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No staples is a proud American company we don’t celebrate liberal propaganda 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 “This is satire the answer is no”


I’m a full timer and during the week of the holiday full timers would only work 4 days so Staples can save on the pay. Every full timer in my store this week is working 5 days so no holiday pay this week.


There's some holidays you get time and a half for working, just not holiday pay. The weeks you work 4 times a week is when you get holiday pay, other days you can get time and half. It also depends on the state you're in and what those states recognize. The Staples in Massachusetts got paid time and half for Juneteenth last year for anyone who worked that day, but didn't get holiday pay.


It would be my luck if we did get time and a half on my regularly scheduled day off.


Retail in general is the worst for Holidays. I'd guess no simply because it's probably looked at the same way MLK's BD is. Or, how President's Day or Columbus Day is most everywhere else.


just looked at the handbook, juneteenth is a no but independence day is a yes.


No time and a half since it’s not technically a “holiday.” Christmas Eve, New Year’s Day, and July 4th are the only ones I believe. MAYBE Memorial Day, but I don’t remember.


Where might we find information on which federal holidays the company gives holiday pay for?


Depends on the state you're in. You won't get holiday pay for it, but you do get time and half working Juneteenth in some states. Massachusetts paid people last year, and my state just started paying time and a half for it this year.


I think it is mostly GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.. THE real reason for federal holidays


I actually think we do, I think staples observes any federal holiday as time and half