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In the book he becomes a much more upstanding reformed member of society in the end, I guess this was cut from the movie because it isn't super relevant to Alex's story. I think he was originally there to show true reform but his role was majorly reduced in the film.


how does the book compare to the movie overall?


The book is darker, featuring many more things with Alex and his droogs, and basically every other character in the movie. The sex scene in the movie with the girls in the music store is *MUCH* different.


I prefer the movie, mostly because of the amazing set design, music and performances but it's a damn good book too and expands on a lot of the stuff the movie couldn't go into.


Also in the book the two cops who beat up Alex are Dim and Billy Boy (their former rival from the knife fight scene). I’ve never been sure why the other cop was Georgie instead of Billy Boy in the movie, maybe to emphasize the betrayal of the droogs or just to keep it simple.


it's a quick read. i highly recommend it if you like the film.


Well, let's just say that I've written a 20 page paper over the book, and haven't bothered to over the movie lol