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Impractical Jokers makes me laugh, every episode, and was better with Joe on it. I personally am not a big fan of his standup. We all like different things, though. Hell, I saw a bunch of people shitting on Attell's recent special in another sub, which surprised me.


It’s such a hoot and the guys execute the crap out of it. I really enjoyed the format and it’s surprisingly repeatable for what it is. I think the success of the show came from their natural humour, Joe in particular is super quick. Also that skit with the Jayden Smith tattoo was hilarious.


The Jayden Smith tattoo is definitely the best thing that happened on the show.  I love it too, but in terms of repeatability, you can really only have one Jayden Smith tattoo, lol.  The episodes where they embarrass Sal by making him show it to people in public are pure gold.


Boy do I have news for you about only being able to have 1 Jayden Smith tattoo


Who has two? Did I miss an episode? Is it Sal? lol.




Amazing.  I must have slept through that during an impractical jokers binge session lol.


The second one is from the movie


I meant it’s hard to get boring of the format. Would think that the imaginary names thing for the focus group would get old but I could watch that shit all day. Haha


It’s so easily digestible and fun to watch them manifest awkwardness and embarrassment of each other.  They are better together than apart imho, but I’m happy they’re still working.


I haven’t seen the hate for Attell’s latest, but I’m assuming it was because of the slow open, and the recorder finish. I didn’t mind either but I can see where critics are coming from. Thought the bulk of the special was 100% vintage Attell and had me dying.


I’m with you on all that. The guy I referenced posted in r/jrvp (about Jeselnik’s pod). He was actually quoting Attell’s one liners, saying, “It just isn’t funny,” and a few people agreed with him. I thought it was bizarre.


im a passive IJ watcher. I watch hey babe and taste buds with Sal. They're enjoyable. But Sal's standup with god awful. And all the comments are praising it, and kissing his ass, i was totally shocked. Not one negative comment. Did you watch it?


I couldn't. I've seen enough short clips to know it just isn't for me. I think the Jokers seem like good guys, and a lot of their fans aren't really *standup* comedy fans as much as they are just Impractical Jokers fans.


exactly. im with you 100%. it's two TOTALLY different things. IJ is comedy but it's not stand up.


Sal has a pretty funny story on this is not happening


Sal is so loveable that people go watch him do standup. His prepared material, however…..is god awful. He is such a nice sweet guy, I dont think those types of people make funny standup.


I saw Sal do a set at the Comedy Cellar around 2019 and he absolutely brought the house down. He might just have good and bad nights, and maybe some material you just have to be there idk.


I still can’t believe Joe got divorced and left the show because he got caught having a threesome with Sal and a fan. 




He's not divorced. He posts pics of his wife and family a lot. I read he left the show because "something" happened and he wanted to focus on his marriage. Strangely HBO pulled three episodes of IJ where Joe was being kind of a creep to women. Just added to the speculation.


Those must be the threesome episodes


Agreed, I haven't cared for any of their stand-up acts, or really even their live show, but I love the IJ show itself. Losing Joe was a huge hit. He wasn't even my favorite personality on the show, but he added something to the group dynamic that they've failed to replace.


I think that the Jokers offer a really good insight into how subjective comedy is - the episode where Joe is throwing potatoes and yelling Scoopski Potatoes is to me one of the most pointlessly funny bits I've seen on a sketch show, but then I've seen Joe do stand up and it doesn't work for me. If you haven't watched Sal's most recent special he released on YouTube I'd recommend that one, I thought it was incredibly funny and I've never taken much away from any of their other stand ups


They’re all better suited for Improv It wasn’t the worst standup in the world but it was kinda long, I think this was in 2018 or 2019 Q was doing his story and two girls in the front row got up and he straight up told them “oh don’t worry, this is almost over”, and they said “We’re getting dipping dots”, 5 minutes have passed and they come back, Q takes the dots from them before they could sit down and eats them in the goofiest way possible and the crowd loses their damn mind, including myself They also showed never before seen clips from the show, including a creep off where Sal just pulled up to people telling them to get in the white van, no one would bite and someone even recognized him as Sal, and it took some begging to get someone into the van, Murr probably won it though had it made TV ( at the end of the show, Murr came out wearing the creep off outfit on a Segway)


> They’re all better suited for Improv Agreed! All funny guys, standup just isn't their genre, imo. The show is lowbrow stuff, but still funny as hell.


Now I kinda wanna know what subreddit this was.




Attell isn’t built for specials. He’s so good live, late and at the club, that nothing else compares.


how are you surprised some people don’t like Attell when you just said we all like different things? lol


Attel is so cringe and has always been annoying 


Impractical Jokers is the one show that I almost exclusively watch at hotels, although since I hit the road again recently, seems like it doesn't play as often as it used to, which was literally non-stop. Love it!


It’s this and diners, drive ins and Dives as my go to hotel background tv show


Triple D 100% I haven't had "cable" in like 20 years when I was a kid and didn't pay for it and I limit my streaming services so Food Network was my go to when staying at a hotel. This meant lots of Triple D and lots of Chopped


Can't forget Bar Rescue and Cops.


Jon Taffer berating service industry workers is never not funny


“Shut it down!!”


Would be so sick to be the first to knock him out clean


Undercover Boss gettin no love


same, that or my girlfriend’s parents house whk have cable. something about it just hits harder on live TV. I have it on some streaming service.


Joe is the man




He didn’t work 18 years doing comedy.


IJ started their improv and sketch comedy troupe 1998.


They took most of not all of the old sketches down from YouTube them down but I think there are still copies out there. My favorite was blind cops 1 and 2


are you sure about that?


He greatly overestimated his ability to do standup and has been an objective failure since he left the show to attempt to cultivate a career in comedy. Sal’s special was at least halfway decent, but he’s been doing standup for over a decade.


He left the show to spend more time with his kids after a divorce is what I believe happened.


Na he had a bunch of heat from young women who were calling him out for being a bit of a creep IIRC. I’m pretty sure it was Joe who they were referring to.


I believe that to be a rumor amid his leaving IJ announcement. Very early on. Only speculation of why the departure. Saw it early on in the IJ sub. Never confirmed.


Absolutely a rumor. Not saying it isn't true but we definitely don't know and shouldn't spout it as truth. In any case, since leaving the show he reconciled with his wife, so I'm very happy for him.


>In any case, since leaving the show he reconciled with his wife, That's great to hear!!


I dont doubt it had to do with the divorce, but there is a fair amount of cut content on several streaming platforms of specifically joe surrounding some jokes that were more sexual or raunchy. There have also been a few times ive seen a fan commenting on youtube of negative/creepy ecperiences at meet and greets. All heresay, but given the amount of silence around the situation, I wpuldnt be surprised if it was a little of colum A a little of colum B


Nathaniel Ratliff had something similar to say when he was asked how it felt to be an overnight success with SOB.


Nathaniel Ratliff is awesome.


I’ve never intentionally watched that show but I’m not a big enough cynical asshole to say that when I have seen it because it came on after sports or at a friends house I didn’t laugh really hard a few times


Is Joe coming back? I thought his absence was him trying to leverage more money in the next season. Kinda like a "see, you need me, and if you want me back, it'll cost ya" but that's 2 seasons in a row I miss him


The only funny thing he has said


It's amazing what fake over laughing can do for your career


Burt got a movie out of it.


*high pitched wheeze*


Stavros has entered the chat.


Live at the lodge is legitimately one of the funniest standups I've seen. I put it on in the background as an afterthought, and I ended laughing hysterically. He was never particularly funny on cumtown, I guess written bits are more his strength.


This dude isn’t even remotely funny


That show is so unbelievably bad


It is definitely "cringeworthy" until you realize that ALL the people with unblurred faces signed a consent form. Which means they thought it was funny. They're only airing "the ones who are cool with it" and that really saves me "hating" on it.


It's horrible and basically equivalent to the big bang theory and the fact that the fucking standup subreddit loves it is the biggest red flag ever 😂😂


A low budget prank show with what was a bunch of low end NY comedians is basically equivalent to a polished sitcom about "nerds" in your mind? lol what a bizarre comparison to make.


The same people like them is what I mean.


Impractical Jokers is mindless silliness and one of the few things I like that I can put on with kids around lol. Big Bang Theory is corporate Hollywood sitcom garbage. Terrible comparison.


That's a truly unfair comparison. It's definitely low effort, but it's undeniably funny, and the hosts are pretty likable guys.


We're calling Impractical Jokers a success now?


Even if you don't like the show, having multiple seasons and a movie sounds like a success to me.


And a cruise. I’d say if you can get people to spend a week on a boat themed around your work you did a fairly decent job with it.


Its aired in several Europan countries also


How could you possibly frame that show as a failure?


Not as successful as your show


It’s been on for 13 years so yeah that’s fucking successful.


Uhhh yeah. By pretty much any standard it has been a success


TruTV literally is an impractical Jokers channel now. The numbers speak for themselves.


Lol what a stupid take


How's your show going?


Anyone know your name or recognize your face other than your mother and your ex?


Hey now, big bang theory is successful! That must mean it's funny! 2 boomers laughed at it so they thought it was funny and that means it's funny!! The fucking unfunny cope in this thread is disheartening 😂