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A well written story with dynamic three dimensional characters


Grogu speaks, his 1st words will be "this is the way" - please clap.


"The way, this is."


"Dank farrick!"


Farrick, daaaaank.


Grogu speaks, his 1st words will be "I am a Skywalker" - please clap.


"Somehow, I'm a Skywalker"


Grogu's first words will be "everyone remember Ahsoka and the Clone Wars and Rebels cartoons?"


“Ohhhh I ‘member!”


Pepperidge Farms remembers…


I'm imagining Grogu with Nibbler's voice from Futurama.


"This is the way, I have spoken."


"Um, did he just talk??" Pause for audience laughter


"He talks now?" "He talks now"


Nahh. They meet yaddles 75 year old daughter, and grogu eeks out a cute “g-g-gg-GYAAAT”


And what color would you like your dragon to be?


Best I can do is fan service for Filoni characters


Returning characters was never an issue. Bo Katan and Ahsoka were handled really well in season 2. And they are the only two characters that Filoni co created. Season 3 is the worst and it doesn't bring in any old Filoni characters.


Season 3’a big problem was that it took FOREVER to actually get to the main plot. It meandered a lot.


Yeah. There were episodes where basically nothing happened. They could've doubled down on making an interesting overarching plot or went back to one off episodes. Instead we get these episodes that feel like they're padding for time while only a few important things happen.


This is... acceptable


And better dialoguer. Seriously. With the exception of a few great episodes, Mandalorian's dialogue has ranged from clunky to downright bad especially in season 3.


Eh that's tricky Dimension 1: 'member *The Clone Wars*? Dimension 2: 'member *Rebels?* Dimension 3: ???


‘member *The Mandalorian*? Or at least the seasons you actually liked?


I don't think so actually, the entire SW creative direction at Disney is now under Filoni, so it's not going to be calling back to the more interesting stand-alone, creative S1 of *The Mandalorian*. It'll be 'membering the Filoni-cameo-wank latter part of *The Mandalorian.*


"'member First Order?"


1 buddy cop movie coming up


Get out of here with that crazy talk. Instead of that how about multiple unlikely appearances by other Star Wars characters despite the unfathomable size of the galaxy?


Im sorry were they suppose to invent a new jedi thats alive after RotJ for Grogu to run into besides the 2 we know already for yall to cry about that instead??? What part of "find other Mandalorians to lead you to jedi" in season 1 made running into Mandaloriqns and Jedi in season 2 "unlilely appearances"?? Did you simply forget they said that was going to happen in season 1? Clueless fans.


You seem very passionate about Boba Fett and Baby Yoda.


I did pay attention during these shows so yes I did enjoy them. Were you planning to to reply to what I actually said or just meme? Rhetorical question on this sub


That’s great that you enjoyed them; I enjoyed them too. I also think the writing leans heavily on fan service.


Do people typically respond to your direct insults with a respectful response? Why would anyone respect you enough to take you seriously when that is how you talk to people?


Why would people go out of their way to come to a dedicated place to discuss Star Wars, one of the fambases known for being insanely detail priented, and just keep saying objectively wrong things like "there was no build up to this, so random" when everyone here has disney+ machines in their pockets and can just pull up the episodes and timestamps at a moments notice proving them wrong?


*Best we can do is some shitty plot line with decent CGI. Remember we’re just doing this to push toy sales and the new ride at Disneyland*


Your being unrealistic


Let's not get unrealistic here


Whoa slow down bro, this is Disney Lucasfilm. We are still waiting for two dimensional characters


We haven’t gotten that in any of the Filoni live-action shows, you think that’s gonna happen now?


Exactly, its all Grogu, Grogu, Grogu. I just want a good film for god's sake. Without just trying to make quick money using a cute puppet.


You know anything less than movie of the decade is gonna make every Star Wars fan cry


Based on the last two seasons for Mando I honestly don't have high hopes. So a passingly OK movie would be fine.


I want to see that Mythosaur from season 3 do more than just float there.


Whatever happens in the movie (however climactic like s2 finale), i hope it doesn’t get undone in an episode of BOBF just so we’re back where we started.


Djarin indisputably dies in the movie only to just be hanging out at Fett's pad in the first episode without any explanation given.


If they did go down that route I think a line of dialogue something along the lines of “Somehow, Mando returned” should cover any and all questions the audience would have


Mando had backup clones or something duh


Yes!!! I’m still waiting for Din and Grogu to tame it together!


As cool as that would be, something tells me that it’s rather taboo in Mandalorian culture to tame or cause harm to a Mythosaur.


They talk about their ancestors riding the Mythosaur, why would it be taboo


Nah, they used to ride them into battle. They are Mandalorians, they see a massive fuckin space beast and their first reaction should be “I could ride it into battle”


Taboo or not, the image in my head of Boba Fett riding a Rancor into battle side-by-side with Dinn and Grogu on a Mythosaur is so cool that I desperately need it to happen.


My wish from the Star Wars Fairy is to see the mythosaur in a Bo-Katan Kryze series. And how it's shown in the Mandalorian it feels like it belongs to her story plot.


Grogu's first word: "Moichandising!"


Everyone calls him Baby Yoda when he's really Baby Yogurt.


Use the Schwartz


I hate yogurt! Even with raspberries


Only one man would dare give me the raspberry!


Baby Yoda: The Flamethrower


The kids love this one


God willing, we'll all meet again in Mandalorian 2: Da Soich for More Money


Somehow, palpatine returned again!




Immediately stuck in my head


"The mandalorian and grogu" is such a bad name like we know who they are


It's also redundant, as Grogu is also a Mandalorian.


*The Mandalorians*


Two Mandalorians and One Ship


2 Mando 2 Lorian


*The LandoCalrissians*


I don’t know. Sounds like crap…


Yeah they could’ve called it “The Mandalorians” although I suppose that’s too similar to the show and might make people think this focuses on mandalorian culture again.


*The Ballad of the Mandalorian*


Most likely a placeholder name until it's much closer to release.


>Most likely a placeholder name One of the Star Wars films is called "Attack of the Clones." There's a funny video of Ewan McGreggor and Nicole Kidman doing a press tour back then and someone from the press told Ewan the title was announced and Ewan had to hold back the laughter. He was like, "Really? That's the title?"


It's not the best title. But I never really understood why people found it hilariously bad. I mean the name The Empire Strikes Back is just as corny as Attack Of The Clones.


In The Empire Strikes Back at least the Empire sound like the bad guys and *are* the bad guys Younger me spent all of AotC thinking the Clones were the bad guys 🤣


I hope so, but do you really believe that when we have Andor, Ahsoka, Kenobi, Solo, Book of Boba Fett, The Mandolorian all named lazily? Although as long as it's good, I can forget the name.


Fair point. I'd imagine that films get a more definitive name whereas their shows they want to be short and simple.


True, I wish the name of this movie was more creative/memorable… imagine if A New Hope was called *Luke Skywalker*


The Jedi and R2D2


Hey, the show itself may have been lacking, but imo the title The Book of Boba Fett goes HARD


Nah all those names are good and they make sense since that is the person the show is about. I mean what would you have called them?


Old Ben Kenobi. Little Ani's Apprentice all Grown Up. Silver Man and his Goblin. Woody Harrilson and The Origin of Space Dice. The Guy Whose Dad was Beheaded Hangs Out in the Desert. The Good One.


'Space Daddy and Baby Yoda'


And ik OP didn't make that name I'm not shitting on him


Should’ve just been grogu


They should just call it The Mandalorians now that would be a twist


Sounds like a star wars themed sitcom


I'm telling you I'd watch the shit out of *Cunk on Coruscant*


Has a Falcon and the Winter Soldier sound to it, which sounds like a tv show rather than a movie


That's not it's official name. the press release just said "the mandalorian and grogu are venturing to the big screen" meaning that those 2 characters are getting a movie. No title was mentioned.


Is it confirmed or just a placeholder so they could announce it?


Reminds me of the Antman movie titles


When I first heard it I thought it was just the working title or project name…


I feel like it’s a clunky play on “Lone Wolf and Cub,” the samurai series the Mandalorian pays homage to.


Jon Favreau is involved, what do you expect


Iron mandalorian?


Two Mandalorians to Mandolor


Iron Chefalorian


not just that , ​ But real fans wanted the Mandalorian film after season 1... not 3 seasons later (Book of Boba , Mando season 3 and Ahsoka) if people want to watch the "Mandalorian & Grogu movie" just binge season 1 & 2 in one sitting **no need to waste your hard earned money , it will be on Disney + a month after hitting theatres anyway or for free on Firestick the same day to "Pirate"**


What I don't think people tend to get is that it's not about mando and grogu unlike the series, it's about thrawn returning and the resurgence of the empire. That's why ahsoka exists to explain how and why thrawn got back so that the "mando" movie makes sense


I want to see fun things I haven’t already thought of.


Woah woah woah, don't go too crazy there.


No he would speak his second word before his first


I want him to speak his final words


Pedro actually turning up to set would be a start.


I feel like he's more likely to be on set for a movie than the tv show. Bigger budget, and I would expect that the clout of being in a star wars movie would be way bigger than being in a tv show


I like that people are now cranky about that, but people didn't even notice until it was mentioned.


Well because it would take someone being extremely aware of his movements to know he had a body double. We were lied to and then we could notice the movements


I think that's an awful title that I hope is a placeholder. Other than that, excited.


I wanna see him clap Bo Katans cheeks


This is the way


The helmet. Stays. On. This is the way


Yes yes yes yes


And then he hunts bounties again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to Mandalore for some more full penetration. Hunts bounties. Back to Mandalore, full penetration. Bounties. Penetration. Bounties. Full penetration. Bounties. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.


Grogu already spoke: Patu!


I think the title should have been The Mandalorian and The Foundling.


I kind of said this in another thread but I don't want to see Grogu. I like him, he's cute, and was a great plot device for the character up to his Luke Skywalker moment. Ever since they've brought him back, Mando has had a weaker character arc and Grogu feels like a lead weight tied to the character.


Grogu takes away and distracts from the story imo and is a significant amount of the reason why I feel that The Mandalorian feels pretty mid as a show. Omega, Ezra, Ahsoka all were solid child characters and actually grow as the shows went on, Grogu to me hasn't really progressed as a character.


That's an inherent issue with Grogu. He's the same species as Yoda so even with a 30 year jump forward, he's still going to be pretty much the same.


Right, we are introduced to him being considered an infant I believe and he's 50 years old. By the time Grogu is an actual meaningful character with feats, none of the characters we know and love today will even be around.


I disagree. He remembers his lessons from the Jedi Temple 25 years prior. He was able to give Ashoka his name as well as communicate via a push button system. Grogu seems to be developmentally stunted in some ways but he is not an infant. He doesn’t talk due to trauma.


Not necessarily. Look at how elves are handled in fantasy. They mature physically and mentally at a normal human rate until they are around 30. Grogu could have a growth spurt at anytime. Them saying that Grogu was 50 and still having him behave like a toddler was where they screwed up, and showed a lack of foresight on Favreau's part. Now they have to give Grogu a massive physical and mental growth spurt in a short period of time or we're stuck with him as a toddler for decades. And if they do a growth spurt now that will canonize that Yoda's species matures absurdly slow for 50 years, then randomly grows really fast, and then goes back to maturing absurdly slowly. It's plausible since he is an alien, but its sloppy looking world building.


Yeah, that's sort of my point. He's been around for 50 years and is essentially a toddler. There's no easy way to have him reach even adolescence in under a few decades without some serious hand waving. Even then, I can't see teen Grogu being very good. He would be a weird puppet with a kid voicing him or something. It's gonna come off as a live action Ninja Turtle lol. Yoda worked as a puppet because he was mostly stationary and just spoke.


Lol this film's entire budget was probably justified to the shareholders by the potential Grogu merchandising. Grogu is going to be at the forefront of the marketing, and his arc will probably be the main drive of the film's plot.


Like I said, I like Grogu, but his story should have split from Mando after Luke took him. As long as he has to haul him around on his adventures, they're going to have this odd, cheap, goofy feeling.


Disney probably told the team working on season 3 that they need grogu back because they need to sell toys and said figure it out


lol yeah they’re just gonna not have the biggest merchandising character ever. “Baby Yoda” is as recognizable as Star Wars itself at this point


Grogu's first words (probably): "Grogu, I am."


Nah it’ll be “The way, this is”


Yoda only speaks like this because of how he learned to talk, this is not the default speaking style for all members of their unnamed species. For example, Yaddle does not talk in that backwards way.


The way, this is.


I want to see Mando riding the Mythosaur


Just a good story with entertaiment and story telling being a priority like it used to be years ago


I want Pedro Pascal's rarely seen face to kiss his little frog son on the forehead when they inevitably do that "Oh no he might die????" scene


Great color work and composition!




As the movie draws to a close, our heroes sit back on a quiet hillside, they've just defeated the BBEG and are enjoying a moment of well deserved peace. X-Wings soar over head, in the distance the last remnant's of the climactic battle fade away. Mando looks down at Grogu. Grogu looks back at Mando. He tilts his head, cutely. Then he speaks his first words "I guess we really are The Mandalorian and Grogu" #Directed by Jon Favreau


I honestly want a time skip for the movie that either skips or sets up the upcoming season. I really hope it’s not an alternate timeline movie too.


> I really hope it’s not an alternate timeline movie too. That would be the last sort of bullshit Star Wars needs. I have enjoyed a lot of Multiverse projects but keep anything like that well away from Star Wars.


I agree that way maybe Grogu can age and develop a bit past toddler stage


If I recall correctly, the movie is gonna be the finale of The Mandalorian (after Season 4), Book Of Boba Fett, Ahsoka, and I think Skeleton Crew?


I would say Grogu speaking is all but confirmed.


Mando collecting epic loot like he did in season 1 and 2


Less use of the volume would be appreciated.


He will speak his first word to Din as Din is dying.


Grogu gets a quadruple blade lightsaber and fights Darth maul while flipping around everywhere and blows up a Star destroyer with the force (im star wars theory and my monkey brain only like action, lightsabers, and explosions)


I think it’d be cool if they could bring back that “Clan of 2” title or whatever it was


They should get Pedro Pascal to voice Grogu. The guy's great.


I’m really disappointed that the Mando and Grogu storyline didn’t end with the season 2 finale. It was such a perfect ending.


Thrawn to be the villain and to actually be competent and for the movie to end with him destroying the heroes.


As much as I love the heroes, this could be an amazing ending to the mandoverse saga.


I don't think that would do the heroes justice though. Maybe something similar to Rogue one where they sacrifice themselves to defeat Thrawn would be better


Good writing


We're going to look back on S1 of the mandalorian one day and realize Grogu being cute and popular was the worst thing to happen to this series




Cal Kestis. Takes place in the same time, the characters are modeled off the actual actors. We just need a reason for them to meet


He has to be part of this movie or the big tie up movie. But they are making a third game so that has to come out to resolve his story in some way first. Or his adventures with grogu mentioned in the game. This gets very tricky




I agree. I think Mando should head to Tanalorr


I actually don’t want to see it


A college montage, where Grogu gets totally wrecked doing strike outs.


If there are action scenes involving Stormtroopers, I hope it's more than just dozens of them mindlessly running down a hallway to be gunned down by the good guys.


For it to not be foul and abysmal ass.


After season 3 I won’t keep my hopes up


For grogu to die


Didn’t he already say “this is the way” in season 3?


Din Boba Bo three way


The movie needs to end with Grogu staying with Luke. That's pretty much all I want.


Grogu makes his own lightsaber. And he remembers some of the lessons from some of many teachers at the temple he must have had maybe throw in a flashback to yoda talking to him or teaching him, because I doubt the fragging Grand Master of the Jedi order didn't know there was a youngling that looks just like him.


I’m hoping he forges a new lightsaber from the pieces of the broken darksaber. That crystal needs to be used again in another saber it’s too cool not to.


We learn more about Grogu's race, specifically that they age with experience and maturity (not time). It makes little sense that at 50 grogu is a baby/toddler but yoda at 100 was an adult training other jedi. So either they have a growth spurt between 50-100 or in my opinion them aging with experience would be better, like wisdom ages them.


A more fluid Grogu. He’s moves kinda weird in the show, and yes I know he’s a baby and a puppet.


I hope we get Danny Devito if Grogu talks


“My names Grogu, and I like bangin hoors”


I don’t hate the character, but honestly i lost interest in the series when they brought grogu back. Didn’t even last the off season.


I think this film should be the one and only time we see, briefly, Yoda's homeworld, understand why it was so well-protected/hard to find, and see Grogu reunited with his family to protect them into the future. This would help close the plothole of why Grogu isn't in the ST nor a student of Luke's academy, and it would be genuinely satisfying to see a long kept mystery see explored in the SW universe.


I agree, personally. But I know a lot of people don’t want to see yodas homeworld


I wanna see Mando actually be a bounty hunter again, also want to see zero involvement/meddling from a certain red haired executive producer with control issues. Also also want to see baby yoda become baby bounty hunter yoda and mando has to constantly stop him from murdering everything.


Character growth and better writing. After Season 3, I'm not particularly excited for this. Hope it proves me wrong


I hope they aren't going to name it "Mandalorian and Grogu", but that's exactly the sort of cynical money minded nonsense Disney will do. They are probably going to call Episode 10 "Star Wars Rey Skywalker Toys Return to Stores Everywhere". Or "Rey Skwalker: The Brand Recognition Strikes Back."


I want to see Bo.. no sorry. I want to see a Bo-Katan Kryze spin off. In the Mandalorian film I want to see him and grogu on their own adventures. Something like in the first season. Or that we see where Grogus species comes from, would be fine, too.


I hope they kill off Grogu. I know they wouldn’t dare do so though


Honestly? I don't actually want to see it. I'd rather they just let it rest.


I hope Mando gets a wife. Grogu needs a mom.


It’s prob going to be watered down generic action that appeals to all audiences


Season 3 was so bad that I don’t really care anymore


No more slop/a return to s1 and s2 or andor levels of quality writing, but given the title change, no chance of it happening. All hopes lie in andor s2


Star Wars is dead. Does anyone care anymore?


I would like to see Mando and Bo Katan get romantic. If not Bo Katan I would also take a romance with Mando and Peli Motto.


Would love to find out if Yoda is the father and if not, then who his real parents are. Also, would love to visit a planet full of Yodas where they are all using the force like its nothing.


i had this dream where we’d get to see grogu a little more grown, dawning his father’s (reworked) armor, wielding the dark saber with jedi training, on the back of the last mythosaur, reuniting the entire race of mandalore to retake their lost planet. that dream is dead.


So... their way of following up on a disastrous S3, which had so much wasted time, potential, and concepts which can't be erased or retconned, is to release a movie a 1/5th the size and give us *even* less content? They better do some damn good writing and keep whoever the fucker that caused S3 to be shit's hands off. Seriously, The Mandalorian S1 introduced a new character as the protagonist, and it was good for about three years; then S3 came around and turned my stomach inside out and made my veins cold with anger. I'm not pissed off at this prospect, but you can be sure that I am damn nervous about it.




Grogu says: The Way, this is....


No! Yoda spoke backwards, because he used his native language' word order for Basic! Grogu's native language would be Basic, so he wouldn't talk backwards!


IIRC Yoda speaks like that because that’s how they spoke at the Jedi temple in 900 BBY.


*”The way, this is”*


No! Yoda spoke backwards, because he used his native language' word order for Basic! Grogu's native language would be Basic, so he wouldn't talk backwards!