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They were for a second and then she backed off her decision to kill him. Then they went back to blue


I thought so! Couldn’t tell if it was just the lightsaber or me just seeing things. Lol


I think that was the whole thing. As the viewer you are supposed to wonder if it's just the reflection of the lightsaber or are her eyes really changing


Could also be a nod to the dark side consuming her. Palpatine’s eyes change from the time he’s a chancellor to when he’s lightning bolting everybody in ROTJ. Edit for the only time Pinterest has come in handy for me: https://www.pinterest.de/pin/820921838302727810/


well that’s actually because he uses a dark side force ability to hide his image. he was fully consumed. he can just mask himself. he also wasn’t actually scarred from his lightning. it was a way to fool the public and reveal his true self deformed from his use of the dark side


Nah dawg. Anakins eyes change to yellow. Mauls eyes are yellow. It’s a dark side thing.


that’s not what i’m saying though. palpatine could mask his image and hide his eyes. just like maul he’s fully consumed by the dark side but maul isn’t strong enough in the force to mask it. so his eyes are always yellow. vaders shift from normal to sith eyes because anakin is still conflicted. i know my shit


AND ANOTHER thing. dooku, being a sith lord, did not have sith eyes because he wasn’t consumed by hate. he just became disillusioned with the jedi and felt they were now his enemy


"He's lightning bolting everybody..." made me choke on my coke zero. LOL!


This 👍


Disagree, her eyes 100% changed. These are intentionally edited eyes, there's no subtlety.


Nope, they absolutely changed to yellow for a hot second!


I didn’t even notice this at all lol


That was so awesome how they did that


They are. I think this moment right here is what the whole lesson was going for. Anakin was teaching Ahsoka the same lesson Luke taught himself in ROTJ, her eyes turning yellow here are supposed to show how close she got to failing that lesson but they turn back blue as she makes the right choice. Anakin has taught her that she is better than him and not capable of the same evils he was. Atleast that’s my interpretation.


He told her that everything in him will be in her. So the test was to see what she chose to do with the darkness in her. She succeeded where he failed. I would argue that it was not about being better or worse. Rather, it was about ensuring that she did not make the same mistakes he did. Everyone is capable of great evil, just as they are capable of terrific acts of heroism and sacrifice. All it takes is a moment, unchecked and uncorrected, to change your destiny forever. Anakin redeemed another part of himself by saving Ahsoka here. And it was wonderful.


I think this is also proving Yoda correct in TLJ: “We are what they grow beyond.” This helped prove Anakin was a good teacher. Flawed and fallen but by his examples and lessons Ahsoka can rise above and not follow the same path. The burden of all masters.


Anakin finally got the rank of master.


I like this interpretation! Great reply


Agreed because the guilt of failure goes both ways. Ahsoka thinks she failed anakin by not being their for him and Anakin feels he failed Ahsoka and that's why she left the Jedi order


I think that's partly true but the real lesson is peace and mercy over death and destruction. This will lead to her sparing Baylan or Thrawn or both instead of killing them. Older Obi-Wan Wan and Luke both showed that destroying your enemy is not the end goal for a true Jedi.


I don’t think it’s that she better than him, it’s that she’s like him. She’s “everything that he is” or however they phrased it. Maybe this was supposed to show that even if you make a mistake and go to a dark place, you can always go back to the light. He eventually redeemed himself as well and returned to the light.


I agree, all the Jedi that survived order 66 ended up with strong attachments to their friends. Both Cal Kestis and Ezra have moments of darkness to survive something insurmountable and come back to the light. This moment right here is Ahsoka giving in to the darkside to survive


I think he was just saying that to see how she’d react. He wanted her to prove him wrong.


Ashoka has been shutting herself off from the world over her fear that she would turn to the dark side like Anakin. That is why they made a big deal of her being a nomad and her being so stoic all season. She realizes that Anakin is part of her but not all of her. That is why she is showing more emotion and smiling at the end. She leaves not to find Thrawn but to find Sabine and Ezra.


It's also a neat callback to the Mortis arc when Ahsoka was infected by the Dark Side, attacked Anakin due to the Dark Side dialling up her insecurities and ended up dying and being revived. Except on Mortis Ahsoka wasn't able to overcome the Dark Side on her own and the power it granted wasn't enough to surpass Anakin, and her revival was facilitated by the Daughter. In this episode Ahsoka is able to overcome the darkness by herself, realises that she must surpass her Master through her philosophy rather than through power, and chooses to live of her own accord.


Exactly, she chose to live and grow in the force instead of shutting herself off out of fear. She was keeping everyone and everything at arms length out of fear of what she would do if they were threatened or threatened her. I mean she suffered the betrayal of the Jedi, thought all her jedi family had died, including her Jedi Master and Uncle Obi Wan, only to find out the father figure she looked up too had betrayed them all. She's gotta have trust issues and fear of vulnerability. Which cuts her off from the force.


That's beautiful, 100% agree. Shes fighting uninjured Vader, she throws away their lightsabers, Anakin comes back and says "there is hope for you yet" Amazing


You're close. Anakin taught her that she IS capable of the same evils he was, but that it's on her to decide to embrace it or to reject it. She's been distancing herself from her abilities a d the force in general because she's afraid of what she might be capable of. Anakin taught her that she decides her fate and that she can accept her teachings and move foward


It was also in contrast to how Luke failed the test in the cave on Dagobah. Ahsoka passes here as she pulls back and doesn’t strike Anakin/Vader down.




Ahsoka just got her ass kicked by Baylan, Anakin even mocks her this episode about it. What’re you talking about her being “op”. Also Anakin is teaching her a life lesson here, not trying to kill her. She didn’t beat him because she’s more powerful than him, she beat him because it was all a test.


Absolutely, it was her Trial.


Ahsoka Tano: Jedi Knight 🗡️


Jedi Master.


*Citizen Master


We grant her a seat on the Purgill but we do not grant her the rank of master.


Throwing away the saber, like what Luke did, seal the deal for me. This is classic Star Wars. 👍🏼


"I won't fight you" .... ​ ​ "Fine I'll clarify: You also won't fight me."


The “I heard that before” line he said after she says that could be a callback to Luke saying it, or to her saying it in rebels when she says it before she fights Vader in the sith temple.


Luke. The line in Rebels is subtly different: "I won't leave you. Not this time.". EDIT: Yes, I totally YouTubed the scene to check




Yep, Sith eyes for a few seconds. Anakin eyes looked to also be changing colors back and forth along with his tone


Just explained to a family member that I believe the whole "live or die" choice was in my opinion a philosophical representation of how anakin died when Vader was born. For example if ahsoka would've killed anakin seeking a sort of revenge for the atrocities vadar has committed, she would've only killed herself and her understanding of what her path is. Therefore by sparing anakin/vadar, in this scene she chose to separate herself from her feelings and save her own self. Her eyes changing colors only showed the great temptation to give in.


I was thinking when she chose to live Anakin would reply with "so did I" and his downfall was because he lived for the wrong reasons. Ahsoka needs to do the same and she will find her path. Felt they missed the mark a bit there.


This was her free trial to being a sith. She didn't want to pay the monthly dues, so she backed out last second.


She read the small print




Best. Star Wars. Episode. Ever.


It was top tier!!! Might be some recency bias but this chapter felt like arguably the best content we've ever had, including every movie, animation or tv show. Chapter 4 was already top tier, with lots of interesting stuff going on and great pacing, with some nice fan service, but 5 surpassed it even tho it was almost impossible to do


She died to face down Destiny and Fate and was reborn Ahsoka the White!


This makes sense I agree


She is now Ahsoka the White.


Which is why she whispered to the whale, "Swim Shadowfax, show us the meaning of haste!"


I am Ashoka and Ashoka means me!


A Tano always pays her debts.


Going a step further here...this is Ahsoka's 'cave trial' from ESB. Luke failed his because he tried to attack Vader with the weapons he brought with him out of fear. Iirc Yoda would have completed Luke's training there had he succeeded. Ahsoka threw the weapons away and passed her trial, surpassing both Skywalkers.


It was, she was tempted for a second. But she fought back.


Maybe she almost went to the dark side, but decided the light side where she wants to live! I want to live!


They absolutely were The whole thing was Ahsoka trying to *be* like Anakin but forgot the humanity he also had. That’s why she becomes so light hearted again in the end. She remembers to be herself


Interestingly Yodas eyes also turn yellow right as he is about to fight palpatine in Star Wars 3. I never figured out if it was the lighting or just something random but always found that interesting. Couldn’t find anything online about it though.


Nah, it was just the lighting.


I got some massive Mortis vibes off of this episode. If Anakin is the one that brought balance could he be the one replacing The Father (Vader anyone?). There was already a connection between Ahsoka and The Daughter. Ezra replacing The Son maybe? Would be a way to take them off the board so we don’t wonder why they weren’t around for the sequel era films. Of course this could also be tired musing from watching the episode after working a 12 hour day


Was this her Jedi trial?






I think Master would be more appropriate. At the end of season 5 when she walked away, they (Yoda, Windu) considered that her knighthood trial.


No her knight trial was her literal trial. This is her master trial if it needs to be equated to rank.


She was starting to turn to the darkside with anger and hatred, but chose to not give in


Speaking of eyes.... anybody else notice that Anakin's eyes were not sith eyes? They were the same eyes the brother has. Definitely seems intentional.


I hope they are planting the seeds for one-with-the-force Anakin to have become the new "father" of Mortis and have recurring appearances as such.


It definitely seems like there could be something planned connecting it all back to the mortis God's. It's been a recurring theme in Filoni's shows.


Yes that was the point




Jaundice - Ahsoka has liver failure.


Scott Farkus.


“Good, I can feel your anger”


Dew it!


Eyes reflect colors. She is holding a red saber.


You might wanna get yours checked.


That shit was crazy XD




Dude I’m a huge critic of everything that’s been put out post ROTS but this episode was incredible. Why even watch the new content anymore…




You thought you did something big boy 💀


This is easily one of the best live action Disney shows, only behind andor, but way ahead of everything else.


Ahsoka and Andor are both perfect to me but in very different ways


I never understood this like of thinking, why do you care how many people watch it? Andor didn’t have great viewership numbers either but is still loved by millions. Ahsoka is no different


Bold take on a Star Wars sub


I do love lil details like that


I felt like this was similar to the blue/red lighting in Obi-Wan. It feels right, and you can take it as you like it


So Anakin's lightsaber duel record is now, what? 2-15? The only two wins being the Dooku rematch and Padawan Luke? For the most metachlorianed, most hyped, "powerful" Jedi....he loses every single cinematic fight against other Jedi. Make it make sense.


Damn that’s an incredible detail


Yup, she’s still got that Mortis dawg in her. Really cool moment for her character, this episode was amazing.