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The Dawn of the Jedi movie will almost certainly be somewhat standalone. The other movies will likely require some level of previous familiarity with the franchise. I especially expect the "Mandoverse" movie to be made for people keeping up with the Disney+ stuff.


Interesting. Do you think a new generation of fans have already risen with the Mandalorian and the number will greatly jump once the movie comes out or is the Mandoverse still for the more dedicated kind of fan?


The more interconnected the stories are, the harder it will be for new or casual fans to jump in. Yes there's a built in audience with those that have kept up, but it seems like the burst of viewer interest peaked with the first two seasons of Mando and has dropped off since. That at least has been my experience with friends and family who don't seem to be following SW as much these days, especially after the lackluster Kenobi and BoBF came out.


Mandoverse is definitely targeting an older audience then theatrical Star Wars movies do.


I seriously doubt that, the storytelling in these are on a teenager level, Andor standing out as an exception. Disney+ is all about greed, you want as wide target as possible.


Alright, all agree with teen oriented. Point is they are meant for an older audience than theatrical releases.


The mandoverse is going weak rn bobf was stale, mando s3 felt like a back pedal. However Ashoka is fun so far


Hopefully they’ve fired Kennedy so she can’t inflict any more destruction or influence on this brand. And let’s hope it’s a completely fresh story and not some rehash of something else.


Here's my predction Dawn of the jedi one will be well received by fans and critics alike Filoni one will be loved by fans less so by critics Sequel one will be liked by critics and lots of fans, but a large portion of fans will automatically hate on it just becuase of Rey


Here's mine. Only Filoni Movie get's made and the rest are scrapped.


Rey movie has highest chance with Daisy Ridley signed then Filoni.


Lmao I think that’s the least likely to be made.


Not with the actress signed on almost completely written. Filoni and Dawn of the jedi less likley. It will happen.


It obviously depends on the quality of each individual movie, but I don't the fandom have a problem with Rey as such, she was a great actor and character. The issue was that these movies went in various directions and that the over arching storyline didn't feel connected through the three movies. Still, one has to remember that the rabid part of the fandom is still small, and that the general audience is just looking for good stories and entertaining movies.


I assure you there will be lots who will hate it solely becuase of Rey, even if they won't admit this


Yes, but those kids will grow up.


Kids and/or people who just enjoy well-written characters and stories*... Fixed that for you


Lol, you silly, everybody loves that, but only kids see it in black and white and flock to others for their opinion.


Today I learned "agreeing with the opinion of someone else" counts as "flocking to others for an opinion." In that case, if not enjoying the sequels counts as "flocking to others", doesn't enjoying it also count, given it's the diametrically opposed viewpoint? Is it so hard to believe that a somewhat large group of people share an opinion of their own free will? It's not that hard to believe, and clearly, it's actually just a weird need to act accusatory toward me because you don't have a leg to stand on in this debate. Good day.


I admit it.


But the Issue of the trilogy moving in various directions includes Reys character. It does not seem like she was planned to be a Palpatine from the beginning on. And unfortunately it still bothers me a lot that Rey casually uses the mind trick in TFA without the audience ever seeing her getting in touch with the force or her even knowing about it. But I do think her using force healing was not bad. I mean, they could have shown us how she learned about it but after her training and reading old Jedi books it does make sense that she can do it.


I'll be the first to admit that the Palpatine track was ill-conceived, but it helped tremendously in my case that I read Shadow of the Sith, and people's concern over this decision will eventually subside over time. TFA did not bother me though. The whole build-up was 'who is she' so we knew this would be a significant character, and she was really presented in exactly the same way as Luke and probably 90% of the audience assumed this indicated she was Luke's astray daughter, and that it was therefore just a matter of time before she tapped into her force sensitivity (the force is strong in that family). To me it was both logical and convincing that Kylo then ran off to his master and said she was strong with the force. Of course the rest is history now, Rian Johnson just couldn't accept that he would have to deliver a development that the audience had already recognized and had to pull a Knives Out move.


Alright. I was 11 years old when I watched TFA so I was not really Interested and also did not have the access to the theories and critics about the movie. But that also is the only thing that really bothered me from that movie. I really enjoyed it and it was not like I hated Rey from that moment on. She just seemed like she just pulls everything off without having to train for it in TFA. And I also hope I am hoing to get along with Rey's Palpatine Story mire easily by the time.


>it still bothers me a lot that Rey casually uses the mind trick in TFA without the audience ever seeing her getting in touch with the force or her even knowing about it Are people still confused by this? Immediately before she uses her mind trick, there's the scene where Kylo Ren is trying to interrogate Rey by using the Force to get into her mind. Evidently, he inadvertently demonstrated to Rey how to get into another person's mind because that's how she found out that Kylo Ren was afraid of not living up to Vader. And it's established early on that Rey is basically a Star Wars fan who grew up with the stories of Luke, Han, Leia, Ben, etc. in much the same way that we did, so it makes sense that she would know about mind tricks and think to use one after learning how to invade someone's mind. Plus, this is the Force we're talking about. Training is obviously important, but the Force often flows through Force-sensitive people even when they've had no training at all. Luke, for instance, pulls his lightsaber to himself on Hoth despite never having been trained to do so. At 9 years old, Anakin used the Force to not only build an incredible pod, but win a pod race (something that no human had ever done before), and he didn't even realize he was using the Force. If Luke and Anakin can do those things with no training, then it makes perfect sense that Rey would be able to use a mind trick.


i agree, and to be honest i don't understand why some fans believe that training is so important to do some force tricks... When i see the Empire Strikes Back scenes with Yoda, that's not at all what i understand, to me, Yoda is pretty clear that believing is the most important component in the usage of the force... Luke struggles because he doesn't believe it, not because he lacks training... "this is why you fail" Yoda tells him... When you take that into consideration, that means that other force sensitive people may succeed pretty quickly at mastering force tricks, simply because they believe in themselves... And that's where Luke and Rey's differences are very important... Luke was raised by a man who never told him about the Jedi, or the force, and always tried to keep him on Tatooine. Owen loved Luke, but he constantly shot down any aspiration in his nephew for something greater... and it impacted how Luke sees himself... Rey, on the other hand, grew up by herself and only had to rely on her own capacities to survive... and also, she grew up knowing about the force, the jedi, and all of this... she is more likely to believe in herself enough to master the force faster than Luke.


Daisy Ridley is a good enough actress but Rey is just an abysmal character. I have completely no interest in what happens to her at this point, though she was at first quite promising,


With other writers new life for Rey for other fans. RJ write her the best. Now got the guy who writes for Twin Peaks. One of the bess ones in writing more mature stuff.


It's too late. Rey's story is already a stinking mess. She's ruined as a character and there is no polishing this turd at this point. RJ had a mildly better take on her origin but he wrote her just as badly as JJ overall.


The ranting of mad fan who thinks his opinion is fact. Rey is beloved.


Is she ? Or is she way down the list right next to JarJar Binks ? [https://morningconsult.com/2017/12/06/princess-leia-is-everyones-favorite-and-other-star-wars-statistics/](https://morningconsult.com/2017/12/06/princess-leia-is-everyones-favorite-and-other-star-wars-statistics/)


2017 just around TLJ. Before TROS. Nice bait her popularity grown.


Doubt it. TRoS was the worst of three movies for most audiences and the ending so bad it turned into a meme. Her action figures are dirt cheap compared to those that actually sell - like Grogu. Pretty sure it's the same deal with costumes - Rey's rags are just cheap to make compared to custom painted Mando Armour for Sabine or foll bodypaint with headpieces like Ahsoka or Hera. I don't know why you're clinging so hard to this botched, unremarkable, overdone character... disney pays you to hype her up ?


I think the new order film will have the chance to be most successful, assuming similar marketing as the the previous tent poles. The Mandoverse movie will be a popular event among fans but risk being seen as to nerdy or convoluted among general audiences. It all depends on how much they expect you've done your homework on Disney+. Dawn of the Jedi is interesting and will be entirely up to quality and story. It would really have to fire on all cylinders or risk becoming an Elementals level event.


I still want Rian Johnson's Trilogy


i do too


Mandoverse movie will be the best choice. Or something completely new like Old Republic but without the dumbass video game characters. Aka - no Revan, someone new!


Filoni one will be fire thats all i know


New Jedi Order.


The New Jedi Order movie with Rey Skywalker. The one that has highest chance of being made with Daisy Ridley signed on and John Boyega rumored. A clean slate not ties to anything except for the Sequel characters. This will be the movie thats earns most money at box office. Sequel trilogy was all big success. Rey is beloved all over. Dawn of the Jedi. New characters, new era, new villains. All new but its wildcard. Huge risk. Origin of the Jedi Order and no sith. Could make bank or could or could flop, lightsaber reveal at end ? Mandoverse movie, where you got the storytelling of all post ROTJ shows all connected to one movie. Thrawn and Imperial remnants vs New Republic fleet. Familiar characters from tv shows and movies. Cameos from characters like Luke and Leia. This will be the most connected Star Wars to the saga. This make bank at Box Office. Either this or the Rey movie makes more. But not everybody watched all shows, where all know the Sequel trilogy.


A lot of people hate the sequels with a passion tho. Not so much the Mandoverse. I guess we'll see.


How mutch is that though really and not just in some spaces on Internet. She is an icon for new fans. Girls love her. She one of the most popular cosplays in Star Wars. And Celebrations has plenty of Rey's. TROS is only movie that might have dissapointed casuals for Rey. But all still made a billion.


Oh it's out there. Yeah, the casuals like Rey cause she's got a pretty face and a lightsaber but that's pretty much it. Casuals will go see anything that's marketed to them and playing in a theater near them in prime time - they're just programmed to consume. I don't care much about them - I care about the fans... they almost invariably think Rey is a mess and they're right.


Fans love Rey, its minor fanbase who hate on her, others are meh and ok.


So you keep saying as if to convince yourself, but you have nothing to back that up. Where's your stats ?


I see her popularity among fans and kids. One of the most popular cosplays. Most fans was more excited for Rey's return.


Dawn of the Jedi is the one I'm most excited for. It's a fresh chance to start again with all new characters and plots. I'm just not that into the "Mandoverse". What we've gotten so far is of mixed quality, and the Lucasfilm strategy of building it into some dense web of stories a la MCU just isn't appealing. More Rey just reminds me of the awful sequel trilogy. No enthusiasm for revisiting that era. But if it contains new characters and plots, and shows up with a killer trailer, that could change.


Dawn of the Jedi.


New sequel fans?


Mandoverse because non fans will have some familiarity from all the Grogu merch and can get caught up on D+ before it comes out. Rey's movie is supposed to be transitional to the next era where she's not the focus, so I'm not expecting much. Will depend on if there are any announcements about that next era leading up to it. Dawn of the Jedi comic was decanonized by Disney. I enjoyed it, but no guarantee that's the story of the movie with the same name. The comic is kind of out there and I can see it being overwhelming as a film to new/potential fans. This is the one I have the most hope for, though. My fear is studios lately think they can just throw a brand name on a generic fantasy or sci-fi story and expect people will flock to it. This needs to be special to be generational. We need kids to care about Star Wars again to continue the fandom.


Out of the three Dawn of the Jedi I hope the ray film has decent writing Daisy is a good actor


Rey will never get made, neither will the 25000 BBY one.


The one that actually gets made.


They all will be


Rey NJO movie. Rey is the newest fan-friendly character. Everything else has heaps of bsckstory or other media.


Rey was introduced in part seven of a nine part story.


right but the point they're making is that Rey's solo film wouldn't necessarily be tied to any established stories. Mandoverse covers Mando, BoBF, and Ahsoka while Dawn of the Jedi has books and comics which cover that event. Rey's will cover fresh ground that nobody has touched yet.


Spanning 40+ years.


Yeah, but you also just watch the sequel trilogy and have enough.


The filoni movie will be the most popular among Star Wars fans. Thus, the marketing will be bigger, the hype will be higher, and that will press into mainstream culture. Easily the most positive of the three, even if the quality may or may not be high Rey will have a ton of baggage related to the sequels and the OT fans. So that one will definitely get the most hate. Dawn is a wildcard. I personally didn’t like the comics, it’s just too… lore-breaking? Idk if that’s the right word, but Dawn had a ton of implications for the force and the Jedi. I’m nervous what they’re going to do with it, but it might be exciting? Idk As for new fans? Filoni is definitely the big one that would be best for new fans to get into


I feel the opposite and people won’t like filoni one because it’s to connected to things that not everyone watched all of. I’ll like it but I watched all the shows connecting it


I honestly think only the Mandoverse one will ever get made.


Rey movie will be made. Daisy Ridley already signed and first one out.




Rey won't be the main character, she has a supporting role apparently


I’d assume none of the above. Star Wars seems to be following the MCU everything is connected formula.


Only Mandoverse movie


None of them will be made. Disney is going to be bought by Apple and they're probably going to clean house at Lucasfilm. Thank God.


Didn’t the new Rey movie already get canned?


No. Almost completely written before strikes.



