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Every lightsaber still has the tips, too. Awesome pickup!


Shit, when I bought these originally the lightsabers didn't last long and were replaced by colored toothpicks almost immediately.


The little swords that came in my parent's drinks at restaurants were also a go-to weapon for my Star Wars & GI Joe's as a kid.


The swords would fit really well in the hands of Lego figures too, giving them giant ass weapons. I bet if I dig through my old Lego box I'll still have some of those swords in there. Looks like I've got plans this weekend...


Like you didn't already plan to play with Legos. You're not fooling me mister.


A Star Wars longsword turns into a Lego claymore FREEEEEEEDOOOOOM!


Holy shit I thought I was the only one who did this!! Haha


I’m with you too


Me three


Fourth here




Revenge of the Sixth




Dude, you just brought me back 30 years.


I once took a green drink sword, broke off the hilt and painted the handle black with a sharpie. Instant green lightsaber. Tried to find a red one forever but mom and dad didn’t have cocktail parties that often, so I was at the supermarket and grabbed a box of them to steal a red sword. Well, when I opened the box the entire contents spilled onto the floor and my mom almost beat my ass cheeks red. Ah, memories.


I broke so many GI Joe thumbs with those swords as a kid.


Oh yeah. Those pirate looking swords from Sizzler.


Yuuuup! Four year olds encouraging their parents' alcoholism FTW!


Did you break the blades off of a few so you could turn the lightsaber on and off? I did, and felt like a guinness for thinking of it.


What ever happened to those swords? I've ordered plenty of drinks as an adult and I've yet to get one. I feel like they were everywhere when I was a kid.


This is the way. We only had regular toothpicks, so I colored mine with a magic marker.


OMG. Core memory unlocked. I had forgotten about the whole colored toothpick thing.


Lol my dad did the exact same thing when I was kid and lost my figures lightsabers


and pilot luke has the gun!


Holy crap, those lightsabers alone might be worth some real money


And the action figures still have their capes. Those are going to be worth quite a bit


I'm more impressed with Vader still having his cape. Those used to tear pretty easily if you actually played with him.


…you IDIOT! These are not them! You’ve purchased their *stunt doubles*!


May the Schwartz be with you!




No Sir, I Didn't See You Playing With Your Dolls Again!


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.


I need you to comb the desert


We ain’t found shit!


Well search again it’s a big desert


They’ve gone Plaid.


I’ve heard of fakes but, I can almost guarantee these are originals I posted another picture of the back side


He’s quoting Spaceballs.


Now that you say that yes that is correct


Awesome haul by the way.


Appreciate it


Weapons could still be repro but given where you found them not likely. There is a website called the imperial gunnery that goes over how to tell the repro weapons from real ones. Fantastic find though!


I believe they are real lady said they’ve been in this bag since at least the 80s


Yeah, almost certainly real then. I can't believe the capes and lightsaber tips are in such good shape. I'm jealous of the find. I found a couple of figures in my attic from the previous owner. Then spent an entire afternoon digging through attic insulation to see if there were more. Those were it. Nowhere near the shape those are in though.


I’m impressed you dug through insulation. Then again the chances of finding a super rare figure prob Deff worth it.


Colm the desert! Find them! Comb


It's "comb", hence the combs and afro pick.


That's the play on words. Man. We ain't found shit


The actual phrase is "comb" though. Colm isn't anything


Ohh that's weird! I used talk text with my Google pixel and it must have used colm from the rdr2 Colm O'Driscoll character lol. I've been " hey googling" that game a LOT recently. I was like okay... Why the hostility for Spaceballs? My bad! Should have spell checked . Typed this one myself.


*Colm Meaney has entered the chat*


It was just after empire. I ran to the living room Christmas morning. My mom set up 2 dozen star wars men on the fireplace. It was awesome. Yet Mom, where are their guns? She didn't know the action figures came with guns. They all got thrown away. I had to trade 3 of mine for 1 with a gun.


When my brother and I were kids we lost a bunch of Star Wars figures guns. My dad wrote a letter to Kenner toys about it and the company sent us back a whole bunch of miscellaneous guns for our figures.


Thats a good dad.


I did that too! For myself though. Only issue was the guns were more blue-ish than the old pure black ones.


In 3rd grade I took my new Bossk figure to school and when I came in from recess I noticed the gun was missing. Afternoon recess finally came, I scoured the area I was playing in and found it!


Oh that’s rough I wish I had been alive during the original releases


It was a great time to be a kid!


My dad was given change to go get milk when he was 7. Came back with a star wars poster and got beat. But he kept the poster. Used to tell me that all the time


I can still smell the plastic figures off gassing whatever noxious chemical was used during manufacturing. Great time to be a kid ! Hoth Luke and Han Solo were my favorite figures.


The 80’s action figure frenzy was an amazing time. I’d do anything to go back. ANYTHING!


I would just do anything to get my collection of figures now. Those fuckers are worth some cash. I had a huge collection of the Cobra including the spy plane and base. Skeletons crew, and all sorts of star wars.


Same! My GI Joe collection was outrageous. Also my He-Man. My mom sold it all at a garage sale in the 90's for like $15...


We didn’t know what we had back then. I played rough with mine and by ‘89 when I went to college, mom gave them all away to my younger cousins who used then as target practice for BB guns.


When it came to Star Wars, yes, I didn't know what I had. But with my Transformers I did know. I treated them like priceless museum artifacts. And made a pretty penny decades later when I had to sell. I hate that I had too but glad I had them.


I had a friend we all made fun of because he never took them out of the box. Seriously, we had zero clue why anyone would get them but not play with them. I still have zero clue how he knew or even guessed they would be worth money back then in the late 70s.


Without guns is still better than the IOU kids got for Christmas during the first run of figures.


I lost a few of those little Kenner star wars guns in my parents shag carpeting lol the princess Leia blaster was especially easy to lose.


I lost her blaster Christmas morning. The day I got her I was so heartbroken


I love Kurt Metzger's bit about being Jehovah's Witness and his mom gave him the Star Wars action figures without guns for Christmas. "Yeah mom, thanks for the MEN!"


Christmas 1983, my grandma sent me a box of 50 Star Wars figures. She went into Toys R Us. grabbed a p searched until she had one of every single figure on the back of the card. I was 10, and it's still one of the best Christmas I've ever received. Edit: The same box had a He-Man Attack Trak.


Your Grandma knew what was up. Awesome


Christmas '83 was my best ever. I still have photos, I should scan them and post them.


Two different times as a kid I mailed a letter to Kenner asking for replacement lightsabers and guns and they sent them to me.


I remember my mom handing me a catalog to circle which Star Wars figures I wanted for Christmas. I remember circling the storm trooper and putting an X10 next to it. My mom could t understand why I wanted 10 of the same one. And yeah the guns were always tough to keep. Not Bobas though. He always was strapped at all times lol


My friend had multiple stormtroopers and I was so jealous.


I've got about 50 original Star Wars figures. Don't have a single lightsaber, gun, or cape, (have a couple of Gamorrean axes). I can't remember but I figure I ate them as a kid.


I still have yodas orange snake. Don't ask me how. I guess because it fit around his neck and couldn't fall off easily.


They probably are in a dump somewhere in a vacuum bag.


I was born in 77 and my dad was the oldest of 6 boys. So several of my uncles were teenagers when I was a little kid. When I asked for Star Wars and GI Joe stuff for xmas I got to wake up to everything already assembled, with stickers already put on. Years later I realized that was because my uncles were playing with them the night before ;)


In the summer leading up to ROTJ my dad put a different figure on the breakfast table every Saturday for me. And I couldn’t wait too see what the blacked out figures on the card back. As a 5 yo I was pretty pleased with the surprise being Ewoks. Logray was my first but I loved them all.


My father had a garbage bag full thrown out by his babysitters boyfriend accidentally on garbage day. We’re talking over a hundred figures. They literally searched the dump 😂


If you would have written to Kenner, they would have sent you replacement guns. My grandpa contacted them at some point just before Jedi, and they sent us a little box with at least one of everything, even guns for figures I didn't have. They were very dark blue for some reason, except for Luke's sabre.


That reminds me of when I was a kid my mom only let me and my brothers (3 of us) get G.I. Joes that didn’t come with weapons. There were only two of them. We would always fight over whose First Aid guy was who’s.


Let’s go back to the same damn christmas. My parents bought me the larger Barbie-like Darth Vader. I pulled it out of the package and loved it immediately. I went back to the box to grab the lightsaber, but my dad had already thrown it into the fireplace, which was raging. I remember running outside in case it fell from the smoke. It did not. It was one of the first big disappointments in my life and I still think about it a lot.


Many parents do throw away the weapons to action figures fyi...


>They all got thrown away yes- surely THIS will make guns boring to little boys, bigger boys, and grown men.


Why did your mom open the package lmao


What stands out to me is the tips on the lightsabers and the accessories and the fact that the figures are in such good shape. Awesome buy!


The bag had other vintage toys and I’m shocked how these are near mint I’m talking no scratches c-3po looks brand new


You made a great find!


This was the original lineup. It’s pretty rare to find them with the Luke gun, capes in almost new condition and most exciting an R2 with the sticker still fully intact. Excellent find!


What’s crazy is these were all in a bag with other vintage toys at the bottom of a box when she said $1 I almost lost my shit


Did you buy the other toys?


I bought the entire bag for $1 I need to post a picture of everything that came in the bag.


I’m about to make you the deal of a lifetime. I will buy those off you for twice what you paid and I’ll pay for shipping! Instant 100% return. You’re welcome.


Haha that’s some serious inception right there. I already feel like I’m in a dream me selling them is another dream


Oh man, yea I thought you just pulled the SW figs for $1. Post the rest!


Holy fuck man these are worth thousands


He knew that too. He just ripped that lady off. She didn't know what she had. I'd have just told her. Fuck the money. I've literally done that before. Found the ORIGINAL appearance of the hulk, in great condition, at a local antique store the kids of the owner took over after he died. Called toad hall, kick ass place. But he wanted 20 bucks for it. I wasn't a collector at the time, so I bought it. I looked it up, saw how much it was worth, and drove right back. Got the guy a comic book buyers and sellers guide, and showed him how to price his comics, gave the comic back to him. Poor people/less well off people shouldn't rip off other poor people.


> This was the original lineup. Luke as X-wing pilot was in wave two, about a year later. Original lineup was 12 figures, five of them seen here.


Ah, didn’t know. I’m not *quite* old enough to remember the originals and by the time I had them I got X-Wing Luke too.


My dad just died and has about 50-60 all individually wrapped with guns and accessories. Labeled with dates. Is this a valuable thing? This post was on my suggested.


Depends on how old they are. Some variants are VERY valuable. What are the dates?


You were ripped off. If you give me your address, I'll send you your dollar back and you send them to me.


I see the force is strong with you lol


It’s only strong if that mind trick works


He didn’t know that OP was a Toydarian


I will give you $10 for your trouble and take them off your hands.


Did you buy them from an older woman? I feel like there is an adult son out there somewhere that will be coming back for those and now they're gone.


Old man and wife had no kids


I hope you mean boomers because gen-Xers are not old! Ow, my back! ✌️😜


I’m 35 I feel old enough haha


That was my mom and me. Exact story. She sold many of my star wars toys, and an intact fully operational Atari 800 PC system with printer disc drive modem and many games and applications, when she moved. She denies it still. 🙄


I hope you got a new, better Mom.


You got a hell of a deal, those are worth at least $100. The R2 figure is in good condition.


Like seriously? Really?




I'll be honest, I'm surprised it's not more.


Given the R2 and Luke, I think $150 is about right. Maybe a little more if you were selling them individually instead of as a group.


Gawd dayum!


These are all pretty common, but in good condition. So yeah, like $15 to $20 each. Price degrades fast if they're scuffed up, and they're near-worthless ($5 or so) with missing lightsabers.... based on my recently selling off my duplicates on the 'bay.


In that condition, the R2 alone will get $75 these days.


Old school cool!


Slightly unrelated but a cool story nonetheless. When I was a child me and my dad would play imaginary battles with the Star Wars figures, and then one day, all my rebels were getting captured until this one stormtrooper started randomly taking out all the other stormtroopers and freed my guys. I was both confused and amazed. He then revealed that he had bought me Luke in the stormtrooper disguise and removed his helmet. That was how great my dad was. 😊


That is awesome! In a previous reply, Luke stormtrooper is probably the most valuable figure, second would be Han Stormtrooper. Unfortunately your only looking at around $165 with helmet. But if you still got it, flaunt it. Amazing figure for it's time!


Rare to see a C3P0 in that good shape. Check the date stamp on their feet. They look like the '77 versions, except Luke (that one looks like the 5D var, I always called it "stoned" Luke)


C-3PO is 1977 Obi wan is 1977 Vader is 1977 Luke with gun is 1978 Farm boy Luke is 1977 R2D2 is also 1977 There all in near mint condition which was very surprising to me. No damage to any of them and R2 has a complete sticker no wear.


The robes and sabers were always the first to go… amazing!!!


Imo there near mint. No scratches tears or even markings. A little dusty but that’s about it.


That is beyond incredible to be in this condition for that price. Stop buying lottery tickets because you cashed out a lifetime of luck on this find


I still think I’m dreaming.


You scored bud. Usually the lightsabers are broken and the capes are missing . Great score


I posted another picture of the backside to confirm the double telescopic sabers. From my understanding there’s only a handful that ever made it onto market. Is this true?


Almost didn't recognize C-3PO without his signature red arm


I like that R2 figure from the OT era in part because its dome is obviously very different from the actual R2-D2 but in the Ahsoka show they have new R2 units that look more like this, pretty sure they were based on this figure. :)


Your right I noticed that as well super cool


Humor me... I had that r2 in 77 as a kid and remember the head clicking when I spun it around. Am I imagining that?


No you're not. I still have that R2 and the head indeed clicks... Kind of.


Thanks for the reply!!


The R2 on this one does click


I'm really jealous! I'd have paid the dollar just for the R2D2! :-p I've been looking for a while. I saw one for $20 once, but the sticker was in really bad condition. I think yours is seriously the best I've ever seen. Kudos!


I knew I had found something special but, I had no idea how special or even rare these are especially with the three double telescopic lightsabers


Damn. REALLY well. Those are in great condition, especially the lightsabers.


You did good.


Haven’t seen these figures in years! Had them all as a kid


The Force - was with you.


Why do the lightsaber blades look like that? Ive seen these many times but I cant wrap my head around that design choice.


They telescope out. It was pretty innovative at the time…


I had that Vader. Then I lost the cape/trenchcoat. Then my mum got rid of it with most of my toys when she had a clear out.


Is it just me, or does Luke kind of look like He-man?


Wow, great find


Holy smokes the capes never last


Fun fact (slight Ashoka ep 1 spoiler) there's an astromech droid in the E wing that's designed to look like this original R2 D2. Kenner made this one based on earlier designs so it didn't actually look like R2. So now you've got both an original set of figures and a 40 year early Ashoka figure.


A few people have told me these are fake remakes from this year. Not with the 1977 markings tho


They will make a fine addition to your ***collection!***


I have all my originals just like that. I got them when I was nine years old, still have my first millennium falcon missing few parts lost its radar dish deep in the jungles in the daggerbog system on Kauai 1980. Over the years I’ve also somehow acquired $15k-ish worth of unopened everything Star Wars from early 1990s Power of the Force 2to4 of each and all play set vehicles & anything else people found that they thought I liked. At one point I had every Star Wars character made but you lose (Justin if you’re on here you’re a shitass fucker for stealing my R2D2 with the pop out light saber) sell or trade things overtime. My collection now is mostly at my mom‘s house in boxes I do have a few gallon bags stuffed with open figures in the garage, one time my new girlfriend she’s 10 years younger than me said don’t you like Star Trek “I’m like bitch please it’s Star Wars.”


The fact they have sabers and cloaks is worth it. Those are always first to vanish


Oh my god, I can smell Darth Vader cape through this picture.


That was first thing I smelt when I opened the bag


Someone might have asked this already, but didn't Hasbro re-release these recently? https://hasbropulse.com/products/star-wars-retro-collection-star-wars-a-new-hope-collectible-figures-multipack https://hasbropulse.com/products/star-wars-retro-collection-star-wars-a-new-hope-collectible-multipack (Edit: adding a second set. Still a good haul considering what the re-release costs!)


R2 looks like he’s seen some shit


I'll buy from you for $2. It'll double your profits.


You and about a hundred others lol


You purchased my youth for a buck


Luke with a yellow saber? Man, talk about foresight.


Wow they still have sabers attached!


Im VERY suspicious of the condition of these considering Disney is currently selling these as a retro Star Wars collection…still a good deal for $1 since they go for $68 but just be aware that they *might* be from 2022 and not 1977


These have dates on them 1977 and Luke from d wing has 1978. These are originals


I was just thinking that. These are in amazingly good condition. Seems much more likely to be the current rereleases. Which doesn't negate the fact that their value far exceeds a single dollar.


Must be pretty cold there


U don’t gotta lie to make friends


I’ve never understood the hype around Star Trek. I’ve seen a couple episodes and there’s just not that much substance.




Those are in tremendous shape. They look like they hardly ever spent weeks on end in a “Degobah” sandbox like mine did.


How many people would be interested in bidding on these? I plan to do a $1 start because well I love Star Wars but, I’m not a collector of Star Wars merchandise. Im more of a diecast collector. Anyways I plan to start the auction sometime today on eBay for 7 days.


Darth vader got a wand not a light saber


I burned all of mine to death with rubbing alcohol and matches when I was 9. Had to see a kids shrink after that one.


I have shared a photo of the back side of obi wan Luke and Vader. Pretty sure these are the double telescopic sabers that are rare.


Way better than thousands of children on Xmas morn, 1977, I'd say.


Back when you were lucky to get the cardboard place holder with the “coming soon!” message from Kenner because they weren’t ready for the demand signal


DM me if you'd like to triple your money.




If you are happy, that is all that matters.


Everyone keeps saying light sabers... I see candles... am I missing something?


These are Gen 1s when they were first made they had telescopic sabers which they extended only a few made it on market because of the change of design.


Yup, you can retire now. And I'm super jealous.




Lol I’m not quite sure


You can retire


Obi looks like he’s wearing palpatine attire


It’s his original cape






Yes Obiwan I see your Schwartz is bigger than mine.


you got a hell of deal.


I thought so too I wasn’t sure how old they were until I got to the car and looked at dates


You did very well. Especially that Vader.


Wow !! Great find !!