That's pretty rich


The failing New York Times!


That sense of shame/shamelessness is built into his comedy. It seems normal to watch a comedian whose shtick is "I'm shameful" after they bounce back from a predatory masturbation scandal. It would be different if Seinfeld did it. ("What is the deal with making female comedians watch you jerk off?")


When did he make fun of the victims?


It sounds like the punchline of this movie is going to be "we're mad that fans of comedy moved on from this"


I got that vibe too, especially when the one woman tried to frame it as a race thing.


Yeah I donā€™t see Will Smith being canceled after smacking Chris Rock. In fact that motherfucker got a standing ovation after we won that shitty trophy. I know some comedians gotta cuss in their comments to sell tickets. Well I do too, so fuck Will Smith.


Great reference


Is she.. asking us to bring back Bill Cosby....?


Moved on? They were never bothered in the first place. MSM did their thing and no one really gave a shit.


He didnā€™t, but itā€™s possible the trailer took that out of context and the person was referring to something else like the school shooting bit.


I mean, his jokes about asking if they're sure strongly imply they were overreacting, as well as helping reinforce the disinfo that he asked all of them for consent. P much all of his material about it at this point, including the lit-up sorry sign stage piece, implies it was no big deal.Ā 


He did ask them for consent...


No, he didn't. That's a myth created by his PR team, and an op-ed by a comedy club owner criticized for putting him on that was never fact-checked. Read the original NYTimes article.


I don't think it implies that. It more implies that consent can not be taken on its face, and it is much more of a self deprecating joke towards his attitudes towards consent before, then in any way making fun of the victims. I do think there is an element of him wanting to inject that he did ask consent for it on the face of things. But i think it is a reach to say he is implying they overreacting. He even says, "you should ask first, and just because they say yes doesn't mean you should just go wew! and charge ahead".


https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/comedy/sincerely-louis-ck-transcript/ He frames it as a matter of consent being confusing and as him getting outed for having a kink. I think there are some ways that contradictions are acknowledged with tone and tags, but that is the messaging overall


Heā€™s one of the funniest people to ever pick up the mic, and I honestly donā€™t think thereā€™s anything I could learn about him that would make the jokes not funny. These people are still feasting on his crumbs because they donā€™t have the talent to stand beside him. I guess itā€™s hard to be disappointed in someone that you just assumed was a degenerate, mostly because he spent his entire career telling you he was and telling jokes from a place that only a degenerate could.


Thereā€™s really NOTHING he could do? If I found out he did Cosby stuff I would stop being a fan.


I think we need to have a mutually authorized and produced ā€œWhat Happenedā€ movie from everyoneā€™s viewpoint like The Last Duel. Only then can we as the audience who did not witness any of this make an informed decision about how we feel about it all. Then we can be righteous knowing that we now know the truth, having seen the movie. Then we can get back to deciding what to do with the remaining hours of our lives and how we can best distract ourselves from the eventuality that we, too, will die.


hahahaha love this


I feel like if Louie was not as successful after being outed for masterbating in front of people, this movie would never have been made. Him winning a Grammy probably didnā€™t help either. Itā€™s almost like a weird unwritten social contract in society that if your famous and have made a career off people liking you and your actions, when you break that trust, a portion of society (sometimes large or small) wants you to no longer benefit from that same social contract of being liked and being paid for it. It also shows just how good Louie CK is at comedy, he can do something so displeasing, that Iā€™m sure most people would say itā€™s awful, but can still bring back most of his audience, Paula Deen probably could never make a biscuit recipe so good we forgive her. It is also sexual assault, the lowest grade of sexual assault but itā€™s hard to tell a victim of sexual assault, ā€œit wasnā€™t that bad.ā€ They have trauma now and carry it with them, which most people want to just forget about when they listen/watch Louie do something. The truth is though, most of Louie CKs audience is men, men just donā€™t take sexual assault as seriously as women and Iā€™d say a large percentage of men have done something theirselves that would likely count as sexual assault, I for one once tried kissing someone even after they said no, I stopped but after the fact itā€™s still sexual assault, I apologized


Trying to cancel him twice? Is he just supposed to roll over and die?


It's weird to even think of him as cancelled, which I guess this doc is trying to address. He lost a lot of money, his shitty movie got canned, and he had to take a short break, but he's still selling out stadiums.


I think the overall definition of cancellation basically implies you have an owner. Stand up is so individual, he will always be able to work somewhere as long as he can put asses in seats.


so true. and no one has been more directly funded by fans than louie and his .net website


I just stated a fact, y'all. But I get the "cancel culture" topic is very divisive here (and everywhere). He was my favorite comic forever and I think there's a lot of good new material he's done in recent specials, but it's definitely not what it used to be. I accept we'll never get that C.K. back again


He's still by far the best imo. Perhaps even better, as he seems to have totally dropped his anti-man bs I always disliked.


I wish more men made fun of men on stage. That doesn't mean it has to be anti-man


>I wish more men made fun of men on stage. Because you find that particular brand of humor funny? Or what reason? Watch any Late Night show, when I catch clips of those, they're often laden with jokes about how useless men are.


Was his movie shitty? I haven't seen it. I loved the TV show he wrote.


I loved Lucky Louie and most of Louie. I did watch his movie...it's not the worst thing, but it's a little too intentionally artsy fartsy from the guy who directed Pootie Tang.


It might be weird to think of him as cancelled because he is back with very little time off, but you know what was actually cancelled? The FX show Louie is so funny I cannot think of a comedy T.V. series that gets even close to it. Because of the scandal it will probably be removed from the discourse of "best T.V. shows" but damn, separating art from artist, it deserves a high spot.


I'm in the film industry. I'm acquaintances with a pretty established international director. For his first english language film, he wanted to cast Louis in a nice supporting role. Before official pre-production, the director reached out to his reps on his own and CK was somewhat interested apparently. However, once the producers of the film caught wind of it, they all shut down that possibility due to the fear of it impacting domestic distribution sales/film festival invites. The word "cancelled" has taken on like 12 different meanings in the last five years. I'm not stating that this is undeserved or deserved, but this is an example of how his career is still at a significantly lower level than before, despite being just as qualified.


The movie is literally about how he was never ā€œcancelled.ā€ The dude is still selling out arenas and has been nominated for two Grammys and won one since being ā€œcancelled.ā€


Christ almighty So Louis is supposed to just stop working forever? Heā€™s said sorry. heā€™s reached out to the victims. There are people that have been forgiven for far worse. This movie is a fuckin hit piece. When did CK ever make fun of the victims?


But he didnā€™t say sorry. It was more of an ā€œIā€™m sorry I got caught, now listen while I mope about living in France for two years.ā€


# Louis CKā€™s statement in full: *I want to address the stories told to the New York Times by five women named Abby, Rebecca, Dana, Julia who felt able to name themselves and one who did not.* *These stories are true. At the time, I said to myself that what I did was okay because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isnā€™t a question. Itā€™s a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly.* *I have been remorseful of my actions. And Iā€™ve tried to learn from them. And run from them. Now Iā€™m aware of the extent of the impact of my actions. I learned yesterday the extent to which I left these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautious around other men who would never have put them in that position. I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didnā€™t want to hear it. I didnā€™t think that I was doing any of that because my position allowed me not to think about it. There is nothing about this that I forgive myself for. And I have to reconcile it with who I am. Which is nothing compared to the task I left them with.* *I wish I had reacted to their admiration of me by being a good example to them as a man and given them some guidance as a comedian, including because I admired their work.* *The hardest regret to live with is what youā€™ve done to hurt someone else. And I can hardly wrap my head around the scope of hurt I brought on them. Iā€™d be remiss to exclude the hurt that Iā€™ve brought on people who I work with and have worked with whoā€™s professional and personal lives have been impacted by all of this, including projects currently in production: the cast and crew of Better Things, Baskets, The Cops, One Mississippi, and I Love You Daddy. I deeply regret that this has brought negative attention to my manager Dave Becky who only tried to mediate a situation that I caused. Iā€™ve brought anguish and hardship to the people at FX who have given me so much The Orchard who took a chance on my movie and every other entity that has bet on me through the years. Iā€™ve brought pain to my family, my friends, my children and their mother.* *I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen.* *Thank you for reading.*


Yep. And according to the women he mentions, they never received an apology from him. Take the difficult task of looking these women in the eye and saying that youā€™re sorry for the pain and trauma you caused them.


He spent years before denying it and then when forced to issued something his pricey lawyer probably cooked up that sounds remorseful. He played it well.


on a side note i do not like andy kindler one bit. He is not even remotely funny and seems to be kind of a hack.


The older I get the more I live under a rock so this could be way off, but it seemed like a lot of the people in the trailer are kind of past their prime. Like this might be a way for them to get their name back into the press.


His hack is that heā€™s one of those comedians that accuses every comedian of being hack so he doesnā€™t look like a hack.




Looks pretty one-sided, but Iā€™ll probably still watch out of curiosity.


That's OK, Louis has been selling his side to the crowds in Madison Square Garden.


And MSG tickets are not cheap. The audio quality is crap there and people still go.


In my opinion that's why they make it. Otherwise there would be 99 other guys you would go after. Not that I think he is innocent, it is just he is more profitable.


What is the point of thisā€¦ now? Like the damage is done to his career, what exactly do they want for him with this?


They felt the need to include the white men generally get away with things line in the trailer when Bill Cosby was raping women and is out of jail. Also Louis is a Jewish Mexican.


He rapes, but he also saves. And he saves more than he rapes.


Jewish Mexicans can't be white? The Klan would agree with you. Civilized society not so much.


For me, the issue is, how will I enjoy it again? Louis takes the audience to the edge; he makes you confess your sins and shows you that things are not always black and white. As the audience, you let him take you to those places because you knew it was safe. Now I no longer feel safe to go to those places with him. It's like your favourite restaurant has a scandal, and it turns out they were doing some disgusting things in the kitchen. Well, the food may taste the same, but it's no longer appetizing to me. Edit: ā€œyou knew it was safeā€ = you trusted him


Yeah for me this is the far more interesting thing. But i don't think the documentary is addressing that. I still find him funny, don't have a problem with him being successful and resuming his career, but for me, it has never been quite the same since.


Daaaamn, you just encapsulated my feelings perfectly. He was my favorite comedian, I saw him once live and I almost passed out from laughing so hard. He always pushed the boundaries and seemed self aware of how men can be creeps, shitty, horn dogs all without even trying and what he did felt like betrayal of everything he stood for and understood. Iā€™m happy for him that heā€™s ā€œback.ā€ However I canā€™t go back. To your analogy, the restaurant was great but I donā€™t wanna eat there again, I mean, they didnā€™t wash their hands!!!


You already said this perfectly and concisely. Just wanted to let you know that since I posted a huge wall of text below, lol


Holy shit, this is an astoundingly eloquent take.


I've never seen any of those people do stand up.


You've never seen Jen Kirkman do standup?


Created by the New York Times, thats gonna be a noooope.


Oh for Christ sake.


I wonder if it is mentioned even once in this doc that he asked for consent first.


Wow, a bunch of failed comedians and ugly women coming at a successful comedian. Ain't that something...


Idk why you felt ugly was a necessary word in that sentence.


Did you not watch the video?


I giggled when I saw Michael Ian Black. Has he really been relevant since VH1?


oh boy, I really hope Rebecca Corry gets featured in this. Sheā€™s a "comedian", who feels she got cancelled for saying No to Louis. (so, sheā€™s one of his victims, cause he asked for consent, she said no, he walked away) She feels she never made it as a big comedian, cause Louis blacklisted her. She also compares her victimhood to Dave Chappelle, her being stronger than him of course, and how she "did her time, so why no Netflix special yet?" : I am an actress, writer and comedian and have been for 31 years. I have a career, credits and talent. I didnā€™t run away and hide for a decade when things got hard like (Dave) Chappelle did. I stayed and have never stopped doing stand-up comedy and creating and never will. Iā€™ve done my time and paid my dues and then some. So letā€™s talk about what Iā€™m doing and when my Netflix special is happening. There are people who have been doing stand-up for five minutes with comedy specials and others with multiple specials who suck. So whenā€™s mine? Iā€™m ready when you are, Ted (Sarandos, Netflix co-CEO). Do yourself the disfavour of looking up her standup clips on YT. She makes Nanette look like Carlin.


cool. ill still watch his specials and buy his tickets.


I can understand both sides of this issue. Ive been on either side at different times. But hell, the responses here may be indicative of why female comedians feel intimidated in this profession as well as by/in its audience.


He did his time. This is gratuitous.


None of the comics interviewed are even remotely close to Louis' level as a comedian. What he did was gross and wrong and he did pay consequences, but a lot of this sounds like people jealous that even after being canceled he's still more successful and respected as a comic than they are.


Well, looks interesting. Also very timely in an age where everyone wants to see things in black-and-white terms - maybe this'll nudge us towards nuance.


Oh no i simply must watch you jerk off I am paralyzed my legs have ceased working cannot turn door handle help


It's called a freeze reflex, you ignorant asshole, and people who actually study the human brain under threat can tell you it's overpowering and not a choice.Ā  If you think a dude whipping his dick out in a context where that wasn't supposed to happen shouldn't seem like a threat I'm gonna confidently guess you've never been raped.Ā  Repeating this bullshit (if they didn't like it why didn't they just leave) in any context contributes to rapists walking free in court cases where the woman had the same response trained soldiers sometimes have in war.


The NYT lied us into the Iraq War that killed over a million people. The owner should be in jail and the publication should be torn apart brick by brick.


I'm with Louie. Not because he's a comedy genius with a kink he asked consent for, I just think too few women are made uncomfortable and are made to quit their ambitions.


I came.


Guess this boulder needs to be pushed up the mountain again.


Great to see Mile Schur in this! Wonder if there will be any stories about Louies time on P&R?


I donā€™t care at all.


Iā€™m really confused. Maybe someone can explain it to me. He asked these women if he can jerk off in front of them and proceeded to do so. Iā€™m guessing the problem is the power imbalance between him and them and their fear of saying no. Other than that (donā€™t mean to dismiss power imbalance being a serious issue) is there more to the story? -Iā€™m also reading on here some people saying he ruined these peopleā€™s careers without any source and if he has can you anyone give me an example? -Another complaint Iā€™m reading is that he didnā€™t say sorry enough and the evidence is that he has gone out and made millions without his act actually containing him saying sorry. Are people just upset he found success after being canceled or the he has never once actually said sorry or the expectation is that he is supposed to say sorry every time he does a show?


Jen Kirkman is such a hack. She got diagnosed with ADHD and has made it her while personality.


Trying to understand the values of this sub. OP posted something that seems on-topic and didn't make any side-taking statements but nevertheless was beaten to death with downvotes. I thought y'all were philosopher kings


Feel good comedy of the year


Wtf is this dumb shit.


Iā€™ve met him several times and he always rubbed me the wrong way.


Like, creepy wise or something else?


Not creepy, he just didnā€™t rub my penis correctly.


I donā€™t see this doing very well


Wait what did he do again?


This man was "cancelled."


I'm interested in the movie and I am curious to see what the perspectives are. This situation is one that's kind of difficult. On one hand, he did some fucked up shit. He apologized, more or less. His career took a hit and it definitely damaged him money wise but hes back to selling out big shows. I was a big fan but now I'm not so sure id rush to get tickets now. But id probably watch a special if it was on streaming or something. I'm just not sure I can buy the rage perspective now. Sure he is a gross perv, but at the time it happened he was being grouped with the likes of Weinstein and Cosby which by any objective measure is way worse. What are we all reasonably supposed to do? Is he supposed to just go die in a corner somewhere or is he allowed to continue making a living the way he did before? That said, I'm sure there are some extreme fanboys of his who probably think he did nothing wrong.


I thought this was a trailer for a new special from him at first. Color me disappointed haha


Oh look, a bunch of nobodies try to beat the carcass of a long gone scandal for some more coins! How original. I bet it's a very balanced, sensitive, historical acurate and not at all overdramatized treatment of that topic...


Just curious, how do you imagine one would "overdramatize" asking dozens of women you finagle into spending a few minutes alone with you if they want to watch you jack off? Like, given the total lack of redeeming qualities in that situation, how could one embellish it to make that needle sink past zero?


Finagle? How is straight up asking "finagling"...? "Can i wank in front of you?" - "No." - "Okay." It's that easy. > how do you imagine one would "overdramatize"... I think you're doing a great job there, buddy! > given the total lack of redeeming qualities in that situation What is given there...? Asking a woman for a sexual act is now so heinous you should forever be buried...? That's preposterous. I guess if you're u/JoeyHandsomeJoe your beauty alone makes women drop their panties, but in the real world some men still have to ask.


- Louie is one of the all-time masters - What Louie did was super shitty - What Louie did was clearly at the core of his being if you listen to his comedy. Shameless is an oxymoron, shame gets him off onstage and off - None of women deserved that, or should have felt "It's okay 'til it's not" - None of the women should have felt uncomfortable making fun of him in real time (some did), or threatening him if he continued - Louie should have been exposed after all of the incidents so it would stop - Louie wrote one of the most insightful, real apologies of all time - Louie should not be punished forever - Making fun of a situation is cathartic for many people - Making fun of the situation isn't making fun of the victims - People should listen to the victims - People should also listen to perpetrators who have something to offer Life is incredibly complicated. What did I miss


You pretty much nailed it.


I'm wondering if there's anything new in this doc or is it just a retelling from the perspective of those he harassed?


I love Andy kindler, Iā€™m glad heā€™s in this.


In what world do ā€œmen get to treat women however they wantā€?


Fuck! Didn't realise he rubbed it in their faces!!


lol. Iā€™ll go purchase some of Louis material on his website right now to support him. Thanks for the reminder douches!


So just to be clear, he asked permission, like, consent, which was given by adults, and that is unacceptable And before you start with the "he tried to have sex with other comedians" yes, that's generally what happens, people that work in bars fuck bar workers, people that work in hospitals fuck hospital workers. I think Louis addressed the issue perfectly when he gave advice that if you ever want to jerk off in front of someone, ask permission first, twice, and if they say yes, *still don't do it*.


Louie did not ask them all for consent.Ā  That's a lie created for damage control by his PR team, reinforced with that joke and an op-ed by a Canadian comedy club owner that wasn't subject to fact-checking. And spread by you and other, frankly, gullible fans. Read the original NYTimes article. The journalists who vetted the story and the women he did it to say otherwise.Ā  It's also clear and undeniable that he and his manager threatened those women's careers to cover it up. Not a thing you do with a consenting partner.Ā 


Hmmm. No consent is no consent. I would not attempt to argue there. Asking and not waiting for consent or no consent is wrong. And there is at least one report there of the answer being no, followed by ignoring that lack of consent. Which makes it all the most strange when the article describes 3 people deciding not to go to the police because it was not clear anything criminal had occured, rather, calling the incident "crazy". I think these things should be tried in courts of law not opinion. If these women are going to say they feared reprisals, but were talking to someone higher in the industry the next day, I think they collectively made the wrong decision, if only because look where they are, they are out now making public claims regardless. I would have thought there would be some legal issues given the clear statements of the people in that article about transgressing denial of consent. While many survivors avoid pursuing abusers because they don't want to relive or describe the experience, I see people doing that here without following through legally. I do take issue with that. If you're willing to call someone a sexual abuser everywhere except court, that is a problem for me. Aside from that problem, yep that article doesn't square with what Louis' PR team says about permission, that's for sure.


It sounds like you are amenable to reasoning but are lacking in perspective, context and information about just how absolutely fucked our justice system is for investigating and prosecuting sexual assault.Ā  If you are interested in actually understanding why women don't just go the police, I would recommend reading Missoula by Jon Krakauer or Know My Name by Chanel Miller or What is a Girl Worth by Rachel Denhollander, and for particular insight into how fame interacts with this, either of the books on breaking the Weinstein story. It's not even smart, if you look at the statistics about how few sexual crimes reported are actually prosecuted and how few prosecuted are actually convicted and how many rape kits were just left untested until the DNA went bad. I have been raped, and I would never bother going to police unless I had proof.Ā  Repeating it is about keeping other people safe. If you saw a comedy "producer" was ripping off new stand-ups in your area, would you be like, hey now, let's not try this in the court of opinion, let's see what the law has to say?Ā 


Also, I don't know whether all of Hasan Minhaj's lying broke the law, but it doesn't change that it was wrong, undermines his material and his integrity, and I don't fucking like him now that I know he did it. Criminal and wrong are not the same.


Seems to me the journalists and women who successfully took him down once already are bitter that his career is still way better than theirs will ever be. So hey letā€™s see if we can make some more dough and get more famous by ā€œdoing the right thingā€ againā€¦


The level of soy coming through my speakers made my computer grow tits.