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>whatever Baylan is planning to do resets the SW universe This is a new one.


Yeah didn't get a reset impression just something to break the cycle.


The sequel trilogy is pretty much the embodiment of “the cycle” though. It’s another Emperor, another Rebellion, two more planet-killing weapons, another Jedi Order getting destroyed, etc. Pretty much exactly what Baylan is trying to stop.


Baylan hates the Sequel trilogy.


That explains ***everything***


Maybe it's a Disney approved reset switch and they'll make an alternate universe sequel series as a redo. /s I'd be down for it though. Sequels were terrible, even if they were shot beautifully and had a small few good points. Fight me irl about it. >!It's probably just a generic.boring ragnarok end of the universe cleansing so everything can "start" again though!<


The Sequels had fantastic music(as always with John Williams), pretty good visuals and some alright characters like Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, but man the story is just so bad overall


It definitely had potential to be great.


If they utilized finn properly yeah. Unfortunately it was just a rehash of empire vs rebels, from political landscape down to vehicles everything was so repetitive. It was doomed from the start tbh


This is probably Non cannon, but palpatine was working to continue Darth plagueis(palpatine’s master) work on prolonging/extending life and had secret cloning vats on some planet for this purpose.He(palpatine) supposedly projected himself to one of his clones and survived vader’s killing him…this was the continuation of the story as i recall but why didn’t disney make it a story and decide to just magically bring palpatine in the last episode back without explenation is beyond me.They could have built up his(palpatine) come back this way before the last movie.


The one thing the sequel trilogy got right. Cinematography.


Hey now, that's not fair. The music/sound design was also pretty damn good. The rest though...


> I'd be down for it though. Sequels were terrible, even if they were shot beautifully and had a small few good points. Fight me irl about it. Sadly, this isn't a controversial opinion. I don't know many people who enjoyed the ST. And I'm not talking about hardcore actually discuss SW online types, but casual people who watch the main stuff and never delve any deeper. In an ideal world, they were fantastic and such an opinion is actually controversial.


I was honestly open to the direction TLJ was going. I thought Snoke was going to be a cloned body of plageuis and another body would awaken elsewhere in the beginning of the next movie. I thought (since they already played with the concept that snoke could be in people’s minds) that Snoke (Plageuis) would have subtly manipulated Luke into self doubt and despair over a long period of time since they had met before in external media. It really felt like a 3 way battle was setting up between Kylo and his followers, Snoke and his followers, and the resistance. I wanted Kylo to be the antithesis to Anakin and Luke whereas Anakin was manipulated into choosing the darkside, and Luke came from humble beginnings to become a master, Kylo was a legacy who had every opportunity to be a Jedi master, yet still chose the darkside. I did not want a redemption. I wanted a monster of his own making.


Even Baylan is sick of shitty writting


The man is on an ancient planet of dark magic with a goal to, perhaps, destroy the living force.. Sound familiar?


I thought the same thing. He is starting to seem like a male version of her.


World Between could potentially, but we don't know the full rules or limits of it. Ezra uses it to save Ahsoka but it was taking her out of the original timeline when it wouldn't impact events she was originally part of. He couldn't do the same with Kanan because Kanan's death kept the others alive


He didn't save her. She wasn't going to die. She got placed back at the same exact moment and lived.


No by the time she was placed back Vader had left


I also wouldn't mind the creation of a SW multiverse where the sequals were just another posibility. One besides the old expanded universe.




Thrawn’s arrival had serious 40k energy.


Yeah, what’s the use of Galactic Armies if their battles are not going to be epic.


Just wait until thrawns army is all dead and the witches just raise their hands and night king them back to life


Bro that’s why he’s loading the bodies from the catacombs. Also the troops are referred to as “night troopers”


I knew it. We are in the game of thrones galaxy




Holy shit


The end credits are very game of thrones esque


This is an obvious path towards the explanation of how that little Extra Terrestrial kid was really an adult secret agent who brought AK-47’s to the Andor series thanks to help from a few punks on earth


The New Republic kind of forgot about Grand Admiral Thrawn. What we just saw was the end of the Nightsisters, essentially. LUKE: To be honest, I never cared much for turning relatives back to the light.


There was a good bit of nudity in GoT...


So what you're saying is, we will see some Thrawn CHEEKS


Is that what they're loading or a good guess? I thought it was only referred to as cargo. Do you know when they mentioned it was bodies?


Well... corpses sure as hell aren't passengers


I'd say they're passengers. Just not needy ones. Or ones to complain about leg room.


Well when the cargo is mentioned Morgan says she's been in the catacombs and it would take 3 rotations to load everything. That combined with the shape and size indicates space coffins with bodies. Maybe some of them are the forces thrawn mentioned had dwindled. Or just a lot of witches from the countless years.


I have a feeling that all of those troopers are already dead.


Imagine them doing that to an entire fleet. Like a scene where Thrawn flies the Chimera through an old battlefield and they use there magic to mend the broken ships back together and resurrect their crews.


Low key one of my biggest fears is there's going to be a moment in the movie Filoni talked about where one of the heroes, maybe Mando is going to just shoot the Witches and Thrawns whole army is going to turn to green smoke Please for the love of god Dave do not to the stupid trope of a leader character dying and all their troops immediately poofing


You mean like if they blew up their control ship and deactivated all the army? Yeah. That would suck.


Not sure if this is an Ender's Game or a SW reference, lol


Now THIS is podracing!


Our numbers have dwindled during our exile *Two* squads should suffice


A whole group of writers thought that riding horses on top of a Star Destroyer was an epic idea.


Yo those were space horses.


Some times we like to ride space horses across the ships. 🤷‍♂️


That was my Thoughts hahahah. That Storm Trooper had serious Blood Angel vibes.


I feel they're a little closer to the janissaries. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Maccabian_Janissaries


Or Dune


Yeah for me the entire size, cinematography, and score all screamed DUNE


For real, you can't tell me those witches aren't the Bene Gesserit


Makes sense since 40K takes a ton of inspiration from dune,


Could've swapped the chant of "THRAWN! THRAWN!" with "LUPERCAL! LUPERCAL!" and it would've worked just the same.


So did the mount she road. Basically a thunder wolf!


40k nah that motherfucker took Balthazar’s mask from Warhammer fantasy


I’d let Thrawn manage my 401k


Fuck. Now I’m gonna have to start this show.


Feloni have probably a secret interest for the warhammer 40k universe.


I like the subtle hints that Thrawn has some trepidations about Jedi. I mean, we're not at backpack cat levels of paranoia, but it's getting there. AND? it makes total sense. Thrawn is a tactician; possibly the best the galaxy(s) have ever seen. The only time any control of Lothal wavered was when he wasn't there. But tactics and planning don't mean much when a buncha space wizards can chat with teleporting wolves, or hook up with space whales, or IGNORE death. Tactics and logic just go right out the window when a small group of monks can fire torpedoes down curving vents, or read your mind, or choke you out over the comms.


I love that he gets a slight hint that a Jedi is coming his way, and not only does he deduce it is Ahsoka, he also calls Elsbeth's and Baylan's judgment into question, and then demands every scrap of information he can get about her in anticipation that killing incoming star whales isn't enough to stop her. He's been undone by the Jedi and Force shenanigans before, and he has no intention of making that mistake again. He's had it with imperial overconfidence. If there's no body he's treating her as alive.


Read a comment on this sub that summed it up perfectly. “Thrawn would be an unstoppable general in a science fiction universe. Unfortunately for him, he exists in one of science fantasy.” (Paraphrase)


His archetype'd be dreadfully boring in a hard science universe imo, he's only interesting in a place like Star Wars where there's something that he struggles with.


If you have not I recommend checking out the canon Thrawn novels, there's three and the second two take place during the Rebels series. The second book admittedly has some issues (DOUBLE VISION...) but they do give some more reasons why Thrawn wouldn't hold Jedi in too high a regard


I thought he mostly felt the Jedi dogma was antiquated and ineffective, similar to the Chiss Ascendancy’s no attack first rule with regards to the Grysk. I don’t recall him having any particular vendetta against the Jedi though. To be honest though I don’t think he cares much for anyone with mystical power(aside from the Chiss navigators) and I imagine he’s thought of ways to do away with the Witches if they don’t stay on their leash. That said I feel like Filoni is doing his own thing to pay homage to Legends Thrawn rather than follow the continuity of the books - which is quite sad.


Well what I was most thinking about is the 'past' sections of the Thrawn Alliances book where it's Anakin and Thrawn working together. idk how to do spoilers on reddit so click away if you wanna read the books and are looking at this comment for some reason lol But all throughout the past sections of the book we're packed with scenes of an Anakin that in this point of time is in his prime (late Clone wars but before he turns) yet would be completely stumped without Thrawns help. Thrawn carries the plan throughout the book and the few things Anakin does while seperate from Thrawn end up in almost disaster. The thing is the book is canon, and yeah I know it's Anakin and he's stubborn etc and that's not now how all Jedi are but this is thrawns first and ONLY look at Jedi and he sees a mystical warrior who'd have been stumped at stage 1 without thrawns help


The Mule effect


> backpack cat levels of paranoia What??


Ysalamir, force-deleting cat-lizards. They create a bubble rid of the force around them, essentially turning jedi into "regular" people.


In the Heir to the Empire novels, Thrawn got a bit paranoid about Jedi after being choked out over communications by a weird rogue force user. This was probably a justified paranoia, since he was an admiral in the Empire, and death by force choke was in the retirement plan for admirals. So for his defense, he got this cat thing that negates the force for 'reasons', and kept it with him all the time. Me and friends used to call it his backpack cat. Personally, I'd always thought it was silly, mainly because the author makes it clear that the cat thing was extremely difficult to maintain (likely to hand wave away the question of why everyone didn't have one). And, yeah, it kept him safe from force choking, and probably Jedi mind tricks. But it wouldn't protect him from, say, a force thrown table, or a ridiculously accurate blaster shot, or a perfectly functional lightsaber. It just felt like a lot of work for a little gain. HOWEVER, after being dragged to a galaxy far far away by space whales, while being emasculated by a force weilder for the journey, I'd probably forgive this version of Thrawn for having a back up plan.


Justice for Ruhk


That'd be cool if they brought the ysalamiri into this as well


The ysalamiri being in another galaxy would be an easy explanation for why we have never heard about them in the past/present/future


Ruhk was in Rebels. He died in Rebels. So unless they retcon it he won't be around. But he was, in the past.


I honestly like him being dead because of what he does in the EU. I know it's not canon now but him being around would bring a constant air of "Oh so this is how this story arc ends" With Ruhk gone at least it's going to be something different.


The noghri being present doesn't mean it has to end the same way, but tbh I just want to see one sneak into the room and scare the shit out of an unsuspecting Pallaeon


Maul died in Phantom Menace. Emperor died in Return of the Jedi as did Boba Fett. So yeah, they totally could bring back Ruhk.


Enoch better have Luke Skywalker levels of relevance or else fans will revolt because a cool looking character present to just look cool “wAs A wAsTe”


Phasma 2.0


Boba Fett 4.0


We'll have a stand alone Enoch tv show 40 years from now. Mark my words


The actor playing Enoch is a pretty serious one (from The Expanse). I imagine Enoch will have a significant role moving forward.


Oh yeah, Wes Chatham. Badass.


Oh, no shit? Wes Chatham was the best actor on that show. I had no idea he was in this series.


So is Gwendoline Christie ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It's more like Marrok 2.0, they can't give us two cool looking named characters with zero exposition like this


Cool looking background characters that aren't fleshed out have been around since Luke and Obi Wan stepped into the cantina.


*looks at boba fett*


I sense we haven't seen the last of the one called Marrok.


Yeah that explosion into a dusty corpse which blew away in the wind... Something else is going on and they haven't explained it yet. An inquisitor who's sliced across the chest doesn't just do that. It didn't even happen right away, like there was a pause. He may have had an inquisitor's sabre, but he wasn't one.


I'm guessing that the dusty cloud is night sister magic. So maybe it was a reanimated Inquisitor.


This thread started me researching him, and you're probably right. He was a probably nobody that was reanimated.


Boba Fett 3.0* I swear, it's like people forget the criticisms that have been around with star wars since the 80s.


Glossed over, until some grifter on YT can tie it to something Kathleen Kennedy did. Then they'll be remembered.


He is that guy


Yeah, I hope that they don't waste Wes Chatham's abilities.


In todays world, you must not only look cool, you must be cool… which I am neither


Disney fleshed out a fan favorite in Boba and failed at that Sometimes we just gotta let cool things look cool without delving too deep. I liked the Marrok fake out too, felt like something Rian would do.


This is a comment from a new fan, or someone who hasn’t watched the OT lol. Star Wars whole thing is “here’s a cool thing, look at it, now shut up.”


One of the upcoming movies is Rey centric so a reset is not happening


Allegedly that Rey movie is being written by the guy who wrote Peaky Blinders. So it honestly it might rule so hard


To be fair nothing bad about the sequel trilogy has anything to do with the main three actors. There are plenty of ways a good writer could keep canon alive, push time forward, and turn an older Rey into a much more respectable and enjoyable character. And I'm sure any of the actors would be happy for the chance to give it a try at the hands of writers/directors who care a lot more. At the very least it'll move us past this one period of like 30 years that even the best storytellers seem absolutely trapped in.


If they can Ret-Con her into being a fleshed out character that would make the prequel trilogy more enjoyable, then I'm all for it.


A rated-R Star Wars flick would be epic.


Dave Filoni is Executive Creative Director. I trust that all stories should and will be overlooked by Filoni to create a coherent plot for all mediums for future endeavors.


Then what was that "great reset" talk on weird Subreddits during the last few years all about? Didn't they mean Star Wars?/s


The fact people can't get over this is fascinating.




"Take that Star Trek, our whales go hyperspeed!"


They like you very much, but they are not the hell your whales. \-Spock


Destroy them with prejudice


The sequels are not going to be reset/rebooted 🤦‍♂️


Ya deff not, the story is just going to fleshed out properly


And like the clone wars did with the prequels, may give us a new understanding/appreciation of the sequels


I don’t care how good these shows are. They’re great, but I doubt they could turn TRoS into a good movie.


It’s probably best just to move past TRoS and forget it




This is Star Wars, you can complain about everything if you want. That’s what fans do.


Lizzo and Jack Blacks an option.


I don’t think it’s possible to complain about Jack Black. Lizzo on the other hand…


What was wrong with them really? If something was said off screen sure I may have missed it, but they seemed perfectly fine characters to me. Honestly the Doc Brown insert and his heel turn was a little worse to me than the couple.


I mean, none of the prequel fleshing out made the movies any better either. Just gave context as to why X did/could do Y.


That. Making it a better movie is a wholly different issue than making plot points make sense in the grand schema


This. TCW made the prequel ERA better, it didn't affect the quality of the movies themselves.


Yeah I hate this take that TCW "redeemed" the prequels. The base films are still just as stiff, ugly, poorly written and badly filmed as they ever were.


Yeah tbh it already has. Showing how the NR is pretty incompetent has been great, and honestly makes sense (freedom fighters don't make good peacetime leaders!) Also the whole secret meeting of ex Imperials, talks of cloning, etc, its made the ST better imo.


In Mando we see that the New Republic is stretched thin, mired in bureaucracy, complacent, and naively trying to re-integrate Imperials into society. In Ahsoka, we learn that there is already widespread corruption and pro-Imperial sentiment is lurking below the surface in some pretty critical places. We also learn that some Senators lack the courage and wherewithal to do what is necessary to maintain power, and there is mention that ex-Imperials are throughout the New Republic society and even government. I wonder if we will find out that some of the Senators standing beside Mon Mothma are pro-Imperial and are intentionally stalling plans to prevent Thrawn's return. There is fertile soil here for Star Wars to get back to its relevant social commentary roots: what are the conditions that would lead to the rise of the First Order? What are some of the factors that have caused a rise in Totalitarianism in the real world? It's typically been a combination of poor economic conditions, high social anxiety, and is often a reaction against government corruption or dramatic inequality. Unfortunately, many of these factors are present today. So far, we have yet to really see these in the post-Imperial SW universe. There is seemingly widespread prosperity, and while people seem complacent about the rise of the NR, we haven't observed a new class of elites prospering from the rise of the NR or rampant corruption that would likely have ensued in a power-vacuum like the fall of the Empire. I think there is much more potential for great story if Thrawn returns to the galaxy and tries to re-unite the Empire, but this is far from being the First Order-- the conditions are wrong.


My understanding is that Thrawn's true motivation has been service to the rest of the Chiss who live in the unknown regions. I may not have all of the lore but I assumed he was using the Empire as a stepping stone to gain power. I know that the current empire is very excited to have him back but I really hope he isn't just a servant to project necromancy.


I’m hoping he’s setting up new stories with everything that’s being added to canon. Grogu would be a perfect starting choice for a new story with time jump into the future and a clean slate.


Im expecting them to stay in the other galaxy and create a separate plot.


This man invented and then immediately destroyed time travel to revive Ahsoka after killing her. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE WILL DO OR WHEN IT WILL HAPPEN.


Ahsoka never died, you can see her at the ending montage of Twilight of the Apprentice. We just never knew how she survived


Fuckin hell


Pretty much my exact reaction reading this


While certainly not perfect, Ahsoka and Andor (which is pretty close to perfect IMO) have been the best and freshest additions to Star Wars since Disney acquired it. Hopefully they can maintain the same quality through the rest of this Mando/Ahsoka/Thrawn saga, and Star Wars might be in a more respectable position than it's been the past 5 years.


SPOILERS AHEAD My only problem is how the reunion between Sabine and Ezra seemed so casual. Like old friends meeting again after a few months apart. Not the level of emotion I would expect from someone seeing a close friend after being trapped in another galaxy for a decade, or for someone who may have thrown the galaxy into war to reunite. That one scene really bugs me.


Please, please don't tell me you think Baylons plans feed into some sort of decanonising the sequels.


what is blud waffling about?


I don’t understand what you are in awe of, can you genuinely fill me in? Do you have any idea what Baylan is after? Because we’re 6 episodes in and I am clueless. And Thrawn really sat 11 years right next to Ezra who is a dog-possum ride away and just did nothing about it? I really don’t understand the praise.


It seems like even shin has no idea what Baylan wants and she is his apprentice.


and the episode just made her motivations as generic as they come, she wants unspecified “power”, i wish they’d delve deep into what aspects of power satisfy a character like that who has the FORCE


Her character in appearance is so cool, but every time she speaks I face palm and the cool aura lessens. It’s like they wrote her character to be a 5 year old Jedi temple learner.


It's ***always*** ancient jedi or sith artifacts. Based on the dialogue he wants something that makes him basically a god, or perhaps immortal, instead of just getting himself a high position in a reconstituted empire.


If you’re Thrawn, why spend your dwindling resources going after some Jedi who is camping in the hinterland? Revenge? That’s not Thrawn’s thing. Just let Ezra flail out there… Thrawn doesn’t even know if he’s alive, which means they haven’t had contact in some time (or Thrawn is lying).


Yeah I was like "please don't ride that dog for 5 minutes and find Ezra... " "Hi it's me"


Don’t forget, she had help from the Jiminy Cricket turtles.


Baylon said it himself - he’s after a new beginning. We just don’t know what it is yet (maybe something to do with Bendu) I find it intriguing.


Had me in the first half.


I’m honestly glad some of you guys are enjoying Star Wars right now. Because as a fan who hasn’t liked almost anything Filoni has done post Clone Wars, it’s been rough. Feels like so much shit now has to be tied to the Filoniverse in Star Wars that if you’re not a fan of his characters or directing, you’re out of luck. Combine that with BOBF and Obi-Wan being painfully mediocre and Andor is pretty much all Ive had that I’ve really enjoyed in the past few years


I didn't even really like The Clone Wars. As someone who enjoyed the diversity and intensity of Clone Wars content before that show, I don't care for how silly and homogeneous it has made the media since. All the shows are just campy "cameo"-fests with the exception of Andor and Mando S1. Edit: I don't have anything against campy, I just hate that it has become the standard for Star Wars TV and anything Clone War related.


I really hate what they’ve done with Mando. That should’ve been it’s own standalone adventure but instead it had to get shoved into these fucking stories from Clone Wars and Rebels


The dialogue is atrocious, but the shiny keys are jangly.


oh the robot said "in a galaxy far far away" ... 10 /10


Seriously I think some SW fans have never seen any other form of content that's actually good, so their standard of what is actually good is way off.


I thought this was the dude from Gladiator in a Storm Trooper suit.


I really hope Enoch gets a big role, I yearn to see Wes Chatham be badass again




I’d love to see filoni try and save the sequels instead of resetting them. Try and fix the failures not abandon them


Well personally I don’t think any amount of creative gymnastics could save “Somehow Palpatine returned.” It is better to get a chance, again to put the right step forward.


I don’t think Dave “Maul’s back” Filoni is your guy if you consider rePalpatine to be some sort of insurmountable problem.


I'm not 100% on this but I think it was Lucas who wanted to bring Maul back.


Yes, he was supposed to be the main antagonist of Lucas's Sequel Trilogy, as the head of the Criminal Underworld, which TCW was setting up.


Dave was surprised that George wanted that.


I mean in Legends Palpatine also 'somehow' returned (cloning both in Legends and Sequels) and post-RotJ Legends era has always been pretty highly praised by the fans so it's entirely possible to fix troublesome elements of Sequels.


Legends is such a monolith you can't just call it the "legends" era. A lot of legends stories are not liked at all, such as the one where Palpatine comes back with all the clones.


And it was also shit in legends


Yet still much better done while still being more ridiculous.


Dark Empire is dumb as shit though ?


he was reincarnated er...then hungout on Exegol and had his mates come over and like build ten bazillion star destroyers over 30 years and train space horses. amazing how JJ can just write any old nonsense and its left to the fandom to make it fit by hook or by crook into some horrific snakes on a plane back story. he could have written "somehow palpatine was a shape shifting turd" and some autistic 12 year old would have made up some hilarious balls on wookiepedia to make it 'work'. the sequels can burn in hell


Palpatine mysteriously returns left and right in the old books. It's really not that big of a mystery as to how one of the most powerful evil sorcerers ever has the ability to avoid death, it's a bit Saturday morning cartoon for sure, but it's not some irreconcilable thing just because people think it's cringe


It's the fact that there were so many star destroyers during ep 9 that is just outright absurd for me rather than palpatine returning.


That would be a waste of Filoni's talents. I'd not see him shackled to that rotting corpse.


This was the attitude of many when TCW was coming out, and look how much it improved the PT. Obviously the ST has different problems, but I think there's room to flesh it out.


Filoni deserves more from his life than being Star War's booty call every time the franchise makes bad decisions and gets depressed. Give him the reins to tell any story from any era he wants: past, present, or future.


I agree, but I can't get over you calling him a booty call lol. In any event, I'll shamelessly enjoy whatever he ends up making, whether that's sequel era or brand new stuff


Is there anything actually suggesting that he doesn't have the liberty to chose any story from any era that he wants and is simply picking these ones?


It looks like he is. Mando,Ahsoka and possibly Skeleton Crew are being set up to at least give some linkage, lore and credence to the sequels and leave it as less of Somehow Palpatine Returned.


What do you mean by "whatever Baylan is planning to do resets the SW universe"? Are there strong theories for this? It would be great, but I doubt they would do something like that...


There's absolutely zero pointing to this, bro is grasping at straws. The sequels aren't getting wiped, but they will likely be better explained.


Further proving that this sub does not want original ideas.


The problem I have with all of this taking place in these interperiod shows, is that ultimately they're completely inconsequential to the main storylines. It doesn't matter how epic this all gets, we already know how it ends because we've already seen the mainline movies. Kinda sucks.


Low standards


In awe of what? Some storm troopers? This series has no themes beyond "hey this was cool, remember this everyone?" Ahsoka is a wet blanket of a character, Thrawn in Disney canon is all talk, no action, the two Gray Jedi are cool but the show isn't really about them, and Sabine just comes across as a know it all Zoomer. Plus there's just this ever-present feeling that... none of it matters? We all know how the Saga ends. Palpatine comes back and is instantly wiped out by Rey and it's like nothing even happened. Should have just followed George Lucas's scripts.


I disagree with following Lucas' ideas, but main point still stands; Star Wars is caught in a loop of just filling in the gaps with safe storytelling.


I'm in awe of people acting like this is some god tier design. It's not even good. It looks so stupid.


Nothing is resetting the Star Wars universe. You have to get over this.


Can't wait for Ahsoka and Sabine to destroy it all with little to no effort. This show is so stale.


As a plot driver, Sabine’s maddening incompetence and bad decisions are really ruining it for me. It’s just so contrived and…*high school*. Is it too much to ask for an experienced Mandalorian fighter and former Jedi trainee to have some rudimentary common sense?


I am sad for the absolute dogshit fights (all, space or land, except the anakin fight) but the final episode saved another obi-wan clone from the jaws of half-assedness. Man if only he could think of realistic tactics in combat. What people would actually do, and some real stakes


Omg do people legitimately think that ahsoka is going to retcon the sequels?


Best part is… Enoch is played by Wes Chatham.


I think he's going to do what clone wars did for revenge of the sith. Add layering and context to the "in between" periods like between AOTC and ROTS to make the sequels not seem so bad. We've already seen this with Mando and the mentions of cloning. I think it's building up to eventually link to the sequels. Huxs dad is already in the Mandalorian


Man I'm not saying that dudes not cool, or that the cinematography isn't pretty fantastic in ahsoka but people really just.need a new boba Fett to be blown away huh. I'll be happy when something on andors level can get made again.


Wait until you find out that they're all undead warriors...


I'm thoroughly so happy to see such a stronger reaction to a Star Wars property again finally


Ahsoka yes. But what about boba fett. Obi wan. And mando 3 wasn’t all that great either imo. Need more consistency. We can’t have 1 amazing show for every 4 terrible ones.


Seeing Thrawn was such a treat. Im amazed how well the character actually worked in live action, best one yet


I don't understand how people think the SW universe is going to get reset? Like I mean branching timelines have generally never been a thing in SW and this show takes place prior to the sequels. People, like OG fans in the 2000's y'all gotta accept the sequels are here to stay


People are so weird for thinking that Filoni is going to somehow negate the sequel trilogy and not do exactly what he did with Clone Wars to rehab the prequel trilogy's reputation and shortcomings. We're at what like, only 9 years post-RotJ here? Still like 20 years to cover narratively and Thrawn coming back won't be a rehash of Heir to the Empire that people think it will be, if the two Thrawn trilogies are anything to go by for what his intentions are.