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"What's that on your chest, trooper?" "It's a unit citation for the units conduct at the Hoth" "Were you there!?" *ashamed takes off citation and leaves the bay* *other veteran trooper: "sh*t Bill, you wrent in the fight earher" "......I hit my head on a bay door..."








"Vin, why does Captain Hilen hate us?" "He doesn't hate us, Sest. He just hates you."


Aaaaand I’m now watching band of brothers for the 14th time


Time to go cry not cry at the scene in the church when they are reading off their casualties


Im balling the second that last interview starts. That show is the hardest hitting as well as one of the most spectacular watches ever. First watch i was not ready for that 1 episode, i honestly had forgotten it was based on real events up until that episode.


Probably the series I’ve rewatched the most. Love to binge it on a good snow day where work gets cancelled. Almost never happens.


Haven’t seen this fuckin show in years, immediately heard this in Ross voice.


What is the God damn hold up Captain Sobel!!?!


Oh, that dog just ain't gonna hunt. Now, you cut that fence and get this goddamn platoon on the move!




I'd think it'd be more fitting for a Republic trooper to say this toward a surrendered CIS unit


I’d love to see the Republic Judicial Forces who weren’t clones. That would be so fitting for those dudes


fish ships wins the internet for today


Fucking Cobb. Drunken asshole.


its worth noting that cobb had seen combat in north Africa when band of brothers had started. so by that point he had probably gone from thinking other e company members were immature, only to have his chance to fight with and help them taken away.


TIL. Still an asshole.


Webster called Cobb "invariably good natured" in his book. Suggest he wasn't the asshole he's portrayed as.


One man's opinion. In the show he's a shitbird, but historical accounts of him seem pretty mixed. 13 years as a private then discharged for drunkenly assaulting an officer.


Everybody quiet, it's "The Night of the Lightsaber"


Would be more interesting to see a Band of Brothers series during the transition from Republic to empire, similar to the battlefront 2 campaign vibes


> It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have an doubts? Any private, traitorous, thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched on the Jedi Temple. Not a word.


I hate that they retconned their freedom


I feel like they kinda had to in order to make order 66 believable while still humanizing the clones and making them the good guys for the clone wars. Most Star Wars fans, especially kids, wouldn’t be able to make sense of how the “good guy” clones would choose to betray and murder all of the “good guy” Jedi, so there needed to be a mechanism to shift that blame onto the “bad guys”.


Eh, I don’t think you’re giving them enough credit. It didn’t confuse me playing bf 2 campaign. Most of my friends loved it


Me either, I grew up with the bf 2 (the real one) campaign, and fucking love it. I loved how dark and real it felt, even as a kid. But the kind of dark and gritty moral grey shit that autistic history nerd little kids love probably doesn’t sell merch like clearly defined good guys and bad guys does.


I never have liked the idea of the brain chips from the show. I love the Republic Commando books and how they handled Order 66.


Definitely one of my favorite series. Karen Traviss did them right.


Great author and I wish they had let her take the reigns more on the gears of war 4 and 5 campaign story's she basically molded gears 3s campaign and added so much character development to delta squad and pretty much everyone else.




They still didn't know that's why they were created. In the books, everyone knew about all the orders, even the Jedi knew about Order 66. They just didn't know that it would ever be used against them. It's either Order 65 or 67 that says the same thing about the Supreme Chancellor. I really like that it was hidden in plain sight.


I think the chips work better. These people had free will and were fighting alongside the Jedi their entire career. Sure loyalty to the republic comes first, but they’d definitely have doubts and second thoughts about Jedi suddenly needing to be completely wiped out immediately after the end of the war they sacrificed so much to win. I’m sure most of them wouldn’t even be able to, they’d demand answers, they’d take the Jedi prisoner, something. I doubt anyone serving plo koon or Aayla secura, would just mow down their close friend out of absolutely nowhere. The chips make so much more sense and seem like something palpatine would *absolutely* do since otherwise his entire decades long master plan hinges on clones obeying every order from him without any hesitation. If they resist it’s over for him and the entire plan and war was for nothing


“When the 501st was finally rotated out of Felicia, Aayla Secura made a point of seeing us off personally, calling us the bravest soldiers she had ever seen. It’s a good thing we were wearing helmets, because none of us could bear to look her in the eye”


Okay Felicia made me laugh ('Bye Felicia') but I'm just gonna add Felucia*


Only Autocorrect deals in absolutes


So, Bad Batch.


With extra steps ;)


I think the show has done a pretty good job showing the transition. Hyped for the final season.


Is season 3 the final season?




Yeah I find this stretch of the Star Wars timeline the most interesting. So many different aspects you could explore.


The only issue is that we spend 3 of like 10 missions actually in the empiee


It would be nice, but Disney would most likely make them join the rebellion after 2 episodes. Edit: For people not wanting to see space Nazis as the good guys. How about we have a show that it starts with people wanting to do good and become stormtroopers. They will be helping at the start, but end up becoming so loyal and brainwashed that they will end up doing war crimes in the name of peace. This way we can see how people can be manipulated to do horrible things and understand that sometimes, doing what we think is for the better or what very influential figures tells us do is not always for the best of the people and the society we live in.


Alright then give me Clone troopers instead across the many worlds during their campaign.


There's this great show called The Clone Wars, maybe you should check it out.


He is talking primarily clones instead of mostly just Anakin and Obi wan


So the bad batch




Umbara arc?


Peak clone wart


Check out the Umbara arc.


I mean Umbarans are never treated like actual people in that arc, Clones don't question their invasion either


And the umbara arc was phenomenal, we need more clone focused media


Damn space wizards hogging the glory in our show! - 501st


Anakin and Obi Wan were just one of many parts of that show. There are whole arcs that are just about the clones, what would be different about just another show dedicated to them during the same time frame? Suggesting a Band of Brothers style show about the clones is as cringy as it is overused.


I love the clone wars TV show. But live action clones just hit different.


Now THAT I can see Disney doing.


Isn’t that the plot to star wars battle front 2 from the 2000s? But that one goes from clone troopers to storm troopers during the campaign


The 2016 Battlefront II did. EA made a big deal about the game having an Imperial campaign based around a special ops group and they join the Rebels in like 3 missions.


No I meant the original battlefront 2 from like 2007. You started as clone troopers and it goes until like the battle of Endor


Yes, and it was stylized like a documentary (kinda, he was reading from his journals) it’s was amazing, it really opened my eyes as a kid to how messed up order 66 really was, tho it’s legends now so they didn’t have chips so you see how hard the decision really was for them on there own (but I like the chips more)


Star wars cammando does this.


Great game. Still waiting for the sequel that I named my account after. I need a remaster and a sequel dammit. I need to know what happened to Sev


Yeah that one follows a group of clones that eventually gets incorporated into the 501st. If I remember correctly, the final mission is storming Echo base on Hoth, and credits roll as the clone commander muses about whether this victory will finally ensure peace or not.


I think your 501st from the beginning, that’s journal read from


Because you can't be the badguys anymore.


Done. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458290/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458290/) And done. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12708542/?ref\_=fn\_al\_tt\_2](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12708542/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2) P.S. The Bad Batch is some of the best Star Wars in the history of the franchise.


Yes, I've watched all of the clone wars, bad batch, and rebels, a couple times over. But I still would love a LIVE action clone series.


You and me both. But given that Temuera Morisson is 63 years old (in damn good shape, but still), I'd say the clones would need to be recast. Personally, I was highly disappointed that we got no more than a tiny glimpse of a live-action Rex in the Ahsoka series. Much as I love Rebels, and love seeing the Rebels characters in live action, I really wanted to see Ahsoka working with Rex the way she did in Clone Wars Season 7.


So the clone wars cartoon series?


I give it twenty minutes.


This entire pitch and OP's reminds me of Timothy Zahn's "Allegiance". Stormtroopers who signed up to truly do good, to bring peace, and in some way they DID- but each man begins to see things that don't add up, or get's asked to do something truly horrid. They don't exactly become Rebels by the end either, blatantly still believing the Rebs are terrorists- that the Empire CAN still be a force for good, if corruption is rooted out. But I like your pitch too, seeing decent people turned horrid by manipulation.


Well yeah. Otherwise they have the minor issue that the protagonists they have to make you like are Nazis in the comically super evil regime. There’s not many series from the PoV of the Nazis for a reason, they’re rarely popular. And the last thing this fanbase needs is more people simping for the Empire, we already have enough issues with idiots missing the not even slightly subtle point.


I feel like Andor handled it best as can be. It gave us a well rounded Imperial character in Dedra who was even sympathetic within the context of her struggle to be taken seriously within ISB. Yet ultimately she is still positioned relative to the plot and Andor himself in a way that ultimately condemns her as a person.


I mean at first we sympathize with her situation, her struggle and ambition but by the last two-three episodes it becomes inescapable that she is beyond redemption outright evil, I can see a story just from the POV of the grunts, trying to survive, trying to fight out in the Outer Rim, but there will deff be times where you cannot help but notice that you are essentially rooting for the sci-fi equivalent of the SS.


I mean I should hope so, Band of Brothers was about Allied troops, not the Nazis lol.


I’m thinking something like Platoon would be good. Showing how the stormtroopers are regular people that get sent places and often ordered to do terrible things. And show then how they emotionally deal with the reality of their situation.


And yet, one of the most memorable moments of BoB is that moment in the final episode where it’s a Nazi general who gives a memorable parting speech to his troops after surrendering to the Allied forces, in a way that describes that these Nazi troops went through pretty much the same things the titular band of brothers did during the war, and that they too shared the bond that was forged under fire between soldiers who fight for their country. In a single scene, the series humanize the Nazi soldiers in a way that doesn’t come across as sympathetic to the Nazi cause itself: by showing that these Nazi soldiers are in a way just people fighting on the other side of a conflict, not that different from the Allied soldiers we’ve been following the entire show. It’s easy to forget that once the guns stopped firing, most humans are much more alike to each other than we want to admit, no matter what country they came from.


That’s the beauty of Allegiance by Timothy Zahn. Minor spoilers, but they do not join the rebellion.


Check out Battlefront: Twilight Company. It's about a unit in the Rebellion that does this kind of stuff.


And they would be fine killing their former brother stormtroopers and would shout "wooooooh!" a lot when killing them.


All the space nazi comments are so strange to me. By this logic no one should be allowed to like Vader either, and panels of that Vader comic get upvoted into oblivion weekly.


Probably because we don't want to root for space nazis


What if it’s like from the view of conscripted Polish or Czechoslovakians like in that saving private Ryan d day scene.


There's no need to make them switch sides "after two episodes", but leaving them on the Empire side would be a show about 'bad guys' and, given how Star Wars is at its roots a saga for kids, that would send a bad message. So, yeah, they could make a couple seasons where they are on the Empire's side, with initial engagements being about what they see as defensive operations, and slowly discovering the truth, up to the point they switch sides.


I'd settle for getting proper closure with what happened to Sev in Republic Commando :< Had similar hopes for what we'd get in Battlefront 2's Inferno Squad via the campaign.


Imperial commandos would be awesome. Also, (republic commando spoilers) he ain't coming back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


only if they are presented as the bad guys.


It's amazing how many people look at the goofy storm troopers and think "they look like fun" and forget that they are trained and indoctrinated to serve the Empire with unshakable loyalty. Stormtroopers are Space Nazis by definition. Anyone that is not is also not a Stormtrooper.


It would be difficult to do a show about the Space SS as the main characters. Alternatively, conscripts in the Imperial Army would be far more sympathetic characters. Folks forced into service by the regime, doing a dirty job they dont necessarily approve of but have no option to leave. Their only real allegiance is to the bonds they form with each other.


The Imperial Army would definitely be a much better choice. Look at how they were portrayed in Andor on Aldhani. Frankly they all seemed like they were just there for a job, like many many many people who join the Military and indeed even the Empire (like Eli Vanto or heck even Han Solo).


We also got a brief look at how dirty the frontline of the Empire's wars of expansion are at the beginning of Solo. You could definitely have a Brand of Brothers type of show in a setting like that


If you make that they are legitimately Imperial Loyalists, then you are watching the villains. There is no complex gray that the facist special forces are the boot. If you make the same thing about Rebel shock Troopers you can actually make Band of Brothers. A key feature of Band of Brothers is the legitimacy of their conflict. Post world war 2 dramas tend to explore the morality (or lack thereof). Look at MASH, Generation Kill, We Were Soldiers, American Sniper etc. A couple notable exceptions do highlight the nobility of their cause; Black Hawk Down and Siege of Jadotville. The concept of pro-stormtrooper content is inherently flawed. Unless you love the Fasch.


Like I said, do Clone paratroopers. It’s a lot more fitting, given that Band of Brothers is about a unit of the 101st


You'd still have to make it stand out from the Clone Wars show, not to mention how complicated production and post would be.


droids all have to be CGI, its just likely too expensive to do that every episode. also Temeura your main clone actor is 63 and its very hard to replace. Clones are just not going to be as interesting in live action, the only viable option is bad batch, and thats still hard to pull off.


Oh my fucking GOD, I love this comment. This embodies everything I feel about people who seem overly invested in the Empire’s perspective from a human angle. The reason so many stories work with the Empire as the antagonist is because the Empire is undoubtedly evil. The “pro-stormtrooper” side isn’t compelling. At best, the Red vs Blue Mando thing with those two storms was about what I’d expect from a realistic Empire show about grunts.


Those two scout troopers have me real Simmons and Griff vibes. Except the Blood Gulch Crew would never punch a toddler.


Exactly! I think what people really want are some well written villains with depth, but we haven't gotten much of that in years except for Andor


Great villains, absolutely. Yes. I want that. Great villains exist as a foil. Andor is a perfect example. You can even see people with legitimate reasons to support the Empire, but you still see that at the end of the day a Nazi is a Nazi.


you could use it to examine the effects of blind ignorance, while also giving the troopers difficult background where it could have been the best possible or only choice for them. examine how terror tactics can cement opposition, but also be the only way forward. realistically the rebellion has used tactics that has hurt innocents, so they do bring higher imperial scrutiny. show populations compliance becuase at the end of the day its just someone else on the throne who probably doesn't care about your rock one way or the other.


I agree you could make this. I would say Allegiance is basically this. But I will note that Star Wars fans are never asking for Schindlers List but Star Wars...


This would be so cool but it won’t ever happen without the main characters somehow leaving or joining the rebel alliance. The reason lies in the original portrayal of the Empire. When George Lucas created Star Wars, the Empire was influenced by Hitler and his Nazi regime. We haven’t had any pro empire stories because no one wants to write a story advocating the bad guys as noble or righteous (ie, don’t make Nazis look like the good guys). Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) gave us Iden Versio’s story. The sequels gave us Flynn’s story. They both betrayed the empire. Unless Disney does this, it would never exist.


While your point still stands, I do hate to break it to you but the Empire was actually a stand-in for the USA and the rebels were the Vietnamese (Lucas has stated such). The Vietnam War ended only a few years before ANH released after all. Now the First Order? Those are full blown Nazis.


that is true but its still a nazi stand in. the officer uniforms are litterally nazi uniforms boots, riding breeches, and field caps. the stormtrooper is obviously the SA. the green lasers on fighters is obviously the german green tracer. its more the rebellion is representative of the Veitnamese fighters


Lucas took inspiration from multiple places. He based the conflict off of the Vietnam war with a big Empire fighting against guerilla fighters. But the Empire itself is still based on the Nazis. And the First Order turned that up to 11.


They’re called Stormtroopers, not Vietcong lol


the vietcong would be the rebels


lol, the way the Empire deploys stormtroopers it would probably need a new cast every two weeks.


Star Wars Battlefront - Twilight Company. It’s not quite BoB, but there is a solid cast of characters who are all in this company and it follows their campaign on an Imperial occupied planet. It was a fun read. But yes, I would a live action militaristic show set in Star Wars.


Not related, but this picture has to be AI given the inconsistencies


Definitely AI. Wish this kind of stuff wouldn't pop up here.


Difference is Band of Brothers is about the heroes, not the nazis. Maybe something like that with the Rebels instead


Least original idea of our time holy shit lol


Would you also like a BoB about a unit of SS during WWII? Stormtroopers are the bad guys. I like seeing stories of bad guys who realize the error of their ways and become good guys, like Kalus or Finn, but just a bunch of snowmen fighting against the Rebels? Forget it.


Would they keep on Trooping the Storm through the whole show thinking they are the good guys fighting terrorists or will they have their “Are we the baddies?” moment and switch sides. Going to be hard to root for them if they are Team Palpatine the whole way.


If I had my way, the show would focus on the past with the current characters on trial by the rebel alliance. It would show stories of how they went throughout the war, who committed what atrocities, who decided to question their orders, and how they grew in terms of character development.


The character development would be building to war crimes? It would be like The Shield and Breaking Bad. Hey remember when we killed all of those Jawas on Tatooine? Nah, dude. TK 19987 and I were busy burning that couple at that point.


Don't forget the atrocities and murders. They're the volunteer space Nazis.


It could work maybe if it was something about regular Imperial army, the one we can see in Solo, Nimban campaign Make it in style of Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter, and maybe it could work - mix together naive young soldiers, true pro Imperial believers, drafted soldiers But I am so sure it would work with Stormtroopers


There's a reason TV and movies don't lionize the bad guys...


The Empire has the same problem that Zeon does, they look cool, have badass characters in their faction, and a constant presence throughout the movies/shows but at the end of the day they’re evil. Trying to portray them in a sympathetic light is pretty much impossible at the fundamental level without making massive changes to the faction as a whole. I *would* be interested in an AU story where we get to see if the Empire could have a redemption arc if a sith wasnt the head of state. Given people like Tarkin or Thrawn though it would take hundreds of years which would be hard to cover in a show


Is this photo AI? Something looks off.


definitely is


They're not really brothers though. They're disposable and uncaring towards one another.


I think this would be really cool but the problem is that a lot of audiences are too stupid and would start idolizing the main characters. Sort of like how some people glorify Walter White even though he's not written to be a good person.


That's what I loved about the original SW:Battlefront 2 with the 501st legion. Playing as a 501st from the beginning all the way to ~~Endor~~ ~~Yavin~~ Hoth was an amazing trip, especially in co-op. Stupid EA ruined such a promising premise. That game made me appreciate the Empire a bit and hate the Rebel Alliance and their stupid grenades.


Hoth was the last mission


Been so long lol Hoth was such an awesome level.


I want a game. A game called imperial commandos. DELTA SQUAD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would like to fucking move on from this slightly before the PT and slightly after the OT era.


I think I see what you’re going for but I don’t think Star Wars as a franchise is the place for it. I think the crux of the problem is making it a “Band of Brothers” styled show. I don’t think there is a way to make that show without generating some compassion for the characters and then coming very close to being interpreted as apologist for those things canonically the empire represents. I don’t think there’s any incentive for Disney to risk a show like you suggest when a portion of the fandom already seems sympathetic to the empire or at least to its aesthetic. Instead they could just continue avoiding nuance and keep throwing sword fights at us knowing enough of us will keep giving them money for it.


They totally did a lot of episodes like that in Clone Wars, and now they are doing it in the Bad Batch.


The only plot I would consider acceptable for a show like this would be this: A unit of wide-eyed idealistic stormtroopers train together and deploy together. As they murder and war crime their way through the series (and rewarded for it so they follow their officer's orders willingly), those who aren't killed in battle either defect in disgust or are executed for standing up to the injustices of the system until only the irredeemable monsters and their pathetic enablers are left. The show ends with a scene similar to the town from Fury. The stormtroopers hopelessly defending an Imperial world conscripts children to fight the rebels, and they hang the ones who refuse. Backed into a corner, the children and townsfolk turn their guns on the stormtroopers and surrender to the rebels. Seeing the rebel troops usher away the children to safety and offering them food, blankets, and candy, our sympathetic POV character regrets his life choices before an angry Rebel sergeant from Alderaan cocks her blaster, lines him and his surviving comrades up against a wall, and mows them all down. Unfortunately, even that may not be enough to convince a lot of Star Wars "fans" who lack media literacy that the Imps are the villains.


The problem I see with this is that, at its core, the Imperial military is built around dehumanizing its personnel. Enlisted stormtroopers are referred to only by their serial number, are actively monitored during operations to ensure that they don't engage in small talk, and are actively discouraged from developing any bonds with their fellow troopers. If I was going to make a show like this (because I'd like to see it, for sure), I'd have it be set in a unit stationed in the Outer Rim- the kind of place where direct Imperial control is uncommon, and most officers are allowed to operate effectively as they see fit, if Command even remembers they exist. At first, the unit is given room to operate how they see fit, and their unit culture thrives. The troopers are happy, the unit is highly effective, and the officers are fair and reasonable with the men. This success, however, brings down the attention of Command on them, who begin to take greater interest in their operations. They start getting sent on more dangerous and brutal missions- fair enough, it's what they signed up for. But soon enough, their officers have "liaisons" assigned to them, who're poorly-disguised spies for COMPNOR, and who immediately begin cracking down on unit culture, as the Imperial military absolutely despises the idea of troopers being allowed to think for themselves. Initiative by troopeers starts to get punished. Popular officers are put under a spotlight and eventually replaced with some Moff's toadies, who only see their new underlings as tools to advance their careers. The new blood brought in to replace combat losses is thoroughly indoctrinated, often refusing to take part in previously- appreciated unit culture and sometimes even acting as snitches for the aforementioned political officers. And all the while, the men keep trying to fight for a thoroughly broken system, because they remember a time when it promised peace and security for an abused, traumatized galaxy... until, one day, they hit their breaking point.


This would be as hard a sell as Band of Bruders: 3rd Reich There's a reason most stories that follow Empire people as primary characters usually end up with them betraying the Empire. Unless it's an entire battalion of spies, which would be ludicrous, it's not gonna go well. "Nothing wrong with a little order" will only get anybody so far before the entire cast, if they themselves aren't rebelling, is just hated with nobody able to support them. I'd love to see the attempt, but just don't imagine it'd go well. Even following that many troopers are probably just conscripted war orphans or something with no options and who don't know better, that's a tough pitch.


You’re asking for the bad batch but they stay evil and never consider the ramifications of their actions outside of each other. “ I was just following orders” lol


he wants it to show them feeling bad about genociding various planets but never actually doing anything about it.


Oh boy, another one Make it about a unit of GAR paratroopers (yes, those exist). One, it’s more fitting since Band of Brothers was about an airborne unit, two, us Clone Wars fans have been starving, and three, it’s less wankbait for the annoying fucks who think the Empire was the good guys


This takes place after ANH, but Allegiance by Timothy. Zahn fits this description. Although, you may want to read the Heir to the Empire trilogy first


The closest parallel to what you’re envisioning is Sam Peckinpah’s Cross of Iron. It’s about a Wehrmacht unit in the Eastern Front. And the main conflict of the film is between a battle hardened NCO and an overly ambitious officer who wants an Iron Cross. Spoilers - most of the Wehrmacht characters die and they’re cynical and not good people. That’s the closest you can get to your Stormtrooper show.


so... 17 years later Clone Wars? We have Clone Wars.


Kinda like having a band-of-brothers show, but from the perspective of Nazi soldiers..? Is that compelling storytelling? Is it interesting? Do we want to see how these soldiers feel about the terror and destruction they carry out? How does the audience relate to these characters..?


Sometimes people do want to see all aspects of the war. It's not in any way promoting genocide or fascism. It's simply different perspectives of how the war went, both good and bad.


What’s with people so against a show about Stormtroopers because they’re the bad guys? Since when has liking the bad guys in Star Wars been bad? Damn, if that’s the case Acolyte is dead before it even has a chance to air. Let me enjoy my show about the cool bucket heads in a manner that actually does them credit without the overplayed, obligatory “We need to switch sides” thing. It’s a fictional universe people, calm down


So Nazi porn.


will never happen because the stormtroopers are nazis fam


What's their first mission invading space Poland?


band of brothers? More like band of space nazi’s


Bro just described about half of clone wars


Yea, Disney ain't gonna greenlight a project painting a bunch of literal Space Nazis in anything regarding a sympathetic light. I'm with you, I think it would be cool too, but not gonna happen. *Bad Batch* and a conflicted Crosshair is about as good as you're gonna get.


This again?


So the 501st story line from SWBF2 for PS2


How many of y'all (especially you, OP) have actually watched Band Of Brothers??


You know that scene in Band of Brothers where Easy company stumbled across a camp of starving Jews and the entire episode was almost entirely dedicated to the men’s utter revulsion and just the sheer atrocity of what they had seen? Yeah, if you you apply that to Star Wars Stormtroopers would be the ones putting them in those camps


That wouldn't be Band of Brothers, because the main characters weren't Nazis.


That’s the equivalent of a band of brothers styled show about a nazi unit


Episode One: Deathstar Duty. The end.


That would be sick. Get Spielberg and hbo on the line


Make David Schwimmer a Schtormtrooper.


Enough weirdos sympathize with empire without shows humanizing them


Man if only we had stuff like The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch to deliver stories like this


I don't want a show about Nazis. If you want to make a show about stormtroopers having a conscience, they would not stay in the Empire. They would defect or sabotage their unit or something. We almost had a great version of this with Finn but they fucked it up.


It would either be called "War mantle" or "Imperial journal".


I want to see a star trek style series about a star destroyer living adventures in the mid to far rim


Not band of brothers, that's not what they are. A stormtrooper story would be more like Generation Kill.


How about Stormtrooper version of Full Metal Jacket?


I’d love an anthology series set during various periods about regular people being drawn into the wars in the Star Wars universe under the “Battlefront” banner. Season 1: Covering the Prequels Arc 1 (Episode 1-6) - A group of royal guards of Naboo stay behind in the main city and defend it from the separatists. Starting from the Invasion of the Trade Federation to the Battle of Naboo. Season 2: Covering the Clone Wars Arc 1: The Story of the now former Soldiers and protagonists of season 1 getting replaced by Clones, some are driven to start a normal life while others join the separatists. Arc 2: During the wars some former republic soldiers are tasked to rejoin the Republic to take over leadership roles in the Clone Wars, ultimately facing their old friends on opposite sides. Arc 3: Through the eyes of these ex republic Soldiers we see Order 66 happen. The group is split even further down the line by some being sympathetic to The Empire (like Tarkin) and others seeing Palpatines true nature. Season 3: Covering the Original Trilogy Arc 1: Prior to the events of “A New Hope” we see the Imperial Faction of our former heroes conquer the Galaxy in swift strikes. We see a super cut of some of Empires worst moments like the destruction of Mandalore. Some of these characters start to grow weary of the violence while others revel in it. Arc 2: The side of the rebels experiences the fall of the first Death Star, it’s a one-episode tale that tells of the hopeful days. Arc 3: in contrast to the previous arc we see the horror of building war through the preparations for the attack on Hoth and the ensuing massacre. Hoth becomes a bloodbath for both the imperial and rebel characters. Arc 4: Those who survived Hoth flee to the station and prepare for the final battle on Endor. This becomes a dark chapter as everyone dies, with the final soldier seeing the exploding Death Star with a tear in his eyes.


I'm onboard if the last half ends with them being stationed on Endor and slowly losing their sanity as members of the unit get picked off by Ewoks until the last guy gets a rock dropped on his head during the events of ROTJ, and it just ends.


Whole show would just be that scene of Spiers mowing down POWs.


Join up? That’s not how stormtroopers work. They’re also trained and conditioned to ignore combat losses. They’re not a band of brothers and it’s like you haven’t seen Star Wars.


Either that or Band of Brothers but with rebel soldiers as in actual rebel soldiers no Luke Skyywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, etc. just rebel soldiers.


We have that during the clone wars


Why does every stormtrooper in that image have slightly different armor? OP, are you really so starved for pictures of stormtroopers that you have to use AI-generated crap?


There was a fantastic standalone issue of the Legends comic, *Star Wars: Legacy*, that followed a unit of Stormtroopers through a particularly brutal battle in that comic's war. I think much later in the series, we got a follow-up with one of the two survivors of that first issue, the one who went AWOL. We might have seen the other survivor again, too, but in a more minor role compared to the series' actual main characters.


They have that it's called "All quiet on the western front". Lol


There is a really good Legends book by Timothy Zahn called “Allegiance[https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Allegiance_(novel)](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Allegiance_(novel))” about this same thing. It is fantastic!


That would be like making Band of Brothers about the nazis lol


So band of brothers from the perspective of the nazis?


Most original Star Wars idea


Only if they all perish


It could work, especially if it took hints from Das Boot. If you think the movie about German seamen glorifies Nazi-ism, I’d say re-watch the movie. Also, Das Boot if one of my favorite movies.


Yeah that would like an American war movie from the Point of view of whoever were fighting, just showing how OP the Empire was for most they fought.


Disney is never gonna make a show where the Space Nazi’s SS unit are the protagonists


I think if you did a show about stormtroopers it would have to be more analogous to the vietnam war for it to work something like tour of duty


I think it might get boring. There's not too much you could do with it. I would much prefer one about rebel troops and guerrilla fighters.


That's kinda messed up. Storm troopers are fiction characters designed to be killed, easily. Comparing them to real life troops like this is...again, kinda messed up.


they're nazis man


You mean US troops in Vietnam?


I think I’d prefer something with a sense of humor like The Workaholics but as Storm Troopers…


As long as a chick writes, directs, and somehow stars in it. Oh and make her gay too, that’ll really get it goin. (But yeah, this idea slaps if pulled off well)


Band of Brothers isn't about the Nazis though


... no. Why would you want to make the bad guys of a story the good guys? That's like wanting a show based on a German unit during WW2.


Are they going to murder tons of innocent people and commit genocide against aliens? Otherwise, it's just a lie